You cannot select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

701 lines
26 KiB

* meli - svg screenshot
* Copyright Manos Pitsidianakis
* This file is part of meli.
* meli is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* meli is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with meli. If not, see <>.
use super::*;
use std::collections::BTreeMap;
use std::io::Write;
pub struct SVGScreenshotFilter {
save_screenshot: bool,
impl fmt::Display for SVGScreenshotFilter {
fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter) -> fmt::Result {
write!(f, "svg screenshot filter")
impl SVGScreenshotFilter {
pub fn new() -> Self {
SVGScreenshotFilter {
save_screenshot: false,
impl Component for SVGScreenshotFilter {
fn draw(&mut self, _grid: &mut CellBuffer, _area: Area, context: &mut Context) {
if !self.save_screenshot {
self.save_screenshot = false;
let grid: &CellBuffer = _grid;
use svg_crate::node::element::{Definitions, Group, Rectangle, Style, Text, Use};
use svg_crate::node::Text as TextNode;
use svg_crate::Document;
let (width, height) = grid.size();
* Format frame as follows:
* - The entire background is a big rectangle.
* - Every text piece with unified foreground color is a text element inserted into the
* `definitions` field of the svg, and then `use`ed as a reference
* - Every background piece (a slice of unified background color) is a rectangle element
* inserted along with the `use` elements
* Each row is arbritarily set at 17px high, and each character cell is 8 pixels wide.
* Rectangle cells each have one extra pixel (so 18px * 9px) in their dimensions in order
* to cover the spacing between cells.
let mut definitions = Definitions::new();
let mut rows_group = Group::new();
let mut text = String::with_capacity(width);
/* Before creating text node out of `text` variable, escape what's necessary */
let mut escaped_text = String::with_capacity(width);
/* keep a map with used colors and write a stylesheet when we're done */
let mut classes: BTreeMap<(u8, u8, u8), usize> = BTreeMap::new();
for (row_idx, row) in grid.bounds_iter(((0, 0), (width, height))).enumerate() {
/* Each row is a <g> group element, consisting of text elements */
let mut row_group = Group::new().set("id", format!("{:x}", row_idx + 1));
/* Keep track of colors and attributes.
* - Whenever the foreground color changes, emit a text element with the accumulated
* text in the specific foreground color.
* - Whenever the backgrund color changes, emit a rectangle element filled with the
* specific background color.
let mut cur_fg = Color::Default;
let mut cur_bg = Color::Default;
let mut cur_attrs = Attr::DEFAULT;
let mut prev_x_fg = 0;
let mut is_start = true;
let mut prev_x_bg = 0;
for (x, c) in row.enumerate() {
if cur_bg != grid[c].bg() || cur_fg != grid[c].fg() || cur_attrs != grid[c].attrs()
//|| (grid[c].ch() == ' ' && !is_start)
if cur_bg != Color::Default {
let mut rect = Rectangle::new()
.set("x", prev_x_bg * 8)
.set("y", 17 * row_idx)
.set("width", (x - prev_x_bg) * 8 + 1)
//.set("bgname", format!("{:?}", cur_bg))
.set("height", 18);
match cur_bg {
Color::Rgb(r, g, b) => {
let class = if classes.contains_key(&(r, g, b)) {
classes[&(r, g, b)]
