import template from './index'; const IGNORE = [ 'url', 'domain', 'content', 'word_count', 'next_page_url', 'excerpt', 'direction', 'total_pages', 'rendered_pages', ]; function testFor(key, value, dir) { if (IGNORE.find(k => k === key)) return ''; return template` it('returns the ${key}', async () => { // To pass this test, fill out the ${key} selector // in ${dir}/index.js. const { ${key} } = await result // Update these values with the expected values from // the article. assert.equal(${key}, ${value ? `\`${value}\`` : "''"}) }); `; } export default function(file, url, dir, result, name) { return template` import assert from 'assert'; import URL from 'url'; import cheerio from 'cheerio'; import Mercury from 'mercury'; import getExtractor from 'extractors/get-extractor'; import { excerptContent } from 'utils/text'; const fs = require('fs'); describe('${name}', () => { describe('initial test case', () => { let result; let url; beforeAll(() => { url = '${url}'; const html = fs.readFileSync('${file}'); result = Mercury.parse(url, html, { fallback: false }); }); it('is selected properly', () => { // This test should be passing by default. // It sanity checks that the correct parser // is being selected for URLs from this domain const extractor = getExtractor(url); assert.equal(extractor.domain, URL.parse(url).hostname) }) ${Reflect.ownKeys(result) .map(k => testFor(k, result[k], dir)) .join('\n\n')} it('returns the content', async () => { // To pass this test, fill out the content selector // in ${dir}/index.js. // You may also want to make use of the clean and transform // options. const { content } = await result; const $ = cheerio.load(content || ''); const first13 = excerptContent($('*').first().text(), 13) // Update these values with the expected values from // the article. assert.equal(first13, 'Add the first 13 words of the article here'); }); }); }); `; }