You cannot select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

393 lines
9.7 KiB

// Spacer images to be removed
export const SPACER_RE = new RegExp('trans|transparent|spacer|blank', 'i');
// The class we will use to mark elements we want to keep
// but would normally remove
export const KEEP_CLASS = 'mercury-parser-keep';
export const KEEP_SELECTORS = [
// A list of tags to strip from the output if we encounter them.
export const STRIP_OUTPUT_TAGS = [
// cleanAttributes
export const REMOVE_ATTRS = ['style', 'align'];
export const REMOVE_ATTR_SELECTORS = => `[${selector}]`);
export const REMOVE_ATTR_LIST = REMOVE_ATTRS.join(',');
export const WHITELIST_ATTRS = ['src', 'srcset', 'href', 'class', 'id', 'alt'];
export const WHITELIST_ATTRS_RE = new RegExp(`^(${WHITELIST_ATTRS.join('|')})$`, 'i');
// removeEmpty
export const REMOVE_EMPTY_TAGS = ['p'];
export const REMOVE_EMPTY_SELECTORS = => `${tag}:empty`).join(',');
// cleanTags
8 years ago
export const CLEAN_CONDITIONALLY_TAGS = ['ul', 'ol', 'table', 'div', 'button', 'form'].join(',');
// cleanHeaders
const HEADER_TAGS = ['h2', 'h3', 'h4', 'h5', 'h6'];
export const HEADER_TAG_LIST = HEADER_TAGS.join(',');
// A list of strings that can be considered unlikely candidates when
// extracting content from a resource. These strings are joined together
// and then tested for existence using re:test, so may contain simple,
// non-pipe style regular expression queries if necessary.
8 years ago
// 'form', // This is too generic, has too many false positives
'login', // Note: This can hit 'blogindex'.
8 years ago
'predicta', // readwriteweb inline ad box
'presence_control_external', // container full of false positives
8 years ago
// A list of strings that can be considered LIKELY candidates when
// extracting content from a resource. Essentially, the inverse of the
// blacklist above - if something matches both blacklist and whitelist,
// it is kept. This is useful, for example, if something has a className
// of "rss-content entry-content". It matched 'rss', so it would normally
// be removed, however, it's also the entry content, so it should be left
// alone.
// These strings are joined together and then tested for existence using
// re:test, so may contain simple, non-pipe style regular expression queries
// if necessary.
'format', // misuse of form
// A list of tags which, if found inside, should cause a <div /> to NOT
// be turned into a paragraph tag. Shallow div tags without these elements
// should be turned into <p /> tags.
export const DIV_TO_P_BLOCK_TAGS = [
// A list of tags that should be ignored when trying to find the top candidate
// for a document.
export const NON_TOP_CANDIDATE_TAGS = [
new RegExp(`^(${NON_TOP_CANDIDATE_TAGS.join('|')})$`, 'i');
// A list of selectors that specify, very clearly, either hNews or other
// very content-specific style content, like Blogger templates.
// More examples here:
['.hentry', '.entry-content'],
['entry', '.entry-content'],
['.entry', '.entry_content'],
['.post', '.postbody'],
['.post', '.post_body'],
['.post', '.post-body'],
export const PHOTO_HINTS = [
export const PHOTO_HINTS_RE = new RegExp(PHOTO_HINTS.join('|'), 'i');
// A list of strings that denote a positive scoring for this content as being
// an article container. Checked against className and id.
// TODO: Perhaps have these scale based on their odds of being quality?
export const POSITIVE_SCORE_HINTS = [
'[-_]copy', // usatoday
// The above list, joined into a matching regular expression
export const POSITIVE_SCORE_RE = new RegExp(POSITIVE_SCORE_HINTS.join('|'), 'i');
// Readability publisher-specific guidelines
export const READABILITY_ASSET = new RegExp('entry-content-asset', 'i');
// A list of strings that denote a negative scoring for this content as being
// an article container. Checked against className and id.
// TODO: Perhaps have these scale based on their odds of being quality?
export const NEGATIVE_SCORE_HINTS = [
'featured', // has a featured_content which throws us off
'infotext', // copyright
'outbrain', // junk
'pr_', // autoblog - press release
'roundcontent', // lifehacker restricted content warning
// The above list, joined into a matching regular expression
export const NEGATIVE_SCORE_RE = new RegExp(NEGATIVE_SCORE_HINTS.join('|'), 'i');
// XPath to try to determine if a page is wordpress. Not always successful.
export const IS_WP_SELECTOR = 'meta[name=generator][value^=WordPress]';
// Match a digit. Pretty clear.
export const DIGIT_RE = new RegExp('[0-9]');
// A list of words that, if found in link text or URLs, likely mean that
// this link is not a next page link.
export const EXTRANEOUS_LINK_HINTS = [
export const EXTRANEOUS_LINK_HINTS_RE = new RegExp(EXTRANEOUS_LINK_HINTS.join('|'), 'i');
// Match any phrase that looks like it could be page, or paging, or pagination
export const PAGE_RE = new RegExp('pag(e|ing|inat)', 'i');
// Match any link text/classname/id that looks like it could mean the next
// page. Things like: next, continue, >, >>, » but not >|, »| as those can
// mean last page.
// export const NEXT_LINK_TEXT_RE = new RegExp('(next|weiter|continue|>([^\|]|$)|»([^\|]|$))', 'i');
export const NEXT_LINK_TEXT_RE = /(next|weiter|continue|>([^|]|$)|»([^|]|$))/i;
// Match any link text/classname/id that looks like it is an end link: things
// like "first", "last", "end", etc.
export const CAP_LINK_TEXT_RE = new RegExp('(first|last|end)', 'i');
// Match any link text/classname/id that looks like it means the previous
// page.
export const PREV_LINK_TEXT_RE = new RegExp('(prev|earl|old|new|<|«)', 'i');
// Match 2 or more consecutive <br> tags
export const BR_TAGS_RE = new RegExp('(<br[^>]*>[ \n\r\t]*){2,}', 'i');
// Match 1 BR tag.
export const BR_TAG_RE = new RegExp('<br[^>]*>', 'i');
// A list of all of the block level tags known in HTML5 and below. Taken from
export const BLOCK_LEVEL_TAGS = [
export const BLOCK_LEVEL_TAGS_RE = new RegExp(`^(${BLOCK_LEVEL_TAGS.join('|')})$`, 'i');
// The removal is implemented as a blacklist and whitelist, this test finds
// blacklisted elements that aren't whitelisted. We do this all in one
// expression-both because it's only one pass, and because this skips the
// serialization for whitelisted nodes.
const candidatesBlacklist = UNLIKELY_CANDIDATES_BLACKLIST.join('|');
export const CANDIDATES_BLACKLIST = new RegExp(candidatesBlacklist, 'i');
const candidatesWhitelist = UNLIKELY_CANDIDATES_WHITELIST.join('|');
export const CANDIDATES_WHITELIST = new RegExp(candidatesWhitelist, 'i');
export const UNLIKELY_RE = new RegExp(`!(${candidatesWhitelist})|(${candidatesBlacklist})`, 'i');
export const PARAGRAPH_SCORE_TAGS = new RegExp('^(p|li|span|pre)$', 'i');
export const CHILD_CONTENT_TAGS = new RegExp('^(td|blockquote|ol|ul|dl)$', 'i');
export const BAD_TAGS = new RegExp('^(address|form)$', 'i');
export const HTML_OR_BODY_RE = new RegExp('^(html|body)$', 'i');