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feat: update all fixtures and custom parsers to match (#713) * feat: Refactor and update fixtures This patch changes how fixtures are stored. Previously, a fixture's folder identified its domain and its filename identified when it was fetched. This has been changed so that the filename indicates the domain and the modified time of the file indicates how recently it was fetched. A fixture's filename can optionally include a modifier to distinguish between two different page types on the same domain, for example. Also included here are changes to the update-fixture script, both to accomodate the new filename scheme as well as to actually update all fixtures. The functionality for running automatically and opening PRs has been removed but will likely be reintroduced. Finally, all fixtures have been updated. * Remove reference to deleted extractor * feat: first batch of test and parser updates due to new fixtures * feat: update more custom parsers and unit tests * feat: update more custom parsers and unit tests and remove unnecessary parser * feat: update more custom parsers and unit tests * feat: update more parsers and add correct bloomberg html files * fix: remove console statement * feat: all parsers updated and tests passing * fix: update date_published tests to account for test server time difference * fix: cleanup remaining fixtures in folders * feat: move fixtures for newest custom parsers * feat: remove script changes * fix: update dist files to account for reverting script changes * adding .DS_Store to .gitignore * adding .DS_Store to .gitignore -- 2 * adding .DS_Store to .gitignore -- 3 lol * cleaning up some tests * fix: ran build:generator command to update generate-custom-parser dist file * fix: update rollup configs to generate source maps and update source maps * fix: use underscore in place of unused error variable * fix: remove unused fixture Co-authored-by: Postlight Bot <> Co-authored-by: flbn <>
2 years ago
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<h1 class="KrUxN nOQZC dKIty IPnV GoWGq ">Hillary Clinton: Putin&apos;s Alleged Involvement in
Democratic Hack Stems From &apos;Personal Beef&apos;</h1>
<p class="stExy xTlfF KrUxN nOQZC WLXON IPnV ">The former presidential candidate made the
comments at an event in NYC.</p>
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<div class="iDmZj bGbFC xjUv wIScF QZvgL zZhuN VfZP pqDnw SyiTy "><span
class="xTlfF sapCZ ">By</span><span>by JOSH HASKELL, DAVID CAPLAN and PATRICK
<div class="rQqmM ">
<div class="xTlfF Vxqj ">December 16, 2016, 4:19 PM</div>
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<div class="Caption__Text" aria-live="polite"><span
class="Truncate Truncate--collapsed"><span><span class="RichText">Hillary
Clinton speaks during a ceremony to unveil a portrait of Senate
Minority Leader Harry Reid, Dec. 8, 2016, in
</div><span aria-label="Evan Vucci/AP Photo"
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<p class="fnmMv geuMB alqtB wqIGQ "><span class=" ">&amp;#151; -- </span><a
class=" uOtk efBMc LIsPj wIScF " tabindex="0" id="ramplink_Hillary Clinton_"
Clinton</a> has an explanation for <a class=" uOtk efBMc LIsPj wIScF " tabindex="0"
id="ramplink_Vladimir Putin_" target="_blank"
Putin</a>&apos;s alleged involvement in the hacking of Democratic organizations during the
2016 presidential election: The Russian leader has a longtime grudge against her, dating
back to 2011 when she was secretary of state and made comments that were critical of
Russia&apos;s parliamentary elections.</p>
<p class="fnmMv geuMB alqtB wqIGQ ">Two Clinton donors tell ABC News that Clinton made the
claim Thursday night at Manhattan&apos;s Plaza Hotel during an event dubbed a &quot;thank
you&quot; party, at which she expressed her gratitude to donors. Her former running mate Tim
Kaine was in attendance, as was New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo.</p>
<p class="fnmMv geuMB alqtB wqIGQ ">In an audio recording from the event obtained by <a
class=" uOtk efBMc LIsPj wIScF " tabindex="0" target="_blank"
New York Times</a>, Clinton can be heard saying that the hacking attacks were ordered by
Putin &quot;because he has a personal beef against me.&#x201D;</p>
<p class="fnmMv geuMB alqtB wqIGQ ">&#x201C;Putin publicly blamed me for the outpouring of
outrage by his own people, and that is the direct line between what he said back then and
what he did in this election,&#x201D; Clinton said, The New York Times reported.</p>
<p class="fnmMv geuMB alqtB wqIGQ ">The donors who spoke to ABC News also say there is growing
anger in the Clinton camp toward the <a class=" uOtk efBMc LIsPj wIScF " tabindex="0"
id="ramplink_FBI_" target="_blank"
href="">FBI</a>, saying
they played a monumental role in allegedly handing the election to Donald Trump, in regards
to FBI Director James Comey&apos;s handling of Clinton&apos;s email scandal.</p>
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<p class="fnmMv geuMB alqtB wqIGQ ">Clinton campaign chairman John Podesta wrote an op-ed in
