Son of slain police officer given teddy bears made from dad's uniform

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ST. LOUIS, MO (KTVI) – Amid unimaginable grief, the widow of slain Saint Louis County Police Officer Blake Snyder is using Facebook to help her deal with the loss of her husband. Although Elizabeth Snyder still endures immense pain, their son Malachi has helped her push through the heartache and traumatic loss.

Elizabeth posted a picture Tuesday evening of her son with what appear to be two teddy bears. She writes, "These beautiful bears were made for us from Blake's uniforms."

Elizabeth has said in the past that she's eternally grateful for all of comfort she has received from the St. Louis community and across the nation as well, adding her son will always know how much the community adored her husband and cared for their family in this trying time.

This is another image Elizabeth Snyder posted to Facebook on Sunday. It says, "I cannot describe what this necklace means to me. Last night I had dinner with a couple amazing friends, and when we were about to leave, Kristen hands me an envelope and tells me not to open until I get home. Well, of course I had to open it right then. She found this necklace in one of her purses and remembered that I had asked her to hold it one night because I didn't have pockets. This was years ago! I thought I had lost it forever. Blake had it specially made for me, so when I lost it, we were both devastated. I just really cannot describe what it means to me. It's the little things like this that keep tearing my heart apart. I miss him so very much."

This is Elizabeth Snyder's Facebook post from Thanksgiving. She writes,"Today I am thankful for, above all else, Blake and Malachi. My life was forever changed the day I started dating Blake Curtis. His love, kindness, generosity, and overall goofy personality won me over before I knew it. The last 6 years of my life spent with him showed me just how deep love can be and just how fast it can be taken away. The moment Blake saw Malachi for the first time will always be a memory I will cherish and hold on to. He wasn't perfect, (no one is), but he WAS a perfect father. He loved Chi with every fiber of his being and wanted the world for him. These two boys mean everything to me, and I'm thankful I have a bit of Blake still here with me. I am also thankful for every person who has generously helped support Chi and I. I'm not sure where we would be without you all. Thank you, thank you, thank you! I pray you all have a Happy Thanksgiving!"

Officer Snyder and his partner were responding to a disturbance call in the early morning hours on October 6 at a home in the 10700 block of Arno Drive in Green Park. The accused shooter, Trent Forster, was seated inside a car parked outside the residence when Snyder and the other officer approached. Forster allegedly shot Snyder when the officer asked to see his hands. Snyder's partner returned fire, hitting Forster several times. Forster was hospitalized and has since been charged with first-degree murder and armed criminal action.

Blake Snyder was laid to rest Thursday, October 13 following a service at St. Louis Family Church in Chesterfield.

The BackStoppers organization is continuing to raise money across the region for Officer Snyder's family.

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Son of slain police officer given teddy bears made from dad's uniform
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Son of slain police officer given teddy bears made from dad's uniform

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