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<title>Greg Berlanti Knows the Secret to Superhero TV -- Vulture</title>
<meta name="description" content="With four successful shows, the veteran showrunner has found a way to make DCs heroes succeed on the small screen.">
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/* Remove CSS/JSON rule for icon from Cover Story CQ HTML Component */
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/* Out of page ads are at the top of the page to load first and we don't want layout to be affected. */
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Set min-height to be the smallest ad in the unit.
Important for page height calculations to be more accurate.
Also, important that the styles are in order from tallest to shortest so they cascade.
Ad sizes with the same height are grouped together.
Need to be careful, could be a conflict if there are two sizes only differ by the last digit. e.g. 300x25 would overwrite 300x250.
.ad[data-sizes*="300x1050"] {
min-height: 1050px;
min-height: 105rem;
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min-height: 600px;
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min-height: 115px;
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min-height: 91px;
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min-height: 50px;
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Set min-width. All ad sizes ordered by width descending.
Only need one declaration per width because ends with an x.
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min-width: 1024px;
min-width: 102.4rem;
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/* Next and Previous Episodes */
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content: ' >';
/* Complete Link */
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/* Login styles: refactor when move to new login. */
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/* Display Variations */
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text-align: center;
/* Horizontal */
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.img.horizontal img {
width: 100%;
/* Secondary Image Alignment */
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.img.left.secondary figcaption {
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} {
margin: 1.6rem 0 2.4rem;
text-align: center;
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width: 100%;
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max-width: 100%;
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text-align: center;
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margin: 0 auto;
width: 100%;
/* Enlarge Button */
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.img .enlarge svg {
height: 1.6rem;
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/* Enlarged Image */
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.img.enlarged div {
max-height: 90%;
/* Read by JavaScript. Must be %. */
max-width: 102.4rem;
/* Read by JavaScript. Must be rem. */
position: relative;
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-ms-flex: 1 100%;
flex: 1 100%;
height: auto;
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max-width: 100%;
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right: .5rem;
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.img.enlarged .close svg path {
fill: #fff;
/* Pinterest and fb */
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height: 2.3rem;
width: 2.3rem;
/* Slideshow button on top of primary image. */
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position: absolute;
right: 0;
top: 0;
z-index: 10;
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position: absolute;
right: 1.5rem;
text-transform: uppercase;
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background-color: #381AB1;
cursor: pointer;
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display: inline-block;
height: 2.5rem;
margin: 0 .6rem;
position: relative;
top: .6rem;
width: 2.5rem;
/* Alternate slideshow button for large vertical. */
.img.slideshow-link.vertical > div > a button {
bottom: auto;
letter-spacing: 0;
margin: 0;
top: 1.5rem;
/* Alternate slideshow button for vertical-small. */
.img.slideshow-link.vertical-small > div > a button {
bottom: .9rem;
left: .9rem;
right: .9rem;
width: calc(100% - 1.8rem);
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font-size: 1rem;
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left: 0;
margin: 0 auto;
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opacity: 0;
padding: 0;
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right: 0;
top: 0;
width: 100%;
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transform: translateY(-26.8rem);
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bottom: .7rem;
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font-size: 1rem;
height: 2rem;
left: 50%;
margin-left: 42.9rem;
position: absolute;
text-align: center;
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top: .3rem;
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opacity: 0;
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padding: .3rem 0 .3rem 0;
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/* Numbers */
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background: none;
content: '' !important;
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width: 19rem;
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/* container */
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/* title */
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<h1 itemprop="headline">The Secret to Superhero TV</h1>
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<time datetime="2016-09-07T12:00:00.000Z" itemprop="datePublished">September 7, 2016
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<h1 itemprop="headline">Greg Berlanti Knows the Secret to Superhero TV</h1>
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With four successful shows, the veteran showrunner has found a way to make DC&amp;rsquo;s heroes succeed on the small screen.
