You cannot select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

545 lines
16 KiB

* meli - jmap module.
* Copyright 2019 Manos Pitsidianakis
* This file is part of meli.
* meli is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* meli is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with meli. If not, see <>.
use super::Id;
use crate::email::parser::BytesExt;
use core::marker::PhantomData;
use serde::de::DeserializeOwned;
use serde::ser::{Serialize, SerializeStruct, Serializer};
use serde_json::{value::RawValue, Value};
mod filters;
pub use filters::*;
mod comparator;
pub use comparator::*;
mod argument;
pub use argument::*;
use super::protocol::Method;
use std::collections::HashMap;
pub trait Object {
const NAME: &'static str;
#[derive(Deserialize, Serialize, Debug, Default)]
#[serde(rename_all = "camelCase")]
pub struct JmapSession {
pub capabilities: HashMap<String, CapabilitiesObject>,
pub accounts: HashMap<Id, Account>,
pub primary_accounts: HashMap<String, Id>,
pub username: String,
pub api_url: String,
pub download_url: String,
pub upload_url: String,
pub event_source_url: String,
pub state: String,
pub extra_properties: HashMap<String, Value>,
#[derive(Deserialize, Serialize, Debug)]
#[serde(rename_all = "camelCase")]
pub struct CapabilitiesObject {
max_size_upload: u64,
max_concurrent_upload: u64,
max_size_request: u64,
max_concurrent_requests: u64,
max_calls_in_request: u64,
max_objects_in_get: u64,
max_objects_in_set: u64,
collation_algorithms: Vec<String>,
#[derive(Deserialize, Serialize, Debug)]
#[serde(rename_all = "camelCase")]
pub struct Account {
name: String,
is_personal: bool,
is_read_only: bool,
account_capabilities: HashMap<String, Value>,
extra_properties: HashMap<String, Value>,
/// #`get`
/// Objects of type `Foo` are fetched via a call to `Foo/get`.
/// It takes the following arguments:
/// - `account_id`: "Id"
/// The id of the account to use.
#[derive(Deserialize, Debug)]
#[serde(rename_all = "camelCase")]
pub struct Get<OBJ: Object>
OBJ: std::fmt::Debug + Serialize,
#[serde(skip_serializing_if = "String::is_empty")]
pub account_id: String,
#[serde(skip_serializing_if = "Option::is_none")]
pub ids: Option<JmapArgument<Vec<String>>>,
#[serde(skip_serializing_if = "Option::is_none")]
pub properties: Option<Vec<String>>,
_ph: PhantomData<fn() -> OBJ>,
impl<OBJ: Object> Get<OBJ>
OBJ: std::fmt::Debug + Serialize,
pub fn new() -> Self {
Self {
account_id: String::new(),
ids: None,
properties: None,
_ph: PhantomData,
/// - accountId: "Id"
/// The id of the account to use.
account_id: String
/// - ids: `Option<JmapArgument<Vec<String>>>`
/// The ids of the Foo objects to return. If `None`, then *all* records
/// of the data type are returned, if this is supported for that data
/// type and the number of records does not exceed the
/// "max_objects_in_get" limit.
ids: Option<JmapArgument<Vec<String>>>
/// - properties: Option<Vec<String>>
/// If supplied, only the properties listed in the array are returned
/// for each `Foo` object. If `None`, all properties of the object are
/// returned. The `id` property of the object is *always* returned,
/// even if not explicitly requested. If an invalid property is
/// requested, the call WILL be rejected with an "invalid_arguments"
/// error.
