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77.6 0.6"/><polygon points="4.2 0.9 0.9 0.9 0.6 0.9 0.6 21 4.2 21 4.2 12.4 7.5 12.4 7.5 9 4.2 9 4.2 4.3 9.4 4.3 9.4 0.9"/></svg></a></div></div></div></div></div></div></div></div></div></div></div></div></div></div></div></div></div><div class="_3RjLQSGk" data-reactid="153"><div class="row _3MbBy7Zx" data-reactid="154"><div class="column small-12 large-7" data-reactid="155"><div class="row" data-reactid="156"><div class="column small-12" data-reactid="157"><div class="row" data-reactid="158"><div class="column small-12" data-reactid="159"><div class="row vcB4uI1v" data-reactid="160"><div class="column small-12 _3kCZ3lP-" data-reactid="161"><div class="row" data-reactid="162"><picture data-reactid="163"><source media="(max-width: 480px)" srcset="" data-reactid="164"><source media="(max-width: 640px)" srcset="" data-reactid="165"><img style="min-width:100%;" src="" alt="" title="Amazon Echo" data-reactid="166"></picture></div></div><div class="column small-12" data-reactid="167"><div class="row _1Joi0PLr" data-reactid="168"><div class="column small-12" data-reactid="169"><div class="row" data-reactid="170"><div data-reactid="171"><span class="_3t274Q2-" data-reactid="172">Amazon Echo speaker</span><span data-reactid="173"> </span><span class="_2GHqpaya" data-reactid="174">Jason Cipriani</span></div></div></div></div></div></div></div></div><div class="row mijM74QO" data-reactid="175"><div class="column small-12 medium-10 medium-offset-1 large-offset-2" data-reactid="176"><div class="row" data-reactid="177"><div class="column small-12" data-reactid="178"><div class="row" data-reactid="179"><a href="" data-reactid="180"><span class="_1gibm1jD" data-reactid="181">PointCloud</span></a></div></div></div><div class="row _1gqZN6-1" data-reactid="182"><div class="column small-12" data-reactid="183"><div class="row" data-reactid="184"><h1 class="_3A_UUcRS" data-reactid="185">Here Are 6 Can&#x2019;t-Miss Gadgets Powered by Amazon&#x2019;s Alexa Assistant</h1></div></div></div><div class="row" data-reactid="186"><div class="column small-12" data-reactid="187"><div class="row" data-reactid="188"><div class="column small-7" data-reactid="189"><div class="row" data-reactid="190"><div class="column small-12" data-reactid="191"><div class="row" data-reactid="192"><div class="column small-12" data-reactid="193"><div class="row" data-reactid="194"><div class="column small-12" data-reactid="195"><div class="row" data-reactid="196"><a href="" class="_1HynphR0" data-reactid="197"><span class="zhtAwgU0" data-reactid="198">John Patrick Pullen,</span></a><a href="" class="_1HynphR0" data-reactid="199"><span class="zhtAwgU0" data-reactid="200">TIME</span></a></div></div></div></div></div><div class="row" data-reactid="201"><div class="column small-12" data-reactid="202"><div class="row" data-reactid="203"><span class="MblGHNMJ" data-reactid="204">Updated: Dec 15, 2016 2:57 PM UTC</span></div></div></div></div></div></div><div class="column small-5" data-reactid="205"><div class="row _1TCsuU6Z" data-reactid="206"><a href="" class="_126vtqye" data-reactid="207"><svg height="100%" preserveaspectratio="xMinYMin meet" viewbox="0 3 32 32" data-reactid="208"><path d="M17.29 