You cannot select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

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export const ArstechnicaComExtractor = {
domain: '',
// Articles from this site are often paginated, but I was unable to write a CSS
// selector to find the next page. On the last page, there will be a link with a CSS
// selector indicating that the previous page is next. But the parser appears to find
// the next page without this extractor finding it, as long as the fallback option is
// left at its default value of true.
title: {
selectors: ['title'],
author: {
selectors: ['*[rel="author"] *[itemprop="name"]'],
date_published: {
selectors: [['.byline time', 'datetime']],
dek: {
selectors: ['h2[itemprop="description"]'],
lead_image_url: {
selectors: [['meta[name="og:image"]', 'value']],
content: {
selectors: ['div[itemprop="articleBody"]'],
// Is there anything in the content you selected that needs transformed
// before it's consumable content? E.g., unusual lazy loaded images
transforms: {
h2: $node => {
// Some pages have an element h2 that is significant, and that the parser will
// remove if not following a paragraph. Adding this empty paragraph fixes it, and
// the empty paragraph will be removed anyway.
// Is there anything that is in the result that shouldn't be?
// The clean selectors will remove anything that matches from
// the result.
clean: [
// Remove enlarge links and separators inside image captions.
'figcaption .enlarge-link',
'figcaption .sep',
// I could not transform the video into usable elements, so I
// removed them.
// Image galleries that do not work.