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<p>It&rsquo;s been a rough year at the movies for DC Comics. <i><a data-track="Body Text Link: Internal: vulture" href="">Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice</a></i> and <i><a data-track="Body Text Link: Internal: vulture" href="">Suicide Squad</a></i> opened to abysmal reviews, leaving DC parent company Warner Bros. scrambling to figure out a new strategy for the cineplex. But that kind of panic is absent on the small screen, where DC superheroes are actually having a particularly vital moment, thanks largely to producer Greg Berlanti.</p>
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<p>How did it happen? While DCs films tend to be sludge-heavy epics filled with murder and overcooked pathos, the superhero shows in the so-called Berlantiverse quartet (<i><a data-track="Body Text Link: Internal: vulture" href="">Arrow</a>, <a data-track="Body Text Link: Internal: vulture" href="">The Flash</a>, <a data-track="Body Text Link: Internal: vulture" href="">Supergirl</a>,</i> and <i><a data-track="Body Text Link: Internal: vulture" href="">Legends of Tomorrow</a></i>) airing on the CW are built on peppy banter, buoyant action, and will-they-or-wont-they sex appeal. Simply put, Berlantis shows are fun in a way that DCs movies arent. Here, the 44-year-old explains his approach.</p>
<p><b>Critics of DC&rsquo;s recent movies have said they&rsquo;re too dark, which isn&rsquo;t something anyone is likely to say about your shows. </b><br /> Hope and optimism have always been a part of who these characters are. They&rsquo;re beacons of hope in scary times, and that&rsquo;s perhaps why they&rsquo;re resonating again. It&rsquo;s an uncertain era, and there&rsquo;s a certitude about these characters. A big part of that is that they see a better outcome.</p>
<p><b>Is that part of what makes superhero stories unique? <br /> </b>They&rsquo;re aspirational stories that are a fusion of different elements. But in a particular moment they can be anything. Some days on <i>The Flash,</i> we&rsquo;re making a family show, and there are other days where we&rsquo;re making a crime show. Then, in the next hour, the whole cast might have to turn around and do a huge visual-effects sequence, and then in the next hour, they&rsquo;ll have to turn around and do something comedic. At the same time, they&rsquo;re really grounded in basic truths of, <i>Can you overcome? What does it take?</i><b></b></p>
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<span class="credit">Photograph by Nathaniel Wood</span>
<p><b>Is TV just a better medium than movies for what you believe superhero stories do best?<br /> </b>TV lends itself a bit more to comic books. Comics are ongoing. You get these twists and turns in the narrative and go deeper in smaller moments into these characters&rsquo; lives. You don&rsquo;t have to keep a high-octane train moving at all times. I think one of the joys of television in general, versus film, is that things get to settle. TV&rsquo;s job is to make you lean in, and a film&rsquo;s job is to make you lean back. <b></b></p>
<p><b>What comic books did you read growing up?<br>
</b>I read some Marvel, but I was more of a DC guy. Particularly the Flash, <span class="footnoteLink">Barry Allen.<span class="footnote"><img class="footnoteImage" src="">Created in 1956, Barry Allen is a police scientist with super-speed who goes by the nom de guerre “the Flash.” Others have used that moniker, but hes the most famous</span></span> I latched on to him because I felt like him. You thought to yourself, <i>Well, you cant really be Superman.</i> You couldnt really be Batman — Batman was a really dark figure. I identified with Barry Allens hopefulness. <b></b></p>
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<p><b>Were there things about superhero comics that spoke to you as a gay teen?</b><br /> They were people who were hiding in plain sight. I was so closed off to that part of myself then. I didn&rsquo;t happen to be one of those gay kids who knew definitively by the time I was 13. I was having a weird amalgamation of emotions, and I identified with a lot of outsider characters. In retrospect, it&rsquo;s very easy for me to look at it now and go, <i>Oh, it&rsquo;s because they had this burden of feeling alone.</i> I don&rsquo;t think people realize the extent to which there was no gay representation then. If you were a kid, there was nothing. People don&rsquo;t understand, culturally, how it felt. And so here you had these characters who are told they&rsquo;re special because they&rsquo;re different, and it&rsquo;s empowering.</p>
