import assert from 'assert'; import cheerio from 'cheerio'; import HTML from './fixtures/html'; import { cleanTitle } from './index'; describe('cleanTitle(title, { url, $ })', () => { it('uses a single h1 if the title is too short or too long', () => { // const title = "Too Short" // const $ = cheerio.load(HTML.docWithH1) // // assert.equal(cleanTitle(title, { url: '', $ }), $('h1').text()) }); it('only uses h1 if there is only one on the page', () => { const title = 'Too Short'; const $ = cheerio.load(HTML.docWith2H1s); assert.equal(cleanTitle(title, { url: '', $ }), title); }); it('removes HTML tags from titles', () => { const $ = cheerio.load(HTML.docWithTagsInH1.before); const title = $('h1').html(); assert.equal(cleanTitle(title, { url: '', $ }), HTML.docWithTagsInH1.after); }); it('trims extraneous spaces', () => { const title = " This Is a Great Title That You'll Love "; const $ = cheerio.load(HTML.docWithTagsInH1.before); assert.equal(cleanTitle(title, { url: '', $ }), title.trim()); }); });