} else {
let classes_size = classes.len();
classes.insert((r, g, b), classes_size);
rect = rect.set("class", format!("f{:x}", class).as_str());
Color::Default => {
c if c.as_byte() < 16 => {
rect = rect.set("class", format!("c{}", c.as_byte()).as_str());
c => {
let c = c.as_byte();
let (r, g, b) = XTERM_COLORS[c as usize];
let class = if classes.contains_key(&(r, g, b)) {
classes[&(r, g, b)]
} else {
let classes_size = classes.len();
classes.insert((r, g, b), classes_size);
rect = rect.set("class", format!("f{:x}", class).as_str());
rows_group = rows_group.add(rect);
prev_x_bg = x;
cur_bg = grid[c].bg();
if !text.is_empty() {
let text_length = text.grapheme_width();
for c in text.chars() {
match c {
'"' => escaped_text.push_str("&quot;"),
'&' => escaped_text.push_str("&amp;"),
'\'' => escaped_text.push_str("&apos;"),
'<' => escaped_text.push_str("&lt;"),
'>' => escaped_text.push_str("&gt;"),
c => escaped_text.push(c),
let mut text_el = Text::new()
.set("x", prev_x_fg * 8)
.set("textLength", text_length * 8);
/*.set("fgname", format!("{:?}", cur_fg));*/
if cur_attrs.intersects(Attr::BOLD) {
text_el = text_el.set("font-weight", "bold");
if cur_attrs.intersects(Attr::ITALICS) {
text_el = text_el.set("font-style", "italic");
if cur_attrs.intersects(Attr::UNDERLINE) {
text_el = text_el.set("text-decoration", "underline");
if cur_attrs.intersects(Attr::DIM) {
text_el = text_el.set("font-weight", "lighter");
if cur_attrs.intersects(Attr::HIDDEN) {
text_el = text_el.set("display", "none");
match cur_fg {
Color::Default if cur_attrs.intersects(Attr::REVERSE) => {
text_el = text_el.set("class", "b");
Color::Default => {
text_el = text_el.set("class", "f");
Color::Rgb(r, g, b) => {
let class = if classes.contains_key(&(r, g, b)) {
classes[&(r, g, b)]
} else {
let classes_size = classes.len();
classes.insert((r, g, b), classes_size);
text_el = text_el.set("class", format!("f{:x}", class).as_str());
c if c.as_byte() < 16 => {
text_el =
text_el.set("class", format!("c{}", c.as_byte()).as_str());
c => {
let c = c.as_byte();
let (r, g, b) = XTERM_COLORS[c as usize];
let class = if classes.contains_key(&(r, g, b)) {
classes[&(r, g, b)]
} else {
let classes_size = classes.len();
classes.insert((r, g, b), classes_size);
text_el = text_el.set("class", format!("f{:x}", class).as_str());
row_group = row_group.add(text_el);
prev_x_fg = x;
cur_fg = grid[c].fg();
cur_attrs = grid[c].attrs();
match grid[c].ch() {
' ' if is_start => {
prev_x_fg = x + 1;
c => text.push(c),
if grid[c].ch() != ' ' {
is_start = false;
/* Append last elements of the row if any */
if cur_bg != Color::Default {
let mut rect = Rectangle::new()
.set("x", prev_x_bg * 8)
.set("y", 17 * row_idx)
.set("width", (width - prev_x_bg) * 8 + 1)
//.set("bgname", format!("{:?}", cur_bg))
.set("height", 18);
match cur_bg {
Color::Rgb(r, g, b) => {
let class = if classes.contains_key(&(r, g, b)) {
classes[&(r, g, b)]
} else {
let classes_size = classes.len();
classes.insert((r, g, b), classes_size);
rect = rect.set("class", format!("f{:x}", class).as_str());
Color::Default => {
c if c.as_byte() < 16 => {
rect = rect.set("class", format!("c{}", c.as_byte()).as_str());
c => {
let c = c.as_byte();