the <a class=" uOtk efBMc LIsPj wIScF " tabindex="0" target="_blank"
Post</a> Thursday with the headline &quot;Something is deeply broken at the FBI,&quot;
calling the department out for what he said was a &quot;lackadaisical response to the very
real Russian plot to subvert a national election.&quot;</p>
<p class="fnmMv geuMB alqtB wqIGQ ">At Thursday&apos;s event, some attendees were spotted
crying while Clinton spoke. Looking upbeat and greeting guests, she encouraged attendees to
help elect Democrats to office and stay involved in the party&apos;s future.</p>
<h3 class="Dyur tITbk ">The Basis Behind the Alleged Grudge</h3>
<p class="fnmMv geuMB alqtB wqIGQ ">There is a widespread perception among followers of
U.S.-Russia relations that Putin holds a grudge against Clinton over what he sees as her
efforts to have him pushed out when she was secretary of state.</p>
<p class="fnmMv geuMB alqtB wqIGQ ">In 2011, massive street demonstrations broke out in Moscow
protesting the blatant rigging of Russia&#x2019;s parliamentary elections in favor of
Putin&#x2019;s party.</p>
<p class="fnmMv geuMB alqtB wqIGQ ">The demonstrations, which saw as many as 100,000 people
march, morphed into a larger protest against Putin and became the most serious popular
threat to his presidency he has ever faced. The spontaneous protests were a genuine outcry
by Russia&#x2019;s liberal middle class against the corruption among Putin&#x2019;s elite
and his control of a political system that has smothered most opposition to him.</p>
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<p class="fnmMv geuMB alqtB wqIGQ ">Putin blamed Clinton for the protests, accusing her of
inciting them and saying she immediately tried to egg them on.</p>
<p class="fnmMv geuMB alqtB wqIGQ ">&quot;I looked at the first reaction of our U.S.
partners,&quot; Putin said at the time. &quot;The first thing that the secretary of state
did was say that they [the elections] were not honest and not fair, but she had not even yet
received the material from the observers.</p>
<p class="fnmMv geuMB alqtB wqIGQ ">&quot;She set the tone for some actors in our country and
gave them a signal,&quot; Putin continued. &quot;They heard the signal and with the support
of the U.S. State Department began active work.&quot;</p>
<h3 class="Dyur tITbk ">Political Implications </h3>
<p class="fnmMv geuMB alqtB wqIGQ ">The Kremlin believes that the U.S. has seized on
demonstrations in former Soviet countries and elsewhere to try to effect regime change in
the name of Western democratic values, followers of U.S.-Russia relations say.</p>
<p class="fnmMv geuMB alqtB wqIGQ ">The 2011 protests against Putin arose without any
involvement from the U.S., but is widely believed that Putin thinks Clinton and her State
Department were out to get him. Putin does have some basis for this: In 2008, he stepped
down as president for a term as a means of dodging a constitutional limit on consecutive
terms, placing his longtime collaborator Dmitry Medvedev in the presidency while he kept
much of the real power as prime minister.</p>
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<p class="fnmMv geuMB alqtB wqIGQ ">Nonetheless, the U.S. hoped it might be an opportunity to
keep the more liberal Medvedev, whom they considered more Western in his values, in power
and have Putin relinquish the presidency for good. The U.S. appeared to make efforts to
persuade Medvedev to stay on and called on Putin to let him stay in power. Vice President
Joe Biden among others made this suggestion while on a trip to Moscow in 2011.</p>
<p class="fnmMv geuMB alqtB wqIGQ ">When Putin returned to the presidency in 2012, many
observers believe he still felt Clinton&apos;s State Department had tried to meddle in
Russian politics and specifically to threaten his presidency. From this perspective,
allegedly interfering in Clinton&#x2019;s own presidential race was a taste of her own
medicine for Putin.</p>
<p class="fnmMv geuMB alqtB wqIGQ ">Of course, it is not publicly known how much of this
speculation over bruised relations is really personal for Putin. More certain is there were
reasons Putin might have wanted to delegitimize Clinton if she won or prevent her from
winning if he could: As a candidate, Clinton had made it clear that she would take a hard
line with Russia on sanctions over Ukraine and Syria and would continue to criticize
Putin&#x2019;s rule as illegitimate and authoritarian</p>
<p class="fnmMv geuMB alqtB wqIGQ ">Of course, publicly it&#x2019;s not known how much of this
speculation over bruised relations is really personal for Putin. But what is known is that
Putin had every reason to want to delegitimize Clinton if she won or prevent her from
winning if he could: She had made it very clear that she would take a hard line with Russia
on sanctions and would continue to attack Putin&#x2019;s presidency as illegitimate and
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