<p><b>Your shows are far more hopeful and romantic than anything in superhero film or even in most superhero comics. Does that come from those feelings you had as a kid?</b><br /> I liked a lot of the unspoken stuff. I would imagine, <i>There&rsquo;s gotta be some heat that&rsquo;s passing between Wonder Woman and Superman. He&rsquo;s in love with Lois Lane, but he and Wonder Woman are out there working together! </i>You start to think about those complications.</p>
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<p><b>You were seeing things that weren&rsquo;t necessarily explicit.<br /> </b>Every now and then, someone would make them explicit, and you&rsquo;d be like, <i>That&rsquo;s what Iwas thinking!</i><b></b></p>
<p><b>You got into Barry Allen right around when DC killed him off in a big crossover event.<br>
</b>It was <span class="footnoteLink">his death<span class="footnote"><img class="footnoteImage" src="">In a 1985 story, Barry died while saving the Earth. He came back from the dead in a 2008 comic.</span></span> that drew me to him. I think it was a pivotal moment, realizing how much Iconnected with the characters. I didnt expect him to die; I didnt think you did that in comic books. <span class="footnoteLink">Supergirl actually died<span class="footnote"><img class="footnoteImage" src="">That same 1985 story killed off Supermans cousin, Supergirl.</span></span> at the same time. But I had a less emotional response to that.</p>
<p><b>A lot of filmmakers talk about how the mid-80s period of <span class="footnoteLink">DC Comics<span class="footnote">In the mid-1980s, DC published some famously risky stories that had major effects on the history of comics.</span></span> influenced them, but they usually cite the two famously dark works of that era, <span class="footnoteLink"><i>The Dark Knight Returns</i><span class="footnote"><img class="footnoteImage" src="">One of those famous stories was this extremely grim and violent take on Batman.</span></span> and <span class="footnoteLink"><i>Watchmen</i>.<span class="footnote"><img class="footnoteImage" src="">Another of the famous mid-80s DC comics, this one was a depressing and deconstructionist take on the concept of superheroes.</span></span> Did that stuff have an impact on you?<br>
</b>It didnt. All my friends were collecting <i>Dark Knight</i> at the time and talking about it and starting to talk about <i>Watchmen,</i> and I was into the <span class="footnoteLink">Marv Wolfman<span class="footnote"><img class="footnoteImage" src="">A veteran comics writer, Wolfman was known in the 80s as a dependable writer of quality mainstream superhero stories.</span></span> stuff. I was also starting to discover storytelling and writing, and I loved the labyrinthine connective tissue between everything. You really felt like you were in a world. And I didnt know if wed be able to do that in the shows. When we started to go there with <span class="footnoteLink"><i>Arrow</i><span class="footnote"><img class="footnoteImage" src="">The first show in the Berlantiverse, <i>Arrow,</i> debuted on the CW in 2012 and follows a vigilante archer named Oliver Queen, who originated in DC Comics.</span></span> and <span class="footnoteLink"><i>Flash</i><span class="footnote"><img class="footnoteImage" src="">The second Berlantiverse show, <i>The Flash,</i> debuted in 2014 and follows Barry Allen — played by actor Grant Gustin — and his friends. Its the top-rated show on the CW.</span></span> crossing over, it was rewarding. Just as a viewer, I felt like, <i>Thats what it felt like when I read the comic book.</i> I wasnt sure if I would have that same feeling. If you would feel like the worlds could cross and it wouldnt damage either of them, it would just make both of them feel larger.</p>