let (r, g, b) = XTERM_COLORS[c as usize];
let class = if classes.contains_key(&(r, g, b)) {
classes[&(r, g, b)]
} else {
let classes_size = classes.len();
classes.insert((r, g, b), classes_size);
rect = rect.set("class", format!("f{:x}", class).as_str());
rows_group = rows_group.add(rect);
if !text.is_empty() {
let text_length = text.grapheme_width();
for c in text.chars() {
match c {
'"' => escaped_text.push_str("&quot;"),
'&' => escaped_text.push_str("&amp;"),
'\'' => escaped_text.push_str("&apos;"),
'<' => escaped_text.push_str("&lt;"),
'>' => escaped_text.push_str("&gt;"),
c => escaped_text.push(c),
let mut text_el = Text::new()
.set("x", prev_x_fg * 8)
.set("textLength", text_length * 8);
/*.set("fgname", format!("{:?}", cur_fg));*/
if cur_attrs.intersects(Attr::BOLD) {
text_el = text_el.set("font-weight", "bold");
if cur_attrs.intersects(Attr::ITALICS) {
text_el = text_el.set("font-style", "italic");
if cur_attrs.intersects(Attr::UNDERLINE) {
text_el = text_el.set("text-decoration", "underline");
if cur_attrs.intersects(Attr::DIM) {
text_el = text_el.set("font-weight", "lighter");
if cur_attrs.intersects(Attr::HIDDEN) {
text_el = text_el.set("display", "none");
match cur_fg {
Color::Default if cur_attrs.intersects(Attr::REVERSE) => {
text_el = text_el.set("class", "b");
Color::Default => {
text_el = text_el.set("class", "f");
Color::Rgb(r, g, b) => {
let class = if classes.contains_key(&(r, g, b)) {
classes[&(r, g, b)]
} else {
let classes_size = classes.len();
classes.insert((r, g, b), classes_size);
text_el = text_el.set("class", format!("f{:x}", class).as_str());
c if c.as_byte() < 16 => {
text_el = text_el.set("class", format!("c{}", c.as_byte()).as_str());
c => {
let c = c.as_byte();
let (r, g, b) = XTERM_COLORS[c as usize];
let class = if classes.contains_key(&(r, g, b)) {
classes[&(r, g, b)]
} else {
let classes_size = classes.len();
classes.insert((r, g, b), classes_size);
text_el = text_el.set("class", format!("f{:x}", class).as_str());
row_group = row_group.add(text_el);
definitions = definitions.add(row_group);
rows_group = rows_group.add(
.set("xlink:href", format!("#{:x}", row_idx + 1))
.set("y", 17 * row_idx),
let mut style_string = CSS_STYLE.to_string();
for ((r, g, b), name) in classes {
.extend(format!(".f{:x}{{fill:#{:02x}{:02x}{:02x};}}", name, r, g, b).chars());
let document = Document::new()
.set("viewBox", (0, 0, width * 8, height * 17 + 2))
.set("width", width * 8)
.set("height", height * 17 + 2)
.add(Definitions::new().add(Style::new(&style_string).set("type", "text/css")))
.set("id", "t")
.set("preserveAspectRatio", "xMidYMin slice")
.set("viewBox", (0, 0, width * 8, height * 17))
.set("width", width * 8)
.set("height", height * 17)
.set("class", "b")
.set("height", "100%")
.set("width", "100%")
.set("x", 0)
.set("y", 0),
.set("xmlns", "")
.set("baseProfile", "full")
.set("xmlns:xlink", "")
.set("version", "1.1");
let mut s = Vec::new();
svg_crate::write(&mut s, &document).unwrap();
let mut res = Vec::new();
* svg crate formats text nodes like this:
* <text>
* actual content
* </text>
* But we don't want any extra newlines before/after the tags:
* <text>actual content</text>
* So remove all new lines from SVG file.