25.827v-8.475h2.356l.312-2.92H17.29l.005-1.462c0-.762.073-1.17 1.174-1.17h1.47V8.88h-2.354c-2.828 0-3.823 1.416-3.823 3.798v1.754H12v2.92h1.763v8.475h3.528z" data-reactid="209"/></svg></a><a href="" class="_1VAl2zD1" data-reactid="210"><svg height="100%" preserveaspectratio="xMinYMin meet" viewbox="0 0 32 32" data-reactid="211"><path d="M15.874 12.354l.032.537-.533-.065c-1.943-.252-3.64-1.106-5.082-2.542l-.703-.712-.182.527c-.384 1.173-.138 2.41.662 3.243.427.46.33.526-.405.252-.257-.087-.48-.153-.502-.12-.075.076.18 1.073.384 1.468.278.548.844 1.085 1.463 1.402l.523.252-.62.01c-.597 0-.62.012-.554.242.213.712 1.056 1.468 1.996 1.797l.662.23-.577.35c-.854.505-1.857.79-2.86.812-.48.01-.876.054-.876.087 0 .11 1.303.723 2.06.964 2.275.713 4.976.406 7.004-.81 1.44-.866 2.882-2.586 3.554-4.25.363-.89.726-2.51.726-3.288 0-.504.032-.57.63-1.173.352-.35.683-.734.747-.843.108-.208.097-.208-.447-.022-.907.328-1.036.285-.587-.208.33-.35.726-.986.726-1.173 0-.034-.16.02-.342.12-.192.11-.62.274-.94.372l-.576.187-.523-.363c-.287-.197-.693-.416-.906-.482-.544-.153-1.377-.132-1.868.044-1.334.492-2.178 1.763-2.082 3.154z" data-reactid="212"/></svg></a><a class="_2Py7Mhad" data-reactid="213"><svg height="100%" preserveaspectratio="xMinYMin meet" viewbox="0 0 33 33" data-reactid="214"><path d="M13.1349862,15.2727273 L13.1349862,16.7272727 C13.1349862,16.9292939 13.0514242,17.1010094 12.8842975,17.2424242 C12.7171709,17.3838391 12.5142344,17.4545455 12.2754821,17.4545455 L10.5564738,17.4545455 C10.3177215,17.4545455 10.114785,17.3838391 9.9476584,17.2424242 C9.78053176,17.1010094 9.6969697,16.9292939 9.6969697,16.7272727 L9.6969697,15.2727273 C9.6969697,15.0707061 9.78053176,14.8989906 9.9476584,14.7575758 C10.114785,14.6161609 10.3177215,14.5454545 10.5564738,14.5454545 L12.2754821,14.5454545 C12.5142344,14.5454545 12.7171709,14.6161609 12.8842975,14.7575758 C13.0514242,14.8989906 13.1349862,15.0707061 13.1349862,15.2727273 L13.1349862,15.2727273 Z M17.7190083,15.2727273 L17.7190083,16.7272727 C17.7190083,16.9292939 17.6354462,17.1010094 17.4683196,17.2424242 C17.3011929,17.3838391 17.0982565,17.4545455 16.8595041,17.4545455 L15.1404959,17.4545455 C14.9017435,17.4545455 14.6988071,17.3838391 14.5316804,17.2424242 C14.3645538,17.1010094 14.2809917,16.9292939 14.2809917,16.7272727 L14.2809917,15.2727273 C14.2809917,15.0707061 14.3645538,14.8989906 14.5316804,14.7575758 C14.6988071,14.6161609 14.9017435,14.5454545 15.1404959,14.5454545 L16.8595041,14.5454545 C17.0982565,14.5454545 17.3011929,14.6161609 17.4683196,14.7575758 C17.6354462,14.8989906 17.7190083,15.0707061 17.7190083,15.2727273 L17.7190083,15.2727273 Z M22.3030303,15.2727273 L22.3030303,16.7272727 C22.3030303,16.9292939 22.2194682,17.1010094 22.0523416,17.2424242 C21.885215,17.3838391 21.6822785,17.4545455 21.4435262,17.4545455 L19.7245179,17.4545455 C19.4857656,17.4545455 19.2828291,17.3838391 19.1157025,17.2424242 C18.9485758,17.1010094 18.8650138,16.9292939 18.8650138,16.7272727 L18.8650138,15.2727273 C18.8650138,15.0707061 18.9485758,14.8989906 19.1157025,14.7575758 C19.2828291,14.6161609 19.4857656,14.5454545 19.7245179,14.5454545 L21.4435262,14.5454545 C21.6822785,14.5454545 21.885215,14.6161609 22.0523416,14.7575758 C22.2194682,14.8989906 22.3030303,15.0707061 22.3030303,15.2727273 