You cannot select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

268 lines
7.8 KiB

use std::fmt;
use cells::{Color, Cell, CellBuffer, CellAccessor};
use position::Pos;
/// The upper and lower boundary char.
const HORZ_BOUNDARY: char = '─';
/// The left and right boundary char.
const VERT_BOUNDARY: char = '│';
/// The top-left corner
const TOP_LEFT_CORNER: char = '┌';
/// The top-right corner
const TOP_RIGHT_CORNER: char = '┐';
/// The bottom-left corner
const BOTTOM_LEFT_CORNER: char = '└';
/// The bottom-right corner
const BOTTOM_RIGHT_CORNER: char = '┘';
const LIGHT_VERTICAL_AND_RIGHT: char = '├';
const LIGHT_VERTICAL_AND_LEFT: char = '┤';
const LIGHT_DOWN_AND_HORIZONTAL: char = '┬';
const LIGHT_UP_AND_HORIZONTAL: char = '┴';
pub struct Entity {
//queue: VecDeque,
pub component: Box<Component>, // more than one?
impl fmt::Debug for Entity {
fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter) -> fmt::Result {
write!(f, "Entity", )
pub trait Component {
fn draw(&mut self, upper_left: Pos, bottom_right: Pos, grid: &mut CellBuffer);
fn process_event(&mut self);
///A simple box with borders and no content.
pub struct BoxPanel {
impl Component for BoxPanel {
fn draw(&mut self, upper_left: Pos, bottom_right: Pos, grid: &mut CellBuffer) {
let width = bottom_right.0 - upper_left.0;
let height = bottom_right.1 - upper_left.1;
grid[(upper_left.0, bottom_right.1)].set_ch(BOTTOM_LEFT_CORNER);
grid[(bottom_right.0, upper_left.1)].set_ch('┐');
for i in upper_left.1 + 1..bottom_right.1 {
grid[(upper_left.0, i)].set_ch('│');
grid[(upper_left.0 + width, i)].set_ch('│');
for i in upper_left.0+1..bottom_right.0 {
grid[(i, upper_left.1)].set_ch('─');
grid[(i, upper_left.1 + height)].set_ch('─');
let width = bottom_right.0 - upper_left.0;
let height = bottom_right.1 - upper_left.1;
fn process_event(&mut self) {
/// A horizontally split in half container.
pub struct HSplit {
top: Entity,
bottom: Entity,
ratio: usize, // bottom/whole height * 100
impl HSplit {
pub fn new(top: Entity, bottom: Entity, ratio: usize) -> Self {
HSplit {
top: top,
bottom: bottom,
ratio: ratio,
impl Component for HSplit {
fn draw(&mut self, upper_left: Pos, bottom_right: Pos, grid: &mut CellBuffer) {
//eprintln!("grid {:?}", grid);
let (a,b) = upper_left;
let width = bottom_right.0 - upper_left.0;
let height = bottom_right.1 - upper_left.1;
let total_rows = bottom_right.1 - upper_left.1;
let bottom_entity_height = (self.ratio*total_rows )/100;
let mid = upper_left.1 + total_rows - bottom_entity_height;
for i in upper_left.0..bottom_right.0+1 {
grid[(i, mid)].set_ch('─');
let _ =, (bottom_right.0, upper_left.1 + mid-1), grid);
let _ = self.bottom.component.draw((upper_left.0, upper_left.1 + mid), bottom_right, grid);
fn process_event(&mut self) {
/// A horizontally split in half container.
pub struct VSplit {
left: Entity,
right: Entity,
ratio: usize, // right/(container width) * 100
impl VSplit {
pub fn new(left: Entity, right: Entity, ratio: usize) -> Self {
VSplit {
left: left,
right: right,
ratio: ratio,
impl Component for VSplit {
fn draw(&mut self, upper_left: Pos, bottom_right: Pos, grid: &mut CellBuffer) {
eprintln!("Upper left is {:?} and bottom_right is {:?}", upper_left, bottom_right);
let width = bottom_right.0 - upper_left.0;
let height = bottom_right.1 - upper_left.1;
let total_cols = bottom_right.0 - upper_left.0;
let right_entity_width = (self.ratio*total_cols )/100;
let mid = bottom_right.0 - right_entity_width;
eprintln!("total_cols {:?}, right_entity_width: {:?}, mid: {:?}",total_cols, right_entity_width, mid);
if (upper_left.1> 1) {
let c = grid.get(mid, upper_left.1-1).map(|a||| ' ');
match c {
grid[(mid, upper_left.1-1)].set_ch(LIGHT_DOWN_AND_HORIZONTAL);
_ => {},
for i in upper_left.1..bottom_right.1 {
grid[(mid, i)].set_ch(VERT_BOUNDARY);
if (bottom_right.1> 1) {
let c = grid.get(mid, bottom_right.1-1).map(|a||| ' ');
match c {
grid[(mid, bottom_right.1+1)].set_ch(LIGHT_UP_AND_HORIZONTAL);
_ => {},
let _ = self.left.component.draw(upper_left, (mid-1, bottom_right.1), grid);
let _ = self.right.component.draw((mid+1, upper_left.1), bottom_right, grid);
fn process_event(&mut self) {
/// A box with a text content.
pub struct TextBox {
content: String,
impl TextBox {
pub fn new(s: String) -> Self {
TextBox {
content: s,
impl Component for TextBox {
fn draw(&mut self, upper_left: Pos, bottom_right: Pos, grid: &mut CellBuffer) {
let mut x = upper_left.0;
let mut y = upper_left.1;
for c in self.content.chars() {
//eprintln!("printed {} in ({}, {})", c, x, y);
x += 1;
if x == bottom_right.0 + 1 {
x = upper_left.0;
if y == bottom_right.1 {
//eprintln!("Upper left is {:?} and bottom_right is {:?}", upper_left, bottom_right);
let width = bottom_right.0 - upper_left.0;
let height = bottom_right.1 - upper_left.1;
fn process_event(&mut self) {
const max_width: usize = 500;
pub struct MailListing {
cursor_pos: usize,
length: usize,
// sorting
content: CellBuffer,
unfocused: bool,
// content (2-d vec of bytes) or Cells?
// current view on top of content
// active or not? for key events
impl MailListing {
pub fn new(length: usize) -> Self {
MailListing {
cursor_pos: 0,
length: length,
content: CellBuffer::new(max_width, length+1, Cell::with_char(' ')),
unfocused: false,
impl Component for MailListing {
fn draw(&mut self, upper_left: Pos, bottom_right: Pos, grid: &mut CellBuffer) {
let mut height = 0;
let mut stripe = false;
for y in upper_left.1..bottom_right.1 {
if height == self.length {
/* for loop */
for _y in y..bottom_right.1 {
for x in upper_left.0..bottom_right.0 {
grid[(x,y)].set_ch(' ');
for x in upper_left.0..bottom_right.0 {
//grid[(x,y)].set_ch(self.content[(x-upper_left.0+1, y-upper_left.1+1)].ch());
grid[(x,y)].set_ch(if stripe { 't' } else { 'f'} );
grid[(x,y)].set_bg(if stripe { Color::Byte(246) } else {Color::Default });
stripe = if stripe { false } else { true };
height +1 ;
fn process_event(&mut self) {