for b in s {
if b == b'\n' {
let mut filename = melib::datetime::timestamp_to_string(
Some("meli Screenshot - %e %h %Y %H:%M:%S.svg"),
while std::path::Path::new(&filename).exists() {
Some("Screenshot saved".into()),
format!("Screenshot saved to {}", filename),
fn process_event(&mut self, event: &mut UIEvent, _context: &mut Context) -> bool {
if let UIEvent::Input(Key::F(6)) = event {
self.save_screenshot = true;
} else if let UIEvent::CmdInput(Key::F(6)) = event {
self.save_screenshot = true;
} else if let UIEvent::EmbedInput((Key::F(6), _)) = event {
self.save_screenshot = true;
} else {
fn set_dirty(&mut self, _value: bool) {}
fn is_dirty(&self) -> bool {
fn id(&self) -> ComponentId {
fn set_id(&mut self, _id: ComponentId) {}
const CSS_STYLE: &str = r#"#t{font-family:'DejaVu Sans Mono',monospace;font-style:normal;font-size:14px;} text {dominant-baseline: text-before-edge; white-space: pre;} .f{fill:#e5e5e5;} .b{fill:#000;} .c0 {fill:#000;} .c1 {fill:#cd0000;} .c2 {fill:#00cd00;} .c3 {fill:#cdcd00;} .c4 {fill:#00e;} .c5 {fill:#cd00cd;} .c6 {fill:#00cdcd;} .c7 {fill:#e5e5e5;} .c8 {fill:#7f7f7f;} .c9 {fill:#f00;} .c10 {fill:#0f0;} .c11 {fill:#ff0;} .c12 {fill:#5c5cff;} .c13 {fill:#f0f;} .c14 {fill:#0ff;} .c15 {fill:#fff;}"#;
const XTERM_COLORS: &[(u8, u8, u8)] = &[
/*0*/ (0, 0, 0),
/*1*/ (128, 0, 0),
/*2*/ (0, 128, 0),
/*3*/ (128, 128, 0),
/*4*/ (0, 0, 128),
/*5*/ (128, 0, 128),
/*6*/ (0, 128, 128),
/*7*/ (192, 192, 192),
/*8*/ (128, 128, 128),
/*9*/ (255, 0, 0),
/*10*/ (0, 255, 0),
/*11*/ (255, 255, 0),
/*12*/ (0, 0, 255),
/*13*/ (255, 0, 255),
/*14*/ (0, 255, 255),
/*15*/ (255, 255, 255),
/*16*/ (0, 0, 0),
/*17*/ (0, 0, 95),
/*18*/ (0, 0, 135),
/*19*/ (0, 0, 175),
/*20*/ (0, 0, 215),
/*21*/ (0, 0, 255),
/*22*/ (0, 95, 0),
/*23*/ (0, 95, 95),
/*24*/ (0, 95, 135),
/*25*/ (0, 95, 175),
/*26*/ (0, 95, 215),
/*27*/ (0, 95, 255),
/*28*/ (0, 135, 0),
/*29*/ (0, 135, 95),
/*30*/ (0, 135, 135),
/*31*/ (0, 135, 175),
/*32*/ (0, 135, 215),
/*33*/ (0, 135, 255),
/*34*/ (0, 175, 0),
/*35*/ (0, 175, 95),
/*36*/ (0, 175, 135),
/*37*/ (0, 175, 175),
/*38*/ (0, 175, 215),
/*39*/ (0, 175, 255),
/*40*/ (0, 215, 0),
/*41*/ (0, 215, 95),
/*42*/ (0, 215, 135),
/*43*/ (0, 215, 175),
/*44*/ (0, 215, 215),
/*45*/ (0, 215, 255),
/*46*/ (0, 255, 0),
/*47*/ (0, 255, 95),
/*48*/ (0, 255, 135),
/*49*/ (0, 255, 175),
/*50*/ (0, 255, 215),
/*51*/ (0, 255, 255),
/*52*/ (95, 0, 0),
