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After installing meli, see meli(1) and meli.conf(5) for documentation.
meli requires rust 1.34 and rust's package manager, Cargo. Information on how
to get it on your system can be found here:
With Cargo available, the project can be built with
# make
The resulting binary will then be found under target/release/meli
# make install
to install the binary and man pages. This requires root, so I suggest you override the default paths and install it in your $HOME:
# make PREFIX=$HOME/.local install
See meli(1) and meli.conf(5) for documentation.
You can build and run meli with one command:
# cargo run --release
While the project is in early development, meli will only be developed for the
linux kernel and respected linux distributions. Support for more UNIX-like OSes
is on the roadmap.
Development builds can be built and/or run with
# cargo build
# cargo run 2> debug.log
The debug logs can be disabled by setting debug-assertions to false in the
development profile in Cargo.toml. In the future debug logs will be a feature.
meli by default looks for a configuration file in this location:
# $XDG_CONFIG_HOME/meli/config
You can run meli with arbitrary configuration files by setting the MELI_CONFIG
environment variable to their locations, ie:
# MELI_CONFIG=./test_config cargo run 2> debug.log
How to run specific tests:
# cargo test -p {melib, ui, meli} (-- --nocapture) (--test test_name)
# perf record -g target/debug/bin
# perf script | stackcollapse-perf | rust-unmangle | flamegraph > perf.svg