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feat: update all fixtures and custom parsers to match (#713) * feat: Refactor and update fixtures This patch changes how fixtures are stored. Previously, a fixture's folder identified its domain and its filename identified when it was fetched. This has been changed so that the filename indicates the domain and the modified time of the file indicates how recently it was fetched. A fixture's filename can optionally include a modifier to distinguish between two different page types on the same domain, for example. Also included here are changes to the update-fixture script, both to accomodate the new filename scheme as well as to actually update all fixtures. The functionality for running automatically and opening PRs has been removed but will likely be reintroduced. Finally, all fixtures have been updated. * Remove reference to deleted extractor * feat: first batch of test and parser updates due to new fixtures * feat: update more custom parsers and unit tests * feat: update more custom parsers and unit tests and remove unnecessary parser * feat: update more custom parsers and unit tests * feat: update more parsers and add correct bloomberg html files * fix: remove console statement * feat: all parsers updated and tests passing * fix: update date_published tests to account for test server time difference * fix: cleanup remaining fixtures in folders * feat: move fixtures for newest custom parsers * feat: remove script changes * fix: update dist files to account for reverting script changes * adding .DS_Store to .gitignore * adding .DS_Store to .gitignore -- 2 * adding .DS_Store to .gitignore -- 3 lol * cleaning up some tests * fix: ran build:generator command to update generate-custom-parser dist file * fix: update rollup configs to generate source maps and update source maps * fix: use underscore in place of unused error variable * fix: remove unused fixture Co-authored-by: Postlight Bot <> Co-authored-by: flbn <>
2 years ago
<!--[if (gte IE 9)|(gt IEMobile 7)]><!--><html lang="en" dir="ltr" prefix="og: content: dc: foaf: rdfs: sioc: sioct: skos: xsd:">
feat: update all fixtures and custom parsers to match (#713) * feat: Refactor and update fixtures This patch changes how fixtures are stored. Previously, a fixture's folder identified its domain and its filename identified when it was fetched. This has been changed so that the filename indicates the domain and the modified time of the file indicates how recently it was fetched. A fixture's filename can optionally include a modifier to distinguish between two different page types on the same domain, for example. Also included here are changes to the update-fixture script, both to accomodate the new filename scheme as well as to actually update all fixtures. The functionality for running automatically and opening PRs has been removed but will likely be reintroduced. Finally, all fixtures have been updated. * Remove reference to deleted extractor * feat: first batch of test and parser updates due to new fixtures * feat: update more custom parsers and unit tests * feat: update more custom parsers and unit tests and remove unnecessary parser * feat: update more custom parsers and unit tests * feat: update more parsers and add correct bloomberg html files * fix: remove console statement * feat: all parsers updated and tests passing * fix: update date_published tests to account for test server time difference * fix: cleanup remaining fixtures in folders * feat: move fixtures for newest custom parsers * feat: remove script changes * fix: update dist files to account for reverting script changes * adding .DS_Store to .gitignore * adding .DS_Store to .gitignore -- 2 * adding .DS_Store to .gitignore -- 3 lol * cleaning up some tests * fix: ran build:generator command to update generate-custom-parser dist file * fix: update rollup configs to generate source maps and update source maps * fix: use underscore in place of unused error variable * fix: remove unused fixture Co-authored-by: Postlight Bot <> Co-authored-by: flbn <>
2 years ago
feat: update all fixtures and custom parsers to match (#713) * feat: Refactor and update fixtures This patch changes how fixtures are stored. Previously, a fixture's folder identified its domain and its filename identified when it was fetched. This has been changed so that the filename indicates the domain and the modified time of the file indicates how recently it was fetched. A fixture's filename can optionally include a modifier to distinguish between two different page types on the same domain, for example. Also included here are changes to the update-fixture script, both to accomodate the new filename scheme as well as to actually update all fixtures. The functionality for running automatically and opening PRs has been removed but will likely be reintroduced. Finally, all fixtures have been updated. * Remove reference to deleted extractor * feat: first batch of test and parser updates due to new fixtures * feat: update more custom parsers and unit tests * feat: update more custom parsers and unit tests and remove unnecessary parser * feat: update more custom parsers and unit tests * feat: update more parsers and add correct bloomberg html files * fix: remove console statement * feat: all parsers updated and tests passing * fix: update date_published tests to account for test server time difference * fix: cleanup remaining fixtures in folders * feat: move fixtures for newest custom parsers * feat: remove script changes * fix: update dist files to account for reverting script changes * adding .DS_Store to .gitignore * adding .DS_Store to .gitignore -- 2 * adding .DS_Store to .gitignore -- 3 lol * cleaning up some tests * fix: ran build:generator command to update generate-custom-parser dist file * fix: update rollup configs to generate source maps and update source maps * fix: use underscore in place of unused error variable * fix: remove unused fixture Co-authored-by: Postlight Bot <> Co-authored-by: flbn <>
2 years ago
<link rel="dns-prefetch" href="//">
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feat: update all fixtures and custom parsers to match (#713) * feat: Refactor and update fixtures This patch changes how fixtures are stored. Previously, a fixture's folder identified its domain and its filename identified when it was fetched. This has been changed so that the filename indicates the domain and the modified time of the file indicates how recently it was fetched. A fixture's filename can optionally include a modifier to distinguish between two different page types on the same domain, for example. Also included here are changes to the update-fixture script, both to accomodate the new filename scheme as well as to actually update all fixtures. The functionality for running automatically and opening PRs has been removed but will likely be reintroduced. Finally, all fixtures have been updated. * Remove reference to deleted extractor * feat: first batch of test and parser updates due to new fixtures * feat: update more custom parsers and unit tests * feat: update more custom parsers and unit tests and remove unnecessary parser * feat: update more custom parsers and unit tests * feat: update more parsers and add correct bloomberg html files * fix: remove console statement * feat: all parsers updated and tests passing * fix: update date_published tests to account for test server time difference * fix: cleanup remaining fixtures in folders * feat: move fixtures for newest custom parsers * feat: remove script changes * fix: update dist files to account for reverting script changes * adding .DS_Store to .gitignore * adding .DS_Store to .gitignore -- 2 * adding .DS_Store to .gitignore -- 3 lol * cleaning up some tests * fix: ran build:generator command to update generate-custom-parser dist file * fix: update rollup configs to generate source maps and update source maps * fix: use underscore in place of unused error variable * fix: remove unused fixture Co-authored-by: Postlight Bot <> Co-authored-by: flbn <>
2 years ago
<link rel="shortcut icon" href="" type="image/">
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feat: update all fixtures and custom parsers to match (#713) * feat: Refactor and update fixtures This patch changes how fixtures are stored. Previously, a fixture's folder identified its domain and its filename identified when it was fetched. This has been changed so that the filename indicates the domain and the modified time of the file indicates how recently it was fetched. A fixture's filename can optionally include a modifier to distinguish between two different page types on the same domain, for example. Also included here are changes to the update-fixture script, both to accomodate the new filename scheme as well as to actually update all fixtures. The functionality for running automatically and opening PRs has been removed but will likely be reintroduced. Finally, all fixtures have been updated. * Remove reference to deleted extractor * feat: first batch of test and parser updates due to new fixtures * feat: update more custom parsers and unit tests * feat: update more custom parsers and unit tests and remove unnecessary parser * feat: update more custom parsers and unit tests * feat: update more parsers and add correct bloomberg html files * fix: remove console statement * feat: all parsers updated and tests passing * fix: update date_published tests to account for test server time difference * fix: cleanup remaining fixtures in folders * feat: move fixtures for newest custom parsers * feat: remove script changes * fix: update dist files to account for reverting script changes * adding .DS_Store to .gitignore * adding .DS_Store to .gitignore -- 2 * adding .DS_Store to .gitignore -- 3 lol * cleaning up some tests * fix: ran build:generator command to update generate-custom-parser dist file * fix: update rollup configs to generate source maps and update source maps * fix: use underscore in place of unused error variable * fix: remove unused fixture Co-authored-by: Postlight Bot <> Co-authored-by: flbn <>
2 years ago
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<meta value="In this week&#x2019;s address, the Vice President laid out his and the President&#x2019;s plan to make two years of community college free for responsible students." name="og:description">
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feat: update all fixtures and custom parsers to match (#713) * feat: Refactor and update fixtures This patch changes how fixtures are stored. Previously, a fixture's folder identified its domain and its filename identified when it was fetched. This has been changed so that the filename indicates the domain and the modified time of the file indicates how recently it was fetched. A fixture's filename can optionally include a modifier to distinguish between two different page types on the same domain, for example. Also included here are changes to the update-fixture script, both to accomodate the new filename scheme as well as to actually update all fixtures. The functionality for running automatically and opening PRs has been removed but will likely be reintroduced. Finally, all fixtures have been updated. * Remove reference to deleted extractor * feat: first batch of test and parser updates due to new fixtures * feat: update more custom parsers and unit tests * feat: update more custom parsers and unit tests and remove unnecessary parser * feat: update more custom parsers and unit tests * feat: update more parsers and add correct bloomberg html files * fix: remove console statement * feat: all parsers updated and tests passing * fix: update date_published tests to account for test server time difference * fix: cleanup remaining fixtures in folders * feat: move fixtures for newest custom parsers * feat: remove script changes * fix: update dist files to account for reverting script changes * adding .DS_Store to .gitignore * adding .DS_Store to .gitignore -- 2 * adding .DS_Store to .gitignore -- 3 lol * cleaning up some tests * fix: ran build:generator command to update generate-custom-parser dist file * fix: update rollup configs to generate source maps and update source maps * fix: use underscore in place of unused error variable * fix: remove unused fixture Co-authored-by: Postlight Bot <> Co-authored-by: flbn <>
2 years ago
<meta name="twitter:image" value="">
<meta value="2015-04-11T06:00:00-04:00" name="article:published_time">
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<title>Weekly Address: Tuition-Free Community College |</title>
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feat: update all fixtures and custom parsers to match (#713) * feat: Refactor and update fixtures This patch changes how fixtures are stored. Previously, a fixture's folder identified its domain and its filename identified when it was fetched. This has been changed so that the filename indicates the domain and the modified time of the file indicates how recently it was fetched. A fixture's filename can optionally include a modifier to distinguish between two different page types on the same domain, for example. Also included here are changes to the update-fixture script, both to accomodate the new filename scheme as well as to actually update all fixtures. The functionality for running automatically and opening PRs has been removed but will likely be reintroduced. Finally, all fixtures have been updated. * Remove reference to deleted extractor * feat: first batch of test and parser updates due to new fixtures * feat: update more custom parsers and unit tests * feat: update more custom parsers and unit tests and remove unnecessary parser * feat: update more custom parsers and unit tests * feat: update more parsers and add correct bloomberg html files * fix: remove console statement * feat: all parsers updated and tests passing * fix: update date_published tests to account for test server time difference * fix: cleanup remaining fixtures in folders * feat: move fixtures for newest custom parsers * feat: remove script changes * fix: update dist files to account for reverting script changes * adding .DS_Store to .gitignore * adding .DS_Store to .gitignore -- 2 * adding .DS_Store to .gitignore -- 3 lol * cleaning up some tests * fix: ran build:generator command to update generate-custom-parser dist file * fix: update rollup configs to generate source maps and update source maps * fix: use underscore in place of unused error variable * fix: remove unused fixture Co-authored-by: Postlight Bot <> Co-authored-by: flbn <>
2 years ago
<link type="text/css" rel="stylesheet" href="" media="all">
feat: update all fixtures and custom parsers to match (#713) * feat: Refactor and update fixtures This patch changes how fixtures are stored. Previously, a fixture's folder identified its domain and its filename identified when it was fetched. This has been changed so that the filename indicates the domain and the modified time of the file indicates how recently it was fetched. A fixture's filename can optionally include a modifier to distinguish between two different page types on the same domain, for example. Also included here are changes to the update-fixture script, both to accomodate the new filename scheme as well as to actually update all fixtures. The functionality for running automatically and opening PRs has been removed but will likely be reintroduced. Finally, all fixtures have been updated. * Remove reference to deleted extractor * feat: first batch of test and parser updates due to new fixtures * feat: update more custom parsers and unit tests * feat: update more custom parsers and unit tests and remove unnecessary parser * feat: update more custom parsers and unit tests * feat: update more parsers and add correct bloomberg html files * fix: remove console statement * feat: all parsers updated and tests passing * fix: update date_published tests to account for test server time difference * fix: cleanup remaining fixtures in folders * feat: move fixtures for newest custom parsers * feat: remove script changes * fix: update dist files to account for reverting script changes * adding .DS_Store to .gitignore * adding .DS_Store to .gitignore -- 2 * adding .DS_Store to .gitignore -- 3 lol * cleaning up some tests * fix: ran build:generator command to update generate-custom-parser dist file * fix: update rollup configs to generate source maps and update source maps * fix: use underscore in place of unused error variable * fix: remove unused fixture Co-authored-by: Postlight Bot <> Co-authored-by: flbn <>
2 years ago
<body class="html not-front not-logged-in no-sidebars page-node page-node- page-node-99251 node-type-press-article section-the-press-office page-panels">
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<p class="skip-link">
feat: update all fixtures and custom parsers to match (#713) * feat: Refactor and update fixtures This patch changes how fixtures are stored. Previously, a fixture's folder identified its domain and its filename identified when it was fetched. This has been changed so that the filename indicates the domain and the modified time of the file indicates how recently it was fetched. A fixture's filename can optionally include a modifier to distinguish between two different page types on the same domain, for example. Also included here are changes to the update-fixture script, both to accomodate the new filename scheme as well as to actually update all fixtures. The functionality for running automatically and opening PRs has been removed but will likely be reintroduced. Finally, all fixtures have been updated. * Remove reference to deleted extractor * feat: first batch of test and parser updates due to new fixtures * feat: update more custom parsers and unit tests * feat: update more custom parsers and unit tests and remove unnecessary parser * feat: update more custom parsers and unit tests * feat: update more parsers and add correct bloomberg html files * fix: remove console statement * feat: all parsers updated and tests passing * fix: update date_published tests to account for test server time difference * fix: cleanup remaining fixtures in folders * feat: move fixtures for newest custom parsers * feat: remove script changes * fix: update dist files to account for reverting script changes * adding .DS_Store to .gitignore * adding .DS_Store to .gitignore -- 2 * adding .DS_Store to .gitignore -- 3 lol * cleaning up some tests * fix: ran build:generator command to update generate-custom-parser dist file * fix: update rollup configs to generate source maps and update source maps * fix: use underscore in place of unused error variable * fix: remove unused fixture Co-authored-by: Postlight Bot <> Co-authored-by: flbn <>
2 years ago
<a href="#content-start" class="element-invisible element-focusable">Jump to main content</a>
<p id="skip-link">
feat: update all fixtures and custom parsers to match (#713) * feat: Refactor and update fixtures This patch changes how fixtures are stored. Previously, a fixture's folder identified its domain and its filename identified when it was fetched. This has been changed so that the filename indicates the domain and the modified time of the file indicates how recently it was fetched. A fixture's filename can optionally include a modifier to distinguish between two different page types on the same domain, for example. Also included here are changes to the update-fixture script, both to accomodate the new filename scheme as well as to actually update all fixtures. The functionality for running automatically and opening PRs has been removed but will likely be reintroduced. Finally, all fixtures have been updated. * Remove reference to deleted extractor * feat: first batch of test and parser updates due to new fixtures * feat: update more custom parsers and unit tests * feat: update more custom parsers and unit tests and remove unnecessary parser * feat: update more custom parsers and unit tests * feat: update more parsers and add correct bloomberg html files * fix: remove console statement * feat: all parsers updated and tests passing * fix: update date_published tests to account for test server time difference * fix: cleanup remaining fixtures in folders * feat: move fixtures for newest custom parsers * feat: remove script changes * fix: update dist files to account for reverting script changes * adding .DS_Store to .gitignore * adding .DS_Store to .gitignore -- 2 * adding .DS_Store to .gitignore -- 3 lol * cleaning up some tests * fix: ran build:generator command to update generate-custom-parser dist file * fix: update rollup configs to generate source maps and update source maps * fix: use underscore in place of unused error variable * fix: remove unused fixture Co-authored-by: Postlight Bot <> Co-authored-by: flbn <>
2 years ago
<a href="#block-menu-block-sixteenhundrednav-main" class="element-invisible element-focusable">Jump to navigation</a>
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feat: update all fixtures and custom parsers to match (#713) * feat: Refactor and update fixtures This patch changes how fixtures are stored. Previously, a fixture's folder identified its domain and its filename identified when it was fetched. This has been changed so that the filename indicates the domain and the modified time of the file indicates how recently it was fetched. A fixture's filename can optionally include a modifier to distinguish between two different page types on the same domain, for example. Also included here are changes to the update-fixture script, both to accomodate the new filename scheme as well as to actually update all fixtures. The functionality for running automatically and opening PRs has been removed but will likely be reintroduced. Finally, all fixtures have been updated. * Remove reference to deleted extractor * feat: first batch of test and parser updates due to new fixtures * feat: update more custom parsers and unit tests * feat: update more custom parsers and unit tests and remove unnecessary parser * feat: update more custom parsers and unit tests * feat: update more parsers and add correct bloomberg html files * fix: remove console statement * feat: all parsers updated and tests passing * fix: update date_published tests to account for test server time difference * fix: cleanup remaining fixtures in folders * feat: move fixtures for newest custom parsers * feat: remove script changes * fix: update dist files to account for reverting script changes * adding .DS_Store to .gitignore * adding .DS_Store to .gitignore -- 2 * adding .DS_Store to .gitignore -- 3 lol * cleaning up some tests * fix: ran build:generator command to update generate-custom-parser dist file * fix: update rollup configs to generate source maps and update source maps * fix: use underscore in place of unused error variable * fix: remove unused fixture Co-authored-by: Postlight Bot <> Co-authored-by: flbn <>
2 years ago
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feat: update all fixtures and custom parsers to match (#713) * feat: Refactor and update fixtures This patch changes how fixtures are stored. Previously, a fixture's folder identified its domain and its filename identified when it was fetched. This has been changed so that the filename indicates the domain and the modified time of the file indicates how recently it was fetched. A fixture's filename can optionally include a modifier to distinguish between two different page types on the same domain, for example. Also included here are changes to the update-fixture script, both to accomodate the new filename scheme as well as to actually update all fixtures. The functionality for running automatically and opening PRs has been removed but will likely be reintroduced. Finally, all fixtures have been updated. * Remove reference to deleted extractor * feat: first batch of test and parser updates due to new fixtures * feat: update more custom parsers and unit tests * feat: update more custom parsers and unit tests and remove unnecessary parser * feat: update more custom parsers and unit tests * feat: update more parsers and add correct bloomberg html files * fix: remove console statement * feat: all parsers updated and tests passing * fix: update date_published tests to account for test server time difference * fix: cleanup remaining fixtures in folders * feat: move fixtures for newest custom parsers * feat: remove script changes * fix: update dist files to account for reverting script changes * adding .DS_Store to .gitignore * adding .DS_Store to .gitignore -- 2 * adding .DS_Store to .gitignore -- 3 lol * cleaning up some tests * fix: ran build:generator command to update generate-custom-parser dist file * fix: update rollup configs to generate source maps and update source maps * fix: use underscore in place of unused error variable * fix: remove unused fixture Co-authored-by: Postlight Bot <> Co-authored-by: flbn <>
2 years ago
