import assert from 'assert'; import cheerio from 'cheerio'; import { scoreImageUrl, scoreAttr, scoreByParents, scoreBySibling, scoreByDimensions, scoreByPosition, } from './score-image'; describe('scoreImageUrlUrl(url)', () => { it('gets 20 points for a positive lead img hint', () => { const url = ''; assert.equal(scoreImageUrl(url), 20); }); it('loses 20 points for a negative lead img hint', () => { const url = ''; assert.equal(scoreImageUrl(url), -20); }); it('loses 10 points for a gif', () => { const url = ''; assert.equal(scoreImageUrl(url), -10); const url2 = ''; assert.equal(scoreImageUrl(url2), 0); }); it('gains 10 points for a jpg', () => { const url = ''; assert.equal(scoreImageUrl(url), 10); const url2 = ''; assert.equal(scoreImageUrl(url2), 10); const url3 = ''; assert.equal(scoreImageUrl(url3), 0); const url4 = ''; assert.equal(scoreImageUrl(url4), 10); }); }); describe('scoreAttr($img)', () => { it('gets 5 points if the img node has an alt attribute', () => { const $ = cheerio.load('
'); const $img = $('img').first(); assert.equal(scoreAttr($img), 5); }); it('gets 0 points if the img node has an alt attribute', () => { const $ = cheerio.load('
'); const $img = $('img').first(); assert.equal(scoreAttr($img), 0); }); }); describe('scoreByParents($img)', () => { it('gets 25 points if it has a figure parent', () => { const $ = cheerio.load( `
` ); const $img = $('img').first(); assert.equal(scoreByParents($img), 25); }); it('gets 0 points if the img has no figure parent', () => { const $ = cheerio.load('
'); const $img = $('img').first(); assert.equal(scoreByParents($img), 0); }); it('gets 15 points if parent or gparent has photo hints', () => { const $ = cheerio.load( `
` ); const $img = $('img').first(); assert.equal(scoreByParents($img), 15); }); }); describe('scoreBySibling($img)', () => { it('gets 25 points if its sibling is figcaption', () => { const $ = cheerio.load( `
` ); const $img = $('img').first(); assert.equal(scoreBySibling($img), 25); }); it('gets 15 points if its sibling has photo hints', () => { const $ = cheerio.load( `
` ); const $img = $('img').first(); assert.equal(scoreBySibling($img), 15); }); }); describe('scoreByDimensions($img)', () => { it('penalizes skinny images', () => { const $ = cheerio.load( `
` ); const $img = $('img').first(); assert.equal(scoreByDimensions($img), -50); }); it('penalizes short images', () => { const $ = cheerio.load( `
` ); const $img = $('img').first(); assert.equal(scoreByDimensions($img), -50); }); it('ignores sprites', () => { const $ = cheerio.load( `
` ); const $img = $('img').first(); assert.equal(scoreByDimensions($img), 0); }); it('penalizes images with small areas', () => { const $ = cheerio.load( `
` ); const $img = $('img').first(); assert.equal(scoreByDimensions($img), -100); }); it('prefers the largest images', () => { const $ = cheerio.load( `
` ); const $img = $('img').first(); assert.equal(scoreByDimensions($img), 1000); }); }); describe('scoreByPosition($imgs, index)', () => { it('gives higher scores to images that come first', () => { const $ = cheerio.load( `
` ); const $imgs = $('img'); assert.equal(scoreByPosition($imgs, 0), 3); }); });