You cannot select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

165 lines
5.4 KiB

extern crate bincode;
extern crate xdg;
use super::*;
use std::collections::BTreeMap;
use std::fs;
use std::io;
use std::ops::{Deref, DerefMut};
extern crate fnv;
use self::fnv::FnvHashMap;
/// `Mailbox` represents a folder of mail.
#[derive(Debug, Clone, Default)]
pub struct Collection {
folder: Folder,
pub envelopes: FnvHashMap<EnvelopeHash, Envelope>,
date_index: BTreeMap<UnixTimestamp, EnvelopeHash>,
subject_index: Option<BTreeMap<String, EnvelopeHash>>,
pub threads: Threads,
impl Drop for Collection {
fn drop(&mut self) {
let cache_dir =
xdg::BaseDirectories::with_profile("meli", format!("{}_Thread", self.folder.hash()))
if let Ok(cached) = cache_dir.place_cache_file("threads") {
/* place result in cache directory */
let f = match fs::File::create(cached) {
Ok(f) => f,
Err(e) => {
panic!("{}", e);
let writer = io::BufWriter::new(f);
bincode::serialize_into(writer, &self.threads).unwrap();
impl Collection {
pub fn new(vec: Vec<Envelope>, folder: &Folder) -> Collection {
let mut envelopes: FnvHashMap<EnvelopeHash, Envelope> =
FnvHashMap::with_capacity_and_hasher(vec.len(), Default::default());
for e in vec {
envelopes.insert(e.hash(), e);
let date_index = BTreeMap::new();
let subject_index = None;
/* Scrap caching for now. When a cached threads file is loaded, we must remove/rehash the
* thread nodes that shouldn't exist anymore (e.g. because their file moved from /new to
* /cur, or it was deleted).
let threads = Threads::new(&mut envelopes);
/*let cache_dir =
xdg::BaseDirectories::with_profile("meli", format!("{}_Thread", folder.hash()))
if let Some(cached) = cache_dir.find_cache_file("threads") {
let reader = io::BufReader::new(fs::File::open(cached).unwrap());
let result: result::Result<Threads, _> = bincode::deserialize_from(reader);
let ret = if let Ok(mut cached_t) = result {
use std::iter::FromIterator;
eprintln!("loaded cache, our hash set is {:?}\n and the cached one is {:?}", FnvHashSet::from_iter(envelopes.keys().cloned()), cached_t.hash_set);
cached_t.amend(&mut envelopes);
} else {
Threads::new(&mut envelopes)
} else {
Threads::new(&mut envelopes)
Collection {
folder: folder.clone(),
pub fn len(&self) -> usize {
pub fn is_empty(&self) -> bool {
pub fn remove(&mut self, envelope_hash: EnvelopeHash) {
eprintln!("DEBUG: Removing {}", envelope_hash);
self.threads.remove(envelope_hash, &mut self.envelopes);
pub fn rename(&mut self, old_hash: EnvelopeHash, new_hash: EnvelopeHash) {
let mut env = self.envelopes.remove(&old_hash).unwrap();
self.envelopes.insert(new_hash, env);
if self.threads.update_envelope(old_hash, new_hash).is_ok() {
/* envelope is not in threads, so insert it */
let env = self.envelopes.entry(new_hash).or_default() as *mut Envelope;
unsafe {
self.threads.insert(&mut (*env), &self.envelopes);
pub fn update_envelope(&mut self, old_hash: EnvelopeHash, envelope: Envelope) {
let new_hash = envelope.hash();
self.envelopes.insert(new_hash, envelope);
if self.threads.update_envelope(old_hash, new_hash).is_ok() {
/* envelope is not in threads, so insert it */
let env = self.envelopes.entry(new_hash).or_default() as *mut Envelope;
unsafe {
self.threads.insert(&mut (*env), &self.envelopes);
pub fn insert(&mut self, envelope: Envelope) {
let hash = envelope.hash();
eprintln!("DEBUG: Inserting hash {} in {}", hash,;
self.envelopes.insert(hash, envelope);
let env = self.envelopes.entry(hash).or_default() as *mut Envelope;
unsafe {
self.threads.insert(&mut (*env), &self.envelopes);
pub(crate) fn insert_reply(&mut self, _envelope: &Envelope) {
eprintln!("insert_reply in collections");
self.threads.insert_reply(envelope, &mut self.envelopes);
impl Deref for Collection {
type Target = FnvHashMap<EnvelopeHash, Envelope>;
fn deref(&self) -> &FnvHashMap<EnvelopeHash, Envelope> {
impl DerefMut for Collection {
fn deref_mut(&mut self) -> &mut FnvHashMap<EnvelopeHash, Envelope> {
&mut self.envelopes