L22.3030303,15.2727273 Z" data-reactid="215"/></svg></a></div></div></div></div></div></div></div><article class="row" data-reactid="216"><p class="column small-12 medium-10 medium-offset-1 large-offset-2 _10M0Ygc4" data-reactid="217">The <a target="_blank" href="" data-reactid="219">Amazon Echo Dot</a>, the retailer&#x2019;s puck-shaped smart speaker, is <a target="_blank" href="" data-reactid="222">is killing it this year</a>. Part of its success comes from its Alexa artificial intelligence software, which makes Amazon&#x2019;s Echo lineup able to respond to your questions, play music, set timers and do lots of other useful stuff.</p><p class="column small-12 medium-10 medium-offset-1 large-offset-2 _10M0Ygc4" data-reactid="225">But if you haven&#x2019;t picked up an Echo device yet, that doesn&#x2019;t mean you can&#x2019;t give Alexa a go. Lots of third-party gadget makers are adding Alexa to their gear. From walkie talkies to watches, you can take Alexa with you wherever you go &#x2014; even if it&#x2019;s just into another room.</p><h2 class="column small-12 medium-10 medium-offset-1 large-offset-2 OmZJ8NL1" data-reactid="227">Car Talk</h2><p class="column small-12 medium-10 medium-offset-1 large-offset-2 _10M0Ygc4" data-reactid="229">The auto industry may be abuzz with self-driving cars, but having cars that can speak with <a target="_blank" href="" data-reactid="231">Amazon</a> Alexa will really get people talking. <a target="_blank" href="" data-reactid="234">Currently in final testing</a>, three Ford @ford models featuring the company&#x2019;s <a target="_blank" href="" data-reactid="237">SYNC</a> platform will be able to speak with Alexa by the end of the year. The Ford Focus Electric, Fusion Energi, and C-Max Energi will be able to do everything from play your favorite music or crank up your thermostat with the push of a steering wheel button &#x2014; and a voice command. <a target="_blank" href="" data-reactid="240">BMW and Genesis</a> (Hyundai&#x2019;s luxury brand) vehicles are also destined to get the Amazon-linked technology, as the companies announced at CES 2016.</p><h2 class="column small-12 medium-10 medium-offset-1 large-offset-2 OmZJ8NL1" data-reactid="243">Stereo Speaker of the House</h2><p class="column small-12 medium-10 medium-offset-1 large-offset-2 _10M0Ygc4" data-reactid="245">Reviews are mixed on the Echo speakers&#x2019; sound quality. One alternative for better audio could be to pair an Echo Dot with a better-quality Bluetooth boom box. But for some audiophiles, even that might not be good enough. Instead, for $160, <a target="_blank" href="" data-reactid="247">Jam Voice</a> provides stereo sound as well as access to Alexa. The $80 third-party Bluetooth speaker provides push-button access to Alexa, and can pair with another Jam (which is why the full setup costs $160) creating a pair of satellite speakers, perfect for filling a room with sound or spreading music across a floor. And with your hours of battery life, it also doubles as a good portable sound machine.