export const SpektrumExtractor = { domain: 'www.spektrum.de', title: { selectors: ['.content__title'], }, author: { selectors: ['.content__author__info__name'], }, date_published: { selectors: ['.content__meta__date'], timezone: 'Europe/Berlin', }, dek: { selectors: ['.content__intro'], }, lead_image_url: { selectors: [ // This is how the meta tag appears in the original source code. ['meta[name="og:image"]', 'value'], // This is how the meta tag appears in the DOM in Chrome. // The selector is included here to make the code work within the browser as well. ['meta[property="og:image"]', 'content'], // This is the image that is shown on the page. // It can be slightly cropped compared to the original in the meta tag. '.image__article__top img', ], }, content: { selectors: ['article.content'], clean: [ '.breadcrumbs', '.hide-for-print', 'aside', 'header h2', '.image__article__top', '.content__author', '.copyright', '.callout-box', ], }, };