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feat: update all fixtures and custom parsers to match (#713) * feat: Refactor and update fixtures This patch changes how fixtures are stored. Previously, a fixture's folder identified its domain and its filename identified when it was fetched. This has been changed so that the filename indicates the domain and the modified time of the file indicates how recently it was fetched. A fixture's filename can optionally include a modifier to distinguish between two different page types on the same domain, for example. Also included here are changes to the update-fixture script, both to accomodate the new filename scheme as well as to actually update all fixtures. The functionality for running automatically and opening PRs has been removed but will likely be reintroduced. Finally, all fixtures have been updated. * Remove reference to deleted extractor * feat: first batch of test and parser updates due to new fixtures * feat: update more custom parsers and unit tests * feat: update more custom parsers and unit tests and remove unnecessary parser * feat: update more custom parsers and unit tests * feat: update more parsers and add correct bloomberg html files * fix: remove console statement * feat: all parsers updated and tests passing * fix: update date_published tests to account for test server time difference * fix: cleanup remaining fixtures in folders * feat: move fixtures for newest custom parsers * feat: remove script changes * fix: update dist files to account for reverting script changes * adding .DS_Store to .gitignore * adding .DS_Store to .gitignore -- 2 * adding .DS_Store to .gitignore -- 3 lol * cleaning up some tests * fix: ran build:generator command to update generate-custom-parser dist file * fix: update rollup configs to generate source maps and update source maps * fix: use underscore in place of unused error variable * fix: remove unused fixture Co-authored-by: Postlight Bot <> Co-authored-by: flbn <>
2 years ago
<ul class="menu"><li class="first leaf menu-mlid-5816 main-nav--menu-item --main-nav--menu-item odd depth-1 no-children" data-position="1"><a href="" class="no-header">Home<i class="fa fa-angle-down"></i></a></li>
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<li class="leaf menu-mlid-5866 main-nav--menu-item --main-nav--menu-item odd depth-3 no-children" data-position="3"><div class="menu-featured__item"><a href="" title="View the photo of the day and other galleries" class="menu-featured__link">Photos</a><span class="menu-featured__description">View the photo of the day and other galleries</span></div></li>
</ul><ul class="menu-featured__column"><li class="leaf menu-mlid-5871 main-nav--menu-item --main-nav--menu-item even depth-3 no-children" data-position="4"><div class="menu-featured__item"><a href="" title="Watch behind-the-scenes videos and more" class="menu-featured__link">Video Gallery</a><span class="menu-featured__description">Watch behind-the-scenes videos and more</span></div></li>
feat: update all fixtures and custom parsers to match (#713) * feat: Refactor and update fixtures This patch changes how fixtures are stored. Previously, a fixture's folder identified its domain and its filename identified when it was fetched. This has been changed so that the filename indicates the domain and the modified time of the file indicates how recently it was fetched. A fixture's filename can optionally include a modifier to distinguish between two different page types on the same domain, for example. Also included here are changes to the update-fixture script, both to accomodate the new filename scheme as well as to actually update all fixtures. The functionality for running automatically and opening PRs has been removed but will likely be reintroduced. Finally, all fixtures have been updated. * Remove reference to deleted extractor * feat: first batch of test and parser updates due to new fixtures * feat: update more custom parsers and unit tests * feat: update more custom parsers and unit tests and remove unnecessary parser * feat: update more custom parsers and unit tests * feat: update more parsers and add correct bloomberg html files * fix: remove console statement * feat: all parsers updated and tests passing * fix: update date_published tests to account for test server time difference * fix: cleanup remaining fixtures in folders * feat: move fixtures for newest custom parsers * feat: remove script changes * fix: update dist files to account for reverting script changes * adding .DS_Store to .gitignore * adding .DS_Store to .gitignore -- 2 * adding .DS_Store to .gitignore -- 3 lol * cleaning up some tests * fix: ran build:generator command to update generate-custom-parser dist file * fix: update rollup configs to generate source maps and update source maps * fix: use underscore in place of unused error variable * fix: remove unused fixture Co-authored-by: Postlight Bot <> Co-authored-by: flbn <>
2 years ago
<li class="leaf menu-mlid-7071 main-nav--menu-item --main-nav--menu-item odd depth-3 no-children" data-position="5"><div class="menu-featured__item"><a href="/live" title="Tune in to White House events and statements as they happen" class="menu-featured__link">Live Events</a><span class="menu-featured__description">Tune in to White House events and statements as they happen</span></div></li>
<li class="last leaf menu-mlid-5881 main-nav--menu-item --main-nav--menu-item even depth-3 no-children" data-position="6"><div class="menu-featured__item"><a href="" title="See the lineup of artists and performers at the White House" class="menu-featured__link">Music &amp; Arts Performances</a><span class="menu-featured__description">See the lineup of artists and performers at the White House</span></div></li>
feat: update all fixtures and custom parsers to match (#713) * feat: Refactor and update fixtures This patch changes how fixtures are stored. Previously, a fixture's folder identified its domain and its filename identified when it was fetched. This has been changed so that the filename indicates the domain and the modified time of the file indicates how recently it was fetched. A fixture's filename can optionally include a modifier to distinguish between two different page types on the same domain, for example. Also included here are changes to the update-fixture script, both to accomodate the new filename scheme as well as to actually update all fixtures. The functionality for running automatically and opening PRs has been removed but will likely be reintroduced. Finally, all fixtures have been updated. * Remove reference to deleted extractor * feat: first batch of test and parser updates due to new fixtures * feat: update more custom parsers and unit tests * feat: update more custom parsers and unit tests and remove unnecessary parser * feat: update more custom parsers and unit tests * feat: update more parsers and add correct bloomberg html files * fix: remove console statement * feat: all parsers updated and tests passing * fix: update date_published tests to account for test server time difference * fix: cleanup remaining fixtures in folders * feat: move fixtures for newest custom parsers * feat: remove script changes * fix: update dist files to account for reverting script changes * adding .DS_Store to .gitignore * adding .DS_Store to .gitignore -- 2 * adding .DS_Store to .gitignore -- 3 lol * cleaning up some tests * fix: ran build:generator command to update generate-custom-parser dist file * fix: update rollup configs to generate source maps and update source maps * fix: use underscore in place of unused error variable * fix: remove unused fixture Co-authored-by: Postlight Bot <> Co-authored-by: flbn <>
2 years ago
<li class="menu__item is-expanded last expanded menu-mlid-77741 main-nav--menu-item --main-nav--menu-item even depth-2 children children-9" data-position="2"><span class="menu__link nolink" tabindex="0">From the Press Office</span><ul class="menu"><li class="menu__item is-leaf first leaf menu-mlid-5886 main-nav--menu-item --main-nav--menu-item odd depth-3 no-children" data-position="1"><a href="/briefing-room/weekly-address" class="menu__link">Your Weekly Address</a></li>
<li class="menu__item is-leaf leaf menu-mlid-5891 main-nav--menu-item --main-nav--menu-item even depth-3 no-children" data-position="2"><a href="/briefing-room/speeches-and-remarks" class="menu__link">Speeches &amp; Remarks</a></li>
<li class="menu__item is-leaf leaf menu-mlid-5896 main-nav--menu-item --main-nav--menu-item odd depth-3 no-children" data-position="3"><a href="/briefing-room/press-briefings" class="menu__link">Press Briefings</a></li>
<li class="menu__item is-leaf leaf menu-mlid-5901 main-nav--menu-item --main-nav--menu-item even depth-3 no-children" data-position="4"><a href="/briefing-room/statements-and-releases" class="menu__link">Statements &amp; Releases</a></li>
<li class="menu__item is-leaf leaf menu-mlid-5906 main-nav--menu-item --main-nav--menu-item odd depth-3 no-children" data-position="5"><a href="" class="menu__link">White House Schedule</a></li>
feat: update all fixtures and custom parsers to match (#713) * feat: Refactor and update fixtures This patch changes how fixtures are stored. Previously, a fixture's folder identified its domain and its filename identified when it was fetched. This has been changed so that the filename indicates the domain and the modified time of the file indicates how recently it was fetched. A fixture's filename can optionally include a modifier to distinguish between two different page types on the same domain, for example. Also included here are changes to the update-fixture script, both to accomodate the new filename scheme as well as to actually update all fixtures. The functionality for running automatically and opening PRs has been removed but will likely be reintroduced. Finally, all fixtures have been updated. * Remove reference to deleted extractor * feat: first batch of test and parser updates due to new fixtures * feat: update more custom parsers and unit tests * feat: update more custom parsers and unit tests and remove unnecessary parser * feat: update more custom parsers and unit tests * feat: update more parsers and add correct bloomberg html files * fix: remove console statement * feat: all parsers updated and tests passing * fix: update date_published tests to account for test server time difference * fix: cleanup remaining fixtures in folders * feat: move fixtures for newest custom parsers * feat: remove script changes * fix: update dist files to account for reverting script changes * adding .DS_Store to .gitignore * adding .DS_Store to .gitignore -- 2 * adding .DS_Store to .gitignore -- 3 lol * cleaning up some tests * fix: ran build:generator command to update generate-custom-parser dist file * fix: update rollup configs to generate source maps and update source maps * fix: use underscore in place of unused error variable * fix: remove unused fixture Co-authored-by: Postlight Bot <> Co-authored-by: flbn <>
2 years ago
<li class="menu__item is-leaf is-parent leaf has-children menu-mlid-5911 main-nav--menu-item --main-nav--menu-item even depth-3 no-children" data-position="6"><a href="/briefing-room/presidential-actions" class="menu__link">Presidential Actions</a></li>
<li class="menu__item is-leaf leaf menu-mlid-5916 main-nav--menu-item --main-nav--menu-item odd depth-3 no-children" data-position="7"><a href="/briefing-room/legislation" class="menu__link">Legislation</a></li>
<li class="menu__item is-leaf leaf menu-mlid-142711 main-nav--menu-item --main-nav--menu-item even depth-3 no-children" data-position="8"><a href="/briefing-room/nominations-and-appointments" class="menu__link">Nominations &amp; Appointments</a></li>
<li class="menu__item is-leaf last leaf menu-mlid-142716 main-nav--menu-item --main-nav--menu-item odd depth-3 no-children" data-position="9"><a href="/briefing-room/disclosures" class="menu__link">Disclosures</a></li>
feat: update all fixtures and custom parsers to match (#713) * feat: Refactor and update fixtures This patch changes how fixtures are stored. Previously, a fixture's folder identified its domain and its filename identified when it was fetched. This has been changed so that the filename indicates the domain and the modified time of the file indicates how recently it was fetched. A fixture's filename can optionally include a modifier to distinguish between two different page types on the same domain, for example. Also included here are changes to the update-fixture script, both to accomodate the new filename scheme as well as to actually update all fixtures. The functionality for running automatically and opening PRs has been removed but will likely be reintroduced. Finally, all fixtures have been updated. * Remove reference to deleted extractor * feat: first batch of test and parser updates due to new fixtures * feat: update more custom parsers and unit tests * feat: update more custom parsers and unit tests and remove unnecessary parser * feat: update more custom parsers and unit tests * feat: update more parsers and add correct bloomberg html files * fix: remove console statement * feat: all parsers updated and tests passing * fix: update date_published tests to account for test server time difference * fix: cleanup remaining fixtures in folders * feat: move fixtures for newest custom parsers * feat: remove script changes * fix: update dist files to account for reverting script changes * adding .DS_Store to .gitignore * adding .DS_Store to .gitignore -- 2 * adding .DS_Store to .gitignore -- 3 lol * cleaning up some tests * fix: ran build:generator command to update generate-custom-parser dist file * fix: update rollup configs to generate source maps and update source maps * fix: use underscore in place of unused error variable * fix: remove unused fixture Co-authored-by: Postlight Bot <> Co-authored-by: flbn <>
2 years ago
<li class="expanded menu-mlid-5826 main-nav--menu-item --main-nav--menu-item odd depth-1 children children-4" data-position="3"><a href="">Issues<i class="fa fa-angle-down"></i></a><ul class="menu"><div class="depth-2-wrapper"><li class="menu__item is-expanded first expanded menu-mlid-5931 main-nav--menu-item --main-nav--menu-item odd depth-2 children children-5 menu-featured" data-position="1"><span class="menu__link nolink" tabindex="0">Popular Topics</span><ul class="menu"><li class="menu__item is-leaf first leaf menu-mlid-763306 main-nav--menu-item --main-nav--menu-item odd depth-3 no-children" data-position="1"><a href="/the-record" class="menu__link">The Record</a></li>
<li class="menu__item is-leaf leaf menu-mlid-766791 main-nav--menu-item --main-nav--menu-item even depth-3 no-children" data-position="2"><a href="" class="menu__link">Cabinet Exit Memos</a></li>
<li class="menu__item is-leaf leaf menu-mlid-1044606 main-nav--menu-item --main-nav--menu-item odd depth-3 no-children" data-position="3"><a href="" class="menu__link">Criminal Justice Reform</a></li>
<li class="menu__item is-leaf leaf menu-mlid-905166 main-nav--menu-item --main-nav--menu-item even depth-3 no-children" data-position="4"><a href="" class="menu__link">Cuba</a></li>
<li class="menu__item is-leaf last leaf menu-mlid-5966 main-nav--menu-item --main-nav--menu-item odd depth-3 no-children" data-position="5"><a href="" class="menu__link">See All</a></li>
feat: update all fixtures and custom parsers to match (#713) * feat: Refactor and update fixtures This patch changes how fixtures are stored. Previously, a fixture's folder identified its domain and its filename identified when it was fetched. This has been changed so that the filename indicates the domain and the modified time of the file indicates how recently it was fetched. A fixture's filename can optionally include a modifier to distinguish between two different page types on the same domain, for example. Also included here are changes to the update-fixture script, both to accomodate the new filename scheme as well as to actually update all fixtures. The functionality for running automatically and opening PRs has been removed but will likely be reintroduced. Finally, all fixtures have been updated. * Remove reference to deleted extractor * feat: first batch of test and parser updates due to new fixtures * feat: update more custom parsers and unit tests * feat: update more custom parsers and unit tests and remove unnecessary parser * feat: update more custom parsers and unit tests * feat: update more parsers and add correct bloomberg html files * fix: remove console statement * feat: all parsers updated and tests passing * fix: update date_published tests to account for test server time difference * fix: cleanup remaining fixtures in folders * feat: move fixtures for newest custom parsers * feat: remove script changes * fix: update dist files to account for reverting script changes * adding .DS_Store to .gitignore * adding .DS_Store to .gitignore -- 2 * adding .DS_Store to .gitignore -- 3 lol * cleaning up some tests * fix: ran build:generator command to update generate-custom-parser dist file * fix: update rollup configs to generate source maps and update source maps * fix: use underscore in place of unused error variable * fix: remove unused fixture Co-authored-by: Postlight Bot <> Co-authored-by: flbn <>
2 years ago
<li class="menu__item is-expanded expanded menu-mlid-5936 main-nav--menu-item --main-nav--menu-item even depth-2 children children-8" data-position="2"><span class="menu__link nolink" tabindex="0">Top Issues</span><ul class="menu"><li class="menu__item is-leaf first leaf menu-mlid-5996 main-nav--menu-item --main-nav--menu-item odd depth-3 no-children" data-position="1"><a href="" class="menu__link">Civil Rights</a></li>
<li class="menu__item is-leaf leaf menu-mlid-5951 main-nav--menu-item --main-nav--menu-item even depth-3 no-children" data-position="2"><a href="" class="menu__link">Climate Change</a></li>
<li class="menu__item is-leaf leaf menu-mlid-5971 main-nav--menu-item --main-nav--menu-item odd depth-3 no-children" data-position="3"><a href="" class="menu__link">Economy</a></li>
<li class="menu__item is-leaf leaf menu-mlid-5976 main-nav--menu-item --main-nav--menu-item even depth-3 no-children" data-position="4"><a href="" class="menu__link">Education</a></li>
<li class="menu__item is-leaf leaf menu-mlid-5981 main-nav--menu-item --main-nav--menu-item odd depth-3 no-children" data-position="5"><a href="" class="menu__link">Foreign Policy</a></li>
feat: update all fixtures and custom parsers to match (#713) * feat: Refactor and update fixtures This patch changes how fixtures are stored. Previously, a fixture's folder identified its domain and its filename identified when it was fetched. This has been changed so that the filename indicates the domain and the modified time of the file indicates how recently it was fetched. A fixture's filename can optionally include a modifier to distinguish between two different page types on the same domain, for example. Also included here are changes to the update-fixture script, both to accomodate the new filename scheme as well as to actually update all fixtures. The functionality for running automatically and opening PRs has been removed but will likely be reintroduced. Finally, all fixtures have been updated. * Remove reference to deleted extractor * feat: first batch of test and parser updates due to new fixtures * feat: update more custom parsers and unit tests * feat: update more custom parsers and unit tests and remove unnecessary parser * feat: update more custom parsers and unit tests * feat: update more parsers and add correct bloomberg html files * fix: remove console statement * feat: all parsers updated and tests passing * fix: update date_published tests to account for test server time difference * fix: cleanup remaining fixtures in folders * feat: move fixtures for newest custom parsers * feat: remove script changes * fix: update dist files to account for reverting script changes * adding .DS_Store to .gitignore * adding .DS_Store to .gitignore -- 2 * adding .DS_Store to .gitignore -- 3 lol * cleaning up some tests * fix: ran build:generator command to update generate-custom-parser dist file * fix: update rollup configs to generate source maps and update source maps * fix: use underscore in place of unused error variable * fix: remove unused fixture Co-authored-by: Postlight Bot <> Co-authored-by: flbn <>
2 years ago
<li class="menu__item is-leaf is-parent leaf has-children menu-mlid-5986 main-nav--menu-item --main-nav--menu-item even depth-3 no-children" data-position="6"><a href="" class="menu__link">Health Care</a></li>
<li class="menu__item is-leaf leaf menu-mlid-627051 main-nav--menu-item --main-nav--menu-item odd depth-3 no-children" data-position="7"><a href="" class="menu__link">Iran Deal</a></li>
<li class="menu__item is-leaf last leaf menu-mlid-35246 main-nav--menu-item --main-nav--menu-item even depth-3 no-children" data-position="8"><a href="" class="menu__link">Immigration Action</a></li>
feat: update all fixtures and custom parsers to match (#713) * feat: Refactor and update fixtures This patch changes how fixtures are stored. Previously, a fixture's folder identified its domain and its filename identified when it was fetched. This has been changed so that the filename indicates the domain and the modified time of the file indicates how recently it was fetched. A fixture's filename can optionally include a modifier to distinguish between two different page types on the same domain, for example. Also included here are changes to the update-fixture script, both to accomodate the new filename scheme as well as to actually update all fixtures. The functionality for running automatically and opening PRs has been removed but will likely be reintroduced. Finally, all fixtures have been updated. * Remove reference to deleted extractor * feat: first batch of test and parser updates due to new fixtures * feat: update more custom parsers and unit tests * feat: update more custom parsers and unit tests and remove unnecessary parser * feat: update more custom parsers and unit tests * feat: update more parsers and add correct bloomberg html files * fix: remove console statement * feat: all parsers updated and tests passing * fix: update date_published tests to account for test server time difference * fix: cleanup remaining fixtures in folders * feat: move fixtures for newest custom parsers * feat: remove script changes * fix: update dist files to account for reverting script changes * adding .DS_Store to .gitignore * adding .DS_Store to .gitignore -- 2 * adding .DS_Store to .gitignore -- 3 lol * cleaning up some tests * fix: ran build:generator command to update generate-custom-parser dist file * fix: update rollup configs to generate source maps and update source maps * fix: use underscore in place of unused error variable * fix: remove unused fixture Co-authored-by: Postlight Bot <> Co-authored-by: flbn <>
2 years ago
<li class="menu__item is-expanded expanded menu-mlid-7321 main-nav--menu-item --main-nav--menu-item odd depth-2 children children-8" data-position="3"><span class="menu__link nolink" tabindex="0">More</span><ul class="menu"><li class="menu__item is-leaf first leaf menu-mlid-131696 main-nav--menu-item --main-nav--menu-item odd depth-3 no-children" data-position="1"><a href="/issues/defense" class="menu__link">Defense</a></li>
<li class="menu__item is-leaf leaf menu-mlid-91131 main-nav--menu-item --main-nav--menu-item even depth-3 no-children" data-position="2"><a href="/issues/disabilities" class="menu__link">Disabilities</a></li>
<li class="menu__item is-leaf leaf menu-mlid-6011 main-nav--menu-item --main-nav--menu-item odd depth-3 no-children" data-position="3"><a href="" class="menu__link">Ethics</a></li>
<li class="menu__item is-leaf leaf menu-mlid-6016 main-nav--menu-item --main-nav--menu-item even depth-3 no-children" data-position="4"><a href="" class="menu__link">Equal Pay</a></li>
feat: update all fixtures and custom parsers to match (#713) * feat: Refactor and update fixtures This patch changes how fixtures are stored. Previously, a fixture's folder identified its domain and its filename identified when it was fetched. This has been changed so that the filename indicates the domain and the modified time of the file indicates how recently it was fetched. A fixture's filename can optionally include a modifier to distinguish between two different page types on the same domain, for example. Also included here are changes to the update-fixture script, both to accomodate the new filename scheme as well as to actually update all fixtures. The functionality for running automatically and opening PRs has been removed but will likely be reintroduced. Finally, all fixtures have been updated. * Remove reference to deleted extractor * feat: first batch of test and parser updates due to new fixtures * feat: update more custom parsers and unit tests * feat: update more custom parsers and unit tests and remove unnecessary parser * feat: update more custom parsers and unit tests * feat: update more parsers and add correct bloomberg html files * fix: remove console statement * feat: all parsers updated and tests passing * fix: update date_published tests to account for test server time difference * fix: cleanup remaining fixtures in folders * feat: move fixtures for newest custom parsers * feat: remove script changes * fix: update dist files to account for reverting script changes * adding .DS_Store to .gitignore * adding .DS_Store to .gitignore -- 2 * adding .DS_Store to .gitignore -- 3 lol * cleaning up some tests * fix: ran build:generator command to update generate-custom-parser dist file * fix: update rollup configs to generate source maps and update source maps * fix: use underscore in place of unused error variable * fix: remove unused fixture Co-authored-by: Postlight Bot <> Co-authored-by: flbn <>
