import assert from 'assert'; import URL from 'url'; import cheerio from 'cheerio'; import Mercury from 'mercury'; import getExtractor from 'extractors/get-extractor'; import { excerptContent } from 'utils/text'; const fs = require('fs'); describe('DeadspinExtractor', () => { describe('initial test case', () => { let result; let url; beforeAll(() => { url = ''; const html = fs.readFileSync( './fixtures/' ); result = Mercury.parse(url, html, { fallback: false }); }); it('is selected properly', async () => { const extractor = getExtractor(url); assert.equal(extractor.domain, URL.parse(url).hostname); }); it('returns the title', async () => { // To pass this test, fill out the title selector // in ./src/extractors/custom/ // Update these values with the expected values from // the article. const { title } = await result; assert.equal( title, 'The Nationals Are Stuck With Danny Espinosa Tonight, Unless They Opt For The Only Thing Worse' ); }); it('returns the author', async () => { // To pass this test, fill out the author selector // in ./src/extractors/custom/ const { author } = await result; // Update these values with the expected values from // the article. assert.equal(author, 'Chris Thompson'); }); it('returns the date_published', async () => { // To pass this test, fill out the date_published selector // in ./src/extractors/custom/ const { date_published } = await result; // Update these values with the expected values from // the article. assert.equal(date_published, '2016-10-13T16:34:00.000Z'); }); it('returns the lead_image_url', async () => { // To pass this test, fill out the lead_image_url selector // in ./src/extractors/custom/ const { lead_image_url } = await result; // Update these values with the expected values from // the article. assert.equal( lead_image_url, ',fl_progressive,g_center,h_450,q_80,w_800/vmeayd7lteyycwzcdlju.jpg' ); }); it('returns the content', async () => { // To pass this test, fill out the content selector // in ./src/extractors/custom/ // You may also want to make use of the clean and transform // options. const { content } = await result; const $ = cheerio.load(content || ''); const first13 = excerptContent( $('*') .first() .text(), 13 ); // Update these values with the expected values from // the article. assert.equal( first13, 'Photo credit: Rob Carr/Getty Washington’s Danny Espinosa problem is inextricably linked to its' ); }); }); it('handles lazy-loaded video', async () => { // To pass this test, fill out the content selector // in ./src/extractors/custom/ // You may also want to make use of the clean and transform // options. const html = fs.readFileSync('./fixtures/'); const url = ''; const { content } = await Mercury.parse(url, html, { fallback: false }); const $ = cheerio.load(content || ''); const youtube = $('iframe[src]'); // Update these values with the expected values from // the article. assert.equal(youtube.length, 1); }); });