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</script><div id="area-article-first-block" class="area"><div id="mod-a-body-first-para" class="mod-latarticlesarticletext mod-articletext"><p>SACRAMENTO — The influential lobby group Consumer Electronics Assn. is fighting what appears to be a losing battle to dissuade California regulators from passing the nation's first ban on energy-hungry big-screen televisions.</p><p>On Tuesday, executives and consultants for the Arlington, Va., trade group asked members of the California Energy Commission to instead let consumers use their wallets to decide whether they want to buy the most energy-saving new models of liquid-crystal display and plasma high-definition TVs.</p><p>"Voluntary efforts are succeeding without regulations," said Doug Johnson, the association's senior director for technology policy. Too much government interference could hamstring industry innovation and prove expensive to manufacturers and consumers, he warned.</p><p>But those pleas didn't appear to elicit much support from commissioners at a public hearing on the proposed rules that would set maximum energy-consumption standards for televisions to be phased in over two years beginning in January 2011. A vote could come as early as Nov. 4.</p></div></div><div class="float" style="clear:both;height:1px;line-height:1px;"><img src="/images/pixel.gif" height="1" width="1" alt="" /></div><div id="mod-ctr-lt-in-top" class="mod-latarticlesadcpc mod-adcpc with-fourth-cpc"><script type="text/javascript"> var adSkipCounter = 0; </script><iframe id="mod-ctr-lt-in-top-frame" src='javascript:(function() {;document.write("<style>body{margin:0px;}</style><script>google_ad_client=\"ca-pub-8415620659137418\";google_ad_slot=\"6929940680\";google_ad_width=\"649\";google_ad_height=\"160\";google_ad_channel=\"8847325881,1000001855,1000000001\";google_adtest=\"off\";google_safe=\"high\";google_hints=\"big-screen televisions tv business electricity consumption california economy\";google_max_num_ads=\"2\";google_override_format=true;google_page_url=\"\";</script><script type=\"text/javascript\" src=\"\"></script>");document.close();})();' frameborder="0" scrolling="no" width="649" height="160"></iframe></div><div id="mod-a-body-after-first-para" class="mod-latarticlesarticletextwithadcpc mod-latarticlesarticletext mod-articletext"><p>The association's views weren't shared by everyone in the TV business. Representatives of some TV makers, including top-seller Vizio Inc. of Irvine, said they would have little trouble complying with tighter state standards without substantially increasing prices.</p><p>"We're comfortable with our ability to meet the proposed levels and implementation dates," said Kenneth R. Lowe, Vizio's co-founder and vice president.</p><p>Last month, the commission formally unveiled its proposal to require manufacturers to limit television energy consumption in a way that has been done with refrigerators, air conditioners and dozens of other products since the 1970s.</p><p>"We would not propose TV efficiency standards if we thought there was any evidence in the record that they will hurt the economy," said Commissioner Julia Levin, who has been in charge of the two-year rule-making procedure. "This will actually save consumers money and help the California economy grow and create new clean, sustainable jobs."</p><p>Tightening efficiency ratings by using new technology and materials should result in "zero increase in cost to consumers," said Harinder Singh, an Energy Commission staffer on the TV regulation project.</p><p>California's estimated 35 million TVs and related electronic devices account for about 10% of all household electricity consumption, the Energy Commission staff reported. But manufacturers quickly are coming up with new technologies that are making even 50-inch-screen models much more economical to operate.</p><p>New features, such as light-emitting diodes that consume tiny amounts of power, special reflective
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Memcache HIT on key:
=> LATArticles_Home Page Articles_0_5
Memcache HIT on status key and is valid:
=> status_LATArticles_Home Page Articles_0_5
(Module: "a-body-after-first-para" as ArticleTextWithAdCpc)
Cutting text block reason:
=> Max slice count reached (10 >= 10)
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=> Hinting Strategy : H07 -> Trying strategy component "sensitive_1.0" -> No hints found -> Trying strategy component "gc_hint_3.0" -> No hints found -> Trying strategy component "gc_hint_2.0" -> Success H07 - Hints : big-screen televisions tv business electricity consumption california economy Hinting Strategy : H07 -> Trying strategy component "sensitive_1.0" -> No hints found -> Trying strategy component "gc_hint_3.0" -> No hints found -> Trying strategy component "gc_hint_2.0" -> Success H07 - Hints : big-screen televisions tv business electricity consumption california economy Hinting Strategy : H07 -> Trying strategy component "sensitive_1.0" -> No hints found -> Trying strategy component "gc_hint_3.0" -> No hints found -> Trying strategy component "gc_hint_2.0" -> Success H07 - Hints : big-screen televisions tv business electricity consumption california economy Hinting Strategy : H07 -> Trying strategy component "sensitive_1.0" -> No hints found -> Trying strategy component "gc_hint_3.0" -> No hints found -> Trying strategy component "gc_hint_2.0" -> Success H07 - Hints : big-screen televisions tv business electricity consumption california economy