2 years ago
<li class="menu__item is-leaf leaf menu-mlid-131731 main-nav--menu-item --main-nav--menu-item odd depth-3 no-children" data-position="5"><a href="/issues/homeland-security" class="menu__link">Homeland Security</a></li>
<li class="menu__item is-leaf leaf menu-mlid-6066 main-nav--menu-item --main-nav--menu-item even depth-3 no-children" data-position="6"><a href="" class="menu__link">Reducing Gun Violence</a></li>
<li class="menu__item is-leaf leaf menu-mlid-6031 main-nav--menu-item --main-nav--menu-item odd depth-3 no-children" data-position="7"><a href="" class="menu__link">Rural</a></li>
feat: update all fixtures and custom parsers to match (#713) * feat: Refactor and update fixtures This patch changes how fixtures are stored. Previously, a fixture's folder identified its domain and its filename identified when it was fetched. This has been changed so that the filename indicates the domain and the modified time of the file indicates how recently it was fetched. A fixture's filename can optionally include a modifier to distinguish between two different page types on the same domain, for example. Also included here are changes to the update-fixture script, both to accomodate the new filename scheme as well as to actually update all fixtures. The functionality for running automatically and opening PRs has been removed but will likely be reintroduced. Finally, all fixtures have been updated. * Remove reference to deleted extractor * feat: first batch of test and parser updates due to new fixtures * feat: update more custom parsers and unit tests * feat: update more custom parsers and unit tests and remove unnecessary parser * feat: update more custom parsers and unit tests * feat: update more parsers and add correct bloomberg html files * fix: remove console statement * feat: all parsers updated and tests passing * fix: update date_published tests to account for test server time difference * fix: cleanup remaining fixtures in folders * feat: move fixtures for newest custom parsers * feat: remove script changes * fix: update dist files to account for reverting script changes * adding .DS_Store to .gitignore * adding .DS_Store to .gitignore -- 2 * adding .DS_Store to .gitignore -- 3 lol * cleaning up some tests * fix: ran build:generator command to update generate-custom-parser dist file * fix: update rollup configs to generate source maps and update source maps * fix: use underscore in place of unused error variable * fix: remove unused fixture Co-authored-by: Postlight Bot <> Co-authored-by: flbn <>
2 years ago
<li class="menu__item is-leaf last leaf menu-mlid-145746 main-nav--menu-item --main-nav--menu-item even depth-3 no-children" data-position="8"><a href="/issues/service" class="menu__link">Service</a></li>
feat: update all fixtures and custom parsers to match (#713) * feat: Refactor and update fixtures This patch changes how fixtures are stored. Previously, a fixture's folder identified its domain and its filename identified when it was fetched. This has been changed so that the filename indicates the domain and the modified time of the file indicates how recently it was fetched. A fixture's filename can optionally include a modifier to distinguish between two different page types on the same domain, for example. Also included here are changes to the update-fixture script, both to accomodate the new filename scheme as well as to actually update all fixtures. The functionality for running automatically and opening PRs has been removed but will likely be reintroduced. Finally, all fixtures have been updated. * Remove reference to deleted extractor * feat: first batch of test and parser updates due to new fixtures * feat: update more custom parsers and unit tests * feat: update more custom parsers and unit tests and remove unnecessary parser * feat: update more custom parsers and unit tests * feat: update more parsers and add correct bloomberg html files * fix: remove console statement * feat: all parsers updated and tests passing * fix: update date_published tests to account for test server time difference * fix: cleanup remaining fixtures in folders * feat: move fixtures for newest custom parsers * feat: remove script changes * fix: update dist files to account for reverting script changes * adding .DS_Store to .gitignore * adding .DS_Store to .gitignore -- 2 * adding .DS_Store to .gitignore -- 3 lol * cleaning up some tests * fix: ran build:generator command to update generate-custom-parser dist file * fix: update rollup configs to generate source maps and update source maps * fix: use underscore in place of unused error variable * fix: remove unused fixture Co-authored-by: Postlight Bot <> Co-authored-by: flbn <>
2 years ago
<li class="menu__item is-expanded last expanded menu-mlid-5941 main-nav--menu-item --main-nav--menu-item even depth-2 children children-7" data-position="4"><span class="menu__link nolink" tabindex="0">More</span><ul class="menu"><li class="menu__item is-leaf first leaf menu-mlid-132791 main-nav--menu-item --main-nav--menu-item odd depth-3 no-children" data-position="1"><a href="/issues/seniors-and-social-security" class="menu__link">Seniors &amp; Social Security</a></li>
<li class="menu__item is-leaf leaf menu-mlid-127311 main-nav--menu-item --main-nav--menu-item even depth-3 no-children" data-position="2"><a href="/issues/taxes" class="menu__link">Taxes</a></li>
<li class="menu__item is-leaf leaf menu-mlid-123561 main-nav--menu-item --main-nav--menu-item odd depth-3 no-children" data-position="3"><a href="/issues/technology" class="menu__link">Technology</a></li>
<li class="menu__item is-leaf leaf menu-mlid-93756 main-nav--menu-item --main-nav--menu-item even depth-3 no-children" data-position="4"><a href="" class="menu__link">Trade</a></li>
<li class="menu__item is-leaf leaf menu-mlid-6056 main-nav--menu-item --main-nav--menu-item odd depth-3 no-children" data-position="5"><a href="" class="menu__link">Urban and Economic Mobility</a></li>
<li class="menu__item is-leaf leaf menu-mlid-6061 main-nav--menu-item --main-nav--menu-item even depth-3 no-children" data-position="6"><a href="" class="menu__link">Veterans</a></li>
<li class="menu__item is-leaf last leaf menu-mlid-6071 main-nav--menu-item --main-nav--menu-item odd depth-3 no-children" data-position="7"><a href="" class="menu__link">Women</a></li>
feat: update all fixtures and custom parsers to match (#713) * feat: Refactor and update fixtures This patch changes how fixtures are stored. Previously, a fixture's folder identified its domain and its filename identified when it was fetched. This has been changed so that the filename indicates the domain and the modified time of the file indicates how recently it was fetched. A fixture's filename can optionally include a modifier to distinguish between two different page types on the same domain, for example. Also included here are changes to the update-fixture script, both to accomodate the new filename scheme as well as to actually update all fixtures. The functionality for running automatically and opening PRs has been removed but will likely be reintroduced. Finally, all fixtures have been updated. * Remove reference to deleted extractor * feat: first batch of test and parser updates due to new fixtures * feat: update more custom parsers and unit tests * feat: update more custom parsers and unit tests and remove unnecessary parser * feat: update more custom parsers and unit tests * feat: update more parsers and add correct bloomberg html files * fix: remove console statement * feat: all parsers updated and tests passing * fix: update date_published tests to account for test server time difference * fix: cleanup remaining fixtures in folders * feat: move fixtures for newest custom parsers * feat: remove script changes * fix: update dist files to account for reverting script changes * adding .DS_Store to .gitignore * adding .DS_Store to .gitignore -- 2 * adding .DS_Store to .gitignore -- 3 lol * cleaning up some tests * fix: ran build:generator command to update generate-custom-parser dist file * fix: update rollup configs to generate source maps and update source maps * fix: use underscore in place of unused error variable * fix: remove unused fixture Co-authored-by: Postlight Bot <> Co-authored-by: flbn <>
2 years ago
<li class="expanded menu-mlid-5831 main-nav--menu-item --main-nav--menu-item even depth-1 children children-4" data-position="4"><a href="">The Administration<i class="fa fa-angle-down"></i></a><ul class="menu"><div class="depth-2-wrapper"><li class="menu__item is-expanded first expanded menu-mlid-6076 main-nav--menu-item --main-nav--menu-item odd depth-2 children children-8" data-position="1"><span class="menu__link nolink" tabindex="0">People</span><ul class="menu"><li class="menu__item is-leaf first leaf menu-mlid-45996 main-nav--menu-item --main-nav--menu-item odd depth-3 no-children" data-position="1"><a href="/administration/president-obama" class="menu__link">President Barack Obama</a></li>
<li class="menu__item is-leaf leaf menu-mlid-6106 main-nav--menu-item --main-nav--menu-item even depth-3 no-children" data-position="2"><a href="" class="menu__link">Vice President Joe Biden</a></li>
feat: update all fixtures and custom parsers to match (#713) * feat: Refactor and update fixtures This patch changes how fixtures are stored. Previously, a fixture's folder identified its domain and its filename identified when it was fetched. This has been changed so that the filename indicates the domain and the modified time of the file indicates how recently it was fetched. A fixture's filename can optionally include a modifier to distinguish between two different page types on the same domain, for example. Also included here are changes to the update-fixture script, both to accomodate the new filename scheme as well as to actually update all fixtures. The functionality for running automatically and opening PRs has been removed but will likely be reintroduced. Finally, all fixtures have been updated. * Remove reference to deleted extractor * feat: first batch of test and parser updates due to new fixtures * feat: update more custom parsers and unit tests * feat: update more custom parsers and unit tests and remove unnecessary parser * feat: update more custom parsers and unit tests * feat: update more parsers and add correct bloomberg html files * fix: remove console statement * feat: all parsers updated and tests passing * fix: update date_published tests to account for test server time difference * fix: cleanup remaining fixtures in folders * feat: move fixtures for newest custom parsers * feat: remove script changes * fix: update dist files to account for reverting script changes * adding .DS_Store to .gitignore * adding .DS_Store to .gitignore -- 2 * adding .DS_Store to .gitignore -- 3 lol * cleaning up some tests * fix: ran build:generator command to update generate-custom-parser dist file * fix: update rollup configs to generate source maps and update source maps * fix: use underscore in place of unused error variable * fix: remove unused fixture Co-authored-by: Postlight Bot <> Co-authored-by: flbn <>
2 years ago
<li class="menu__item is-leaf leaf menu-mlid-45356 main-nav--menu-item --main-nav--menu-item odd depth-3 no-children" data-position="3"><a href="/administration/first-lady-michelle-obama" class="menu__link">First Lady Michelle Obama</a></li>
<li class="menu__item is-leaf leaf menu-mlid-45961 main-nav--menu-item --main-nav--menu-item even depth-3 no-children" data-position="4"><a href="/administration/jill-biden" class="menu__link">Dr. Jill Biden</a></li>
<li class="menu__item is-leaf leaf menu-mlid-35121 main-nav--menu-item --main-nav--menu-item odd depth-3 no-children" data-position="5"><a href="/administration/cabinet" class="menu__link">The Cabinet</a></li>
<li class="menu__item is-leaf leaf menu-mlid-89106 main-nav--menu-item --main-nav--menu-item even depth-3 no-children" data-position="6"><a href="/administration/eop" class="menu__link">Executive Office of the President</a></li>
<li class="menu__item is-leaf leaf menu-mlid-89236 main-nav--menu-item --main-nav--menu-item odd depth-3 no-children" data-position="7"><a href="/administration/senior-leadership" class="menu__link">Senior White House Leadership</a></li>
<li class="menu__item is-leaf last leaf menu-mlid-46031 main-nav--menu-item --main-nav--menu-item even depth-3 no-children" data-position="8"><a href="/administration/other-advisory-boards" class="menu__link">Other Advisory Boards</a></li>
<li class="menu__item is-expanded expanded menu-mlid-6081 main-nav--menu-item --main-nav--menu-item even depth-2 children children-6" data-position="2"><span class="menu__link nolink" tabindex="0">Executive Offices</span><ul class="menu"><li class="menu__item is-leaf is-parent first leaf has-children menu-mlid-6126 main-nav--menu-item --main-nav--menu-item odd depth-3 no-children" data-position="1"><a href="" class="menu__link">Office of Management and Budget</a></li>
<li class="menu__item is-leaf is-parent leaf has-children menu-mlid-6136 main-nav--menu-item --main-nav--menu-item even depth-3 no-children" data-position="2"><a href="" class="menu__link">Office of Science and Technology Policy</a></li>
<li class="menu__item is-leaf leaf menu-mlid-6141 main-nav--menu-item --main-nav--menu-item odd depth-3 no-children" data-position="3"><a href="" class="menu__link">Council of Economic Advisers</a></li>
feat: update all fixtures and custom parsers to match (#713) * feat: Refactor and update fixtures This patch changes how fixtures are stored. Previously, a fixture's folder identified its domain and its filename identified when it was fetched. This has been changed so that the filename indicates the domain and the modified time of the file indicates how recently it was fetched. A fixture's filename can optionally include a modifier to distinguish between two different page types on the same domain, for example. Also included here are changes to the update-fixture script, both to accomodate the new filename scheme as well as to actually update all fixtures. The functionality for running automatically and opening PRs has been removed but will likely be reintroduced. Finally, all fixtures have been updated. * Remove reference to deleted extractor * feat: first batch of test and parser updates due to new fixtures * feat: update more custom parsers and unit tests * feat: update more custom parsers and unit tests and remove unnecessary parser * feat: update more custom parsers and unit tests * feat: update more parsers and add correct bloomberg html files * fix: remove console statement * feat: all parsers updated and tests passing * fix: update date_published tests to account for test server time difference * fix: cleanup remaining fixtures in folders * feat: move fixtures for newest custom parsers * feat: remove script changes * fix: update dist files to account for reverting script changes * adding .DS_Store to .gitignore * adding .DS_Store to .gitignore -- 2 * adding .DS_Store to .gitignore -- 3 lol * cleaning up some tests * fix: ran build:generator command to update generate-custom-parser dist file * fix: update rollup configs to generate source maps and update source maps * fix: use underscore in place of unused error variable * fix: remove unused fixture Co-authored-by: Postlight Bot <> Co-authored-by: flbn <>
2 years ago
<li class="menu__item is-leaf is-parent leaf has-children menu-mlid-6146 main-nav--menu-item --main-nav--menu-item even depth-3 no-children" data-position="4"><a href="" class="menu__link">Council on Environmental Quality</a></li>
<li class="menu__item is-leaf is-parent leaf has-children menu-mlid-204286 main-nav--menu-item --main-nav--menu-item odd depth-3 no-children" data-position="5"><a href="" class="menu__link">National Security Council</a></li>
<li class="menu__item is-leaf last leaf menu-mlid-6151 main-nav--menu-item --main-nav--menu-item even depth-3 no-children" data-position="6"><a href="" class="menu__link">See All</a></li>
feat: update all fixtures and custom parsers to match (#713) * feat: Refactor and update fixtures This patch changes how fixtures are stored. Previously, a fixture's folder identified its domain and its filename identified when it was fetched. This has been changed so that the filename indicates the domain and the modified time of the file indicates how recently it was fetched. A fixture's filename can optionally include a modifier to distinguish between two different page types on the same domain, for example. Also included here are changes to the update-fixture script, both to accomodate the new filename scheme as well as to actually update all fixtures. The functionality for running automatically and opening PRs has been removed but will likely be reintroduced. Finally, all fixtures have been updated. * Remove reference to deleted extractor * feat: first batch of test and parser updates due to new fixtures * feat: update more custom parsers and unit tests * feat: update more custom parsers and unit tests and remove unnecessary parser * feat: update more custom parsers and unit tests * feat: update more parsers and add correct bloomberg html files * fix: remove console statement * feat: all parsers updated and tests passing * fix: update date_published tests to account for test server time difference * fix: cleanup remaining fixtures in folders * feat: move fixtures for newest custom parsers * feat: remove script changes * fix: update dist files to account for reverting script changes * adding .DS_Store to .gitignore * adding .DS_Store to .gitignore -- 2 * adding .DS_Store to .gitignore -- 3 lol * cleaning up some tests * fix: ran build:generator command to update generate-custom-parser dist file * fix: update rollup configs to generate source maps and update source maps * fix: use underscore in place of unused error variable * fix: remove unused fixture Co-authored-by: Postlight Bot <> Co-authored-by: flbn <>
2 years ago
<li class="menu__item is-expanded expanded menu-mlid-6086 main-nav--menu-item --main-nav--menu-item odd depth-2 children children-5" data-position="3"><span class="menu__link nolink" tabindex="0">Initiatives</span><ul class="menu"><li class="menu__item is-leaf first leaf menu-mlid-6156 main-nav--menu-item --main-nav--menu-item odd depth-3 no-children" data-position="1"><a href="" class="menu__link">Lets Move</a></li>
<li class="menu__item is-leaf leaf menu-mlid-6161 main-nav--menu-item --main-nav--menu-item even depth-3 no-children" data-position="2"><a href="" class="menu__link">Joining Forces</a></li>
<li class="menu__item is-leaf leaf menu-mlid-233951 main-nav--menu-item --main-nav--menu-item odd depth-3 no-children" data-position="3"><a href="" class="menu__link">Reach Higher</a></li>
<li class="menu__item is-leaf leaf menu-mlid-433701 main-nav--menu-item --main-nav--menu-item even depth-3 no-children" data-position="4"><a href="" class="menu__link">My Brother&apos;s Keeper</a></li>
<li class="menu__item is-leaf last leaf menu-mlid-1179601 main-nav--menu-item --main-nav--menu-item odd depth-3 no-children" data-position="5"><a href="" class="menu__link">Precision Medicine</a></li>
feat: update all fixtures and custom parsers to match (#713) * feat: Refactor and update fixtures This patch changes how fixtures are stored. Previously, a fixture's folder identified its domain and its filename identified when it was fetched. This has been changed so that the filename indicates the domain and the modified time of the file indicates how recently it was fetched. A fixture's filename can optionally include a modifier to distinguish between two different page types on the same domain, for example. Also included here are changes to the update-fixture script, both to accomodate the new filename scheme as well as to actually update all fixtures. The functionality for running automatically and opening PRs has been removed but will likely be reintroduced. Finally, all fixtures have been updated. * Remove reference to deleted extractor * feat: first batch of test and parser updates due to new fixtures * feat: update more custom parsers and unit tests * feat: update more custom parsers and unit tests and remove unnecessary parser * feat: update more custom parsers and unit tests * feat: update more parsers and add correct bloomberg html files * fix: remove console statement * feat: all parsers updated and tests passing * fix: update date_published tests to account for test server time difference * fix: cleanup remaining fixtures in folders * feat: move fixtures for newest custom parsers * feat: remove script changes * fix: update dist files to account for reverting script changes * adding .DS_Store to .gitignore * adding .DS_Store to .gitignore -- 2 * adding .DS_Store to .gitignore -- 3 lol * cleaning up some tests * fix: ran build:generator command to update generate-custom-parser dist file * fix: update rollup configs to generate source maps and update source maps * fix: use underscore in place of unused error variable * fix: remove unused fixture Co-authored-by: Postlight Bot <> Co-authored-by: flbn <>
2 years ago
<li class="menu__item is-expanded last expanded menu-mlid-6091 main-nav--menu-item --main-nav--menu-item even depth-2 children children-3" data-position="4"><span class="menu__link nolink" tabindex="0">Special Events</span><ul class="menu"><li class="menu__item is-leaf first leaf menu-mlid-6176 main-nav--menu-item --main-nav--menu-item odd depth-3 no-children" data-position="1"><a href="" class="menu__link">State of the Union</a></li>
<li class="menu__item is-leaf leaf menu-mlid-6181 main-nav--menu-item --main-nav--menu-item even depth-3 no-children" data-position="2"><a href="" class="menu__link">Inauguration</a></li>
<li class="menu__item is-leaf last leaf menu-mlid-6186 main-nav--menu-item --main-nav--menu-item odd depth-3 no-children" data-position="3"><a href="" class="menu__link">Medal of Freedom</a></li>
feat: update all fixtures and custom parsers to match (#713) * feat: Refactor and update fixtures This patch changes how fixtures are stored. Previously, a fixture's folder identified its domain and its filename identified when it was fetched. This has been changed so that the filename indicates the domain and the modified time of the file indicates how recently it was fetched. A fixture's filename can optionally include a modifier to distinguish between two different page types on the same domain, for example. Also included here are changes to the update-fixture script, both to accomodate the new filename scheme as well as to actually update all fixtures. The functionality for running automatically and opening PRs has been removed but will likely be reintroduced. Finally, all fixtures have been updated. * Remove reference to deleted extractor * feat: first batch of test and parser updates due to new fixtures * feat: update more custom parsers and unit tests * feat: update more custom parsers and unit tests and remove unnecessary parser * feat: update more custom parsers and unit tests * feat: update more parsers and add correct bloomberg html files * fix: remove console statement * feat: all parsers updated and tests passing * fix: update date_published tests to account for test server time difference * fix: cleanup remaining fixtures in folders * feat: move fixtures for newest custom parsers * feat: remove script changes * fix: update dist files to account for reverting script changes * adding .DS_Store to .gitignore * adding .DS_Store to .gitignore -- 2 * adding .DS_Store to .gitignore -- 3 lol * cleaning up some tests * fix: ran build:generator command to update generate-custom-parser dist file * fix: update rollup configs to generate source maps and update source maps * fix: use underscore in place of unused error variable * fix: remove unused fixture Co-authored-by: Postlight Bot <> Co-authored-by: flbn <>
2 years ago
<li class="expanded menu-mlid-5836 main-nav--menu-item --main-nav--menu-item odd depth-1 children children-3" data-position="5"><a href="">Participate<i class="fa fa-angle-down"></i></a><ul class="menu"><div class="depth-2-wrapper"><li class="menu__item is-expanded first expanded menu-mlid-6191 main-nav--menu-item --main-nav--menu-item odd depth-2 children children-5" data-position="1"><span class="menu__link nolink" tabindex="0">Digital</span><ul class="menu"><li class="menu__item is-leaf first leaf menu-mlid-6206 main-nav--menu-item --main-nav--menu-item odd depth-3 no-children" data-position="1"><a href="" class="menu__link">Follow Us on Social Media</a></li>
<li class="menu__item is-leaf leaf menu-mlid-148731 main-nav--menu-item --main-nav--menu-item even depth-3 no-children" data-position="2"><a href="/we-the-geeks" class="menu__link">We the Geeks Hangouts</a></li>
<li class="menu__item is-leaf leaf menu-mlid-6226 main-nav--menu-item --main-nav--menu-item odd depth-3 no-children" data-position="3"><a href="" class="menu__link">Mobile Apps</a></li>