/*53*/ (95, 0, 95),
/*54*/ (95, 0, 135),
/*55*/ (95, 0, 175),
/*56*/ (95, 0, 215),
/*57*/ (95, 0, 255),
/*58*/ (95, 95, 0),
/*59*/ (95, 95, 95),
/*60*/ (95, 95, 135),
/*61*/ (95, 95, 175),
/*62*/ (95, 95, 215),
/*63*/ (95, 95, 255),
/*64*/ (95, 135, 0),
/*65*/ (95, 135, 95),
/*66*/ (95, 135, 135),
/*67*/ (95, 135, 175),
/*68*/ (95, 135, 215),
/*69*/ (95, 135, 255),
/*70*/ (95, 175, 0),
/*71*/ (95, 175, 95),
/*72*/ (95, 175, 135),
/*73*/ (95, 175, 175),
/*74*/ (95, 175, 215),
/*75*/ (95, 175, 255),
/*76*/ (95, 215, 0),
/*77*/ (95, 215, 95),
/*78*/ (95, 215, 135),
/*79*/ (95, 215, 175),
/*80*/ (95, 215, 215),
/*81*/ (95, 215, 255),
/*82*/ (95, 255, 0),
/*83*/ (95, 255, 95),
/*84*/ (95, 255, 135),
/*85*/ (95, 255, 175),
/*86*/ (95, 255, 215),
/*87*/ (95, 255, 255),
/*88*/ (135, 0, 0),
/*89*/ (135, 0, 95),
/*90*/ (135, 0, 135),
/*91*/ (135, 0, 175),
/*92*/ (135, 0, 215),
/*93*/ (135, 0, 255),
/*94*/ (135, 95, 0),
/*95*/ (135, 95, 95),
/*96*/ (135, 95, 135),
/*97*/ (135, 95, 175),
/*98*/ (135, 95, 215),
/*99*/ (135, 95, 255),
/*100*/ (135, 135, 0),
/*101*/ (135, 135, 95),
/*102*/ (135, 135, 135),
/*103*/ (135, 135, 175),
/*104*/ (135, 135, 215),
/*105*/ (135, 135, 255),
/*106*/ (135, 175, 0),
/*107*/ (135, 175, 95),
/*108*/ (135, 175, 135),
/*109*/ (135, 175, 175),
/*110*/ (135, 175, 215),
/*111*/ (135, 175, 255),
/*112*/ (135, 215, 0),
/*113*/ (135, 215, 95),
/*114*/ (135, 215, 135),
/*115*/ (135, 215, 175),
/*116*/ (135, 215, 215),
/*117*/ (135, 215, 255),
/*118*/ (135, 255, 0),
/*119*/ (135, 255, 95),
/*120*/ (135, 255, 135),
/*121*/ (135, 255, 175),
/*122*/ (135, 255, 215),
/*123*/ (135, 255, 255),
/*124*/ (175, 0, 0),
/*125*/ (175, 0, 95),
/*126*/ (175, 0, 135),
/*127*/ (175, 0, 175),
/*128*/ (175, 0, 215),
/*129*/ (175, 0, 255),
/*130*/ (175, 95, 0),
/*131*/ (175, 95, 95),
/*132*/ (175, 95, 135),
/*133*/ (175, 95, 175),
/*134*/ (175, 95, 215),
/*135*/ (175, 95, 255),
/*136*/ (175, 135, 0),
/*137*/ (175, 135, 95),
/*138*/ (175, 135, 135),
/*139*/ (175, 135, 175),
/*140*/ (175, 135, 215),
/*141*/ (175, 135, 255),
/*142*/ (175, 175, 0),
/*143*/ (175, 175, 95),
/*144*/ (175, 175, 135),
/*145*/ (175, 175, 175),
/*146*/ (175, 175, 215),
/*147*/ (175, 175, 255),
/*148*/ (175, 215, 0),
/*149*/ (175, 215, 95),
/*150*/ (175, 215, 135),
/*151*/ (175, 215, 175),
/*152*/ (175, 215, 215),
/*153*/ (175, 215, 255),
/*154*/ (175, 255, 0),
/*155*/ (175, 255, 95),
