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1 year ago
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<p>Adam Maida for BuzzFeed News</p>
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<h1 class="headline_title__NbsAE embed-headline-title">College Trump Supporters: "Were The New
<p class="headline_description__xYhEI embed-headline-description">The new campus radicals quietly
voted for Trump — and they want you to stop whining about it.</p>
<div class="headline-byline_newsHeadlineByline__i9Opd embed-byline"><span
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class="headline-byline_text__2w1eR ">by </span><span
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<p class="headline-byline_position__PhIVG">BuzzFeed News Reporter</p>
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<p class="headline-dateline_datelineTitle__Xo5E2">Reporting From</p><strong
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<p>A week after Donald Trump won the presidency, many students on the University of Delaware
campus were still devastated. Professors at the blue-state public school where Vice President
Joe Biden is an alumnus canceled classes, helped organize marches, and held discussions so
that students could process their feelings and fears.</p>
<p>But the UD students who voted for Trump were thrilled. Its not just that their candidate
won, but that the Democrats reliance on “identity politics” failed. Hillary Clintons
campaign bet on the votes of women, minorities, the LGBT community, and other groups whose
political positions are often shaped by the way they identify. But the Clinton campaign didnt
just fail to get out the vote — it also alienated white people who dont like being told
theyre bigots.</p>
<p>Trump didnt win the election thanks to college graduates. The majority of them <a
target="_blank" class="js-skimlink-subtag-modified"
data-skimlinks-tracking="4402958|xid:fr1667502429716ibg" data-ml-dynamic="true"
data-ml-id="0" data-ml="true" data-xid="fr1667502429716ibg"
data-uri="932a680026fa52afb71df8a754b8a7e7">backed</a> Clinton — except for white
college-educated voters, who went for Trump by a narrow four-point margin. Nevertheless, Trump
voters on campuses across the country view themselves as underground rebels fighting a
corrosive epidemic of political correctness. Just dont expect them to wear their “Make
America Great Again” caps to the dining hall.</p>
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<p>“Its the new counterculture,” said Jared, an undergraduate who wore a suit and tie to a
recent meeting of the UD College Republicans. “Its the equivalent of being a hippie
protesting at Kent State,” he said, apparently referring to the 1970 Vietnam War protest that
ended with National Guard troops shooting four unarmed students to death.</p>
<p>“Or being grunge in the '90s,” another student chimed in.</p>
<p>In the 1960s, the University of California, Berkeley, was known for free-speech protests,
said Andrew Lipman, a UD senior and the chairman of the Delaware Federation of College
Republicans. Now, in Lipmans view, the university is known for “silencing conservative
speech, because its considered hateful.”</p>
<p>Trumps win is a boon for every college student frustrated by progressive campus activists
concepts that have gone mainstream, such as “trigger warnings,” “safe spaces” and
“microaggressions.” Lipman wasnt a big Trump supporter, but hes concerned by reports from UD
students who say they dont feel comfortable voicing pro-Trump sentiments in class, in their
dorms, and around campus. Hes such an advocate for free speech that he helped bring Breitbart
News writer and alt-right celebrity Milo Yiannopouloss “Dangerous Faggot” college tour <a
href="" target="_blank"
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UD</a> two weeks before the election.</p>
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<p>Yiannopoulos spoke about his belief that transgender people are mentally ill. (The American
Psychiatric Association voted to remove “gender identity disorder” from its manual in 2012.)
The day he spoke, <a
target="_blank" class="js-skimlink-subtag-modified"
data-skimlinks-tracking="4402958|xid:fr1667502429716hdi" data-ml-dynamic="true"
data-ml-id="2" data-ml="true" data-xid="fr1667502429716hdi"
data-uri="6dac5dd8259a2b0b5e9a2ad58e3a3647">posters</a> of Michelle Obamas and Caitlyn
Jenner's faces with the words “trannies are gay” appeared on UDs campus, shocking students
who were already horrified the school was allowing the event to take place, since other
colleges had prevented Yiannopoulous from speaking. Yiannopouloss UD talk sold out.</p>
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<p>The UD College Republicans released a statement distancing themselves from the posters.
Still, Lipman said, college students want and need to be exposed to taboo issues, as well as
conservatism, even when they offend (or scare) their peers.</p>
<p>“If they could talk about it with their friends they might not feel a need to come here [to
the College Republicans] and talk about it, but they dont have that outlet,” Lipman said.