feat: update all fixtures and custom parsers to match (#713) * feat: Refactor and update fixtures This patch changes how fixtures are stored. Previously, a fixture's folder identified its domain and its filename identified when it was fetched. This has been changed so that the filename indicates the domain and the modified time of the file indicates how recently it was fetched. A fixture's filename can optionally include a modifier to distinguish between two different page types on the same domain, for example. Also included here are changes to the update-fixture script, both to accomodate the new filename scheme as well as to actually update all fixtures. The functionality for running automatically and opening PRs has been removed but will likely be reintroduced. Finally, all fixtures have been updated. * Remove reference to deleted extractor * feat: first batch of test and parser updates due to new fixtures * feat: update more custom parsers and unit tests * feat: update more custom parsers and unit tests and remove unnecessary parser * feat: update more custom parsers and unit tests * feat: update more parsers and add correct bloomberg html files * fix: remove console statement * feat: all parsers updated and tests passing * fix: update date_published tests to account for test server time difference * fix: cleanup remaining fixtures in folders * feat: move fixtures for newest custom parsers * feat: remove script changes * fix: update dist files to account for reverting script changes * adding .DS_Store to .gitignore * adding .DS_Store to .gitignore -- 2 * adding .DS_Store to .gitignore -- 3 lol * cleaning up some tests * fix: ran build:generator command to update generate-custom-parser dist file * fix: update rollup configs to generate source maps and update source maps * fix: use underscore in place of unused error variable * fix: remove unused fixture Co-authored-by: Postlight Bot <> Co-authored-by: flbn <>
2 years ago
<li class="menu__item is-leaf is-parent leaf has-children menu-mlid-148766 main-nav--menu-item --main-nav--menu-item even depth-3 no-children" data-position="4"><a href="/developers" class="menu__link">Developer Tools</a></li>
<li class="menu__item is-leaf last leaf menu-mlid-89171 main-nav--menu-item --main-nav--menu-item odd depth-3 no-children" data-position="5"><a href="" class="menu__link">Tools You Can Use</a></li>
feat: update all fixtures and custom parsers to match (#713) * feat: Refactor and update fixtures This patch changes how fixtures are stored. Previously, a fixture's folder identified its domain and its filename identified when it was fetched. This has been changed so that the filename indicates the domain and the modified time of the file indicates how recently it was fetched. A fixture's filename can optionally include a modifier to distinguish between two different page types on the same domain, for example. Also included here are changes to the update-fixture script, both to accomodate the new filename scheme as well as to actually update all fixtures. The functionality for running automatically and opening PRs has been removed but will likely be reintroduced. Finally, all fixtures have been updated. * Remove reference to deleted extractor * feat: first batch of test and parser updates due to new fixtures * feat: update more custom parsers and unit tests * feat: update more custom parsers and unit tests and remove unnecessary parser * feat: update more custom parsers and unit tests * feat: update more parsers and add correct bloomberg html files * fix: remove console statement * feat: all parsers updated and tests passing * fix: update date_published tests to account for test server time difference * fix: cleanup remaining fixtures in folders * feat: move fixtures for newest custom parsers * feat: remove script changes * fix: update dist files to account for reverting script changes * adding .DS_Store to .gitignore * adding .DS_Store to .gitignore -- 2 * adding .DS_Store to .gitignore -- 3 lol * cleaning up some tests * fix: ran build:generator command to update generate-custom-parser dist file * fix: update rollup configs to generate source maps and update source maps * fix: use underscore in place of unused error variable * fix: remove unused fixture Co-authored-by: Postlight Bot <> Co-authored-by: flbn <>
2 years ago
<li class="menu__item is-expanded expanded menu-mlid-6196 main-nav--menu-item --main-nav--menu-item even depth-2 children children-7" data-position="2"><span class="menu__link nolink" tabindex="0">Join Us</span><ul class="menu"><li class="menu__item is-leaf first leaf menu-mlid-108026 main-nav--menu-item --main-nav--menu-item odd depth-3 no-children" data-position="1"><a href="/participate/tours-and-events" class="menu__link">Tours &amp; Events</a></li>
<li class="menu__item is-leaf leaf menu-mlid-6241 main-nav--menu-item --main-nav--menu-item even depth-3 no-children" data-position="2"><a href="" class="menu__link">Jobs with the Administration</a></li>
feat: update all fixtures and custom parsers to match (#713) * feat: Refactor and update fixtures This patch changes how fixtures are stored. Previously, a fixture's folder identified its domain and its filename identified when it was fetched. This has been changed so that the filename indicates the domain and the modified time of the file indicates how recently it was fetched. A fixture's filename can optionally include a modifier to distinguish between two different page types on the same domain, for example. Also included here are changes to the update-fixture script, both to accomodate the new filename scheme as well as to actually update all fixtures. The functionality for running automatically and opening PRs has been removed but will likely be reintroduced. Finally, all fixtures have been updated. * Remove reference to deleted extractor * feat: first batch of test and parser updates due to new fixtures * feat: update more custom parsers and unit tests * feat: update more custom parsers and unit tests and remove unnecessary parser * feat: update more custom parsers and unit tests * feat: update more parsers and add correct bloomberg html files * fix: remove console statement * feat: all parsers updated and tests passing * fix: update date_published tests to account for test server time difference * fix: cleanup remaining fixtures in folders * feat: move fixtures for newest custom parsers * feat: remove script changes * fix: update dist files to account for reverting script changes * adding .DS_Store to .gitignore * adding .DS_Store to .gitignore -- 2 * adding .DS_Store to .gitignore -- 3 lol * cleaning up some tests * fix: ran build:generator command to update generate-custom-parser dist file * fix: update rollup configs to generate source maps and update source maps * fix: use underscore in place of unused error variable * fix: remove unused fixture Co-authored-by: Postlight Bot <> Co-authored-by: flbn <>
2 years ago
<li class="menu__item is-leaf is-parent leaf has-children menu-mlid-112596 main-nav--menu-item --main-nav--menu-item odd depth-3 no-children" data-position="3"><a href="/participate/internships" class="menu__link">Internships</a></li>
<li class="menu__item is-leaf is-parent leaf has-children menu-mlid-207321 main-nav--menu-item --main-nav--menu-item even depth-3 no-children" data-position="4"><a href="/participate/fellows" class="menu__link">White House Fellows</a></li>
<li class="menu__item is-leaf leaf menu-mlid-152651 main-nav--menu-item --main-nav--menu-item odd depth-3 no-children" data-position="5"><a href="/innovationfellows" class="menu__link">Presidential Innovation Fellows</a></li>
<li class="menu__item is-leaf leaf menu-mlid-1096661 main-nav--menu-item --main-nav--menu-item even depth-3 no-children" data-position="6"><a href="/participate/united-states-digital-service" class="menu__link">United States Digital Service</a></li>
<li class="menu__item is-leaf is-parent last leaf has-children menu-mlid-291136 main-nav--menu-item --main-nav--menu-item odd depth-3 no-children" data-position="7"><a href="/participate/whldp" class="menu__link">Leadership Development Program</a></li>
feat: update all fixtures and custom parsers to match (#713) * feat: Refactor and update fixtures This patch changes how fixtures are stored. Previously, a fixture's folder identified its domain and its filename identified when it was fetched. This has been changed so that the filename indicates the domain and the modified time of the file indicates how recently it was fetched. A fixture's filename can optionally include a modifier to distinguish between two different page types on the same domain, for example. Also included here are changes to the update-fixture script, both to accomodate the new filename scheme as well as to actually update all fixtures. The functionality for running automatically and opening PRs has been removed but will likely be reintroduced. Finally, all fixtures have been updated. * Remove reference to deleted extractor * feat: first batch of test and parser updates due to new fixtures * feat: update more custom parsers and unit tests * feat: update more custom parsers and unit tests and remove unnecessary parser * feat: update more custom parsers and unit tests * feat: update more parsers and add correct bloomberg html files * fix: remove console statement * feat: all parsers updated and tests passing * fix: update date_published tests to account for test server time difference * fix: cleanup remaining fixtures in folders * feat: move fixtures for newest custom parsers * feat: remove script changes * fix: update dist files to account for reverting script changes * adding .DS_Store to .gitignore * adding .DS_Store to .gitignore -- 2 * adding .DS_Store to .gitignore -- 3 lol * cleaning up some tests * fix: ran build:generator command to update generate-custom-parser dist file * fix: update rollup configs to generate source maps and update source maps * fix: use underscore in place of unused error variable * fix: remove unused fixture Co-authored-by: Postlight Bot <> Co-authored-by: flbn <>
2 years ago
<li class="menu__item is-expanded last expanded menu-mlid-6201 main-nav--menu-item --main-nav--menu-item odd depth-2 children children-4" data-position="3"><span class="menu__link nolink" tabindex="0">Speak Out</span><ul class="menu"><li class="menu__item is-leaf first leaf menu-mlid-6261 main-nav--menu-item --main-nav--menu-item odd depth-3 no-children" data-position="1"><a href="" class="menu__link">We the People Petitions</a></li>
<li class="menu__item is-leaf leaf menu-mlid-6266 main-nav--menu-item --main-nav--menu-item even depth-3 no-children" data-position="2"><a href="" class="menu__link">Contact the White House</a></li>
<li class="menu__item is-leaf leaf menu-mlid-6271 main-nav--menu-item --main-nav--menu-item odd depth-3 no-children" data-position="3"><a href="" class="menu__link">Citizens Medal</a></li>
<li class="menu__item is-leaf last leaf menu-mlid-6281 main-nav--menu-item --main-nav--menu-item even depth-3 no-children" data-position="4"><a href="" class="menu__link">Champions of Change</a></li>
feat: update all fixtures and custom parsers to match (#713) * feat: Refactor and update fixtures This patch changes how fixtures are stored. Previously, a fixture's folder identified its domain and its filename identified when it was fetched. This has been changed so that the filename indicates the domain and the modified time of the file indicates how recently it was fetched. A fixture's filename can optionally include a modifier to distinguish between two different page types on the same domain, for example. Also included here are changes to the update-fixture script, both to accomodate the new filename scheme as well as to actually update all fixtures. The functionality for running automatically and opening PRs has been removed but will likely be reintroduced. Finally, all fixtures have been updated. * Remove reference to deleted extractor * feat: first batch of test and parser updates due to new fixtures * feat: update more custom parsers and unit tests * feat: update more custom parsers and unit tests and remove unnecessary parser * feat: update more custom parsers and unit tests * feat: update more parsers and add correct bloomberg html files * fix: remove console statement * feat: all parsers updated and tests passing * fix: update date_published tests to account for test server time difference * fix: cleanup remaining fixtures in folders * feat: move fixtures for newest custom parsers * feat: remove script changes * fix: update dist files to account for reverting script changes * adding .DS_Store to .gitignore * adding .DS_Store to .gitignore -- 2 * adding .DS_Store to .gitignore -- 3 lol * cleaning up some tests * fix: ran build:generator command to update generate-custom-parser dist file * fix: update rollup configs to generate source maps and update source maps * fix: use underscore in place of unused error variable * fix: remove unused fixture Co-authored-by: Postlight Bot <> Co-authored-by: flbn <>
2 years ago
<li class="last expanded menu-mlid-5841 main-nav--menu-item --main-nav--menu-item even depth-1 children children-3" data-position="6"><a href="">1600 Penn<i class="fa fa-angle-down"></i></a><ul class="menu"><div class="depth-2-wrapper"><li class="menu__item is-expanded first expanded menu-mlid-6291 main-nav--menu-item --main-nav--menu-item odd depth-2 children children-6" data-position="1"><span class="menu__link nolink" tabindex="0">Inside the White House</span><ul class="menu"><li class="menu__item is-leaf first leaf menu-mlid-6311 main-nav--menu-item --main-nav--menu-item odd depth-3 no-children" data-position="1"><a href="" class="menu__link">West Wing Tour</a></li>
<li class="menu__item is-leaf leaf menu-mlid-6306 main-nav--menu-item --main-nav--menu-item even depth-3 no-children" data-position="2"><a href="" class="menu__link">Eisenhower Executive Office Building Tour</a></li>
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<li class="menu__item is-leaf leaf menu-mlid-6321 main-nav--menu-item --main-nav--menu-item even depth-3 no-children" data-position="4"><a href="" class="menu__link">D&#xE9;cor and Art</a></li>
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feat: update all fixtures and custom parsers to match (#713) * feat: Refactor and update fixtures This patch changes how fixtures are stored. Previously, a fixture's folder identified its domain and its filename identified when it was fetched. This has been changed so that the filename indicates the domain and the modified time of the file indicates how recently it was fetched. A fixture's filename can optionally include a modifier to distinguish between two different page types on the same domain, for example. Also included here are changes to the update-fixture script, both to accomodate the new filename scheme as well as to actually update all fixtures. The functionality for running automatically and opening PRs has been removed but will likely be reintroduced. Finally, all fixtures have been updated. * Remove reference to deleted extractor * feat: first batch of test and parser updates due to new fixtures * feat: update more custom parsers and unit tests * feat: update more custom parsers and unit tests and remove unnecessary parser * feat: update more custom parsers and unit tests * feat: update more parsers and add correct bloomberg html files * fix: remove console statement * feat: all parsers updated and tests passing * fix: update date_published tests to account for test server time difference * fix: cleanup remaining fixtures in folders * feat: move fixtures for newest custom parsers * feat: remove script changes * fix: update dist files to account for reverting script changes * adding .DS_Store to .gitignore * adding .DS_Store to .gitignore -- 2 * adding .DS_Store to .gitignore -- 3 lol * cleaning up some tests * fix: ran build:generator command to update generate-custom-parser dist file * fix: update rollup configs to generate source maps and update source maps * fix: use underscore in place of unused error variable * fix: remove unused fixture Co-authored-by: Postlight Bot <> Co-authored-by: flbn <>
2 years ago
<li class="menu__item is-expanded expanded menu-mlid-6296 main-nav--menu-item --main-nav--menu-item even depth-2 children children-6" data-position="2"><span class="menu__link nolink" tabindex="0">History &amp; Grounds</span><ul class="menu"><li class="menu__item is-leaf first leaf menu-mlid-86676 main-nav--menu-item --main-nav--menu-item odd depth-3 no-children" data-position="1"><a href="/1600/Presidents" class="menu__link">Presidents</a></li>
<li class="menu__item is-leaf leaf menu-mlid-86891 main-nav--menu-item --main-nav--menu-item even depth-3 no-children" data-position="2"><a href="/1600/first-ladies" class="menu__link">First Ladies</a></li>
<li class="menu__item is-leaf leaf menu-mlid-93186 main-nav--menu-item --main-nav--menu-item odd depth-3 no-children" data-position="3"><a href="/1600/vp-residence" class="menu__link">The Vice President&apos;s Residence &amp; Office</a></li>
<li class="menu__item is-leaf leaf menu-mlid-93191 main-nav--menu-item --main-nav--menu-item even depth-3 no-children" data-position="4"><a href="/1600/eeob" class="menu__link">Eisenhower Executive Office Building</a></li>
<li class="menu__item is-leaf leaf menu-mlid-93181 main-nav--menu-item --main-nav--menu-item odd depth-3 no-children" data-position="5"><a href="/1600/camp-david" class="menu__link">Camp David</a></li>
<li class="menu__item is-leaf last leaf menu-mlid-91831 main-nav--menu-item --main-nav--menu-item even depth-3 no-children" data-position="6"><a href="/1600/air-force-one" class="menu__link">Air Force One</a></li>
<li class="menu__item is-expanded last expanded menu-mlid-6301 main-nav--menu-item --main-nav--menu-item odd depth-2 children children-8" data-position="3"><span class="menu__link nolink" tabindex="0">Our Government</span><ul class="menu"><li class="menu__item is-leaf first leaf menu-mlid-93196 main-nav--menu-item --main-nav--menu-item odd depth-3 no-children" data-position="1"><a href="/1600/executive-branch" class="menu__link">The Executive Branch</a></li>
<li class="menu__item is-leaf leaf menu-mlid-93201 main-nav--menu-item --main-nav--menu-item even depth-3 no-children" data-position="2"><a href="/1600/legislative-branch" class="menu__link">The Legislative Branch</a></li>
<li class="menu__item is-leaf leaf menu-mlid-93206 main-nav--menu-item --main-nav--menu-item odd depth-3 no-children" data-position="3"><a href="/1600/judicial-branch" class="menu__link">The Judicial Branch</a></li>
<li class="menu__item is-leaf leaf menu-mlid-93211 main-nav--menu-item --main-nav--menu-item even depth-3 no-children" data-position="4"><a href="/1600/constitution" class="menu__link">The Constitution</a></li>
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<li class="menu__item is-leaf leaf menu-mlid-93231 main-nav--menu-item --main-nav--menu-item even depth-3 no-children" data-position="6"><a href="/1600/elections-and-voting" class="menu__link">Elections &amp; Voting</a></li>
<li class="menu__item is-leaf leaf menu-mlid-93226 main-nav--menu-item --main-nav--menu-item odd depth-3 no-children" data-position="7"><a href="/1600/state-and-local-government" class="menu__link">State &amp; Local Government</a></li>
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feat: update all fixtures and custom parsers to match (#713) * feat: Refactor and update fixtures This patch changes how fixtures are stored. Previously, a fixture's folder identified its domain and its filename identified when it was fetched. This has been changed so that the filename indicates the domain and the modified time of the file indicates how recently it was fetched. A fixture's filename can optionally include a modifier to distinguish between two different page types on the same domain, for example. Also included here are changes to the update-fixture script, both to accomodate the new filename scheme as well as to actually update all fixtures. The functionality for running automatically and opening PRs has been removed but will likely be reintroduced. Finally, all fixtures have been updated. * Remove reference to deleted extractor * feat: first batch of test and parser updates due to new fixtures * feat: update more custom parsers and unit tests * feat: update more custom parsers and unit tests and remove unnecessary parser * feat: update more custom parsers and unit tests * feat: update more parsers and add correct bloomberg html files * fix: remove console statement * feat: all parsers updated and tests passing * fix: update date_published tests to account for test server time difference * fix: cleanup remaining fixtures in folders * feat: move fixtures for newest custom parsers * feat: remove script changes * fix: update dist files to account for reverting script changes * adding .DS_Store to .gitignore * adding .DS_Store to .gitignore -- 2 * adding .DS_Store to .gitignore -- 3 lol * cleaning up some tests * fix: ran build:generator command to update generate-custom-parser dist file * fix: update rollup configs to generate source maps and update source maps * fix: use underscore in place of unused error variable * fix: remove unused fixture Co-authored-by: Postlight Bot <> Co-authored-by: flbn <>
2 years ago
<nav class="breadcrumb" role="navigation"><h2 class="element-invisible">You are here</h2><ol><li><a href="/">Home</a></li><li><a href="/briefing-room">Briefing Room</a></li><li><a href="/briefing-room/weekly-address">Weekly Address</a></li></ol></nav>
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feat: update all fixtures and custom parsers to match (#713) * feat: Refactor and update fixtures This patch changes how fixtures are stored. Previously, a fixture's folder identified its domain and its filename identified when it was fetched. This has been changed so that the filename indicates the domain and the modified time of the file indicates how recently it was fetched. A fixture's filename can optionally include a modifier to distinguish between two different page types on the same domain, for example. Also included here are changes to the update-fixture script, both to accomodate the new filename scheme as well as to actually update all fixtures. The functionality for running automatically and opening PRs has been removed but will likely be reintroduced. Finally, all fixtures have been updated. * Remove reference to deleted extractor * feat: first batch of test and parser updates due to new fixtures * feat: update more custom parsers and unit tests * feat: update more custom parsers and unit tests and remove unnecessary parser * feat: update more custom parsers and unit tests * feat: update more parsers and add correct bloomberg html files * fix: remove console statement * feat: all parsers updated and tests passing * fix: update date_published tests to account for test server time difference * fix: cleanup remaining fixtures in folders * feat: move fixtures for newest custom parsers * feat: remove script changes * fix: update dist files to account for reverting script changes * adding .DS_Store to .gitignore * adding .DS_Store to .gitignore -- 2 * adding .DS_Store to .gitignore -- 3 lol * cleaning up some tests * fix: ran build:generator command to update generate-custom-parser dist file * fix: update rollup configs to generate source maps and update source maps * fix: use underscore in place of unused error variable * fix: remove unused fixture Co-authored-by: Postlight Bot <> Co-authored-by: flbn <>
2 years ago
<h2 class="pane-title">
Briefing Room </h2>
<div class="menu-block-wrapper menu-block-forall_secondary_nav menu-name-sixteenhundred-main-nav parent-mlid-0 menu-level-3">
feat: update all fixtures and custom parsers to match (#713) * feat: Refactor and update fixtures This patch changes how fixtures are stored. Previously, a fixture's folder identified its domain and its filename identified when it was fetched. This has been changed so that the filename indicates the domain and the modified time of the file indicates how recently it was fetched. A fixture's filename can optionally include a modifier to distinguish between two different page types on the same domain, for example. Also included here are changes to the update-fixture script, both to accomodate the new filename scheme as well as to actually update all fixtures. The functionality for running automatically and opening PRs has been removed but will likely be reintroduced. Finally, all fixtures have been updated. * Remove reference to deleted extractor * feat: first batch of test and parser updates due to new fixtures * feat: update more custom parsers and unit tests * feat: update more custom parsers and unit tests and remove unnecessary parser * feat: update more custom parsers and unit tests * feat: update more parsers and add correct bloomberg html files * fix: remove console statement * feat: all parsers updated and tests passing * fix: update date_published tests to account for test server time difference * fix: cleanup remaining fixtures in folders * feat: move fixtures for newest custom parsers * feat: remove script changes * fix: update dist files to account for reverting script changes * adding .DS_Store to .gitignore * adding .DS_Store to .gitignore -- 2 * adding .DS_Store to .gitignore -- 3 lol * cleaning up some tests * fix: ran build:generator command to update generate-custom-parser dist file * fix: update rollup configs to generate source maps and update source maps * fix: use underscore in place of unused error variable * fix: remove unused fixture Co-authored-by: Postlight Bot <> Co-authored-by: flbn <>