properties: Option<Vec<String>>
impl<OBJ: Object + Serialize + std::fmt::Debug> Serialize for Get<OBJ> {
fn serialize<S>(&self, serializer: S) -> Result<S::Ok, S::Error>
S: Serializer,
let mut fields_no = 0;
if !self.account_id.is_empty() {
fields_no += 1;
if self.ids.is_some() {
fields_no += 1;
if {
fields_no += 1;
let mut state = serializer.serialize_struct("Get", fields_no)?;
if !self.account_id.is_empty() {
state.serialize_field("accountId", &self.account_id)?;
match self.ids.as_ref() {
None => {}
Some(JmapArgument::Value(ref v)) => state.serialize_field("ids", v)?,
Some(JmapArgument::ResultReference {
ref result_of,
ref name,
ref path,
}) => {
#[serde(rename_all = "camelCase")]
struct A<'a> {
result_of: &'a str,
name: &'a str,
path: &'a str,
&A {
if {
#[derive(Serialize, Deserialize, Debug)]
#[serde(rename_all = "camelCase")]
pub struct MethodResponse<'a> {
pub method_responses: Vec<&'a RawValue>,
pub created_ids: HashMap<Id, Id>,
pub session_state: String,
#[derive(Serialize, Deserialize, Debug)]
#[serde(rename_all = "camelCase")]
pub struct GetResponse<OBJ: Object> {
#[serde(skip_serializing_if = "String::is_empty")]
pub account_id: String,
pub state: String,
pub list: Vec<OBJ>,
pub not_found: Vec<String>,
impl<OBJ: Object + DeserializeOwned> std::convert::TryFrom<&RawValue> for GetResponse<OBJ> {
type Error = crate::error::MeliError;
fn try_from(t: &RawValue) -> Result<GetResponse<OBJ>, crate::error::MeliError> {
let res: (String, GetResponse<OBJ>, String) = serde_json::from_str(t.get())?;
assert_eq!(&res.0, &format!("{}/get", OBJ::NAME));
impl<OBJ: Object> GetResponse<OBJ> {
_impl!(get_mut account_id_mut, account_id: String);
_impl!(get_mut state_mut, state: String);
_impl!(get_mut list_mut, list: Vec<OBJ>);
_impl!(get_mut not_found_mut, not_found: Vec<String>);
#[derive(Deserialize, Debug)]
#[serde(rename_all = "camelCase")]
enum JmapError {
#[derive(Serialize, Debug)]
#[serde(rename_all = "camelCase")]
pub struct Query<F: FilterTrait<OBJ>, OBJ: Object>
OBJ: std::fmt::Debug + Serialize,
account_id: String,
filter: Option<F>,
sort: Option<Comparator<OBJ>>,
position: u64,
#[serde(skip_serializing_if = "Option::is_none")]
anchor: Option<String>,
#[serde(skip_serializing_if = "u64_zero")]
anchor_offset: u64,
#[serde(skip_serializing_if = "Option::is_none")]
limit: Option<u64>,
#[serde(default = "bool_false")]
calculate_total: bool,
_ph: PhantomData<fn() -> OBJ>,
impl<F: FilterTrait<OBJ>, OBJ: Object> Query<F, OBJ>
OBJ: std::fmt::Debug + Serialize,
pub fn new() -> Self {
Self {
account_id: String::new(),
filter: None,
sort: None,
position: 0,
anchor: None,
anchor_offset: 0,
limit: None,
calculate_total: false,
_ph: PhantomData,
_impl!(account_id: String);
_impl!(filter: Option<F>);
_impl!(sort: Option<Comparator<OBJ>>);
_impl!(position: u64);
_impl!(anchor: Option<String>);
_impl!(anchor_offset: u64);
_impl!(limit: Option<u64>);
_impl!(calculate_total: bool);
pub fn u64_zero(num: &u64) -> bool {
*num == 0
pub fn bool_false() -> bool {
pub fn bool_true() -> bool {
#[derive(Serialize, Deserialize, Debug)]
#[serde(rename_all = "camelCase")]
pub struct QueryResponse<OBJ: Object> {
#[serde(skip_serializing_if = "String::is_empty", default)]
pub account_id: String,
pub query_state: String,
pub can_calculate_changes: bool,
pub position: u64,
pub ids: Vec<Id>,
pub total: u64,
pub limit: u64,
_ph: PhantomData<fn() -> OBJ>,
impl<OBJ: Object + DeserializeOwned> std::convert::TryFrom<&RawValue> for QueryResponse<OBJ> {
type Error = crate::error::MeliError;
fn try_from(t: &RawValue) -> Result<QueryResponse<OBJ>, crate::error::MeliError> {
let res: (String, QueryResponse<OBJ>, String) = serde_json::from_str(t.get())?;
assert_eq!(&res.0, &format!("{}/query", OBJ::NAME));
impl<OBJ: Object> QueryResponse<OBJ> {
_impl!(get_mut ids_mut, ids: Vec<Id>);
pub struct ResultField<M: Method<OBJ>, OBJ: Object> {
pub field: &'static str,
pub _ph: PhantomData<fn() -> (OBJ, M)>,
// error[E0723]: trait bounds other than `Sized` on const fn parameters are unstable
// --> melib/src/backends/jmap/
// |
// 626 | impl<M: Method<OBJ>, OBJ: Object> ResultField<M, OBJ> {
// | ^
// |
// = note: for more information, see issue
// = help: add `#![feature(const_fn)]` to the crate attributes to enable
// impl<M: Method<OBJ>, OBJ: Object> ResultField<M, OBJ> {
// pub const fn new(field: &'static str) -> Self {
// Self {
// field,
// _ph: PhantomData,
// }
// }
// }
/// #`changes`
/// The "Foo/changes" method allows a client to efficiently update the state of its Foo cache
/// to match the new state on the server. It takes the following arguments:
/// - accountId: "Id" The id of the account to use.
/// - sinceState: "String"
/// The current state of the client. This is the string that was
/// returned as the "state" argument in the "Foo/get" response. The
/// server will return the changes that have occurred since this
/// state.