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<p><b>Were there worlds like that on television that you enjoyed? Places where crossovers and complex universes existed?<br /> </b><i>The Six Million Dollar Man</i> and <i>The Bionic Woman.</i> Someone pointed out in the room the other day that, in terms of epic crossovers that don&rsquo;t get enough conversation, there&rsquo;s the<i> Magnum, P.I.</i>&ndash;<i>Murder, She Wrote</i> <span class="footnoteLink">crossover.<span class="footnote">Angela Lansbury&rsquo;s golden-ager sleuth traveled to Hawaii to help Tom Selleck&rsquo;s wry P.I. investigate an attempted murder.</span></span> That exists! I remember getting very excited.</p>
<p><b>What did you want to do differently with <i>Arrow</i> compared to what had been done in past superhero TV shows?<br /> </b><i><a data-track="Body Text Link: Internal: vulture" href="">Homeland</a></i> had just come out at the time, and thank God it did, because we referenced it a lot in our conversations with the studio and the network. There was this guy who disappeared and comes back and was clearly tortured both physically and mentally. There was that sense of, <i>Is he good? Is he bad?</i> He&rsquo;s still trying to figure it out. What happened to him there? What&rsquo;s happening to him now? All of that mystery that surrounded him was something that was really intriguing to us.<b></b></p>
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<p><b>Plus, <span class="footnoteLink">Stephen Amell,<span class="footnote"><img class="footnoteImage" src="">Amell plays <i>Arrow</i>s crime-fighting protagonist, Oliver Queen. The actor was a relative unknown when he was cast, but his muscular frame and charismatic delivery made him an ideal pick for the role.</span></span> your lead, was incredibly hot. Your shows sexual perspective is pretty interesting in general: The men are the eye candy much more than the women. Amell spends like half of any given episode topless.<br>
</b>I know. I will say there are so many other, straight people involved in this that you could credit for that over me. We actually never saw what [Amell] looked like underneath his shirt when we cast him. It wasnt until he started working out for the part and sending us videos while he was training that we said, “Oh, he can do the <span class="footnoteLink">salmon ladder.<span class="footnote"><img class="footnoteImage" src="">An extremely difficult piece of workout equipment, a salmon ladder requires a user to lift his body up on a pull-up bar, then use momentum to move the pull-up bar to a series of progressively higher hooks on each pull-up. Oliver uses it repeatedly in <i>Arrow,</i> usually while shirtless.</span></span> Put that in.” When I see stuff like that in the dailies, Im not afraid of it. There was the boy in me that loved comic books who loved some of those scenes in that for the superhero-ness, and then there was the person in me who didnt mind having a hot guy doing the salmon ladder.</p>
<p><b>What was your first superhero project? Was there something early on that never came to fruition?<br>
</b>I kept telling people in the industry that I loved comic books as a kid when <span class="footnoteLink"><i>Iron Man</i><span class="footnote"><img class="footnoteImage" src="">The 2008 hit that launched the cinematic universe of DCs mortal enemy, Marvel Comics.</span></span> hadnt been made yet. I pitched on that.</p>
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<p><b>You pitched an <i>Iron Man </i>movie? <br /> </b>I did, yeah. Somewhere around 2005.<b></b></p>
<p><b>What was your pitch?<br>
</b>There was that movie with Nic Cage where hes a gunrunner. <span class="footnoteLink"><i>Lord of War</i>.<span class="footnote"><img class="footnoteImage" src="">A 2005 Andrew Niccol film starring Nicolas Cage, who plays an arms dealer. <i>Iron Man</i>s star, Tony Stark, also sells deadly weaponry.</span></span> Marvel wanted that feeling. Tony [Stark] was an alcoholic in it by then. My pitch certainly wasnt as good as the eventual film. So everyone made the right choice. My agents at the time were like, “You like comic books?” And so then I pitched Warner Bros. on <span class="footnoteLink"><i>Green Lantern</i>.<span class="footnote"><img class="footnoteImage" src="">A 2011 Warner Bros. flop based on a long-running, sci-fi-themed DC Comics character of the same name. Berlanti and two partners co-wrote a screenplay for it in 2008, and although they received writing credits, extensive rewrites meant the finished product barely resembled their original script.</span></span></p>