2 years ago
<ul class="menu"><li class="menu__item is-leaf is-active-trail first leaf active-trail odd depth-3 no-children" data-position="1"><a href="/briefing-room/weekly-address" class="menu__link is-active is-active-trail active active-trail">Your Weekly Address</a></li>
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<li class="menu__item is-leaf leaf odd depth-3 no-children" data-position="5"><a href="" class="menu__link">White House Schedule</a></li>
feat: update all fixtures and custom parsers to match (#713) * feat: Refactor and update fixtures This patch changes how fixtures are stored. Previously, a fixture's folder identified its domain and its filename identified when it was fetched. This has been changed so that the filename indicates the domain and the modified time of the file indicates how recently it was fetched. A fixture's filename can optionally include a modifier to distinguish between two different page types on the same domain, for example. Also included here are changes to the update-fixture script, both to accomodate the new filename scheme as well as to actually update all fixtures. The functionality for running automatically and opening PRs has been removed but will likely be reintroduced. Finally, all fixtures have been updated. * Remove reference to deleted extractor * feat: first batch of test and parser updates due to new fixtures * feat: update more custom parsers and unit tests * feat: update more custom parsers and unit tests and remove unnecessary parser * feat: update more custom parsers and unit tests * feat: update more parsers and add correct bloomberg html files * fix: remove console statement * feat: all parsers updated and tests passing * fix: update date_published tests to account for test server time difference * fix: cleanup remaining fixtures in folders * feat: move fixtures for newest custom parsers * feat: remove script changes * fix: update dist files to account for reverting script changes * adding .DS_Store to .gitignore * adding .DS_Store to .gitignore -- 2 * adding .DS_Store to .gitignore -- 3 lol * cleaning up some tests * fix: ran build:generator command to update generate-custom-parser dist file * fix: update rollup configs to generate source maps and update source maps * fix: use underscore in place of unused error variable * fix: remove unused fixture Co-authored-by: Postlight Bot <> Co-authored-by: flbn <>
2 years ago
<li class="menu__item is-expanded expanded even depth-3 children children-3" data-position="6"><a href="/briefing-room/presidential-actions" class="menu__link">Presidential Actions</a><ul class="menu"><li class="menu__item is-leaf first leaf odd depth-4 no-children" data-position="1"><a href="/briefing-room/presidential-actions/executive-orders" class="menu__link">Executive Orders</a></li>
<li class="menu__item is-leaf leaf even depth-4 no-children" data-position="2"><a href="/briefing-room/presidential-actions/presidential-memoranda" class="menu__link">Presidential Memoranda</a></li>
<li class="menu__item is-leaf last leaf odd depth-4 no-children" data-position="3"><a href="/briefing-room/presidential-actions/proclamations" class="menu__link">Proclamations</a></li>
feat: update all fixtures and custom parsers to match (#713) * feat: Refactor and update fixtures This patch changes how fixtures are stored. Previously, a fixture's folder identified its domain and its filename identified when it was fetched. This has been changed so that the filename indicates the domain and the modified time of the file indicates how recently it was fetched. A fixture's filename can optionally include a modifier to distinguish between two different page types on the same domain, for example. Also included here are changes to the update-fixture script, both to accomodate the new filename scheme as well as to actually update all fixtures. The functionality for running automatically and opening PRs has been removed but will likely be reintroduced. Finally, all fixtures have been updated. * Remove reference to deleted extractor * feat: first batch of test and parser updates due to new fixtures * feat: update more custom parsers and unit tests * feat: update more custom parsers and unit tests and remove unnecessary parser * feat: update more custom parsers and unit tests * feat: update more parsers and add correct bloomberg html files * fix: remove console statement * feat: all parsers updated and tests passing * fix: update date_published tests to account for test server time difference * fix: cleanup remaining fixtures in folders * feat: move fixtures for newest custom parsers * feat: remove script changes * fix: update dist files to account for reverting script changes * adding .DS_Store to .gitignore * adding .DS_Store to .gitignore -- 2 * adding .DS_Store to .gitignore -- 3 lol * cleaning up some tests * fix: ran build:generator command to update generate-custom-parser dist file * fix: update rollup configs to generate source maps and update source maps * fix: use underscore in place of unused error variable * fix: remove unused fixture Co-authored-by: Postlight Bot <> Co-authored-by: flbn <>
2 years ago
<li class="menu__item is-leaf leaf odd depth-3 children children-3" data-position="7"><a href="/briefing-room/legislation" class="menu__link">Legislation</a><ul class="menu"><li class="menu__item is-leaf first leaf odd depth-4 no-children" data-position="1"><a href="/briefing-room/pending-legislation" class="menu__link">Pending Legislation</a></li>
<li class="menu__item is-leaf leaf even depth-4 no-children" data-position="2"><a href="/briefing-room/signed-legislation" class="menu__link">Signed Legislation</a></li>
<li class="menu__item is-leaf last leaf odd depth-4 no-children" data-position="3"><a href="/briefing-room/vetoed-legislation" class="menu__link">Vetoed Legislation</a></li>
feat: update all fixtures and custom parsers to match (#713) * feat: Refactor and update fixtures This patch changes how fixtures are stored. Previously, a fixture's folder identified its domain and its filename identified when it was fetched. This has been changed so that the filename indicates the domain and the modified time of the file indicates how recently it was fetched. A fixture's filename can optionally include a modifier to distinguish between two different page types on the same domain, for example. Also included here are changes to the update-fixture script, both to accomodate the new filename scheme as well as to actually update all fixtures. The functionality for running automatically and opening PRs has been removed but will likely be reintroduced. Finally, all fixtures have been updated. * Remove reference to deleted extractor * feat: first batch of test and parser updates due to new fixtures * feat: update more custom parsers and unit tests * feat: update more custom parsers and unit tests and remove unnecessary parser * feat: update more custom parsers and unit tests * feat: update more parsers and add correct bloomberg html files * fix: remove console statement * feat: all parsers updated and tests passing * fix: update date_published tests to account for test server time difference * fix: cleanup remaining fixtures in folders * feat: move fixtures for newest custom parsers * feat: remove script changes * fix: update dist files to account for reverting script changes * adding .DS_Store to .gitignore * adding .DS_Store to .gitignore -- 2 * adding .DS_Store to .gitignore -- 3 lol * cleaning up some tests * fix: ran build:generator command to update generate-custom-parser dist file * fix: update rollup configs to generate source maps and update source maps * fix: use underscore in place of unused error variable * fix: remove unused fixture Co-authored-by: Postlight Bot <> Co-authored-by: flbn <>
2 years ago
<li class="menu__item is-leaf leaf even depth-3 no-children" data-position="8"><a href="/briefing-room/nominations-and-appointments" class="menu__link">Nominations &amp; Appointments</a></li>
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<div id="press_article_heading" class="press-article-heading">
<div id="press_article_heading_title" class="heading-title">The White House</div>
<div id="press_article_heading_subtitle" class="heading-subtitle"></div>
<div id="press_article_subheading" class="clearfix press-article-subheading">
<div id="press_article_immediate_release" class="press-article-release">For Immediate Release</div>
<div id="press_article_date_created" class="press-article-date">April 11, 2015</div>
</div> </div>
<div class="panel-pane pane-node-title">
<h1>Weekly Address: Tuition-Free Community College </h1>
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<div class="field-item even"><p>
In this week&#x2019;s address, the Vice President laid out his and the President&#x2019;s plan to make two years of community college free for responsible students.</p>
Access to higher education has a tangible impact on a student&#x2019;s success: Those with an associate&#x2019;s degree earn 25% more than folks who graduated high school, and those with a four-year degree make 70% more. Not only that, but a better educated citizenry is necessary to ensure that the United States continues to out-compete the rest of the world.</p>
Making two years of community college free is good for workers, good for companies, and good for our economy. And this proposal is part of the President&#x2019;s broader vision for middle-class economics: that everybody who works hard deserves their fair shot and the chance to get ahead.</p>
<div class="panel-pane pane-views-panes pane-press-office-listings-panel-pane-6">
feat: update all fixtures and custom parsers to match (#713) * feat: Refactor and update fixtures This patch changes how fixtures are stored. Previously, a fixture's folder identified its domain and its filename identified when it was fetched. This has been changed so that the filename indicates the domain and the modified time of the file indicates how recently it was fetched. A fixture's filename can optionally include a modifier to distinguish between two different page types on the same domain, for example. Also included here are changes to the update-fixture script, both to accomodate the new filename scheme as well as to actually update all fixtures. The functionality for running automatically and opening PRs has been removed but will likely be reintroduced. Finally, all fixtures have been updated. * Remove reference to deleted extractor * feat: first batch of test and parser updates due to new fixtures * feat: update more custom parsers and unit tests * feat: update more custom parsers and unit tests and remove unnecessary parser * feat: update more custom parsers and unit tests * feat: update more parsers and add correct bloomberg html files * fix: remove console statement * feat: all parsers updated and tests passing * fix: update date_published tests to account for test server time difference * fix: cleanup remaining fixtures in folders * feat: move fixtures for newest custom parsers * feat: remove script changes * fix: update dist files to account for reverting script changes * adding .DS_Store to .gitignore * adding .DS_Store to .gitignore -- 2 * adding .DS_Store to .gitignore -- 3 lol * cleaning up some tests * fix: ran build:generator command to update generate-custom-parser dist file * fix: update rollup configs to generate source maps and update source maps * fix: use underscore in place of unused error variable * fix: remove unused fixture Co-authored-by: Postlight Bot <> Co-authored-by: flbn <>
2 years ago
<div class="view view-press-office-listings view-id-press_office_listings view-display-id-panel_pane_6 view-dom-id-bcedbcdb53eb329605830dd592865ffa">
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<div class="views-row views-row-1 views-row-odd views-row-first views-row-last">
feat: update all fixtures and custom parsers to match (#713) * feat: Refactor and update fixtures This patch changes how fixtures are stored. Previously, a fixture's folder identified its domain and its filename identified when it was fetched. This has been changed so that the filename indicates the domain and the modified time of the file indicates how recently it was fetched. A fixture's filename can optionally include a modifier to distinguish between two different page types on the same domain, for example. Also included here are changes to the update-fixture script, both to accomodate the new filename scheme as well as to actually update all fixtures. The functionality for running automatically and opening PRs has been removed but will likely be reintroduced. Finally, all fixtures have been updated. * Remove reference to deleted extractor * feat: first batch of test and parser updates due to new fixtures * feat: update more custom parsers and unit tests * feat: update more custom parsers and unit tests and remove unnecessary parser * feat: update more custom parsers and unit tests * feat: update more parsers and add correct bloomberg html files * fix: remove console statement * feat: all parsers updated and tests passing * fix: update date_published tests to account for test server time difference * fix: cleanup remaining fixtures in folders * feat: move fixtures for newest custom parsers * feat: remove script changes * fix: update dist files to account for reverting script changes * adding .DS_Store to .gitignore * adding .DS_Store to .gitignore -- 2 * adding .DS_Store to .gitignore -- 3 lol * cleaning up some tests * fix: ran build:generator command to update generate-custom-parser dist file * fix: update rollup configs to generate source maps and update source maps * fix: use underscore in place of unused error variable * fix: remove unused fixture Co-authored-by: Postlight Bot <> Co-authored-by: flbn <>
2 years ago
<div class="views-field views-field-field-youtube-video"> <div class="field-content"><div class="youtube-container--responsive"><iframe id="youtube-field-player" class="youtube-field-player" width="100%" height="100%" src=";autohide=1&amp;iv_load_policy=3" title="Embedded video for Weekly Address: Tuition-Free Community College " frameborder="0" allowfullscreen allow="autoplay; fullscreen"><a href=";autohide=1&amp;iv_load_policy=3">Embedded video for Weekly Address: Tuition-Free Community College </a></iframe></div></div> </div> </div>
<div class="panel-pane pane-custom pane-2 press-article-media-links">
<a href="" class="link-weekly-address link-mp4" target="_blank">MP4</a><a href="" class="link-weekly-address link-mp3" target="_blank">MP3</a>
<div class="panel-pane pane-entity-field pane-node-field-transcript forall-body">
<div class="field field-name-field-transcript field-type-text-long field-label-hidden"><div class="field-items"><div class="field-item even"><p>
<p class="rtecenter">
<strong>Remarks of Vice President Joe Biden</strong><br>
<strong>Weekly Address</strong><br>
<strong>The White House</strong><br>
<strong>April 11, 2015</strong></p>
Ladies and Gentlemen, this is Joe Biden and I&#x2019;m here filling in for President Obama, who is traveling abroad.&#xA0;</p>
And I&#x2019;m here with a simple message: middle-class economics works.</p>
Our economy has gone from crisis to recovery to now to resurgence&#x2014;with the longest streak of consecutive job growth ever recorded in the history of this country and more than all other advanced countries combined.</p>
But to make sure everyone is part of this resurgence, we need to build on what we know widens the path to the middle class&#x2014;and you all know what it is, access to education.</p>
Folks, the source of our economic power and middle class strength in the 20th Century was the fact that we were among the first major nations in the world to provide twelve years of free education for our citizens.</p>
But in the 21st Century, other countries have already caught up and twelve years is simply no longer enough&#x2014;a minimum of fourteen years is necessary for families to have a surer path to the middle class and for the United States to be able to out-compete the rest of the world.</p>
Consider that by the end of the decade, two out of three of all jobs will require an education beyond high school, from an 18-week certificate to a two-year associate&#x2019;s degree to a four-year bachelor&#x2019;s, or a PhD.</p>
And consider that folks with an associate&#x2019;s degree earn 25% more than someone who graduated just from high school. And folks who graduate with a four-year degree make 70% more.</p>
But today, the cost of higher education is too high for too many Americans. Too many folks are priced out of a piece of the middle-class dream.</p>
And that&#x2019;s why the President and I have a straightforward plan to remove that barrier and expand the pathway to the middle class&#x2014;by bringing the cost of community colleges down&#x2014;down to zero.</p>
Zero&#x2014;for anyone willing to work for it and for the institutions that meet certain basic requirements.</p>
Our plan is no give-away. Students must keep up their grades and stay on track to graduate. States must contribute funding and hold community colleges accountable for the results. And community colleges must maintain high graduation and job placement rates.</p>
And here&#x2019;s a key point&#x2014;community colleges will have to offer courses that are directly transferrable to a four-year degree.</p>
If two years of community college are free&#x2014;and credits can transfer to a four-year university&#x2014;that means the cost of a four-year degree will be cut in half for a lot of working families struggling to send their children to college, qualified children.</p>
And under our plan, students from low-income families will be able to keep the benefits that flow from other financial aid, like Pell grants, to cover childcare, housing, transportation&#x2014;costs that often keep them from attending class and completing a degree in the first place.</p>
But here&#x2019;s another key point. Not every good-paying job will require a two-year or four-year degree. Some of these jobs will require just a training certificate that can be earned in just a few months.</p>
For example, you can go to an 18-week coding bootcamp&#x2014;with no previous experience in computers&#x2014;and become a computer programmer making up to $70,000 a year.&#xA0;</p>
There are other jobs in fields like advanced manufacturing and energy that pay $40,000, $50,000, $60,000 a year&#x2014;jobs you can raise a family on.</p>
It&#x2019;s a simple fact that community colleges are the most flexible educational institutions we have. I&#x2019;ve traveled all over this country, from New York to Iowa to California, to see how community colleges create partnerships with Fortune 500 companies and local businesses to generate jobs; support apprenticeships with organized labor, and prepare hardworking students for good-paying jobs in the areas in which they live.</p>
Making community colleges free is good for workers, it&#x2019;s good for companies, and it&#x2019;s good for our economy.</p>
Here&#x2019;s what we propose: Close loopholes for the wealthiest investors and levy a .07% fee on the biggest banks to discourage the kind of risky behavior that crashed our economy just a few years ago.</p>
Doing just that would pay for free community college&#x2014;and provide a leg up for working families through tax credits to cover necessities like childcare.</p>
That&#x2019;s what middle-class economics is all about&#x2014;giving folks a fair chance to get ahead. A fair tax code. No guarantees. Just a fair chance.</p>
It&#x2019;s simple folks, two years of community college should become as free and as universal as high school is today if we&#x2019;re to make this economic resurgence permanent and well into the 21st Century.</p>
So I want to thank you all for listening. I hope you have a great weekend and God bless you all and may God protect our troops.</p>
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feat: update all fixtures and custom parsers to match (#713) * feat: Refactor and update fixtures This patch changes how fixtures are stored. Previously, a fixture's folder identified its domain and its filename identified when it was fetched. This has been changed so that the filename indicates the domain and the modified time of the file indicates how recently it was fetched. A fixture's filename can optionally include a modifier to distinguish between two different page types on the same domain, for example. Also included here are changes to the update-fixture script, both to accomodate the new filename scheme as well as to actually update all fixtures. The functionality for running automatically and opening PRs has been removed but will likely be reintroduced. Finally, all fixtures have been updated. * Remove reference to deleted extractor * feat: first batch of test and parser updates due to new fixtures * feat: update more custom parsers and unit tests * feat: update more custom parsers and unit tests and remove unnecessary parser * feat: update more custom parsers and unit tests * feat: update more parsers and add correct bloomberg html files * fix: remove console statement * feat: all parsers updated and tests passing * fix: update date_published tests to account for test server time difference * fix: cleanup remaining fixtures in folders * feat: move fixtures for newest custom parsers * feat: remove script changes * fix: update dist files to account for reverting script changes * adding .DS_Store to .gitignore * adding .DS_Store to .gitignore -- 2 * adding .DS_Store to .gitignore -- 3 lol * cleaning up some tests * fix: ran build:generator command to update generate-custom-parser dist file * fix: update rollup configs to generate source maps and update source maps * fix: use underscore in place of unused error variable * fix: remove unused fixture Co-authored-by: Postlight Bot <> Co-authored-by: flbn <>
2 years ago
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feat: update all fixtures and custom parsers to match (#713) * feat: Refactor and update fixtures This patch changes how fixtures are stored. Previously, a fixture's folder identified its domain and its filename identified when it was fetched. This has been changed so that the filename indicates the domain and the modified time of the file indicates how recently it was fetched. A fixture's filename can optionally include a modifier to distinguish between two different page types on the same domain, for example. Also included here are changes to the update-fixture script, both to accomodate the new filename scheme as well as to actually update all fixtures. The functionality for running automatically and opening PRs has been removed but will likely be reintroduced. Finally, all fixtures have been updated. * Remove reference to deleted extractor * feat: first batch of test and parser updates due to new fixtures * feat: update more custom parsers and unit tests * feat: update more custom parsers and unit tests and remove unnecessary parser * feat: update more custom parsers and unit tests * feat: update more parsers and add correct bloomberg html files * fix: remove console statement * feat: all parsers updated and tests passing * fix: update date_published tests to account for test server time difference * fix: cleanup remaining fixtures in folders * feat: move fixtures for newest custom parsers * feat: remove script changes * fix: update dist files to account for reverting script changes * adding .DS_Store to .gitignore * adding .DS_Store to .gitignore -- 2 * adding .DS_Store to .gitignore -- 3 lol * cleaning up some tests * fix: ran build:generator command to update generate-custom-parser dist file * fix: update rollup configs to generate source maps and update source maps * fix: use underscore in place of unused error variable * fix: remove unused fixture Co-authored-by: Postlight Bot <> Co-authored-by: flbn <>
2 years ago
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feat: update all fixtures and custom parsers to match (#713) * feat: Refactor and update fixtures This patch changes how fixtures are stored. Previously, a fixture's folder identified its domain and its filename identified when it was fetched. This has been changed so that the filename indicates the domain and the modified time of the file indicates how recently it was fetched. A fixture's filename can optionally include a modifier to distinguish between two different page types on the same domain, for example. Also included here are changes to the update-fixture script, both to accomodate the new filename scheme as well as to actually update all fixtures. The functionality for running automatically and opening PRs has been removed but will likely be reintroduced. Finally, all fixtures have been updated. * Remove reference to deleted extractor * feat: first batch of test and parser updates due to new fixtures * feat: update more custom parsers and unit tests * feat: update more custom parsers and unit tests and remove unnecessary parser * feat: update more custom parsers and unit tests * feat: update more parsers and add correct bloomberg html files * fix: remove console statement * feat: all parsers updated and tests passing * fix: update date_published tests to account for test server time difference * fix: cleanup remaining fixtures in folders * feat: move fixtures for newest custom parsers * feat: remove script changes * fix: update dist files to account for reverting script changes * adding .DS_Store to .gitignore * adding .DS_Store to .gitignore -- 2 * adding .DS_Store to .gitignore -- 3 lol * cleaning up some tests * fix: ran build:generator command to update generate-custom-parser dist file * fix: update rollup configs to generate source maps and update source maps * fix: use underscore in place of unused error variable * fix: remove unused fixture Co-authored-by: Postlight Bot <> Co-authored-by: flbn <>
