You cannot select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

268 lines
8.9 KiB

import { extractFromMeta } from 'utils/dom';
import { cleanImage } from 'cleaners';
import {
} from './constants';
import {
} from './score-image';
// Given a resource, try to find the lead image URL from within
// it. Like content and next page extraction, uses a scoring system
// to determine what the most likely image may be. Short circuits
// on really probable things like og:image meta tags.
// Potential signals to still take advantage of:
// * domain
// * weird aspect ratio
const GenericLeadImageUrlExtractor = {
extract({ $, content, metaCache, html }) {
let cleanUrl;
if (!$.browser && $('head').length === 0) {
// Check to see if we have a matching meta tag that we can make use of.
// Moving this higher because common practice is now to use large
// images on things like Open Graph or Twitter cards.
// images usually have for things like Open Graph.
const imageUrl =
if (imageUrl) {
cleanUrl = cleanImage(imageUrl);
if (cleanUrl) return cleanUrl;
// Next, try to find the "best" image via the content.
// We'd rather not have to fetch each image and check dimensions,
// so try to do some analysis and determine them instead.
const $content = $(content);
const imgs = $('img', $content).toArray();
const imgScores = {};
imgs.forEach((img, index) => {
const $img = $(img);
const src = $img.attr('src');
if (!src) return;
let score = scoreImageUrl(src);
score += scoreAttr($img);
score += scoreByParents($img);
score += scoreBySibling($img);
score += scoreByDimensions($img);
score += scoreByPosition(imgs, index);
imgScores[src] = score;
const [topUrl, topScore] =
Reflect.ownKeys(imgScores).reduce((acc, key) =>
imgScores[key] > acc[1] ? [key, imgScores[key]] : acc
, [null, 0]);
if (topScore > 0) {
cleanUrl = cleanImage(topUrl);
if (cleanUrl) return cleanUrl;
// If nothing else worked, check to see if there are any really
// probable nodes in the doc, like <link rel="image_src" />.
for (const selector of LEAD_IMAGE_URL_SELECTORS) {
const $node = $(selector).first();
const src = $node.attr('src');
if (src) {
cleanUrl = cleanImage(src);
if (cleanUrl) return cleanUrl;
const href = $node.attr('href');
if (href) {
cleanUrl = cleanImage(href);
if (cleanUrl) return cleanUrl;
const value = $node.attr('value');
if (value) {
cleanUrl = cleanImage(value);
if (cleanUrl) return cleanUrl;
return null;
export default GenericLeadImageUrlExtractor;
// def extract(self):
// """
// # First, try to find the "best" image via the content.
// # We'd rather not have to fetch each image and check dimensions,
// # so try to do some analysis and determine them instead.
// content = self.extractor.extract_content(return_type="node")
// imgs = content.xpath('.//img')
// img_scores = defaultdict(int)
// logger.debug('Scoring %d images from content', len(imgs))
// for (i, img) in enumerate(imgs):
// img_score = 0
// if not 'src' in img.attrib:
// logger.debug('No src attribute found')
// continue
// try:
// parsed_img = urlparse(img.attrib['src'])
// img_path = parsed_img.path.lower()
// except ValueError:
// logger.debug('ValueError getting img path.')
// continue
// logger.debug('Image path is %s', img_path)
// if constants.POSITIVE_LEAD_IMAGE_URL_HINTS_RE.match(img_path):
// logger.debug('Positive URL hints match. Adding 20.')
// img_score += 20
// if constants.NEGATIVE_LEAD_IMAGE_URL_HINTS_RE.match(img_path):
// logger.debug('Negative URL hints match. Subtracting 20.')
// img_score -= 20
// # Gifs are more often structure than photos
// if img_path.endswith('gif'):
// logger.debug('gif found. Subtracting 10.')
// img_score -= 10
// # JPGs are more often photographs
// if img_path.endswith('jpg'):
// logger.debug('jpg found. Adding 10.')
// img_score += 10
// # PNGs are neutral.
// # Alt attribute usually means non-presentational image.
// if 'alt' in img.attrib and len(img.attrib['alt']) > 5:
// logger.debug('alt attribute found. Adding 5.')
// img_score += 5
// # Look through our parent and grandparent for figure-like
// # container elements, give a bonus if we find them
// parents = [img.getparent()]
// if parents[0] is not None and parents[0].getparent() is not None:
// parents.append(parents[0].getparent())
// for p in parents:
// if p.tag == 'figure':
// logger.debug('Parent with <figure> tag found. Adding 25.')
// img_score += 25
// p_sig = ' '.join([p.get('id', ''), p.get('class', '')])
// if
// logger.debug('Photo hints regex match. Adding 15.')
// img_score += 15
// # Look at our immediate sibling and see if it looks like it's a
// # caption. Bonus if so.
// sibling = img.getnext()
// if sibling is not None:
// if sibling.tag == 'figcaption':
// img_score += 25
// sib_sig = ' '.join([sibling.get('id', ''),
// sibling.get('class', '')]).lower()
// if 'caption' in sib_sig:
// img_score += 15
// # Pull out width/height if they were set.
// img_width = None
// img_height = None
// if 'width' in img.attrib:
// try:
// img_width = float(img.get('width'))
// except ValueError:
// pass
// if 'height' in img.attrib:
// try:
// img_height = float(img.get('height'))
// except ValueError:
// pass
// # Penalty for skinny images
// if img_width and img_width <= 50:
// logger.debug('Skinny image found. Subtracting 50.')
// img_score -= 50
// # Penalty for short images
// if img_height and img_height <= 50:
// # Wide, short images are more common than narrow, tall ones
// logger.debug('Short image found. Subtracting 25.')
// img_score -= 25
// if img_width and img_height and not 'sprite' in img_path:
// area = img_width * img_height
// if area < 5000: # Smaller than 50x100
// logger.debug('Image with small area found. Subtracting 100.')
// img_score -= 100
// else:
// img_score += round(area/1000.0)
// # If the image is higher on the page than other images,
// # it gets a bonus. Penalty if lower.
// logger.debug('Adding page placement bonus of %d.', len(imgs)/2 - i)
// img_score += len(imgs)/2 - i
// # Use the raw src here because we munged img_path for case
// # insensitivity
// logger.debug('Final score is %d.', img_score)
// img_scores[img.attrib['src']] += img_score
// top_score = 0
// top_url = None
// for (url, score) in img_scores.items():
// if score > top_score:
// top_url = url
// top_score = score
// if top_score > 0:
// logger.debug('Using top score image from content. Score was %d', top_score)
// return top_url
// # If nothing else worked, check to see if there are any really
// # probable nodes in the doc, like <link rel="image_src" />.
// logger.debug('Trying to find lead image in probable nodes')
// for selector in constants.LEAD_IMAGE_URL_SELECTORS:
// nodes = self.resource.extract_by_selector(selector)
// for node in nodes:
// clean_value = None
// if node.attrib.get('src'):
// clean_value = self.clean(node.attrib['src'])
// if not clean_value and node.attrib.get('href'):
// clean_value = self.clean(node.attrib['href'])
// if not clean_value and node.attrib.get('value'):
// clean_value = self.clean(node.attrib['value'])
// if clean_value:
// logger.debug('Found lead image in probable nodes.')
// logger.debug('Node was: %s', node)
// return clean_value
// return None