You cannot select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

48 lines
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export const SpektrumExtractor = {
domain: '',
title: {
selectors: ['.content__title'],
author: {
selectors: ['.content__author__info__name'],
date_published: {
selectors: ['.content__meta__date'],
timezone: 'Europe/Berlin',
dek: {
selectors: ['.content__intro'],
lead_image_url: {
selectors: [
// This is how the meta tag appears in the original source code.
['meta[name="og:image"]', 'value'],
// This is how the meta tag appears in the DOM in Chrome.
// The selector is included here to make the code work within the browser as well.
['meta[property="og:image"]', 'content'],
// This is the image that is shown on the page.
// It can be slightly cropped compared to the original in the meta tag.
'.image__article__top img',
content: {
selectors: ['article.content'],
clean: [
'header h2',