2 years ago
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feat: update all fixtures and custom parsers to match (#713) * feat: Refactor and update fixtures This patch changes how fixtures are stored. Previously, a fixture's folder identified its domain and its filename identified when it was fetched. This has been changed so that the filename indicates the domain and the modified time of the file indicates how recently it was fetched. A fixture's filename can optionally include a modifier to distinguish between two different page types on the same domain, for example. Also included here are changes to the update-fixture script, both to accomodate the new filename scheme as well as to actually update all fixtures. The functionality for running automatically and opening PRs has been removed but will likely be reintroduced. Finally, all fixtures have been updated. * Remove reference to deleted extractor * feat: first batch of test and parser updates due to new fixtures * feat: update more custom parsers and unit tests * feat: update more custom parsers and unit tests and remove unnecessary parser * feat: update more custom parsers and unit tests * feat: update more parsers and add correct bloomberg html files * fix: remove console statement * feat: all parsers updated and tests passing * fix: update date_published tests to account for test server time difference * fix: cleanup remaining fixtures in folders * feat: move fixtures for newest custom parsers * feat: remove script changes * fix: update dist files to account for reverting script changes * adding .DS_Store to .gitignore * adding .DS_Store to .gitignore -- 2 * adding .DS_Store to .gitignore -- 3 lol * cleaning up some tests * fix: ran build:generator command to update generate-custom-parser dist file * fix: update rollup configs to generate source maps and update source maps * fix: use underscore in place of unused error variable * fix: remove unused fixture Co-authored-by: Postlight Bot <> Co-authored-by: flbn <>
2 years ago
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feat: update all fixtures and custom parsers to match (#713) * feat: Refactor and update fixtures This patch changes how fixtures are stored. Previously, a fixture's folder identified its domain and its filename identified when it was fetched. This has been changed so that the filename indicates the domain and the modified time of the file indicates how recently it was fetched. A fixture's filename can optionally include a modifier to distinguish between two different page types on the same domain, for example. Also included here are changes to the update-fixture script, both to accomodate the new filename scheme as well as to actually update all fixtures. The functionality for running automatically and opening PRs has been removed but will likely be reintroduced. Finally, all fixtures have been updated. * Remove reference to deleted extractor * feat: first batch of test and parser updates due to new fixtures * feat: update more custom parsers and unit tests * feat: update more custom parsers and unit tests and remove unnecessary parser * feat: update more custom parsers and unit tests * feat: update more parsers and add correct bloomberg html files * fix: remove console statement * feat: all parsers updated and tests passing * fix: update date_published tests to account for test server time difference * fix: cleanup remaining fixtures in folders * feat: move fixtures for newest custom parsers * feat: remove script changes * fix: update dist files to account for reverting script changes * adding .DS_Store to .gitignore * adding .DS_Store to .gitignore -- 2 * adding .DS_Store to .gitignore -- 3 lol * cleaning up some tests * fix: ran build:generator command to update generate-custom-parser dist file * fix: update rollup configs to generate source maps and update source maps * fix: use underscore in place of unused error variable * fix: remove unused fixture Co-authored-by: Postlight Bot <> Co-authored-by: flbn <>
2 years ago
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feat: update all fixtures and custom parsers to match (#713) * feat: Refactor and update fixtures This patch changes how fixtures are stored. Previously, a fixture's folder identified its domain and its filename identified when it was fetched. This has been changed so that the filename indicates the domain and the modified time of the file indicates how recently it was fetched. A fixture's filename can optionally include a modifier to distinguish between two different page types on the same domain, for example. Also included here are changes to the update-fixture script, both to accomodate the new filename scheme as well as to actually update all fixtures. The functionality for running automatically and opening PRs has been removed but will likely be reintroduced. Finally, all fixtures have been updated. * Remove reference to deleted extractor * feat: first batch of test and parser updates due to new fixtures * feat: update more custom parsers and unit tests * feat: update more custom parsers and unit tests and remove unnecessary parser * feat: update more custom parsers and unit tests * feat: update more parsers and add correct bloomberg html files * fix: remove console statement * feat: all parsers updated and tests passing * fix: update date_published tests to account for test server time difference * fix: cleanup remaining fixtures in folders * feat: move fixtures for newest custom parsers * feat: remove script changes * fix: update dist files to account for reverting script changes * adding .DS_Store to .gitignore * adding .DS_Store to .gitignore -- 2 * adding .DS_Store to .gitignore -- 3 lol * cleaning up some tests * fix: ran build:generator command to update generate-custom-parser dist file * fix: update rollup configs to generate source maps and update source maps * fix: use underscore in place of unused error variable * fix: remove unused fixture Co-authored-by: Postlight Bot <> Co-authored-by: flbn <>
2 years ago
<li class="menu__item is-expanded expanded menu-mlid-5936 horizontal-3-level-menu--menu-item sitewide-footer--main-nav--horizontal-3-level-menu--menu-item sitewide-footer--main-nav--menu-level-2 even depth-2 children children-8" data-position="2"><span class="menu__link nolink" tabindex="0">Top Issues</span><ul class="menu"><li class="menu__item is-leaf first leaf menu-mlid-5996 horizontal-3-level-menu--menu-item sitewide-footer--main-nav--horizontal-3-level-menu--menu-item sitewide-footer--main-nav--menu-level-3 odd depth-3 no-children" data-position="1"><a href="" class="menu__link">Civil Rights</a></li>
<li class="menu__item is-leaf leaf menu-mlid-5951 horizontal-3-level-menu--menu-item sitewide-footer--main-nav--horizontal-3-level-menu--menu-item sitewide-footer--main-nav--menu-level-3 even depth-3 no-children" data-position="2"><a href="" class="menu__link">Climate Change</a></li>
<li class="menu__item is-leaf leaf menu-mlid-5971 horizontal-3-level-menu--menu-item sitewide-footer--main-nav--horizontal-3-level-menu--menu-item sitewide-footer--main-nav--menu-level-3 odd depth-3 no-children" data-position="3"><a href="" class="menu__link">Economy</a></li>
<li class="menu__item is-leaf leaf menu-mlid-5976 horizontal-3-level-menu--menu-item sitewide-footer--main-nav--horizontal-3-level-menu--menu-item sitewide-footer--main-nav--menu-level-3 even depth-3 no-children" data-position="4"><a href="" class="menu__link">Education</a></li>
<li class="menu__item is-leaf leaf menu-mlid-5981 horizontal-3-level-menu--menu-item sitewide-footer--main-nav--horizontal-3-level-menu--menu-item sitewide-footer--main-nav--menu-level-3 odd depth-3 no-children" data-position="5"><a href="" class="menu__link">Foreign Policy</a></li>
feat: update all fixtures and custom parsers to match (#713) * feat: Refactor and update fixtures This patch changes how fixtures are stored. Previously, a fixture's folder identified its domain and its filename identified when it was fetched. This has been changed so that the filename indicates the domain and the modified time of the file indicates how recently it was fetched. A fixture's filename can optionally include a modifier to distinguish between two different page types on the same domain, for example. Also included here are changes to the update-fixture script, both to accomodate the new filename scheme as well as to actually update all fixtures. The functionality for running automatically and opening PRs has been removed but will likely be reintroduced. Finally, all fixtures have been updated. * Remove reference to deleted extractor * feat: first batch of test and parser updates due to new fixtures * feat: update more custom parsers and unit tests * feat: update more custom parsers and unit tests and remove unnecessary parser * feat: update more custom parsers and unit tests * feat: update more parsers and add correct bloomberg html files * fix: remove console statement * feat: all parsers updated and tests passing * fix: update date_published tests to account for test server time difference * fix: cleanup remaining fixtures in folders * feat: move fixtures for newest custom parsers * feat: remove script changes * fix: update dist files to account for reverting script changes * adding .DS_Store to .gitignore * adding .DS_Store to .gitignore -- 2 * adding .DS_Store to .gitignore -- 3 lol * cleaning up some tests * fix: ran build:generator command to update generate-custom-parser dist file * fix: update rollup configs to generate source maps and update source maps * fix: use underscore in place of unused error variable * fix: remove unused fixture Co-authored-by: Postlight Bot <> Co-authored-by: flbn <>
2 years ago
<li class="menu__item is-leaf is-parent leaf has-children menu-mlid-5986 horizontal-3-level-menu--menu-item sitewide-footer--main-nav--horizontal-3-level-menu--menu-item sitewide-footer--main-nav--menu-level-3 even depth-3 no-children" data-position="6"><a href="" class="menu__link">Health Care</a></li>
<li class="menu__item is-leaf leaf menu-mlid-627051 horizontal-3-level-menu--menu-item sitewide-footer--main-nav--horizontal-3-level-menu--menu-item sitewide-footer--main-nav--menu-level-3 odd depth-3 no-children" data-position="7"><a href="" class="menu__link">Iran Deal</a></li>
<li class="menu__item is-leaf last leaf menu-mlid-35246 horizontal-3-level-menu--menu-item sitewide-footer--main-nav--horizontal-3-level-menu--menu-item sitewide-footer--main-nav--menu-level-3 even depth-3 no-children" data-position="8"><a href="" class="menu__link">Immigration Action</a></li>
feat: update all fixtures and custom parsers to match (#713) * feat: Refactor and update fixtures This patch changes how fixtures are stored. Previously, a fixture's folder identified its domain and its filename identified when it was fetched. This has been changed so that the filename indicates the domain and the modified time of the file indicates how recently it was fetched. A fixture's filename can optionally include a modifier to distinguish between two different page types on the same domain, for example. Also included here are changes to the update-fixture script, both to accomodate the new filename scheme as well as to actually update all fixtures. The functionality for running automatically and opening PRs has been removed but will likely be reintroduced. Finally, all fixtures have been updated. * Remove reference to deleted extractor * feat: first batch of test and parser updates due to new fixtures * feat: update more custom parsers and unit tests * feat: update more custom parsers and unit tests and remove unnecessary parser * feat: update more custom parsers and unit tests * feat: update more parsers and add correct bloomberg html files * fix: remove console statement * feat: all parsers updated and tests passing * fix: update date_published tests to account for test server time difference * fix: cleanup remaining fixtures in folders * feat: move fixtures for newest custom parsers * feat: remove script changes * fix: update dist files to account for reverting script changes * adding .DS_Store to .gitignore * adding .DS_Store to .gitignore -- 2 * adding .DS_Store to .gitignore -- 3 lol * cleaning up some tests * fix: ran build:generator command to update generate-custom-parser dist file * fix: update rollup configs to generate source maps and update source maps * fix: use underscore in place of unused error variable * fix: remove unused fixture Co-authored-by: Postlight Bot <> Co-authored-by: flbn <>
2 years ago
<li class="menu__item is-expanded expanded menu-mlid-7321 horizontal-3-level-menu--menu-item sitewide-footer--main-nav--horizontal-3-level-menu--menu-item sitewide-footer--main-nav--menu-level-2 odd depth-2 children children-8" data-position="3"><span class="menu__link nolink" tabindex="0">More</span><ul class="menu"><li class="menu__item is-leaf first leaf menu-mlid-131696 horizontal-3-level-menu--menu-item sitewide-footer--main-nav--horizontal-3-level-menu--menu-item sitewide-footer--main-nav--menu-level-3 odd depth-3 no-children" data-position="1"><a href="/issues/defense" class="menu__link">Defense</a></li>
<li class="menu__item is-leaf leaf menu-mlid-91131 horizontal-3-level-menu--menu-item sitewide-footer--main-nav--horizontal-3-level-menu--menu-item sitewide-footer--main-nav--menu-level-3 even depth-3 no-children" data-position="2"><a href="/issues/disabilities" class="menu__link">Disabilities</a></li>
<li class="menu__item is-leaf leaf menu-mlid-6011 horizontal-3-level-menu--menu-item sitewide-footer--main-nav--horizontal-3-level-menu--menu-item sitewide-footer--main-nav--menu-level-3 odd depth-3 no-children" data-position="3"><a href="" class="menu__link">Ethics</a></li>
<li class="menu__item is-leaf leaf menu-mlid-6016 horizontal-3-level-menu--menu-item sitewide-footer--main-nav--horizontal-3-level-menu--menu-item sitewide-footer--main-nav--menu-level-3 even depth-3 no-children" data-position="4"><a href="" class="menu__link">Equal Pay</a></li>
feat: update all fixtures and custom parsers to match (#713) * feat: Refactor and update fixtures This patch changes how fixtures are stored. Previously, a fixture's folder identified its domain and its filename identified when it was fetched. This has been changed so that the filename indicates the domain and the modified time of the file indicates how recently it was fetched. A fixture's filename can optionally include a modifier to distinguish between two different page types on the same domain, for example. Also included here are changes to the update-fixture script, both to accomodate the new filename scheme as well as to actually update all fixtures. The functionality for running automatically and opening PRs has been removed but will likely be reintroduced. Finally, all fixtures have been updated. * Remove reference to deleted extractor * feat: first batch of test and parser updates due to new fixtures * feat: update more custom parsers and unit tests * feat: update more custom parsers and unit tests and remove unnecessary parser * feat: update more custom parsers and unit tests * feat: update more parsers and add correct bloomberg html files * fix: remove console statement * feat: all parsers updated and tests passing * fix: update date_published tests to account for test server time difference * fix: cleanup remaining fixtures in folders * feat: move fixtures for newest custom parsers * feat: remove script changes * fix: update dist files to account for reverting script changes * adding .DS_Store to .gitignore * adding .DS_Store to .gitignore -- 2 * adding .DS_Store to .gitignore -- 3 lol * cleaning up some tests * fix: ran build:generator command to update generate-custom-parser dist file * fix: update rollup configs to generate source maps and update source maps * fix: use underscore in place of unused error variable * fix: remove unused fixture Co-authored-by: Postlight Bot <> Co-authored-by: flbn <>
2 years ago
<li class="menu__item is-leaf leaf menu-mlid-131731 horizontal-3-level-menu--menu-item sitewide-footer--main-nav--horizontal-3-level-menu--menu-item sitewide-footer--main-nav--menu-level-3 odd depth-3 no-children" data-position="5"><a href="/issues/homeland-security" class="menu__link">Homeland Security</a></li>
<li class="menu__item is-leaf leaf menu-mlid-6066 horizontal-3-level-menu--menu-item sitewide-footer--main-nav--horizontal-3-level-menu--menu-item sitewide-footer--main-nav--menu-level-3 even depth-3 no-children" data-position="6"><a href="" class="menu__link">Reducing Gun Violence</a></li>
<li class="menu__item is-leaf leaf menu-mlid-6031 horizontal-3-level-menu--menu-item sitewide-footer--main-nav--horizontal-3-level-menu--menu-item sitewide-footer--main-nav--menu-level-3 odd depth-3 no-children" data-position="7"><a href="" class="menu__link">Rural</a></li>
feat: update all fixtures and custom parsers to match (#713) * feat: Refactor and update fixtures This patch changes how fixtures are stored. Previously, a fixture's folder identified its domain and its filename identified when it was fetched. This has been changed so that the filename indicates the domain and the modified time of the file indicates how recently it was fetched. A fixture's filename can optionally include a modifier to distinguish between two different page types on the same domain, for example. Also included here are changes to the update-fixture script, both to accomodate the new filename scheme as well as to actually update all fixtures. The functionality for running automatically and opening PRs has been removed but will likely be reintroduced. Finally, all fixtures have been updated. * Remove reference to deleted extractor * feat: first batch of test and parser updates due to new fixtures * feat: update more custom parsers and unit tests * feat: update more custom parsers and unit tests and remove unnecessary parser * feat: update more custom parsers and unit tests * feat: update more parsers and add correct bloomberg html files * fix: remove console statement * feat: all parsers updated and tests passing * fix: update date_published tests to account for test server time difference * fix: cleanup remaining fixtures in folders * feat: move fixtures for newest custom parsers * feat: remove script changes * fix: update dist files to account for reverting script changes * adding .DS_Store to .gitignore * adding .DS_Store to .gitignore -- 2 * adding .DS_Store to .gitignore -- 3 lol * cleaning up some tests * fix: ran build:generator command to update generate-custom-parser dist file * fix: update rollup configs to generate source maps and update source maps * fix: use underscore in place of unused error variable * fix: remove unused fixture Co-authored-by: Postlight Bot <> Co-authored-by: flbn <>
2 years ago
<li class="menu__item is-leaf last leaf menu-mlid-145746 horizontal-3-level-menu--menu-item sitewide-footer--main-nav--horizontal-3-level-menu--menu-item sitewide-footer--main-nav--menu-level-3 even depth-3 no-children" data-position="8"><a href="/issues/service" class="menu__link">Service</a></li>
feat: update all fixtures and custom parsers to match (#713) * feat: Refactor and update fixtures This patch changes how fixtures are stored. Previously, a fixture's folder identified its domain and its filename identified when it was fetched. This has been changed so that the filename indicates the domain and the modified time of the file indicates how recently it was fetched. A fixture's filename can optionally include a modifier to distinguish between two different page types on the same domain, for example. Also included here are changes to the update-fixture script, both to accomodate the new filename scheme as well as to actually update all fixtures. The functionality for running automatically and opening PRs has been removed but will likely be reintroduced. Finally, all fixtures have been updated. * Remove reference to deleted extractor * feat: first batch of test and parser updates due to new fixtures * feat: update more custom parsers and unit tests * feat: update more custom parsers and unit tests and remove unnecessary parser * feat: update more custom parsers and unit tests * feat: update more parsers and add correct bloomberg html files * fix: remove console statement * feat: all parsers updated and tests passing * fix: update date_published tests to account for test server time difference * fix: cleanup remaining fixtures in folders * feat: move fixtures for newest custom parsers * feat: remove script changes * fix: update dist files to account for reverting script changes * adding .DS_Store to .gitignore * adding .DS_Store to .gitignore -- 2 * adding .DS_Store to .gitignore -- 3 lol * cleaning up some tests * fix: ran build:generator command to update generate-custom-parser dist file * fix: update rollup configs to generate source maps and update source maps * fix: use underscore in place of unused error variable * fix: remove unused fixture Co-authored-by: Postlight Bot <> Co-authored-by: flbn <>
2 years ago
<li class="menu__item is-expanded last expanded menu-mlid-5941 horizontal-3-level-menu--menu-item sitewide-footer--main-nav--horizontal-3-level-menu--menu-item sitewide-footer--main-nav--menu-level-2 even depth-2 children children-7" data-position="4"><span class="menu__link nolink" tabindex="0">More</span><ul class="menu"><li class="menu__item is-leaf first leaf menu-mlid-132791 horizontal-3-level-menu--menu-item sitewide-footer--main-nav--horizontal-3-level-menu--menu-item sitewide-footer--main-nav--menu-level-3 odd depth-3 no-children" data-position="1"><a href="/issues/seniors-and-social-security" class="menu__link">Seniors &amp; Social Security</a></li>
<li class="menu__item is-leaf leaf menu-mlid-127311 horizontal-3-level-menu--menu-item sitewide-footer--main-nav--horizontal-3-level-menu--menu-item sitewide-footer--main-nav--menu-level-3 even depth-3 no-children" data-position="2"><a href="/issues/taxes" class="menu__link">Taxes</a></li>
<li class="menu__item is-leaf leaf menu-mlid-123561 horizontal-3-level-menu--menu-item sitewide-footer--main-nav--horizontal-3-level-menu--menu-item sitewide-footer--main-nav--menu-level-3 odd depth-3 no-children" data-position="3"><a href="/issues/technology" class="menu__link">Technology</a></li>
<li class="menu__item is-leaf leaf menu-mlid-93756 horizontal-3-level-menu--menu-item sitewide-footer--main-nav--horizontal-3-level-menu--menu-item sitewide-footer--main-nav--menu-level-3 even depth-3 no-children" data-position="4"><a href="" class="menu__link">Trade</a></li>
<li class="menu__item is-leaf leaf menu-mlid-6056 horizontal-3-level-menu--menu-item sitewide-footer--main-nav--horizontal-3-level-menu--menu-item sitewide-footer--main-nav--menu-level-3 odd depth-3 no-children" data-position="5"><a href="" class="menu__link">Urban and Economic Mobility</a></li>
<li class="menu__item is-leaf leaf menu-mlid-6061 horizontal-3-level-menu--menu-item sitewide-footer--main-nav--horizontal-3-level-menu--menu-item sitewide-footer--main-nav--menu-level-3 even depth-3 no-children" data-position="6"><a href="" class="menu__link">Veterans</a></li>
<li class="menu__item is-leaf last leaf menu-mlid-6071 horizontal-3-level-menu--menu-item sitewide-footer--main-nav--horizontal-3-level-menu--menu-item sitewide-footer--main-nav--menu-level-3 odd depth-3 no-children" data-position="7"><a href="" class="menu__link">Women</a></li>
feat: update all fixtures and custom parsers to match (#713) * feat: Refactor and update fixtures This patch changes how fixtures are stored. Previously, a fixture's folder identified its domain and its filename identified when it was fetched. This has been changed so that the filename indicates the domain and the modified time of the file indicates how recently it was fetched. A fixture's filename can optionally include a modifier to distinguish between two different page types on the same domain, for example. Also included here are changes to the update-fixture script, both to accomodate the new filename scheme as well as to actually update all fixtures. The functionality for running automatically and opening PRs has been removed but will likely be reintroduced. Finally, all fixtures have been updated. * Remove reference to deleted extractor * feat: first batch of test and parser updates due to new fixtures * feat: update more custom parsers and unit tests * feat: update more custom parsers and unit tests and remove unnecessary parser * feat: update more custom parsers and unit tests * feat: update more parsers and add correct bloomberg html files * fix: remove console statement * feat: all parsers updated and tests passing * fix: update date_published tests to account for test server time difference * fix: cleanup remaining fixtures in folders * feat: move fixtures for newest custom parsers * feat: remove script changes * fix: update dist files to account for reverting script changes * adding .DS_Store to .gitignore * adding .DS_Store to .gitignore -- 2 * adding .DS_Store to .gitignore -- 3 lol * cleaning up some tests * fix: ran build:generator command to update generate-custom-parser dist file * fix: update rollup configs to generate source maps and update source maps * fix: use underscore in place of unused error variable * fix: remove unused fixture Co-authored-by: Postlight Bot <> Co-authored-by: flbn <>