<p><b>I read your original script for <i>Green Lantern</i> and was struck by how wildly different it is from the very grim direction the DC film universe has since gone in. What were you and your co-writers going for?<br /> </b>We talked a lot about <i>Top Gun</i> meets a space opera. <b></b></p>
<p><b>But things didn&rsquo;t go well for that script. The eventual movie warped it pretty insanely out of shape and the movie flopped. What did you learn from the <i>Green Lantern</i> experience?<br /> </b>That I would rather make my own mistakes and learn from them than have other people take the material. If you&rsquo;re not executing it, if you&rsquo;re not there, not everybody can know what&rsquo;s in your head. The devil is in the details, whether it&rsquo;s in a piece of casting or whether it&rsquo;s an action scene being representative of the character. So when I eventually got back to Warner Bros. after <i>Green Lantern,</i> they said, &ldquo;Well, you&rsquo;ve worked on DC material before. Do you want to make a DC show?&rdquo; I was hesitant. <b></b></p>
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<span class="credit">Photographs by Nathaniel Wood</span>
<p><b>Your first superhero property is one most people have forgotten, <span class="footnoteLink"><i>No Ordinary Family</i><span class="footnote"><img class="footnoteImage" src="">A comedy-drama TV series co-created by Berlanti, <i><a data-track="Body Text Link: Internal: vulture" href="">No Ordinary Family</a></i> followed a family with superpowers. It debuted in 2010 and was canceled after one season.</span></span> on ABC. Youve called it a learning experience. <br>
</b>The lesson was not to change the DNA of what you promise to the audience, even if the network goes, “We dont want that.” [ABC] didnt want superpowered villains. They wanted <i>Bewitched</i> with powers, if you can imagine. And I wanted to make a superhero show! Another lesson was: Visual effects in a superhero show on a TV budget executed on TV production time was not a threshold we were ready to cross. We just didnt have the science. It wasnt until <i>Flash</i> that enough advancements in technology for TV had happened. Not that we are at a cinematic level, necessarily, but with <i>Flash,</i> his powers are a big part of why you enjoy him. Twenty-five percent of the show is animated. Sometimes it takes from that moment we start writing the story to two days before it airs to complete a given visual-effects sequence. I didnt know how to do that when we were doing <i>No Ordinary Family.</i></p>
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<p><b>We live in this era of the television hyperproducer who oversees an empire of shows. Shonda Rhimess is the main name thrown around in discussions about that phenomenon, but youre another one of those folks. How do you, specifically with the DC shows, make sure that all these similar and <span class="footnoteLink">sometimes-interlocking<span class="footnote"><img class="footnoteImage" src="">There are periodic crossovers between the Berlantiverse shows: Oliver has trained Barry, Barry has fought crime alongside Supergirl, and the<i> Legends of Tomorrow</i> cast is composed almost entirely of characters from <i>Arrow </i>and <i>The Flash</i>.</span></span> stories sync up?<br>
</b>Im in each of the story rooms every day. I go through each of the shows. There are things I miss, but theres me, the showrunners are talking to each other, then the studio executives, and then the network executives. Four different groups are giving notes, so if I miss something, someone will catch it. That being said, we still make those mistakes. When you start incorporating time travel or parallel universes …</p>
<p><b>To what extent are the comics R&amp;D for the TV and movie properties? Does DC Comics president Geoff Johns come to you and say, “Hey, heres something we tried out in a comic. Lets try it here”?<br>