/*156*/ (175, 255, 135),
/*157*/ (175, 255, 175),
/*158*/ (175, 255, 215),
/*159*/ (175, 255, 255),
/*160*/ (215, 0, 0),
/*161*/ (215, 0, 95),
/*162*/ (215, 0, 135),
/*163*/ (215, 0, 175),
/*164*/ (215, 0, 215),
/*165*/ (215, 0, 255),
/*166*/ (215, 95, 0),
/*167*/ (215, 95, 95),
/*168*/ (215, 95, 135),
/*169*/ (215, 95, 175),
/*170*/ (215, 95, 215),
/*171*/ (215, 95, 255),
/*172*/ (215, 135, 0),
/*173*/ (215, 135, 95),
/*174*/ (215, 135, 135),
/*175*/ (215, 135, 175),
/*176*/ (215, 135, 215),
/*177*/ (215, 135, 255),
/*178*/ (215, 175, 0),
/*179*/ (215, 175, 95),
/*180*/ (215, 175, 135),
/*181*/ (215, 175, 175),
/*182*/ (215, 175, 215),
/*183*/ (215, 175, 255),
/*184*/ (215, 215, 0),
/*185*/ (215, 215, 95),
/*186*/ (215, 215, 135),
/*187*/ (215, 215, 175),
/*188*/ (215, 215, 215),
/*189*/ (215, 215, 255),
/*190*/ (215, 255, 0),
/*191*/ (215, 255, 95),
/*192*/ (215, 255, 135),
/*193*/ (215, 255, 175),
/*194*/ (215, 255, 215),
/*195*/ (215, 255, 255),
/*196*/ (255, 0, 0),
/*197*/ (255, 0, 95),
/*198*/ (255, 0, 135),
/*199*/ (255, 0, 175),
/*200*/ (255, 0, 215),
/*201*/ (255, 0, 255),
/*202*/ (255, 95, 0),
/*203*/ (255, 95, 95),
/*204*/ (255, 95, 135),
/*205*/ (255, 95, 175),
/*206*/ (255, 95, 215),
/*207*/ (255, 95, 255),
/*208*/ (255, 135, 0),
/*209*/ (255, 135, 95),
/*210*/ (255, 135, 135),
/*211*/ (255, 135, 175),
/*212*/ (255, 135, 215),
/*213*/ (255, 135, 255),
/*214*/ (255, 175, 0),
/*215*/ (255, 175, 95),
/*216*/ (255, 175, 135),
/*217*/ (255, 175, 175),
/*218*/ (255, 175, 215),
/*219*/ (255, 175, 255),
/*220*/ (255, 215, 0),
/*221*/ (255, 215, 95),
/*222*/ (255, 215, 135),
/*223*/ (255, 215, 175),
/*224*/ (255, 215, 215),
/*225*/ (255, 215, 255),
/*226*/ (255, 255, 0),
/*227*/ (255, 255, 95),
/*228*/ (255, 255, 135),
/*229*/ (255, 255, 175),
/*230*/ (255, 255, 215),
/*231*/ (255, 255, 255),
/*232*/ (8, 8, 8),
/*233*/ (18, 18, 18),
/*234*/ (28, 28, 28),
/*235*/ (38, 38, 38),
/*236*/ (48, 48, 48),
/*237*/ (58, 58, 58),
/*238*/ (68, 68, 68),
/*239*/ (78, 78, 78),
/*240*/ (88, 88, 88),
/*241*/ (98, 98, 98),
/*242*/ (108, 108, 108),
/*243*/ (118, 118, 118),
/*244*/ (128, 128, 128),
/*245*/ (138, 138, 138),
/*246*/ (148, 148, 148),
/*247*/ (158, 158, 158),
/*248*/ (168, 168, 168),
/*249*/ (178, 178, 178),
/*250*/ (188, 188, 188),
/*251*/ (198, 198, 198),
/*252*/ (208, 208, 208),
/*253*/ (218, 218, 218),
/*254*/ (228, 228, 228),
/*255*/ (238, 238, 238),