</p><div class="medium-offset-1 _2R4B45U9" data-reactid="250"><div class="show-for-large" data-reactid="251"><div class="lWcQivxu" data-reactid="252"><h2 class="Iz6UAhFv" data-reactid="253">Related</h2></div><div class="_3RD_3EaM" data-reactid="254"><div class="column small-12" data-reactid="255"><div class="row" style="height:149px;" data-reactid="256"><a target="_self" href="" class="_2S9ChopF" data-reactid="257"><img class="b-lazy " src="" data-src="" alt="Inside The HP Discover 2015 Conference" title="Inside The HP Discover 2015 Conference" data-reactid="258"></a></div></div><div class="column small-12" data-reactid="259"><div class="row _2WEbB5ya" data-reactid="260"><a href="" class="_3qgLnvdM" data-reactid="261"><span class="_2tpheXHl" data-reactid="262">PointCloud</span></a><a href="" class="j4P-Lom_" data-reactid="263"><span class="IAzlmo5X" data-reactid="264">This Retired HPE Exec Just Resurfaced With a New Gig</span></a></div><div class="_1xP-VEhr" data-reactid="265"><div class="_1X3LqGF7" data-reactid="266"><a href="" data-reactid="267"><svg itemprop="logo" height="100%" preserveaspectratio="xMinYMin meet" viewbox="0 0 90 21"><path d="M12.1 5.1L12.1 16.3C12.1 18.9 14.2 21 16.9 21 19.5 21 21.6 18.9 21.6 16.3L21.6 5.1C21.6 2.5 19.5 0.4 16.9 0.4L16.9 0.4C14.2 0.4 12.1 2.5 12.1 5.1M15.5 16.3L15.5 5.1C15.5 4.3 16.1 3.8 16.9 3.8L16.9 3.8C17.6 3.8 18.2 4.3 18.2 5.1L18.2 16.3C18.2 17 17.6 17.6 16.9 17.6 16.1 17.6 15.5 17 15.5 16.3"/><polygon points="49 0.6 39.4 0.6 39.4 4 42.5 4 42.5 20.7 45.9 20.7 45.9 4 49 4"/><path d="M59 0.6L59 16.3C59 17 58.4 17.6 57.7 17.6 57 17.6 56.4 17 56.4 16.3L56.4 0.6 52.9 0.6 52.9 16.3C52.9 18.9 55.1 21 57.7 21 60.3 21 62.5 18.9 62.5 16.3L62.5 0.6 59 0.6Z"/><polygon points="90.1 4 90.1 0.6 81.7 0.6 81.7 20.7 90.1 20.7 90.1 17.3 85.1 17.3 85.1 12.1 88.3 12.1 88.3 8.7 85.1 8.7 85.1 4"/><path d="M36.2 20.7L32.6 20.7 30.1 11.2C30.1 11.2 32.3 10.8 32.3 8.5L32.3 5.4C32.3 4.6 31.7 4 30.9 4L29.6 4 29.6 20.7 26.2 20.7 26.2 0.6 30.9 0.6C33.5 0.6 35.6 2.6 35.7 5.2L35.7 5.2 35.7 8.4 35.7 8.4C35.7 10.4 35 11.8 33.8 12.8L36.2 20.7Z"/><polygon points="74.1 0.6 74.1 11.6 70.6 0.6 67.1 0.6 67.1 20.7 70.6 20.7 70.6 10.9 73.8 20.7 77.6 20.7 77.6 0.6"/><polygon points="4.2 0.9 0.9 0.9 0.6 0.9 0.6 21 4.2 21 4.2 12.4 7.5 12.4 7.5 9 4.2 9 4.2 4.3 9.4 4.3 9.4 0.9"/></svg></a></div></div></div></div></div><div class="hide-for-large" data-reactid="268"><div class="_2Kl5uoWP" data-reactid="269"><div class="column small-12" data-reactid="270"><div class="row _3CTK81ZD" data-reactid="271"><a href="" data-reactid="272"><span class="_13V5lMz4" data-reactid="273">PointCloud</span></a></div></div><div class="column small-12" data-reactid="274"><div class="row _2OkxEqQr" data-reactid="275"><a href="" data-reactid="276"><span class="IAzlmo5X _3jiSA01W" data-reactid="277">This Retired HPE Exec Just Resurfaced With a New Gig</span></a></div><div class="y3ubIuJm" data-reactid="278"><div class="_1X3LqGF7" data-reactid="279"><a href="" data-reactid="280"><svg itemprop="logo" height="100%" preserveaspectratio="xMinYMin meet" viewbox="0 0 90 21"><path d="M12.1 5.1L12.1 16.3C12.1 18.9 14.2 21 16.9 21 19.5 21 21.6 18.9 21.6 16.3L21.6 5.1C21.6 2.5 19.5 0.4 16.9 0.4L16.9 0.4C14.2 0.4 12.1 2.5 12.1 5.1M15.5 16.3L15.5 5.1C15.5 4.3 16.1 3.8 16.9 3.8L16.9 3.8C17.6 3.8 18.2 4.3 18.2 5.1L18.2 16.3C18.2 17 17.6 17.6 16.9 17.6 16.1 17.6 15.5 17 15.5 16.3"/><polygon points="49 0.6 39.4 0.6 39.4 4 42.5 4 42.5 20.7 45.9 20.7 45.9 4 49 4"/><path d="M59 