</b>Sometimes, or he has other executives mention that to us. They said to us a year and a half before they started developing <i>Suicide Squad,</i> “Will you guys put [a version of] the Suicide Squad in your show? Because we want to have it as a film at some point.” It also happened with Geoff when Geoff and Andrew [Kreisberg] and I were creating <i>Flash.</i> They were both really huge fans of Cisco Ramon, [also known as] <span class="footnoteLink">Vibe,<span class="footnote"><img class="footnoteImage" src="">Created in a 1984 comic, Cisco Ramon, a.k.a. Vibe, is a relatively minor DC hero, played by Carlos Valdes, who acts as one of the stars of <i>The Flash</i>.</span></span> and had written a <i>Vibe</i> comic [in 2013] to try and bring him back. They said, “Could we please have Vibe on the show?”</p>
<p><b>Do you pay much attention to what Marvels doing?<br>
</b>We talk about how they show a superpower. For instance, we were in the middle of postproduction on <i>Flash</i> when Bryan Singer did that sequence with <span class="footnoteLink">Quicksilver.<span class="footnote"><img class="footnoteImage" src="">In the 2014 film <i><a data-track="Body Text Link: Internal: vulture" href="">X-Men: Days of Future Past</a>,</i> a Marvel Comics adaptation directed by Bryan Singer, a super-swift character named Quicksilver saves the day in an innovative scene when he moves so fast that time appears to freeze for everyone but him.</span></span> We were talking about that in terms of our version of Flash.</p>
<p><b>When you were developing <span class="footnoteLink"><i>Supergirl</i><span class="footnote"><img class="footnoteImage" src="">Debuting on CBS in 2015, <i>Supergirl</i> was the first Berlantiverse show to appear on a broadcast network. It follows Supermans cousin, who balances crime-fighting with work at a media conglomerate.</span></span> and you were saying, “We want Jimmy Olsen to be black,” was there anyone in the room going “Hmm”?<br>
</b>People go, “Do you want to do it just to do it?” You think the answer to that should be “Yeah,” but truthfully, we saw <span class="footnoteLink">Mehcad Brooks<span class="footnote"><img class="footnoteImage" src="">The actor who plays one of <i>Supergirl</i>s leads, Supermans pal Jimmy Olsen (now going by “James”).</span></span> in the part. It was colorblind casting. We were auditioning white dudes, too, but he won it in the room. I remember picking up the phone and calling [Warner Bros. Television president] Peter Roth and saying, “Youre going to see this guy Mehcad, hes Jimmy Olsen. He happens to not be white.” He was like, “Wow, thats new.”</p>
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<p><b>When did you realize that racial representation was important to you?<br>
</b>On <span class="footnoteLink"><i>Everwood</i>,<span class="footnote"><img src="" class="footnoteImage">The first show Berlanti created, <i><a data-track="Body Text Link: Internal: vulture" href="">Everwood</a></i> followed a small-town doctor played by Treat Williams and ran for four seasons, from 2002 to 2006.</span></span> we had an interracial relationship. But its been since we started doing superhero shows. We created <span class="footnoteLink">Diggle<span class="footnote"><img src="" class="footnoteImage">Olivers comrade in arms on <i>Arrow</i>, played by David Ramsey.</span></span> with that reason in mind. Now were trying to add more LGBT characters. Diversity is a vital part of the show — and its important behind the camera, too. This is the first season where 50 percent of <i>Arrow</i>'s episodes will be directed by people who are not white men.<b></b></p>
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<p><b>In your years in the business, have you seen a change in the degree to which executives push back on casting nonwhites as leads?<br /> </b>Absolutely. Thank God. It&rsquo;s one of the most striking changes of the last ten years. I wouldn&rsquo;t put a show up of all white people, but people were doing that six or seven years ago. You see that now and you&rsquo;re like, &ldquo;That&rsquo;s the Republican convention. That&rsquo;s not America.&rdquo; <b></b></p>
<p><i>*This article appears in the September 5, 2016 issue of </i>New York <i>Magazine.</i></p>
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