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* meli - mailbox threading module.
* Copyright 2017 Manos Pitsidianakis
* This file is part of meli.
* meli is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* meli is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with meli. If not, see <>.
/* a Container struct is needed to describe the Thread tree forest during creation
* of threads. Because of Rust's memory model, we store indexes of other node
* instead of references and every reference is passed through the Container owner
* (a Vec<Container>).
* message refers to a Envelope entry in a Vec. If it's empty, the Container is
* nonexistent in our Mailbox but we know it exists (for example we have a copy
* of a reply to a mail but we don't have its copy.
use mailbox::email::*;
use mailbox::Mailbox;
use error::Result;
extern crate fnv;
use self::fnv::FnvHashMap;
use std;
type UnixTimestamp = i64;
#[derive(Clone, Copy, Debug)]
pub struct Container {
id: usize,
message: Option<usize>,
parent: Option<usize>,
first_child: Option<usize>,
next_sibling: Option<usize>,
date: UnixTimestamp,
indentation: usize,
show_subject: bool,
impl Container {
pub fn get_message(&self) -> Option<usize> {
pub fn get_parent(&self) -> Option<usize> {
pub fn has_parent(&self) -> bool {
pub fn get_first_child(&self) -> Option<usize> {
pub fn get_next_sibling(&self) -> Option<usize> {
pub fn has_children(&self) -> bool {
pub fn has_sibling(&self) -> bool {
pub fn has_message(&self) -> bool {
fn set_indentation(&mut self, i: usize) {
self.indentation = i;
pub fn get_indentation(&self) -> usize {
fn is_descendant(&self, threads: &[Container], other: &Container) -> bool {
if self == other {
return true;
if let Some(v) = self.first_child {
if threads[v].is_descendant(threads, other) {
return true;
if let Some(v) = self.next_sibling {
if threads[v].is_descendant(threads, other) {
return true;
fn set_show_subject(&mut self, set: bool) -> () {
self.show_subject = set;
pub fn get_show_subject(&self) -> bool {
impl PartialEq for Container {
fn eq(&self, other: &Container) -> bool {
match (self.message, other.message) {
(Some(s), Some(o)) => s == o,
_ => ==,
fn build_collection(
threads: &mut Vec<Container>,
id_table: &mut FnvHashMap<std::string::String, usize>,
collection: &mut [Envelope],
) -> () {
for (i, x) in collection.iter_mut().enumerate() {
let x_index; /* x's index in threads */
let m_id = x.get_message_id_raw().to_string();
if id_table.contains_key(&m_id) {
let t = id_table[&m_id];
/* the already existing Container should be empty, since we're
* seeing this message for the first time */
if threads[t].message.is_some() {
/* skip duplicate message-id, but this should be handled instead */
x_index = t;
/* Store this message in the Container's message slot. */
threads[t].date = x.get_date();
threads[t].message = Some(i);
} else {
/* Create a new Container object holding this message */
x_index = threads.len();
threads.push(Container {
message: Some(i),
id: x_index,
parent: None,
first_child: None,
next_sibling: None,
date: x.get_date(),
indentation: 0,
show_subject: true,
id_table.insert(m_id, x_index);
/* For each element in the message's References field:
* Find a Container object for the given Message-ID:
* If there's one in id_table use that;
* Otherwise, make (and index) one with a null Message
* Link the References field's Container together in the order implied by the References header.
* If they are already linked, don't change the existing links.
* Do not add a link if adding that link would introduce a loop: that is, before asserting A->B, search down the children of B to see if A is reachable, and also search down the children of A to see if B is reachable. If either is already reachable as a child of the other, don't add the link.
let mut curr_ref = x_index;
let mut iasf = 0;
for &r in x.get_references().iter().rev() {
if iasf == 1 {
iasf += 1;
let parent_id = if id_table.contains_key(r.get_raw()) {
let p = id_table[r.get_raw()];
if !(threads[p].is_descendant(threads, &threads[curr_ref]) ||
threads[curr_ref].is_descendant(threads, &threads[p]))
threads[curr_ref].parent = Some(p);
if threads[p].first_child.is_none() {
threads[p].first_child = Some(curr_ref);
} else {
let mut child_iter = threads[p].first_child.unwrap();
while threads[child_iter].next_sibling.is_some() {
threads[child_iter].parent = Some(p);
child_iter = threads[child_iter].next_sibling.unwrap();
threads[child_iter].next_sibling = Some(curr_ref);
threads[child_iter].parent = Some(p);
} else {
let idx = threads.len();
threads.push(Container {
message: None,
id: idx,
parent: None,
first_child: Some(curr_ref),
next_sibling: None,
date: x.get_date(),
indentation: 0,
show_subject: true,
if threads[curr_ref].parent.is_none() {
threads[curr_ref].parent = Some(idx);
id_table.insert(r.get_raw().to_string(), idx);
/* update thread date */
let mut parent_iter = parent_id;
'date: loop {
let p = &mut threads[parent_iter];
if < x.get_date() { = x.get_date();
match p.parent {
Some(p) => {
parent_iter = p;
None => {
break 'date;
curr_ref = parent_id;
pub fn build_threads(
collection: &mut Vec<Envelope>,
sent_folder: &Option<Result<Mailbox>>,
) -> (Vec<Container>, Vec<usize>) {
/* To reconstruct thread information from the mails we need: */
/* a vector to hold thread members */
let mut threads: Vec<Container> = Vec::with_capacity((collection.len() as f64 * 1.2) as usize);
/* A hash table of Message IDs */
let mut id_table: FnvHashMap<std::string::String, usize> =
FnvHashMap::with_capacity_and_hasher(collection.len(), Default::default());
/* Add each message to id_table and threads, and link them together according to the
* References / In-Reply-To headers */
build_collection(&mut threads, &mut id_table, collection);
let mut idx = collection.len();
let mut tidx = threads.len();
/* Link messages from Sent folder if they are relevant to this folder.