2 years ago
<li class="menu__item is-expanded expanded menu-mlid-5831 horizontal-3-level-menu--menu-item sitewide-footer--main-nav--horizontal-3-level-menu--menu-item sitewide-footer--main-nav--menu-level-1 even depth-1 children children-4" data-position="4"><a href="" class="menu__link">The Administration</a><ul class="menu"><li class="menu__item is-expanded first expanded menu-mlid-6076 horizontal-3-level-menu--menu-item sitewide-footer--main-nav--horizontal-3-level-menu--menu-item sitewide-footer--main-nav--menu-level-2 odd depth-2 children children-8" data-position="1"><span class="menu__link nolink" tabindex="0">People</span><ul class="menu"><li class="menu__item is-leaf first leaf menu-mlid-45996 horizontal-3-level-menu--menu-item sitewide-footer--main-nav--horizontal-3-level-menu--menu-item sitewide-footer--main-nav--menu-level-3 odd depth-3 no-children" data-position="1"><a href="/administration/president-obama" class="menu__link">President Barack Obama</a></li>
<li class="menu__item is-leaf leaf menu-mlid-6106 horizontal-3-level-menu--menu-item sitewide-footer--main-nav--horizontal-3-level-menu--menu-item sitewide-footer--main-nav--menu-level-3 even depth-3 no-children" data-position="2"><a href="" class="menu__link">Vice President Joe Biden</a></li>
feat: update all fixtures and custom parsers to match (#713) * feat: Refactor and update fixtures This patch changes how fixtures are stored. Previously, a fixture's folder identified its domain and its filename identified when it was fetched. This has been changed so that the filename indicates the domain and the modified time of the file indicates how recently it was fetched. A fixture's filename can optionally include a modifier to distinguish between two different page types on the same domain, for example. Also included here are changes to the update-fixture script, both to accomodate the new filename scheme as well as to actually update all fixtures. The functionality for running automatically and opening PRs has been removed but will likely be reintroduced. Finally, all fixtures have been updated. * Remove reference to deleted extractor * feat: first batch of test and parser updates due to new fixtures * feat: update more custom parsers and unit tests * feat: update more custom parsers and unit tests and remove unnecessary parser * feat: update more custom parsers and unit tests * feat: update more parsers and add correct bloomberg html files * fix: remove console statement * feat: all parsers updated and tests passing * fix: update date_published tests to account for test server time difference * fix: cleanup remaining fixtures in folders * feat: move fixtures for newest custom parsers * feat: remove script changes * fix: update dist files to account for reverting script changes * adding .DS_Store to .gitignore * adding .DS_Store to .gitignore -- 2 * adding .DS_Store to .gitignore -- 3 lol * cleaning up some tests * fix: ran build:generator command to update generate-custom-parser dist file * fix: update rollup configs to generate source maps and update source maps * fix: use underscore in place of unused error variable * fix: remove unused fixture Co-authored-by: Postlight Bot <> Co-authored-by: flbn <>
2 years ago
<li class="menu__item is-leaf leaf menu-mlid-45356 horizontal-3-level-menu--menu-item sitewide-footer--main-nav--horizontal-3-level-menu--menu-item sitewide-footer--main-nav--menu-level-3 odd depth-3 no-children" data-position="3"><a href="/administration/first-lady-michelle-obama" class="menu__link">First Lady Michelle Obama</a></li>
<li class="menu__item is-leaf leaf menu-mlid-45961 horizontal-3-level-menu--menu-item sitewide-footer--main-nav--horizontal-3-level-menu--menu-item sitewide-footer--main-nav--menu-level-3 even depth-3 no-children" data-position="4"><a href="/administration/jill-biden" class="menu__link">Dr. Jill Biden</a></li>
<li class="menu__item is-leaf leaf menu-mlid-35121 horizontal-3-level-menu--menu-item sitewide-footer--main-nav--horizontal-3-level-menu--menu-item sitewide-footer--main-nav--menu-level-3 odd depth-3 no-children" data-position="5"><a href="/administration/cabinet" class="menu__link">The Cabinet</a></li>
<li class="menu__item is-leaf leaf menu-mlid-89106 horizontal-3-level-menu--menu-item sitewide-footer--main-nav--horizontal-3-level-menu--menu-item sitewide-footer--main-nav--menu-level-3 even depth-3 no-children" data-position="6"><a href="/administration/eop" class="menu__link">Executive Office of the President</a></li>
<li class="menu__item is-leaf leaf menu-mlid-89236 horizontal-3-level-menu--menu-item sitewide-footer--main-nav--horizontal-3-level-menu--menu-item sitewide-footer--main-nav--menu-level-3 odd depth-3 no-children" data-position="7"><a href="/administration/senior-leadership" class="menu__link">Senior White House Leadership</a></li>
<li class="menu__item is-leaf last leaf menu-mlid-46031 horizontal-3-level-menu--menu-item sitewide-footer--main-nav--horizontal-3-level-menu--menu-item sitewide-footer--main-nav--menu-level-3 even depth-3 no-children" data-position="8"><a href="/administration/other-advisory-boards" class="menu__link">Other Advisory Boards</a></li>
<li class="menu__item is-expanded expanded menu-mlid-6081 horizontal-3-level-menu--menu-item sitewide-footer--main-nav--horizontal-3-level-menu--menu-item sitewide-footer--main-nav--menu-level-2 even depth-2 children children-6" data-position="2"><span class="menu__link nolink" tabindex="0">Executive Offices</span><ul class="menu"><li class="menu__item is-leaf is-parent first leaf has-children menu-mlid-6126 horizontal-3-level-menu--menu-item sitewide-footer--main-nav--horizontal-3-level-menu--menu-item sitewide-footer--main-nav--menu-level-3 odd depth-3 no-children" data-position="1"><a href="" class="menu__link">Office of Management and Budget</a></li>
<li class="menu__item is-leaf is-parent leaf has-children menu-mlid-6136 horizontal-3-level-menu--menu-item sitewide-footer--main-nav--horizontal-3-level-menu--menu-item sitewide-footer--main-nav--menu-level-3 even depth-3 no-children" data-position="2"><a href="" class="menu__link">Office of Science and Technology Policy</a></li>
<li class="menu__item is-leaf leaf menu-mlid-6141 horizontal-3-level-menu--menu-item sitewide-footer--main-nav--horizontal-3-level-menu--menu-item sitewide-footer--main-nav--menu-level-3 odd depth-3 no-children" data-position="3"><a href="" class="menu__link">Council of Economic Advisers</a></li>
feat: update all fixtures and custom parsers to match (#713) * feat: Refactor and update fixtures This patch changes how fixtures are stored. Previously, a fixture's folder identified its domain and its filename identified when it was fetched. This has been changed so that the filename indicates the domain and the modified time of the file indicates how recently it was fetched. A fixture's filename can optionally include a modifier to distinguish between two different page types on the same domain, for example. Also included here are changes to the update-fixture script, both to accomodate the new filename scheme as well as to actually update all fixtures. The functionality for running automatically and opening PRs has been removed but will likely be reintroduced. Finally, all fixtures have been updated. * Remove reference to deleted extractor * feat: first batch of test and parser updates due to new fixtures * feat: update more custom parsers and unit tests * feat: update more custom parsers and unit tests and remove unnecessary parser * feat: update more custom parsers and unit tests * feat: update more parsers and add correct bloomberg html files * fix: remove console statement * feat: all parsers updated and tests passing * fix: update date_published tests to account for test server time difference * fix: cleanup remaining fixtures in folders * feat: move fixtures for newest custom parsers * feat: remove script changes * fix: update dist files to account for reverting script changes * adding .DS_Store to .gitignore * adding .DS_Store to .gitignore -- 2 * adding .DS_Store to .gitignore -- 3 lol * cleaning up some tests * fix: ran build:generator command to update generate-custom-parser dist file * fix: update rollup configs to generate source maps and update source maps * fix: use underscore in place of unused error variable * fix: remove unused fixture Co-authored-by: Postlight Bot <> Co-authored-by: flbn <>
2 years ago
<li class="menu__item is-leaf is-parent leaf has-children menu-mlid-6146 horizontal-3-level-menu--menu-item sitewide-footer--main-nav--horizontal-3-level-menu--menu-item sitewide-footer--main-nav--menu-level-3 even depth-3 no-children" data-position="4"><a href="" class="menu__link">Council on Environmental Quality</a></li>
<li class="menu__item is-leaf is-parent leaf has-children menu-mlid-204286 horizontal-3-level-menu--menu-item sitewide-footer--main-nav--horizontal-3-level-menu--menu-item sitewide-footer--main-nav--menu-level-3 odd depth-3 no-children" data-position="5"><a href="" class="menu__link">National Security Council</a></li>
<li class="menu__item is-leaf last leaf menu-mlid-6151 horizontal-3-level-menu--menu-item sitewide-footer--main-nav--horizontal-3-level-menu--menu-item sitewide-footer--main-nav--menu-level-3 even depth-3 no-children" data-position="6"><a href="" class="menu__link">See All</a></li>
feat: update all fixtures and custom parsers to match (#713) * feat: Refactor and update fixtures This patch changes how fixtures are stored. Previously, a fixture's folder identified its domain and its filename identified when it was fetched. This has been changed so that the filename indicates the domain and the modified time of the file indicates how recently it was fetched. A fixture's filename can optionally include a modifier to distinguish between two different page types on the same domain, for example. Also included here are changes to the update-fixture script, both to accomodate the new filename scheme as well as to actually update all fixtures. The functionality for running automatically and opening PRs has been removed but will likely be reintroduced. Finally, all fixtures have been updated. * Remove reference to deleted extractor * feat: first batch of test and parser updates due to new fixtures * feat: update more custom parsers and unit tests * feat: update more custom parsers and unit tests and remove unnecessary parser * feat: update more custom parsers and unit tests * feat: update more parsers and add correct bloomberg html files * fix: remove console statement * feat: all parsers updated and tests passing * fix: update date_published tests to account for test server time difference * fix: cleanup remaining fixtures in folders * feat: move fixtures for newest custom parsers * feat: remove script changes * fix: update dist files to account for reverting script changes * adding .DS_Store to .gitignore * adding .DS_Store to .gitignore -- 2 * adding .DS_Store to .gitignore -- 3 lol * cleaning up some tests * fix: ran build:generator command to update generate-custom-parser dist file * fix: update rollup configs to generate source maps and update source maps * fix: use underscore in place of unused error variable * fix: remove unused fixture Co-authored-by: Postlight Bot <> Co-authored-by: flbn <>
2 years ago
<li class="menu__item is-expanded expanded menu-mlid-6086 horizontal-3-level-menu--menu-item sitewide-footer--main-nav--horizontal-3-level-menu--menu-item sitewide-footer--main-nav--menu-level-2 odd depth-2 children children-5" data-position="3"><span class="menu__link nolink" tabindex="0">Initiatives</span><ul class="menu"><li class="menu__item is-leaf first leaf menu-mlid-6156 horizontal-3-level-menu--menu-item sitewide-footer--main-nav--horizontal-3-level-menu--menu-item sitewide-footer--main-nav--menu-level-3 odd depth-3 no-children" data-position="1"><a href="" class="menu__link">Lets Move</a></li>
<li class="menu__item is-leaf leaf menu-mlid-6161 horizontal-3-level-menu--menu-item sitewide-footer--main-nav--horizontal-3-level-menu--menu-item sitewide-footer--main-nav--menu-level-3 even depth-3 no-children" data-position="2"><a href="" class="menu__link">Joining Forces</a></li>
<li class="menu__item is-leaf leaf menu-mlid-233951 horizontal-3-level-menu--menu-item sitewide-footer--main-nav--horizontal-3-level-menu--menu-item sitewide-footer--main-nav--menu-level-3 odd depth-3 no-children" data-position="3"><a href="" class="menu__link">Reach Higher</a></li>
<li class="menu__item is-leaf leaf menu-mlid-433701 horizontal-3-level-menu--menu-item sitewide-footer--main-nav--horizontal-3-level-menu--menu-item sitewide-footer--main-nav--menu-level-3 even depth-3 no-children" data-position="4"><a href="" class="menu__link">My Brother&apos;s Keeper</a></li>
<li class="menu__item is-leaf last leaf menu-mlid-1179601 horizontal-3-level-menu--menu-item sitewide-footer--main-nav--horizontal-3-level-menu--menu-item sitewide-footer--main-nav--menu-level-3 odd depth-3 no-children" data-position="5"><a href="" class="menu__link">Precision Medicine</a></li>
feat: update all fixtures and custom parsers to match (#713) * feat: Refactor and update fixtures This patch changes how fixtures are stored. Previously, a fixture's folder identified its domain and its filename identified when it was fetched. This has been changed so that the filename indicates the domain and the modified time of the file indicates how recently it was fetched. A fixture's filename can optionally include a modifier to distinguish between two different page types on the same domain, for example. Also included here are changes to the update-fixture script, both to accomodate the new filename scheme as well as to actually update all fixtures. The functionality for running automatically and opening PRs has been removed but will likely be reintroduced. Finally, all fixtures have been updated. * Remove reference to deleted extractor * feat: first batch of test and parser updates due to new fixtures * feat: update more custom parsers and unit tests * feat: update more custom parsers and unit tests and remove unnecessary parser * feat: update more custom parsers and unit tests * feat: update more parsers and add correct bloomberg html files * fix: remove console statement * feat: all parsers updated and tests passing * fix: update date_published tests to account for test server time difference * fix: cleanup remaining fixtures in folders * feat: move fixtures for newest custom parsers * feat: remove script changes * fix: update dist files to account for reverting script changes * adding .DS_Store to .gitignore * adding .DS_Store to .gitignore -- 2 * adding .DS_Store to .gitignore -- 3 lol * cleaning up some tests * fix: ran build:generator command to update generate-custom-parser dist file * fix: update rollup configs to generate source maps and update source maps * fix: use underscore in place of unused error variable * fix: remove unused fixture Co-authored-by: Postlight Bot <> Co-authored-by: flbn <>
2 years ago
<li class="menu__item is-expanded last expanded menu-mlid-6091 horizontal-3-level-menu--menu-item sitewide-footer--main-nav--horizontal-3-level-menu--menu-item sitewide-footer--main-nav--menu-level-2 even depth-2 children children-3" data-position="4"><span class="menu__link nolink" tabindex="0">Special Events</span><ul class="menu"><li class="menu__item is-leaf first leaf menu-mlid-6176 horizontal-3-level-menu--menu-item sitewide-footer--main-nav--horizontal-3-level-menu--menu-item sitewide-footer--main-nav--menu-level-3 odd depth-3 no-children" data-position="1"><a href="" class="menu__link">State of the Union</a></li>
<li class="menu__item is-leaf leaf menu-mlid-6181 horizontal-3-level-menu--menu-item sitewide-footer--main-nav--horizontal-3-level-menu--menu-item sitewide-footer--main-nav--menu-level-3 even depth-3 no-children" data-position="2"><a href="" class="menu__link">Inauguration</a></li>
<li class="menu__item is-leaf last leaf menu-mlid-6186 horizontal-3-level-menu--menu-item sitewide-footer--main-nav--horizontal-3-level-menu--menu-item sitewide-footer--main-nav--menu-level-3 odd depth-3 no-children" data-position="3"><a href="" class="menu__link">Medal of Freedom</a></li>
feat: update all fixtures and custom parsers to match (#713) * feat: Refactor and update fixtures This patch changes how fixtures are stored. Previously, a fixture's folder identified its domain and its filename identified when it was fetched. This has been changed so that the filename indicates the domain and the modified time of the file indicates how recently it was fetched. A fixture's filename can optionally include a modifier to distinguish between two different page types on the same domain, for example. Also included here are changes to the update-fixture script, both to accomodate the new filename scheme as well as to actually update all fixtures. The functionality for running automatically and opening PRs has been removed but will likely be reintroduced. Finally, all fixtures have been updated. * Remove reference to deleted extractor * feat: first batch of test and parser updates due to new fixtures * feat: update more custom parsers and unit tests * feat: update more custom parsers and unit tests and remove unnecessary parser * feat: update more custom parsers and unit tests * feat: update more parsers and add correct bloomberg html files * fix: remove console statement * feat: all parsers updated and tests passing * fix: update date_published tests to account for test server time difference * fix: cleanup remaining fixtures in folders * feat: move fixtures for newest custom parsers * feat: remove script changes * fix: update dist files to account for reverting script changes * adding .DS_Store to .gitignore * adding .DS_Store to .gitignore -- 2 * adding .DS_Store to .gitignore -- 3 lol * cleaning up some tests * fix: ran build:generator command to update generate-custom-parser dist file * fix: update rollup configs to generate source maps and update source maps * fix: use underscore in place of unused error variable * fix: remove unused fixture Co-authored-by: Postlight Bot <> Co-authored-by: flbn <>
2 years ago
<li class="menu__item is-expanded expanded menu-mlid-5836 horizontal-3-level-menu--menu-item sitewide-footer--main-nav--horizontal-3-level-menu--menu-item sitewide-footer--main-nav--menu-level-1 odd depth-1 children children-3" data-position="5"><a href="" class="menu__link">Participate</a><ul class="menu"><li class="menu__item is-expanded first expanded menu-mlid-6191 horizontal-3-level-menu--menu-item sitewide-footer--main-nav--horizontal-3-level-menu--menu-item sitewide-footer--main-nav--menu-level-2 odd depth-2 children children-5" data-position="1"><span class="menu__link nolink" tabindex="0">Digital</span><ul class="menu"><li class="menu__item is-leaf first leaf menu-mlid-6206 horizontal-3-level-menu--menu-item sitewide-footer--main-nav--horizontal-3-level-menu--menu-item sitewide-footer--main-nav--menu-level-3 odd depth-3 no-children" data-position="1"><a href="" class="menu__link">Follow Us on Social Media</a></li>
<li class="menu__item is-leaf leaf menu-mlid-148731 horizontal-3-level-menu--menu-item sitewide-footer--main-nav--horizontal-3-level-menu--menu-item sitewide-footer--main-nav--menu-level-3 even depth-3 no-children" data-position="2"><a href="/we-the-geeks" class="menu__link">We the Geeks Hangouts</a></li>
<li class="menu__item is-leaf leaf menu-mlid-6226 horizontal-3-level-menu--menu-item sitewide-footer--main-nav--horizontal-3-level-menu--menu-item sitewide-footer--main-nav--menu-level-3 odd depth-3 no-children" data-position="3"><a href="" class="menu__link">Mobile Apps</a></li>
feat: update all fixtures and custom parsers to match (#713) * feat: Refactor and update fixtures This patch changes how fixtures are stored. Previously, a fixture's folder identified its domain and its filename identified when it was fetched. This has been changed so that the filename indicates the domain and the modified time of the file indicates how recently it was fetched. A fixture's filename can optionally include a modifier to distinguish between two different page types on the same domain, for example. Also included here are changes to the update-fixture script, both to accomodate the new filename scheme as well as to actually update all fixtures. The functionality for running automatically and opening PRs has been removed but will likely be reintroduced. Finally, all fixtures have been updated. * Remove reference to deleted extractor * feat: first batch of test and parser updates due to new fixtures * feat: update more custom parsers and unit tests * feat: update more custom parsers and unit tests and remove unnecessary parser * feat: update more custom parsers and unit tests * feat: update more parsers and add correct bloomberg html files * fix: remove console statement * feat: all parsers updated and tests passing * fix: update date_published tests to account for test server time difference * fix: cleanup remaining fixtures in folders * feat: move fixtures for newest custom parsers * feat: remove script changes * fix: update dist files to account for reverting script changes * adding .DS_Store to .gitignore * adding .DS_Store to .gitignore -- 2 * adding .DS_Store to .gitignore -- 3 lol * cleaning up some tests * fix: ran build:generator command to update generate-custom-parser dist file * fix: update rollup configs to generate source maps and update source maps * fix: use underscore in place of unused error variable * fix: remove unused fixture Co-authored-by: Postlight Bot <> Co-authored-by: flbn <>
2 years ago
<li class="menu__item is-leaf is-parent leaf has-children menu-mlid-148766 horizontal-3-level-menu--menu-item sitewide-footer--main-nav--horizontal-3-level-menu--menu-item sitewide-footer--main-nav--menu-level-3 even depth-3 no-children" data-position="4"><a href="/developers" class="menu__link">Developer Tools</a></li>
<li class="menu__item is-leaf last leaf menu-mlid-89171 horizontal-3-level-menu--menu-item sitewide-footer--main-nav--horizontal-3-level-menu--menu-item sitewide-footer--main-nav--menu-level-3 odd depth-3 no-children" data-position="5"><a href="" class="menu__link">Tools You Can Use</a></li>
feat: update all fixtures and custom parsers to match (#713) * feat: Refactor and update fixtures This patch changes how fixtures are stored. Previously, a fixture's folder identified its domain and its filename identified when it was fetched. This has been changed so that the filename indicates the domain and the modified time of the file indicates how recently it was fetched. A fixture's filename can optionally include a modifier to distinguish between two different page types on the same domain, for example. Also included here are changes to the update-fixture script, both to accomodate the new filename scheme as well as to actually update all fixtures. The functionality for running automatically and opening PRs has been removed but will likely be reintroduced. Finally, all fixtures have been updated. * Remove reference to deleted extractor * feat: first batch of test and parser updates due to new fixtures * feat: update more custom parsers and unit tests * feat: update more custom parsers and unit tests and remove unnecessary parser * feat: update more custom parsers and unit tests * feat: update more parsers and add correct bloomberg html files * fix: remove console statement * feat: all parsers updated and tests passing * fix: update date_published tests to account for test server time difference * fix: cleanup remaining fixtures in folders * feat: move fixtures for newest custom parsers * feat: remove script changes * fix: update dist files to account for reverting script changes * adding .DS_Store to .gitignore * adding .DS_Store to .gitignore -- 2 * adding .DS_Store to .gitignore -- 3 lol * cleaning up some tests * fix: ran build:generator command to update generate-custom-parser dist file * fix: update rollup configs to generate source maps and update source maps * fix: use underscore in place of unused error variable * fix: remove unused fixture Co-authored-by: Postlight Bot <> Co-authored-by: flbn <>
2 years ago
<li class="menu__item is-expanded expanded menu-mlid-6196 horizontal-3-level-menu--menu-item sitewide-footer--main-nav--horizontal-3-level-menu--menu-item sitewide-footer--main-nav--menu-level-2 even depth-2 children children-7" data-position="2"><span class="menu__link nolink" tabindex="0">Join Us</span><ul class="menu"><li class="menu__item is-leaf first leaf menu-mlid-108026 horizontal-3-level-menu--menu-item sitewide-footer--main-nav--horizontal-3-level-menu--menu-item sitewide-footer--main-nav--menu-level-3 odd depth-3 no-children" data-position="1"><a href="/participate/tours-and-events" class="menu__link">Tours &amp; Events</a></li>
