You cannot select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

323 lines
9.5 KiB

* meli
* Copyright 2017-2022 Manos Pitsidianakis
* This file is part of meli.
* meli is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* meli is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with meli. If not, see <>.
//! UI components to display tabular lists.
use std::mem::MaybeUninit;
use super::*;
use crate::{
terminal::{Screen, Virtual},
#[derive(Clone, Copy, Debug, Default)]
pub enum ColumnElasticity {
Grow {
min: usize,
max: Option<usize>,
impl ColumnElasticity {
pub fn set_rigid(&mut self) {
*self = Self::Rigid;
pub fn set_grow(&mut self, min: usize, max: Option<usize>) {
*self = Self::Grow { min, max };
/*#[derive(Debug, Default, Clone)]
pub enum TableRowFormat {
Range {
start: usize,
end: usize,
val: FormatTag,
impl TableRowFormat {
pub const SELECTED: u8 = 0;
pub const UNREAD: u8 = 1;
#[derive(Clone, Debug, Default)]
pub struct TableThemeConfig {
pub theme: TableTheme,
//pub row_formats: HashMap<usize, SmallVec<[(u8, TableRowFormat); 6]>>,
impl TableThemeConfig {
pub fn set_single_theme(&mut self, value: ThemeAttribute) -> &mut Self {
self.theme = TableTheme::Single(value);
pub fn set_even_odd_theme(&mut self, even: ThemeAttribute, odd: ThemeAttribute) -> &mut Self {
self.theme = TableTheme::EvenOdd { even, odd };
#[derive(Clone, Debug)]
pub enum TableTheme {
EvenOdd {
even: ThemeAttribute,
odd: ThemeAttribute,
impl Default for TableTheme {
fn default() -> Self {
#[derive(Clone, Debug, Default)]
pub struct TableCursorConfig {
pub handle: bool,
pub theme: TableTheme,
impl TableCursorConfig {
pub fn set_handle(&mut self, value: bool) -> &mut Self {
self.handle = value;
pub fn set_single_theme(&mut self, value: ThemeAttribute) -> &mut Self {
self.theme = TableTheme::Single(value);
pub fn set_even_odd_theme(&mut self, even: ThemeAttribute, odd: ThemeAttribute) -> &mut Self {
self.theme = TableTheme::EvenOdd { even, odd };
#[derive(Clone, Debug)]
pub struct DataColumns<const N: usize> {
pub cursor_config: TableCursorConfig,
pub theme_config: TableThemeConfig,
pub columns: Box<[Screen<Virtual>; N]>,
/// widths of columns calculated in first draw and after size changes
pub widths: [usize; N],
pub elasticities: [ColumnElasticity; N],
pub x_offset: usize,
pub width_accum: usize,
pub segment_tree: Box<[SegmentTree; N]>,
// Workaround because Default derive doesn't work for const generic array
// lengths yet.
impl<const N: usize> Default for DataColumns<N> {
fn default() -> Self {
fn init_array<T, const N: usize>(cl: impl Fn() -> T) -> [T; N] {
let mut data: [MaybeUninit<T>; N] = unsafe { MaybeUninit::uninit().assume_init() };
for elem in &mut data[..] {
let ptr = &data as *const [MaybeUninit<T>; N];
unsafe { (ptr as *const [T; N]).read() }
Self {
cursor_config: TableCursorConfig::default(),
theme_config: TableThemeConfig::default(),
columns: Box::new(init_array(|| Screen::init(Virtual))),
widths: [0_usize; N],
elasticities: [ColumnElasticity::default(); N],
x_offset: 0,
width_accum: 0,
segment_tree: Box::new(init_array(SegmentTree::default)),
impl<const N: usize> DataColumns<N> {
pub const ARROW_UP: &'static str = "🠉";
pub const ARROW_DOWN: &'static str = "🠋";
pub const ARROW_UP_ASCII: &'static str = "^";
pub const ARROW_DOWN_ASCII: &'static str = "v";
// const ARROW_UP_1: &str = "↑";
// const ARROW_DOWN_1: &str = "↓";
// const ARROW_UP_3: &str = "▲";
// const ARROW_DOWN_4: &str = "▼";
pub fn recalc_widths(
&mut self,
(screen_width, screen_height): (usize, usize),
top_idx: usize,
) -> usize {
let mut width_accum = 0;
let mut growees = 0;
let mut growees_max = 0;
for i in 0..N {
if screen_height == 0 {
self.widths[i] = 0;
self.widths[i] =
self.segment_tree[i].get_max(top_idx, top_idx + screen_height - 1) as usize;
if self.widths[i] == 0 {
self.widths[i] = self.columns[i].cols();
match self.elasticities[i] {
ColumnElasticity::Rigid => {}
ColumnElasticity::Grow {
max: Some(max),
} => {
if self.widths[i] < min {
self.widths[i] = min;
if self.widths[i] > max {
self.widths[i] = max;
growees += 1;
ColumnElasticity::Grow { min, max: None } => {
if self.widths[i] < min {
self.widths[i] = min;
growees += 1;
growees_max += 1;
width_accum += self.widths[i];
// add column gaps
width_accum += 2 * N.saturating_sub(1);
debug_assert!(growees >= growees_max);
if width_accum >= screen_width || screen_height == 0 || screen_width == 0 || growees == 0 {
self.width_accum = width_accum;
return width_accum;
let distribute = screen_width - width_accum;
let part = distribute / growees;
for i in 0..N {
match self.elasticities[i] {
ColumnElasticity::Rigid => {}
ColumnElasticity::Grow {
min: _,
max: Some(_),
} => {}
ColumnElasticity::Grow { min: _, max: None } => {
self.widths[i] += part;
width_accum += part;
self.width_accum = width_accum;
pub fn draw(
&mut self,
grid: &mut CellBuffer,
top_idx: usize,
cursor_pos: usize,
mut bounds: BoundsIterator,
) {
let mut start_col = 0;
let total_area = bounds.area();
let height = total_area.height();
if self.width_accum > 0 && self.x_offset + total_area.width() > self.width_accum {
self.x_offset = self.width_accum.saturating_sub(total_area.width());
let mut x_offset = self.x_offset;
for col in 0..N {
start_col = col;
if x_offset == 0 || self.widths[col] > x_offset {
x_offset -= self.widths[col];
x_offset = x_offset.saturating_sub(2);
for col in start_col..N {
if bounds.is_empty() {
let column_width = self.widths[col];
if column_width == 0 {
.take_cols(column_width - x_offset),
bounds.add_x(column_width - x_offset + 2);
x_offset = 0;
match self.theme_config.theme {
TableTheme::Single(row_attr) => {
grid.change_theme(total_area, row_attr);
TableTheme::EvenOdd { even, odd } => {
grid.change_theme(total_area, even);
let mut top_idx = top_idx;
for row in 0..total_area.height() {
if top_idx % 2 != 0 {
grid.change_theme(total_area.nth_row(row), odd);
top_idx += 1;
if self.cursor_config.handle && (top_idx..(top_idx + height)).contains(&cursor_pos) {
let offset = cursor_pos - top_idx;
let row_attr = match self.cursor_config.theme {
TableTheme::Single(attr) => attr,
TableTheme::EvenOdd { even, odd: _ } if cursor_pos % 2 == 0 => even,
TableTheme::EvenOdd { even: _, odd } => odd,
grid.change_theme(total_area.skip_rows(offset).take_rows(1), row_attr);
pub fn clear(&mut self) {
for i in 0..N {