export const WwwYoutubeComExtractor = { domain: 'www.youtube.com', title: { selectors: ['.watch-title', 'h1.watch-title-container'], }, author: { selectors: ['.yt-user-info'], }, date_published: { selectors: [['meta[itemProp="datePublished"]', 'value']], timezone: 'GMT', }, dek: { selectors: [ // enter selectors ], }, lead_image_url: { selectors: [['meta[name="og:image"]', 'value']], }, content: { defaultCleaner: false, selectors: [['#player-api', '#eow-description']], // Is there anything in the content you selected that needs transformed // before it's consumable content? E.g., unusual lazy loaded images transforms: { '#player-api': ($node, $) => { const videoId = $('meta[itemProp="videoId"]').attr('value'); $node.html(` `); }, }, // Is there anything that is in the result that shouldn't be? // The clean selectors will remove anything that matches from // the result clean: [], }, };