(Module: "a-body-after-first-para-ad-cpc" as ad-cpc)
revenue network:
=> pga
revenue network type:
=> content
template channel:
=> 1000000001
(Module: "a-body-first-para" as ArticleText)
Cutting text block reason:
=> Max slice count reached (4 >= 4)
(Module: "ctr-lt" as AdOpenx)
=> 300x250
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zone name:
=> inline-right-top-med-rect
(Module: "ctr-lt-in-top" as AdCpc)
revenue network:
=> pga
revenue network type:
=> content
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=> Hinting Strategy : H07 -> Trying strategy component "sensitive_1.0" -> No hints found -> Trying strategy component "gc_hint_3.0" -> No hints found -> Trying strategy component "gc_hint_2.0" -> Success H07 - Hints : big-screen televisions tv business electricity consumption california economy Hinting Strategy : H07 -> Trying strategy component "sensitive_1.0" -> No hints found -> Trying strategy component "gc_hint_3.0" -> No hints found -> Trying strategy component "gc_hint_2.0" -> Success H07 - Hints : big-screen televisions tv business electricity consumption california economy Hinting Strategy : H07 -> Trying strategy component "sensitive_1.0" -> No hints found -> Trying strategy component "gc_hint_3.0" -> No hints found -> Trying strategy component "gc_hint_2.0" -> Success H07 - Hints : big-screen televisions tv business electricity consumption california economy Hinting Strategy : H07 -> Trying strategy component "sensitive_1.0" -> No hints found -> Trying strategy component "gc_hint_3.0" -> No hints found -> Trying strategy component "gc_hint_2.0" -> Success H07 - Hints : big-screen televisions tv business electricity consumption california economy
(Module: "html-head" as HtmlHead)
canonical method:
=> using db metadata
=> using db metadata
=> using db metadata
=> using db metadata
=> using db metadata
=> using db metadata
=> using db metadata
=> using db metadata
=> using db metadata
=> using db metadata
=> using db metadata
=> using db metadata
=> using db metadata
=> using db metadata
=> using db metadata
=> using db metadata
=> using db metadata
=> using db metadata
=> using db metadata
=> using db metadata
=> using db metadata
=> using db metadata
=> using db metadata
canonical url:
=> 1
content id:
=> 7828916
meta description:
=> "The influential lobby group Consumer Electronics Assn. is fighting what appears to be a losing battle to dissuade California regulators from passing the nation's first ban on energy-hungry"
meta keywords:
=> california, television sets, energy, government regulation, consumer electronics association
template skeleton:
=> ap-y-6
=> "California appears poised to be first to ban power-guzzling big-screen TVs - latimes"
(Module: "left-sky" as AdCpc)
revenue network:
=> pga
revenue network type:
=> content
template channel:
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=> Hinting Strategy : H07 -> Trying strategy component "sensitive_1.0" -> No hints found -> Trying strategy component "gc_hint_3.0" -> No hints found -> Trying strategy component "gc_hint_2.0" -> Success H07 - Hints : big-screen televisions tv business electricity consumption california economy Hinting Strategy : H07 -> Trying strategy component "sensitive_1.0" -> No hints found -> Trying strategy component "gc_hint_3.0" -> No hints found -> Trying strategy component "gc_hint_2.0" -> Success H07 - Hints : big-screen televisions tv business electricity consumption california economy Hinting Strategy : H07 -> Trying strategy component "sensitive_1.0" -> No hints found -> Trying strategy component "gc_hint_3.0" -> No hints found -> Trying strategy component "gc_hint_2.0" -> Success H07 - Hints : big-screen televisions tv business electricity consumption california economy Hinting Strategy : H07 -> Trying strategy component "sensitive_1.0" -> No hints found -> Trying strategy component "gc_hint_3.0" -> No hints found -> Trying strategy component "gc_hint_2.0" -> Success H07 - Hints : big-screen televisions tv business electricity consumption california economy
(Module: "logo-full-nav" as full-nav)
Full Nav:
=> Fetching URL:
=> Error fetching url<url> malformed
=> Error fetching url (aborting fetching CSS)
(Module: "related-articles" as RelatedArticles)
=> Faster query joining content_related_article, content_attribute, content_uri_map, content_metadata_value
(Module: "top-hdr" as AdOpenx)
=> 728x90
zone id:
=> 339762
zone name:
=> top-leaderboard
EnvApacheStartTime:2016/04/27 07:32:06
DiskCVSTagTime:2015/12/09 12:25:39