/* eslint-disable import/no-extraneous-dependencies */ /* eslint-disable no-use-before-define */ /* eslint-disable no-console */ import fs from 'fs'; import URL from 'url'; import inquirer from 'inquirer'; import ora from 'ora'; import { exec } from 'child_process'; import { stripJunkTags, makeLinksAbsolute, } from 'utils/dom'; import Mercury from '../dist/mercury'; import extractorTemplate from './templates/custom-extractor'; import extractorTestTemplate from './templates/custom-extractor-test'; const questions = [ { type: 'input', name: 'website', message: 'Paste a url to an article you\'d like to create or extend a parser for:', validate(value) { const { hostname } = URL.parse(value); if (hostname) return true; return false; }, }, ]; let spinner; function confirm(fn, args, msg, newParser) { spinner = ora({ text: msg }); spinner.start(); const result = fn(...args); if (result && result.then) { result.then(r => savePage(r, args, newParser)); } else { spinner.succeed(); } return result; } function confirmCreateDir(dir, msg) { if (!fs.existsSync(dir)) { confirm(fs.mkdirSync, [dir], msg); } } function getDir(url) { const { hostname } = URL.parse(url); return `./src/extractors/custom/${hostname}`; } function scaffoldCustomParser(url) { const dir = getDir(url); const { hostname } = URL.parse(url); let newParser = false; if (!fs.existsSync(dir)) { newParser = true; confirmCreateDir(dir, `Creating ${hostname} directory`); confirmCreateDir(`./fixtures/${hostname}`, 'Creating fixtures directory'); } confirm(Mercury.fetchResource, [url], 'Fetching fixture', newParser); } inquirer.prompt(questions).then((answers) => { scaffoldCustomParser(answers.website); }); function generateScaffold(url, file, result) { const { hostname } = URL.parse(url); const extractor = extractorTemplate(hostname, extractorName(hostname)); const extractorTest = extractorTestTemplate( file, url, getDir(url), result, extractorName(hostname) ); fs.writeFileSync(`${getDir(url)}/index.js`, extractor); fs.writeFileSync(`${getDir(url)}/index.test.js`, extractorTest); fs.appendFileSync( './src/extractors/custom/index.js', exportString(url), ); exec(`npm run lint-fix-quiet -- ${getDir(url)}/*.js`); } function savePage($, [url], newParser) { const { hostname } = URL.parse(url); spinner.succeed(); const filename = new Date().getTime(); const file = `./fixtures/${hostname}/${filename}.html`; // fix http(s) relative links: makeLinksAbsolute($('*').first(), $, url); $('[src], [href]').each((index, node) => { const $node = $(node); const link = $node.attr('src'); if (link && link.slice(0, 2) === '//') { $node.attr('src', `http:${link}`); } }); const html = stripJunkTags($('*').first(), $, ['script']).html(); fs.writeFileSync(file, html); Mercury.parse(url, html).then((result) => { if (newParser) { confirm(generateScaffold, [url, file, result], 'Generating parser and tests'); console.log(`Your custom site extractor has been set up. To get started building it, run yarn watch:test -- ${hostname} -- OR -- npm run watch:test -- ${hostname}`); } else { console.log(` It looks like you already have a custom parser for this url. The page you linked to has been added to ${file}. Copy and paste the following code to use that page in your tests: const html = fs.readFileSync('${file}');`); } }); } function exportString(url) { const { hostname } = URL.parse(url); return `export * from './${hostname}';`; } function extractorName(hostname) { const name = hostname .split('.') .map(w => `${w.charAt(0).toUpperCase()}${w.slice(1)}`) .join(''); return `${name}Extractor`; }