“They feel like theyre being silenced.”</p>
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<p>Trump-supporting students told BuzzFeed News they related to the <a
class="js-skimlink-subtag-modified" data-skimlinks-tracking="4402958"
data-uri="471dc543443a7f3d9f5612f04a2d4776">“silent majority”</a> of older voters who
resented being called “deplorable” by Hillary Clinton. In a <i>New York Times</i> <a
target="_blank" class="js-skimlink-subtag-modified"
data-skimlinks-tracking="4402958|xid:fr1667502429716bbd" data-ml-dynamic="true"
data-ml-id="15" data-ml="true" data-xid="fr1667502429716bbd"
data-uri="a9c67be1412a0caf2790623f73128157">op-ed</a> titled “My Liberal University Cemented
My Vote for Trump,” a student at Wesleyan University, the ultra leftleaning college in
Middletown, Connecticut, wrote that he had investigated the alt-right and found “a diverse,
intellectual and multifaceted community that prides itself on its all-encompassing embrace of
free speech.” Theyre not “fueled by racial resentment,” he explained; they just want a
<p>Yet, many furtive Trump supporters on college campuses refused to give their full names to
BuzzFeed News because they feared being called racist.</p>
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“At NYU, everyone feels like we need to be inclusive, but when you enforce that, youre
creating a different sort of minority group.”
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<p>Daniel, a New York University senior who didnt want to give his last name “given the current
climate,” said it was “aggravating” when his professors cracked jokes about the state of the
country the day after the election.</p>
<p>“There is the assumption that nobody is going to get hurt because no one could have possibly
voted for Trump in New York City, but that assumption is clearly incorrect,” he said. (He
acknowledged that there were few Trump supporters on campus, and said he had looked forward to
meeting more at Yiannopouloss planned speech there — that is, before NYU <a
target="_blank" class="js-skimlink-subtag-modified"
data-skimlinks-tracking="4402958|xid:fr1667502429716dij" data-ml-dynamic="true"
data-ml-id="16" data-ml="true" data-xid="fr1667502429716dij"
data-uri="31681e12f9c8a77942690967895548b5">canceled</a> it).</p>
<p>“At NYU, everyone feels like we need to be inclusive, but when you enforce that, youre
creating a different sort of minority group,” he said. If you try to question the concept of
“safe spaces,” for example, “youll immediately be slammed as a hypocrite or an oppressor,”
Daniel said, adding that being a white man “doesnt help” matters.</p>
<p>“Its like, yeah well have open discussions as long as its absolutely aligned with what we
already believe in,” he said.</p>
<p>One student at Duke University in Durham, North Carolina, said he solidified his aversion to
PC culture in high school. In one class, he was chastised for writing an essay calling
undocumented immigrants “illegal.” Another time, he said, he was barred from going to an
Asian-American student alliance meeting because he was white. “People were so into political
correctness that peoples voices were censored and nothing was heard,” he said.</p>
<p>At Duke, he knew his classmates and professors were liberal, so he didnt tell anyone he
supported Trump. After the election, he tentatively started posting about Trump on Facebook.
But he grew nervous again when a professor told the class to write down thoughts they had
about the election: “She said, Say whatever you want to say, but you better be willing to
have the consequences of what you say if you want to say it.‘“</p>
<p>He took that as a warning that his grades would suffer and he would be shunned if he publicly
admitted his support for Trump.</p>
<p>This student canceled a second interview with a reporter because he was afraid for his
physical safety after reading about anti-Trump protests coming to campus. “The hate on Dukes
campus is getting worse,” he wrote in an email.</p>
<p>Another Duke student, Brittany, said her seminar class conducted an anonymous poll in which
she was the only one who voted for Trump. The day after the election, Duke students were
offered endless support and “healing services,” which made her feel further that she could not
express her excitement in public.</p>
<p>“The silent majority was very real,” she said. “People were embarrassed and scared to say
they were voting for Trump because of fear of being labeled and even harassment."</p>
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style="color: #EE3322; font-family: 'Proxima Nova'; font-size: 30px; font-weight: 400; line-height: 1.1em">
“Professors canceling tests and classes because Trump won is why Trump won.”
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<p>At the University of Delaware, Jared said there is a contingent of young people who support
Trump because “they feel threatened by the fact that you cannot depart from this dogma that
the majority on the campus holds without being told you are racist, being told you are sexist,
having people report you for having an opinion because it, you know, threatens somebodys
identity.” Jared said he had friends who worked as resident advisers in the dorms who had to
comfort people crying about the results of the election, which he thought was “absurd.”</p>
<p>Over lemon-drop martinis at a bar near campus, 21-year-old Ryan Dubicki rolled his eyes at
distressed students on his campus and at other schools.</p>
<p>“I know at Harvard they had safety pins on and they had, like, dog therapy,” he said. “I
dont want to be mean to them, but theyre being crybabies right now. This is an election,
guys.” If they really care that much about politics, they should get involved at the state and
local level, he said, not cry to their professors.</p>
<p>“Professors canceling tests and classes because Trump won is why Trump won,” Dubicki said.