/// - maxChanges: "UnsignedInt|null"
/// The maximum number of ids to return in the response. The server
/// MAY choose to return fewer than this value but MUST NOT return
/// more. If not given by the client, the server may choose how many
/// to return. If supplied by the client, the value MUST be a
/// positive integer greater than 0. If a value outside of this range
/// is given, the server MUST re
#[derive(Deserialize, Serialize, Debug)]
#[serde(rename_all = "camelCase")]
/* ch-ch-ch-ch-ch-Changes */
pub struct Changes<OBJ: Object>
OBJ: std::fmt::Debug + Serialize,
#[serde(skip_serializing_if = "String::is_empty")]
pub account_id: String,
pub since_state: String,
#[serde(skip_serializing_if = "Option::is_none")]
pub max_changes: Option<u64>,
_ph: PhantomData<fn() -> OBJ>,
impl<OBJ: Object> Changes<OBJ>
OBJ: std::fmt::Debug + Serialize,
pub fn new() -> Self {
Self {
account_id: String::new(),
since_state: String::new(),
max_changes: None,
_ph: PhantomData,
/// - accountId: "Id"
/// The id of the account to use.
account_id: String
/// - since_state: "String"
/// The current state of the client. This is the string that was
/// returned as the "state" argument in the "Foo/get" response. The
/// server will return the changes that have occurred since this
/// state.
since_state: String
/// - max_changes: "UnsignedInt|null"
/// The maximum number of ids to return in the response. The server
/// MAY choose to return fewer than this value but MUST NOT return
/// more. If not given by the client, the server may choose how many
/// to return. If supplied by the client, the value MUST be a
/// positive integer greater than 0. If a value outside of this range
/// is given, the server MUST re
max_changes: Option<u64>
#[derive(Serialize, Deserialize, Debug)]
#[serde(rename_all = "camelCase")]
pub struct ChangesResponse<OBJ: Object> {
#[serde(skip_serializing_if = "String::is_empty")]
pub account_id: String,
pub old_state: String,
pub new_state: String,
pub has_more_changes: bool,
pub created: Vec<Id>,
pub updated: Vec<Id>,
pub destroyed: Vec<Id>,
_ph: PhantomData<fn() -> OBJ>,
impl<OBJ: Object + DeserializeOwned> std::convert::TryFrom<&RawValue> for ChangesResponse<OBJ> {
type Error = crate::error::MeliError;
fn try_from(t: &RawValue) -> Result<ChangesResponse<OBJ>, crate::error::MeliError> {
let res: (String, ChangesResponse<OBJ>, String) = serde_json::from_str(t.get())?;
assert_eq!(&res.0, &format!("{}/changes", OBJ::NAME));
impl<OBJ: Object> ChangesResponse<OBJ> {
_impl!(get_mut account_id_mut, account_id: String);
_impl!(get_mut old_state_mut, old_state: String);
_impl!(get_mut new_state_mut, new_state: String);
_impl!(get has_more_changes, has_more_changes: bool);
_impl!(get_mut created_mut, created: Vec<String>);
_impl!(get_mut updated_mut, updated: Vec<String>);
_impl!(get_mut destroyed_mut, destroyed: Vec<String>);
pub fn download_request_format(
session: &JmapSession,
account_id: &Id,
blob_id: &Id,
name: Option<String>,
) -> String {
let mut ret = String::with_capacity(
+ blob_id.len()
+ name.as_ref().map(|n| n.len()).unwrap_or(0)
+ account_id.len(),
let mut prev_pos = 0;
while let Some(pos) = session.download_url.as_bytes()[prev_pos..].find(b"{") {
ret.push_str(&session.download_url[prev_pos..prev_pos + pos]);
prev_pos += pos;
if session.download_url[prev_pos..].starts_with("{accountId}") {
prev_pos += "{accountId}".len();
} else if session.download_url[prev_pos..].starts_with("{blobId}") {
prev_pos += "{blobId}".len();
} else if session.download_url[prev_pos..].starts_with("{name}") {
prev_pos += "{name}".len();
if prev_pos != session.download_url.len() {
pub fn upload_request_format(session: &JmapSession, account_id: &Id) -> String {
//"uploadUrl": "{accountId}/",
let mut ret = String::with_capacity(session.upload_url.len() + account_id.len());
let mut prev_pos = 0;
while let Some(pos) = session.upload_url.as_bytes()[prev_pos..].find(b"{") {
ret.push_str(&session.upload_url[prev_pos..prev_pos + pos]);
prev_pos += pos;
if session.upload_url[prev_pos..].starts_with("{accountId}") {
prev_pos += "{accountId}".len();
} else {
prev_pos += 1;
if prev_pos != session.upload_url.len() {