* This means that
* - if a message from Sent is a reply to a message in this folder, we will
* add it to the threading (but not the collection; non-threading users shouldn't care
* about this)
* - if a message in this folder is a reply to a message we sent, we will add it to the
* threading
if let Some(ref sent_box) = *sent_folder {
if sent_box.is_ok() {
let sent_mailbox = sent_box.as_ref();
let sent_mailbox = sent_mailbox.unwrap();
for x in &sent_mailbox.collection {
if id_table.contains_key(x.get_message_id_raw()) ||
(!x.get_in_reply_to_raw().is_empty() &&
let mut x: Envelope = (*x).clone();
if id_table.contains_key(x.get_message_id_raw()) {
let c = id_table[x.get_message_id_raw()];
if threads[c].message.is_some() {
/* skip duplicate message-id, but this should be handled instead */
threads[c].message = Some(idx);
threads[c].date = x.get_date();
} else if !x.get_in_reply_to_raw().is_empty() &&
let p = id_table[x.get_in_reply_to_raw()];
let c = if id_table.contains_key(x.get_message_id_raw()) {
} else {
threads.push(Container {
message: Some(idx),
id: tidx,
parent: Some(p),
first_child: None,
next_sibling: None,
date: x.get_date(),
indentation: 0,
show_subject: true,
id_table.insert(x.get_message_id_raw().to_string(), tidx);
tidx += 1;
tidx - 1
threads[c].parent = Some(p);
if threads[p].is_descendant(&threads, &threads[c]) ||
threads[c].is_descendant(&threads, &threads[p])
if threads[p].first_child.is_none() {
threads[p].first_child = Some(c);
} else {
let mut fc = threads[p].first_child.unwrap();
while threads[fc].next_sibling.is_some() {
threads[fc].parent = Some(p);
fc = threads[fc].next_sibling.unwrap();
threads[fc].next_sibling = Some(c);
threads[fc].parent = Some(p);
/* update thread date */
let mut parent_iter = p;
'date: loop {
let p = &mut threads[parent_iter];
if < x.get_date() { = x.get_date();
match p.parent {
Some(p) => {
parent_iter = p;
None => {
break 'date;
idx += 1;
/* Walk over the elements of id_table, and gather a list of the Container objects that have
* no parents. These are the root messages of each thread */
let mut root_set = Vec::with_capacity(collection.len());
'root_set: for v in id_table.values() {
if threads[*v].parent.is_none() {
if !threads[*v].has_message() && threads[*v].has_children() &&
/* Do not promote the children if doing so would promote them to the root set
* -- unless there is only one child, in which case, do. */
continue 'root_set;
root_set.sort_by(|a, b| threads[*b].date.cmp(&threads[*a].date));
/* Group messages together by thread in a collection so we can print them together */
let mut threaded_collection: Vec<usize> = Vec::with_capacity(collection.len());
fn build_threaded(
threads: &mut Vec<Container>,
indentation: usize,
threaded: &mut Vec<usize>,
i: usize,
root_subject_idx: usize,
collection: &[Envelope],
) {
let thread = threads[i];
if threads[root_subject_idx].has_message() {
let root_subject =
/* If the Container has no Message, but does have children, remove this container but
* promote its children to this level (that is, splice them in to the current child
* list.) */
if indentation > 0 && thread.has_message() {
let subject = collection[thread.get_message().unwrap()].get_subject();
if subject == root_subject ||
subject.starts_with("Re: ") && subject.ends_with(root_subject)
if thread.has_parent() && !threads[thread.get_parent().unwrap()].has_message() {
threads[i].parent = None;
let indentation = if thread.has_message() {
if !threaded.contains(&i) {
indentation + 1
} else if indentation > 0 {
} else {
indentation + 1
if thread.has_children() {
let mut fc = thread.get_first_child().unwrap();
loop {
build_threaded(threads, indentation, threaded, fc, i, collection);
let thread_ = threads[fc];
if !thread_.has_sibling() {
fc = thread_.get_next_sibling().unwrap();
for i in &root_set {
&mut threads,
&mut threaded_collection,
(threads, threaded_collection)