0.6L59 16.3C59 17 58.4 17.6 57.7 17.6 57 17.6 56.4 17 56.4 16.3L56.4 0.6 52.9 0.6 52.9 16.3C52.9 18.9 55.1 21 57.7 21 60.3 21 62.5 18.9 62.5 16.3L62.5 0.6 59 0.6Z"/><polygon points="90.1 4 90.1 0.6 81.7 0.6 81.7 20.7 90.1 20.7 90.1 17.3 85.1 17.3 85.1 12.1 88.3 12.1 88.3 8.7 85.1 8.7 85.1 4"/><path d="M36.2 20.7L32.6 20.7 30.1 11.2C30.1 11.2 32.3 10.8 32.3 8.5L32.3 5.4C32.3 4.6 31.7 4 30.9 4L29.6 4 29.6 20.7 26.2 20.7 26.2 0.6 30.9 0.6C33.5 0.6 35.6 2.6 35.7 5.2L35.7 5.2 35.7 8.4 35.7 8.4C35.7 10.4 35 11.8 33.8 12.8L36.2 20.7Z"/><polygon points="74.1 0.6 74.1 11.6 70.6 0.6 67.1 0.6 67.1 20.7 70.6 20.7 70.6 10.9 73.8 20.7 77.6 20.7 77.6 0.6"/><polygon points="4.2 0.9 0.9 0.9 0.6 0.9 0.6 21 4.2 21 4.2 12.4 7.5 12.4 7.5 9 4.2 9 4.2 4.3 9.4 4.3 9.4 0.9"/></svg></a></div></div></div></div></div></div><div class="column small-12 medium-10 medium-offset-1 large-offset-2 " style="padding:0 0 20px;" data-reactid="281"><div class="brightcove-wrapper" data-reactid="282"><video id="brightcove-player-5237903160001" data-video-id="5237903160001" data-account="2111767321001" data-player="default" data-embed="default" preload="auto" controls class="" style="display:none;" data-reactid="283"></video></div></div><h2 class="column small-12 medium-10 medium-offset-1 large-offset-2 OmZJ8NL1" data-reactid="284">Watch What You Say</h2><p class="column small-12 medium-10 medium-offset-1 large-offset-2 _10M0Ygc4" data-reactid="286">Apple Watch <a href="" class="_11XURygs" data-reactid="288">(aapl)</a> users may be big Siri fans, but if you want to get Alexa on your wrist, you&#x2019;ll have to go with a less obvious choice. The <a target="_blank" href="" data-reactid="293">Martian mVoice</a> line of smartwatches have analog looks but digital smarts, connecting wearers to Amazon&#x2019;s <a href="" class="_11XURygs" data-reactid="296">(amzn)</a> digital assistant technology. Starting at $295, the watches come with access to Alexa&#x2019;s 5,000 skills right out of the box.</p><h2 class="column small-12 medium-10 medium-offset-1 large-offset-2 OmZJ8NL1" data-reactid="301">Paging Alexa</h2><div class="column small-12 medium-10 medium-offset-1 large-offset-2" data-reactid="303"><div class="row _2Cq4HVTu" data-reactid="304"><div id="ad-5x5" data-reactid="305"></div></div></div><p class="column small-12 medium-10 medium-offset-1 large-offset-2 _10M0Ygc4" data-reactid="306">Whether they&#x2019;re down the hall or across the world, people want to communicate with each other, and that&#x2019;s the thought behind the $199 <a target="_blank" href="" data-reactid="308">Nucleus Intercom</a>. Designed with a simple user interface in mind, the one-pound, HD webcam-clad system has an eight-inch screen, stereo speakers, and runs on both Wi-Fi and Ethernet. It can be wall-mounted or perched on a table, has big buttons that make it great for older (or younger) users and a physical shutter to cover the camera when you need privacy. And with Alexa integration, users can also talk to Amazon&#x2019;s voice assistant, letting them do everything from adding milk to their grocery list to turning on the lights.