“People were sick and tired of political correctness and identity politics, and Trump totally
ran against that.”</p>
<p>Perhaps Dubicki embodies the new college Trump supporter: Hes gay, for one. He considers
himself socially liberal, but fiscally conservative. He would have voted for Obama, if he had
been old enough. And he was irritated when friends told him he should vote for Clinton instead
of for someone whose victory <a
target="_blank" class="js-skimlink-subtag-modified"
data-skimlinks-tracking="4402958|xid:fr1667502429716dbh" data-ml-dynamic="true"
data-ml-id="17" data-ml="true" data-xid="fr1667502429716dbh"
data-uri="5352cdca2a0803d45f2dc58bc3c37dc0">has alarmed</a> LGBT groups. “I was like,
Hillary Clinton doesnt speak for me — I dont want someone who belongs in prison,” Dubicki
said. Then he showed a <a
target="_blank" class="js-skimlink-subtag-modified"
data-skimlinks-tracking="4402958|xid:fr1667502429716gch" data-ml-dynamic="true"
data-ml-id="18" data-ml="true" data-xid="fr1667502429716gch"
data-uri="f3f037746d6db1689afe52c391517203">photo, saved</a> on his phone, of Trump
unfurling a LGBT sign.<br></p>
<p>Like 75% of students on UDs campus, Dubicki is white, and admitted his group of friends is
not very diverse. But, in his opinion, “Hillary Clinton ran a campaign on minorities against
whites,” he said. “Even look at her rallies: They were all minorities. There were no white
people there.”</p>
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Joshua Roberts / Reuters
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<p>Student Trump supporters wear letters spelling his name before his speech at Liberty
University in Lynchburg, Virginia.</p>
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<p>Still, he said, he had friends who supported Clinton, and they got along because they didnt
talk about politics too much. (When Dubicki isnt in school, working, or volunteering for
Republican causes, he enjoys watching <i>Friends</i> reruns — Season 5 is his favorite). He
made fun of an email UD President Dennis Assanis sent students a week after the election,
acknowledging that there “had been unacceptable events where members of our community have
acted in ways that are divisive, demeaning and even hateful” and promising UD would “ensure
that free speech and diversity will coexist and even flourish in our society.”</p>
<p>Dubicki thought it was embarrassing.</p>
<p>“Only at my school would I get an email reminding me to respect others opinions and beliefs,
which I was already raised to do,” he wrote on Facebook afterward. “This is why I hate my
generation and being a millennial.”</p>
<p>At a coffee shop near campus, Jaelyn Brown, the president of UDs College Democrats, had a
different reaction to the email: She thought it was too little, too late.</p>
<p>Why didnt Assanis denounce the <a
class="js-skimlink-subtag-modified" data-skimlinks-tracking="4402958"
data-uri="28aba8dc5edfdacb4c2bdea4b2f75de8">hate crimes reported around the country</a> in
the wake of Trumps victory? Why did he wait a week to try and comfort UD students like her
who are devastated and afraid? She doesnt know any Trump supporters, because her friends are
politically engaged feminists, she said. Now, she cant stop wondering who around her on
campus voted for him.</p>
<p>“The most frustrating thing about this is that for people of color, trans people, women...
their lives are actually in jeopardy,” said Brown, who is black. “Your life as a white guy is
not in jeopardy if Hillary Clinton is president.”</p>
<p>Next May, Brown will graduate. Once, she thought about going into politics — she campaigned
for Clinton last winter break — but now, shes not so sure.</p>
<p>“A lot of the rhetoric you hear from Trump supporters is Im not personally racist, and
its like, You actively supported a racist,’” she said. “You chose to ignore it, which is
incredibly privileged. Its scary as a woman. Its scary as a woman of color. Its going to be
a difficult couple of years.”</p>
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<p>Although Trump has vowed to end political correctness nationwide, hes also co-opted the same
progressive concepts hes mocked. On Saturday, he <a
href="" target="_blank"
class="js-skimlink-subtag-modified" data-skimlinks-tracking="4402958|xid:fr1667502429716hja"
data-ml-dynamic="true" data-ml-dynamic-type="sl"
data-ml-id="19" data-ml="true" data-xid="fr1667502429716hja"
data-uri="4b73fd0068fe9b0c10f834e6380349a2">tweeted</a> that a theater “must always be a
safe and special place” following <a
class="js-skimlink-subtag-modified" data-skimlinks-tracking="4402958"
data-uri="dc6389efd775e700e9be4baa157517fe">Mike Pences “rude” treatment</a> at the
Broadway musical <i>Hamilton</i>.</p>
<p>Trump also successfully ran on his own identity-politics platform, Brown said, by appealing
to <a
target="_blank" class="js-skimlink-subtag-modified"
data-skimlinks-tracking="4402958|xid:fr1667502429716jba" data-ml-dynamic="true"
data-ml-id="20" data-ml="true" data-xid="fr1667502429716jba"
data-uri="932a680026fa52afb71df8a754b8a7e7">large swaths</a> of resentful white voters sick
of feeling ignored.</p>
<p>“This was the last-ditch effort of the white male to stay in power,” she said.</p>
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<div class="flexRow__Amb3g"><a class="userName__EASXU userNameLink__cMuGK"
<section class="timestamp__FcgLi">5 years ago</section>
<div class="commentText__3zHWj">I'm sorry, but people who voted Democrat and are now mad
need to deal with it. My family is Republican, and that's what we did when Obama won! We
got on with our lives! Sorry that the candidate you wanted lost, but we shouldn't cancel
classes just because people are mad over the election!!!... <button
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