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Image credit: REUTERS/Brendan McDermid

Lyft extends free scooter rides for critical workers through May

Emergency, healthcare and transit workers won't need to pay.

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A Lyft Scooter is parked in Washington, U.S., March 29, 2019. REUTERS/Brendan McDermid
REUTERS/Brendan McDermid

Lyft isn’t waiting until the end of April to decide on the fate of its free scooter rides for critical workers during the COVID-19 pandemic. The ridesharing firm has extended its LyftUp Scooter Program through May, giving free rides to healthcare, emergency and transit workers in six cities another month. Employers will still have to enroll staff, but registered workers will continue get as many no-cost 30-minute rides as they need to commute without having to get close to others on public transportation or in rideshare cars.

The program is currently available in Austin, Denver, Los Angeles, San Diego, Santa Monica and the metro DC area. Lyft has also promised stricter cleaning protocols to make sure the scooters themselves are cleaner.

This isn’t the only scooter program available to vital workers. Uber, for instance, pledged 10 million free rides and deliveries for people on the front line of the COVID-19 fight. Lyft’s extension could still be important in the cities where it’s offered, though, and it suggests these programs will continue for as long as nurses, bus drivers and other key staff need to get to work safely.

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