<li class="menu__item is-leaf leaf menu-mlid-6241 horizontal-3-level-menu--menu-item sitewide-footer--main-nav--horizontal-3-level-menu--menu-item sitewide-footer--main-nav--menu-level-3 even depth-3 no-children" data-position="2"><a href="" class="menu__link">Jobs with the Administration</a></li>
feat: update all fixtures and custom parsers to match (#713) * feat: Refactor and update fixtures This patch changes how fixtures are stored. Previously, a fixture's folder identified its domain and its filename identified when it was fetched. This has been changed so that the filename indicates the domain and the modified time of the file indicates how recently it was fetched. A fixture's filename can optionally include a modifier to distinguish between two different page types on the same domain, for example. Also included here are changes to the update-fixture script, both to accomodate the new filename scheme as well as to actually update all fixtures. The functionality for running automatically and opening PRs has been removed but will likely be reintroduced. Finally, all fixtures have been updated. * Remove reference to deleted extractor * feat: first batch of test and parser updates due to new fixtures * feat: update more custom parsers and unit tests * feat: update more custom parsers and unit tests and remove unnecessary parser * feat: update more custom parsers and unit tests * feat: update more parsers and add correct bloomberg html files * fix: remove console statement * feat: all parsers updated and tests passing * fix: update date_published tests to account for test server time difference * fix: cleanup remaining fixtures in folders * feat: move fixtures for newest custom parsers * feat: remove script changes * fix: update dist files to account for reverting script changes * adding .DS_Store to .gitignore * adding .DS_Store to .gitignore -- 2 * adding .DS_Store to .gitignore -- 3 lol * cleaning up some tests * fix: ran build:generator command to update generate-custom-parser dist file * fix: update rollup configs to generate source maps and update source maps * fix: use underscore in place of unused error variable * fix: remove unused fixture Co-authored-by: Postlight Bot <> Co-authored-by: flbn <>
2 years ago
<li class="menu__item is-leaf is-parent leaf has-children menu-mlid-112596 horizontal-3-level-menu--menu-item sitewide-footer--main-nav--horizontal-3-level-menu--menu-item sitewide-footer--main-nav--menu-level-3 odd depth-3 no-children" data-position="3"><a href="/participate/internships" class="menu__link">Internships</a></li>
<li class="menu__item is-leaf is-parent leaf has-children menu-mlid-207321 horizontal-3-level-menu--menu-item sitewide-footer--main-nav--horizontal-3-level-menu--menu-item sitewide-footer--main-nav--menu-level-3 even depth-3 no-children" data-position="4"><a href="/participate/fellows" class="menu__link">White House Fellows</a></li>
<li class="menu__item is-leaf leaf menu-mlid-152651 horizontal-3-level-menu--menu-item sitewide-footer--main-nav--horizontal-3-level-menu--menu-item sitewide-footer--main-nav--menu-level-3 odd depth-3 no-children" data-position="5"><a href="/innovationfellows" class="menu__link">Presidential Innovation Fellows</a></li>
<li class="menu__item is-leaf leaf menu-mlid-1096661 horizontal-3-level-menu--menu-item sitewide-footer--main-nav--horizontal-3-level-menu--menu-item sitewide-footer--main-nav--menu-level-3 even depth-3 no-children" data-position="6"><a href="/participate/united-states-digital-service" class="menu__link">United States Digital Service</a></li>
<li class="menu__item is-leaf is-parent last leaf has-children menu-mlid-291136 horizontal-3-level-menu--menu-item sitewide-footer--main-nav--horizontal-3-level-menu--menu-item sitewide-footer--main-nav--menu-level-3 odd depth-3 no-children" data-position="7"><a href="/participate/whldp" class="menu__link">Leadership Development Program</a></li>
feat: update all fixtures and custom parsers to match (#713) * feat: Refactor and update fixtures This patch changes how fixtures are stored. Previously, a fixture's folder identified its domain and its filename identified when it was fetched. This has been changed so that the filename indicates the domain and the modified time of the file indicates how recently it was fetched. A fixture's filename can optionally include a modifier to distinguish between two different page types on the same domain, for example. Also included here are changes to the update-fixture script, both to accomodate the new filename scheme as well as to actually update all fixtures. The functionality for running automatically and opening PRs has been removed but will likely be reintroduced. Finally, all fixtures have been updated. * Remove reference to deleted extractor * feat: first batch of test and parser updates due to new fixtures * feat: update more custom parsers and unit tests * feat: update more custom parsers and unit tests and remove unnecessary parser * feat: update more custom parsers and unit tests * feat: update more parsers and add correct bloomberg html files * fix: remove console statement * feat: all parsers updated and tests passing * fix: update date_published tests to account for test server time difference * fix: cleanup remaining fixtures in folders * feat: move fixtures for newest custom parsers * feat: remove script changes * fix: update dist files to account for reverting script changes * adding .DS_Store to .gitignore * adding .DS_Store to .gitignore -- 2 * adding .DS_Store to .gitignore -- 3 lol * cleaning up some tests * fix: ran build:generator command to update generate-custom-parser dist file * fix: update rollup configs to generate source maps and update source maps * fix: use underscore in place of unused error variable * fix: remove unused fixture Co-authored-by: Postlight Bot <> Co-authored-by: flbn <>
2 years ago
<li class="menu__item is-expanded last expanded menu-mlid-6201 horizontal-3-level-menu--menu-item sitewide-footer--main-nav--horizontal-3-level-menu--menu-item sitewide-footer--main-nav--menu-level-2 odd depth-2 children children-4" data-position="3"><span class="menu__link nolink" tabindex="0">Speak Out</span><ul class="menu"><li class="menu__item is-leaf first leaf menu-mlid-6261 horizontal-3-level-menu--menu-item sitewide-footer--main-nav--horizontal-3-level-menu--menu-item sitewide-footer--main-nav--menu-level-3 odd depth-3 no-children" data-position="1"><a href="" class="menu__link">We the People Petitions</a></li>
<li class="menu__item is-leaf leaf menu-mlid-6266 horizontal-3-level-menu--menu-item sitewide-footer--main-nav--horizontal-3-level-menu--menu-item sitewide-footer--main-nav--menu-level-3 even depth-3 no-children" data-position="2"><a href="" class="menu__link">Contact the White House</a></li>
<li class="menu__item is-leaf leaf menu-mlid-6271 horizontal-3-level-menu--menu-item sitewide-footer--main-nav--horizontal-3-level-menu--menu-item sitewide-footer--main-nav--menu-level-3 odd depth-3 no-children" data-position="3"><a href="" class="menu__link">Citizens Medal</a></li>
<li class="menu__item is-leaf last leaf menu-mlid-6281 horizontal-3-level-menu--menu-item sitewide-footer--main-nav--horizontal-3-level-menu--menu-item sitewide-footer--main-nav--menu-level-3 even depth-3 no-children" data-position="4"><a href="" class="menu__link">Champions of Change</a></li>
feat: update all fixtures and custom parsers to match (#713) * feat: Refactor and update fixtures This patch changes how fixtures are stored. Previously, a fixture's folder identified its domain and its filename identified when it was fetched. This has been changed so that the filename indicates the domain and the modified time of the file indicates how recently it was fetched. A fixture's filename can optionally include a modifier to distinguish between two different page types on the same domain, for example. Also included here are changes to the update-fixture script, both to accomodate the new filename scheme as well as to actually update all fixtures. The functionality for running automatically and opening PRs has been removed but will likely be reintroduced. Finally, all fixtures have been updated. * Remove reference to deleted extractor * feat: first batch of test and parser updates due to new fixtures * feat: update more custom parsers and unit tests * feat: update more custom parsers and unit tests and remove unnecessary parser * feat: update more custom parsers and unit tests * feat: update more parsers and add correct bloomberg html files * fix: remove console statement * feat: all parsers updated and tests passing * fix: update date_published tests to account for test server time difference * fix: cleanup remaining fixtures in folders * feat: move fixtures for newest custom parsers * feat: remove script changes * fix: update dist files to account for reverting script changes * adding .DS_Store to .gitignore * adding .DS_Store to .gitignore -- 2 * adding .DS_Store to .gitignore -- 3 lol * cleaning up some tests * fix: ran build:generator command to update generate-custom-parser dist file * fix: update rollup configs to generate source maps and update source maps * fix: use underscore in place of unused error variable * fix: remove unused fixture Co-authored-by: Postlight Bot <> Co-authored-by: flbn <>
2 years ago
<li class="menu__item is-expanded last expanded menu-mlid-5841 horizontal-3-level-menu--menu-item sitewide-footer--main-nav--horizontal-3-level-menu--menu-item sitewide-footer--main-nav--menu-level-1 even depth-1 children children-3" data-position="6"><a href="" class="menu__link">1600 Penn</a><ul class="menu"><li class="menu__item is-expanded first expanded menu-mlid-6291 horizontal-3-level-menu--menu-item sitewide-footer--main-nav--horizontal-3-level-menu--menu-item sitewide-footer--main-nav--menu-level-2 odd depth-2 children children-6" data-position="1"><span class="menu__link nolink" tabindex="0">Inside the White House</span><ul class="menu"><li class="menu__item is-leaf first leaf menu-mlid-6311 horizontal-3-level-menu--menu-item sitewide-footer--main-nav--horizontal-3-level-menu--menu-item sitewide-footer--main-nav--menu-level-3 odd depth-3 no-children" data-position="1"><a href="" class="menu__link">West Wing Tour</a></li>
<li class="menu__item is-leaf leaf menu-mlid-6306 horizontal-3-level-menu--menu-item sitewide-footer--main-nav--horizontal-3-level-menu--menu-item sitewide-footer--main-nav--menu-level-3 even depth-3 no-children" data-position="2"><a href="" class="menu__link">Eisenhower Executive Office Building Tour</a></li>
<li class="menu__item is-leaf leaf menu-mlid-6316 horizontal-3-level-menu--menu-item sitewide-footer--main-nav--horizontal-3-level-menu--menu-item sitewide-footer--main-nav--menu-level-3 odd depth-3 no-children" data-position="3"><a href="" class="menu__link">Video Series</a></li>
<li class="menu__item is-leaf leaf menu-mlid-6321 horizontal-3-level-menu--menu-item sitewide-footer--main-nav--horizontal-3-level-menu--menu-item sitewide-footer--main-nav--menu-level-3 even depth-3 no-children" data-position="4"><a href="" class="menu__link">D&#xE9;cor and Art</a></li>
<li class="menu__item is-leaf leaf menu-mlid-6326 horizontal-3-level-menu--menu-item sitewide-footer--main-nav--horizontal-3-level-menu--menu-item sitewide-footer--main-nav--menu-level-3 odd depth-3 no-children" data-position="5"><a href="" class="menu__link">Holidays</a></li>
<li class="menu__item is-leaf last leaf menu-mlid-6336 horizontal-3-level-menu--menu-item sitewide-footer--main-nav--horizontal-3-level-menu--menu-item sitewide-footer--main-nav--menu-level-3 even depth-3 no-children" data-position="6"><a href="" class="menu__link">See All</a></li>
feat: update all fixtures and custom parsers to match (#713) * feat: Refactor and update fixtures This patch changes how fixtures are stored. Previously, a fixture's folder identified its domain and its filename identified when it was fetched. This has been changed so that the filename indicates the domain and the modified time of the file indicates how recently it was fetched. A fixture's filename can optionally include a modifier to distinguish between two different page types on the same domain, for example. Also included here are changes to the update-fixture script, both to accomodate the new filename scheme as well as to actually update all fixtures. The functionality for running automatically and opening PRs has been removed but will likely be reintroduced. Finally, all fixtures have been updated. * Remove reference to deleted extractor * feat: first batch of test and parser updates due to new fixtures * feat: update more custom parsers and unit tests * feat: update more custom parsers and unit tests and remove unnecessary parser * feat: update more custom parsers and unit tests * feat: update more parsers and add correct bloomberg html files * fix: remove console statement * feat: all parsers updated and tests passing * fix: update date_published tests to account for test server time difference * fix: cleanup remaining fixtures in folders * feat: move fixtures for newest custom parsers * feat: remove script changes * fix: update dist files to account for reverting script changes * adding .DS_Store to .gitignore * adding .DS_Store to .gitignore -- 2 * adding .DS_Store to .gitignore -- 3 lol * cleaning up some tests * fix: ran build:generator command to update generate-custom-parser dist file * fix: update rollup configs to generate source maps and update source maps * fix: use underscore in place of unused error variable * fix: remove unused fixture Co-authored-by: Postlight Bot <> Co-authored-by: flbn <>
2 years ago
<li class="menu__item is-expanded expanded menu-mlid-6296 horizontal-3-level-menu--menu-item sitewide-footer--main-nav--horizontal-3-level-menu--menu-item sitewide-footer--main-nav--menu-level-2 even depth-2 children children-6" data-position="2"><span class="menu__link nolink" tabindex="0">History &amp; Grounds</span><ul class="menu"><li class="menu__item is-leaf first leaf menu-mlid-86676 horizontal-3-level-menu--menu-item sitewide-footer--main-nav--horizontal-3-level-menu--menu-item sitewide-footer--main-nav--menu-level-3 odd depth-3 no-children" data-position="1"><a href="/1600/Presidents" class="menu__link">Presidents</a></li>
<li class="menu__item is-leaf leaf menu-mlid-86891 horizontal-3-level-menu--menu-item sitewide-footer--main-nav--horizontal-3-level-menu--menu-item sitewide-footer--main-nav--menu-level-3 even depth-3 no-children" data-position="2"><a href="/1600/first-ladies" class="menu__link">First Ladies</a></li>
<li class="menu__item is-leaf leaf menu-mlid-93186 horizontal-3-level-menu--menu-item sitewide-footer--main-nav--horizontal-3-level-menu--menu-item sitewide-footer--main-nav--menu-level-3 odd depth-3 no-children" data-position="3"><a href="/1600/vp-residence" class="menu__link">The Vice President&apos;s Residence &amp; Office</a></li>
<li class="menu__item is-leaf leaf menu-mlid-93191 horizontal-3-level-menu--menu-item sitewide-footer--main-nav--horizontal-3-level-menu--menu-item sitewide-footer--main-nav--menu-level-3 even depth-3 no-children" data-position="4"><a href="/1600/eeob" class="menu__link">Eisenhower Executive Office Building</a></li>
<li class="menu__item is-leaf leaf menu-mlid-93181 horizontal-3-level-menu--menu-item sitewide-footer--main-nav--horizontal-3-level-menu--menu-item sitewide-footer--main-nav--menu-level-3 odd depth-3 no-children" data-position="5"><a href="/1600/camp-david" class="menu__link">Camp David</a></li>
<li class="menu__item is-leaf last leaf menu-mlid-91831 horizontal-3-level-menu--menu-item sitewide-footer--main-nav--horizontal-3-level-menu--menu-item sitewide-footer--main-nav--menu-level-3 even depth-3 no-children" data-position="6"><a href="/1600/air-force-one" class="menu__link">Air Force One</a></li>
feat: update all fixtures and custom parsers to match (#713) * feat: Refactor and update fixtures This patch changes how fixtures are stored. Previously, a fixture's folder identified its domain and its filename identified when it was fetched. This has been changed so that the filename indicates the domain and the modified time of the file indicates how recently it was fetched. A fixture's filename can optionally include a modifier to distinguish between two different page types on the same domain, for example. Also included here are changes to the update-fixture script, both to accomodate the new filename scheme as well as to actually update all fixtures. The functionality for running automatically and opening PRs has been removed but will likely be reintroduced. Finally, all fixtures have been updated. * Remove reference to deleted extractor * feat: first batch of test and parser updates due to new fixtures * feat: update more custom parsers and unit tests * feat: update more custom parsers and unit tests and remove unnecessary parser * feat: update more custom parsers and unit tests * feat: update more parsers and add correct bloomberg html files * fix: remove console statement * feat: all parsers updated and tests passing * fix: update date_published tests to account for test server time difference * fix: cleanup remaining fixtures in folders * feat: move fixtures for newest custom parsers * feat: remove script changes * fix: update dist files to account for reverting script changes * adding .DS_Store to .gitignore * adding .DS_Store to .gitignore -- 2 * adding .DS_Store to .gitignore -- 3 lol * cleaning up some tests * fix: ran build:generator command to update generate-custom-parser dist file * fix: update rollup configs to generate source maps and update source maps * fix: use underscore in place of unused error variable * fix: remove unused fixture Co-authored-by: Postlight Bot <> Co-authored-by: flbn <>
2 years ago
<li class="menu__item is-expanded last expanded menu-mlid-6301 horizontal-3-level-menu--menu-item sitewide-footer--main-nav--horizontal-3-level-menu--menu-item sitewide-footer--main-nav--menu-level-2 odd depth-2 children children-8" data-position="3"><span class="menu__link nolink" tabindex="0">Our Government</span><ul class="menu"><li class="menu__item is-leaf first leaf menu-mlid-93196 horizontal-3-level-menu--menu-item sitewide-footer--main-nav--horizontal-3-level-menu--menu-item sitewide-footer--main-nav--menu-level-3 odd depth-3 no-children" data-position="1"><a href="/1600/executive-branch" class="menu__link">The Executive Branch</a></li>
<li class="menu__item is-leaf leaf menu-mlid-93201 horizontal-3-level-menu--menu-item sitewide-footer--main-nav--horizontal-3-level-menu--menu-item sitewide-footer--main-nav--menu-level-3 even depth-3 no-children" data-position="2"><a href="/1600/legislative-branch" class="menu__link">The Legislative Branch</a></li>
<li class="menu__item is-leaf leaf menu-mlid-93206 horizontal-3-level-menu--menu-item sitewide-footer--main-nav--horizontal-3-level-menu--menu-item sitewide-footer--main-nav--menu-level-3 odd depth-3 no-children" data-position="3"><a href="/1600/judicial-branch" class="menu__link">The Judicial Branch</a></li>
<li class="menu__item is-leaf leaf menu-mlid-93211 horizontal-3-level-menu--menu-item sitewide-footer--main-nav--horizontal-3-level-menu--menu-item sitewide-footer--main-nav--menu-level-3 even depth-3 no-children" data-position="4"><a href="/1600/constitution" class="menu__link">The Constitution</a></li>
<li class="menu__item is-leaf leaf menu-mlid-93216 horizontal-3-level-menu--menu-item sitewide-footer--main-nav--horizontal-3-level-menu--menu-item sitewide-footer--main-nav--menu-level-3 odd depth-3 no-children" data-position="5"><a href="/1600/federal-agencies-and-commissions" class="menu__link">Federal Agencies &amp; Commissions</a></li>
<li class="menu__item is-leaf leaf menu-mlid-93231 horizontal-3-level-menu--menu-item sitewide-footer--main-nav--horizontal-3-level-menu--menu-item sitewide-footer--main-nav--menu-level-3 even depth-3 no-children" data-position="6"><a href="/1600/elections-and-voting" class="menu__link">Elections &amp; Voting</a></li>
<li class="menu__item is-leaf leaf menu-mlid-93226 horizontal-3-level-menu--menu-item sitewide-footer--main-nav--horizontal-3-level-menu--menu-item sitewide-footer--main-nav--menu-level-3 odd depth-3 no-children" data-position="7"><a href="/1600/state-and-local-government" class="menu__link">State &amp; Local Government</a></li>
<li class="menu__item is-leaf last leaf menu-mlid-93221 horizontal-3-level-menu--menu-item sitewide-footer--main-nav--horizontal-3-level-menu--menu-item sitewide-footer--main-nav--menu-level-3 even depth-3 no-children" data-position="8"><a href="/1600/resources" class="menu__link">Resources</a></li>
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<div class="menu-block-wrapper menu-block-ctools-sixteenhundred-nav-utility-1 menu-name-sixteenhundred-nav-utility parent-mlid-0 menu-level-1">
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<li class="menu__item is-leaf leaf menu-mlid-6466 horizontal-1-level-menu--menu-item sitewide-footer--utility-nav--horizontal-1-level-menu--menu-item even depth-1 no-children" data-position="4"><a href="" title="Our private policy." class="menu__link">Privacy Policy</a></li>
feat: update all fixtures and custom parsers to match (#713) * feat: Refactor and update fixtures This patch changes how fixtures are stored. Previously, a fixture's folder identified its domain and its filename identified when it was fetched. This has been changed so that the filename indicates the domain and the modified time of the file indicates how recently it was fetched. A fixture's filename can optionally include a modifier to distinguish between two different page types on the same domain, for example. Also included here are changes to the update-fixture script, both to accomodate the new filename scheme as well as to actually update all fixtures. The functionality for running automatically and opening PRs has been removed but will likely be reintroduced. Finally, all fixtures have been updated. * Remove reference to deleted extractor * feat: first batch of test and parser updates due to new fixtures * feat: update more custom parsers and unit tests * feat: update more custom parsers and unit tests and remove unnecessary parser * feat: update more custom parsers and unit tests * feat: update more parsers and add correct bloomberg html files * fix: remove console statement * feat: all parsers updated and tests passing * fix: update date_published tests to account for test server time difference * fix: cleanup remaining fixtures in folders * feat: move fixtures for newest custom parsers * feat: remove script changes * fix: update dist files to account for reverting script changes * adding .DS_Store to .gitignore * adding .DS_Store to .gitignore -- 2 * adding .DS_Store to .gitignore -- 3 lol * cleaning up some tests * fix: ran build:generator command to update generate-custom-parser dist file * fix: update rollup configs to generate source maps and update source maps * fix: use underscore in place of unused error variable * fix: remove unused fixture Co-authored-by: Postlight Bot <> Co-authored-by: flbn <>
2 years ago
<li class="menu__item is-leaf last leaf menu-mlid-6471 horizontal-1-level-menu--menu-item sitewide-footer--utility-nav--horizontal-1-level-menu--menu-item odd depth-1 no-children" data-position="5"><a href="" title="More information about the government." class="menu__link"></a></li>
feat: update all fixtures and custom parsers to match (#713) * feat: Refactor and update fixtures This patch changes how fixtures are stored. Previously, a fixture's folder identified its domain and its filename identified when it was fetched. This has been changed so that the filename indicates the domain and the modified time of the file indicates how recently it was fetched. A fixture's filename can optionally include a modifier to distinguish between two different page types on the same domain, for example. Also included here are changes to the update-fixture script, both to accomodate the new filename scheme as well as to actually update all fixtures. The functionality for running automatically and opening PRs has been removed but will likely be reintroduced. Finally, all fixtures have been updated. * Remove reference to deleted extractor * feat: first batch of test and parser updates due to new fixtures * feat: update more custom parsers and unit tests * feat: update more custom parsers and unit tests and remove unnecessary parser * feat: update more custom parsers and unit tests * feat: update more parsers and add correct bloomberg html files * fix: remove console statement * feat: all parsers updated and tests passing * fix: update date_published tests to account for test server time difference * fix: cleanup remaining fixtures in folders * feat: move fixtures for newest custom parsers * feat: remove script changes * fix: update dist files to account for reverting script changes * adding .DS_Store to .gitignore * adding .DS_Store to .gitignore -- 2 * adding .DS_Store to .gitignore -- 3 lol * cleaning up some tests * fix: ran build:generator command to update generate-custom-parser dist file * fix: update rollup configs to generate source maps and update source maps * fix: use underscore in place of unused error variable * fix: remove unused fixture Co-authored-by: Postlight Bot <> Co-authored-by: flbn <>
2 years ago