import assert from 'assert'; import nock from 'nock'; // eslint-disable-line import/no-extraneous-dependencies import path from 'path'; import cheerio from 'cheerio'; // import fs from 'fs'; export function clean(string) { return string .trim() .replace(/\r?\n|\r/g, '') .replace(/\s+/g, ' '); } export function assertClean(a, b) { assert.equal(clean(a), clean(b)); } // using this from export function record(name, options = {}) { const test_folder = options.test_folder || '.'; const fixtures_folder = options.fixtures_folder || 'fixtures/nock'; const fp = path.join(test_folder, fixtures_folder, `${name}.js`); // `has_fixtures` indicates whether the test has fixtures we should read, // or doesn't, so we should record and save them. // the environment variable `NOCK_RECORD` can be used to force a new recording. let has_fixtures = !!process.env.NOCK_RECORD; return { before: () => { if (cheerio.browser) return; if (!has_fixtures) { try { require(`../${fp}`); // eslint-disable-line global-require, import/no-dynamic-require, max-len has_fixtures = true; } catch (e) { nock.recorder.rec({ dont_print: true, }); } } else { has_fixtures = false; nock.recorder.rec({ dont_print: true, }); } }, after: done => { if (!has_fixtures && !cheerio.browser) { has_fixtures =; // eslint-disable-next-line no-console console.log( `This is disabled for browser/node interop. To capture fixutres, open ${'`src/test-helpers.js`'} and comment out lines 57 and 58 and uncomment the fs import at top of file.` ); // const text = `const nock = require('nock');\n${has_fixtures.join('\n')}`; // fs.writeFile(fp, text, done); } else { done(); } }, }; } export class MockDomNode { constructor() { this.attributes = [ { name: 'class', value: 'foo bar', }, ]; } setAttribute(key, val) { this.attributes.pop(); this.attributes.push({ name: key, value: val }); } removeAttribute() { this.attributes.pop(); } }