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import assert from 'assert';
import cheerio from 'cheerio';
import { clean } from 'test-helpers';
import HTML from './fixtures/html';
import {
} from './index';
describe('Generic Extractor Utils', () => {
describe('paragraphize(node)', () => {
it('conversts a BR into P and moves inline contents to P tag after current parent', () => {
const $ = cheerio.load(HTML.paragraphize.before);
const node = $('br').get(0);
// note: result here is not valid html; will handle elsewhere
const result = paragraphize(node, $, true).html();
assert.equal(clean(result), clean(HTML.paragraphize.after));
it('conversts a BR into P and stops when block element hit', () => {
const $ = cheerio.load(HTML.paragraphizeBlock.before);
const node = $('br').get(0);
// note: result here is not valid html; will handle elsewhere
const result = paragraphize(node, $, true).html();
if ($.browser) {
// small quirks in how jquery handles this vs. cheerio
const html =
'<p> Here is some text <p> Here is more text </p></p><div>And also this</div> <p></p>';
assert.equal(clean(result), html);
} else {
assert.equal(clean(result), clean(HTML.paragraphizeBlock.after));