* dx: remove commented code and obvious comments that can be looked up
* dx: remove commented out eslint options
* dx: remove commented out code
* dx: remove commented out code
* dx: remove commented out code
* dx: remove test block as all its code was commented out
* dx: remove commented out code
* dx: remove commented out code
* dx: remove commented out code
* dx: remove regex example comments
* dx: remove commented out code
* dx: remove commented out code
* dx: remove commented out import
* dx: remove commented out code
* dx: remove commented out code
* dx: remove commented out code
* dx: remove commented out code
* dx: remove commented out code
* dx: remove commented out code
* dx: remove commented out code
* dx: remove commented out code
* dx: remove commented out code
* dx: remove commented out code
* dx: remove commented out code
* chore: remove empty files
* chore: re-prettier code that may have missed it
* added back nec comments
* chore: update .nvmrc
* added prettier and pre-commit hooks
* update docker image to new node
* add karma-cli to get web tests working
* explictly install karma... seems to fix problem
* remove pre-built phantomjs
* swap install order
Big undertaking to support Mercury in the browser. Builds are working and all tests are passing both for web and node builds. Most code is closely shared.