</p><p class="column small-12 medium-10 medium-offset-1 large-offset-2 _10M0Ygc4" data-reactid="311"><em data-reactid="312"><a target="_blank" href="" data-reactid="313">Get Data Sheet</a>, </em>Fortune<em data-reactid="317">&#x2019;s technology newsletter</em></p><h2 class="column small-12 medium-10 medium-offset-1 large-offset-2 OmZJ8NL1" data-reactid="318">Walking and Talking</h2><p class="column small-12 medium-10 medium-offset-1 large-offset-2 _10M0Ygc4" data-reactid="320">Smartphones are incredibly convenient &#x2014; until you need to pick one up and tap at a bunch of tiny icons just to send a quick communique to a friend or co-worker. <a target="_blank" href="" data-reactid="322">Orion Labs Onyx</a>, a $129 walkie talkie-like communicator (two-packs cost $199) can pair with your iOS or Android device to do that at the push of a broach (or bauble, however you want to describe it). The little circular wearable can latch onto your clothing and put communications within easy reach &#x2014; including to Amazon Alexa. Tapping on it will let Onyx perform any Alexa-linked skill that Echos can do, minus playing music (because it wasn&#x2019;t designed to be a speaker). The Amazon integration will be enabled in the first quarter of 2017, but the device itself is available now.</p><p class="column small-12 medium-10 medium-offset-1 large-offset-2 _10M0Ygc4" data-reactid="325"><em data-reactid="326">For more, read: <a href="" data-reactid="328">This Las Vegas Resort Is Installing Amazon Alexa in Every Hotel Room</a></em></p><h2 class="column small-12 medium-10 medium-offset-1 large-offset-2 OmZJ8NL1" data-reactid="330">Get the Message</h2><p class="column small-12 medium-10 medium-offset-1 large-offset-2 _10M0Ygc4" data-reactid="332">If the kitchen is the hub of the house, and Alexa is the hub of your smart home, it only makes sense to put an Amazon-linked device in the kitchen. Invoxia&#x2019;s <a target="_blank" href="" data-reactid="334">Triby</a>, a $199 portable speaker and message center, is an excellent way to integrate Alexa into your home without adding extra clutter to your countertop. Backed with magnets, the speaker affixes firmly to your refrigerator. The device&#x2019;s e-ink display lets people send notes to the device via the Triby app, and when the message arrives, a little flag pops out of the side to alert users. And you can call out to Alexa without having to push a button &#x2014; perfect for when you&#x2019;re up to your knuckles in a recipe.</p><p class="column small-12 medium-10 medium-offset-1 large-offset-2 end _10M0Ygc4" data-reactid="337"><em data-reactid="338">This <a target="_blank" href="" data-reactid="340">article</a> originally appeared on</em></p></article></div></div></div><div class="column large-4 show-for-large" data-reactid="343"><div class="_3Y0L69ed" data-reactid="344"><div data-reactid="345"></div></div></div></div></div><div data-reactid="346"></div></div></div></div></div></div><div data-reactid="347"></div></div></div><div class="row _1YXcgUdI" data-reactid="348"><div class="row _3sr7KNzf Y4KEIqTo" data-reactid="349"><div class="column small-12" data-reactid="350"><div class="row logo-icons YA042VQI" data-reactid="351"><div class="column small-12" data-reactid="352"><div class="row logo-icons MwibZ0h4" data-reactid="353"><div class="_1J1lsGM7" data-reactid="354"><a 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