You cannot select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

186 lines
6.1 KiB

* meli - ui module.
* Copyright 2017-2018 Manos Pitsidianakis
* This file is part of meli.
* meli is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* meli is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with meli. If not, see <>.
Components are ways to handle application data. They can draw on the terminal and receive events, but also do other stuff as well. (For example, see the `notifications` module.)
See the `Component` Trait for more details.
use super::*;
pub mod utilities;
pub mod mail;
pub mod notifications;
pub use utilities::*;
pub use mail::*;
use super::cells::{Color, CellBuffer};
use super::position::{Area, };
use super::{UIEvent, UIEventType, Key};
/// The upper and lower boundary char.
const HORZ_BOUNDARY: char = '─';
/// The left and right boundary char.
const VERT_BOUNDARY: char = '│';
/// The top-left corner
const TOP_LEFT_CORNER: char = '┌';
/// The top-right corner
const TOP_RIGHT_CORNER: char = '┐';
/// The bottom-left corner
const BOTTOM_LEFT_CORNER: char = '└';
/// The bottom-right corner
const BOTTOM_RIGHT_CORNER: char = '┘';
const LIGHT_VERTICAL_AND_RIGHT: char = '├';
const LIGHT_VERTICAL_AND_LEFT: char = '┤';
const LIGHT_DOWN_AND_HORIZONTAL: char = '┬';
const LIGHT_UP_AND_HORIZONTAL: char = '┴';
/// `Entity` is a container for Components. Totally useless now so if it is not useful in the
/// future (ie hold some information, id or state) it should be removed.
pub struct Entity {
//context: VecDeque,
pub component: Box<Component>, // more than one?
impl Entity {
/// Pass events to child component.
pub fn rcv_event(&mut self, event: &UIEvent, context: &mut Context) {
self.component.process_event(&event, context);
/// Types implementing this Trait can draw on the terminal and receive events.
/// If a type wants to skip drawing if it has not changed anything, it can hold some flag in its
/// fields (eg self.dirty = false) and act upon that in their `draw` implementation.
pub trait Component {
fn draw(&mut self, grid: &mut CellBuffer, area: Area, context: &mut Context);
fn process_event(&mut self, event: &UIEvent, context: &mut Context);
fn is_dirty(&self) -> bool {
/// Copy a source `Area` to a destination.
pub fn copy_area(grid_dest: &mut CellBuffer, grid_src: &CellBuffer, dest: Area, src: Area) {
if !is_valid_area!(dest) || !is_valid_area!(src) {
eprintln!("BUG: Invalid areas in copy_area:\n src: {:?}\n dest: {:?}", src, dest);
let mut src_x = get_x(upper_left!(src));
let mut src_y = get_y(upper_left!(src));
for y in get_y(upper_left!(dest))..=get_y(bottom_right!(dest)) {
'for_x: for x in get_x(upper_left!(dest))..=get_x(bottom_right!(dest)) {
grid_dest[(x,y)] = grid_src[(src_x, src_y)];
if src_x == get_x(bottom_right!(src)) {
break 'for_x;
src_x += 1;
src_x = get_x(upper_left!(src));
if src_y == get_y(bottom_right!(src)) {
clear_area(grid_dest, ((get_x(upper_left!(dest)), y), bottom_right!(dest)));
src_y += 1;
/// Change foreground and background colors in an `Area`
pub fn change_colors(grid: &mut CellBuffer, area: Area, fg_color: Color, bg_color: Color) {
if !is_valid_area!(area) {
eprintln!("BUG: Invalid area in change_colors:\n area: {:?}", area);
for y in get_y(upper_left!(area))..=get_y(bottom_right!(area)) {
for x in get_x(upper_left!(area))..=get_x(bottom_right!(area)) {
/// Write an `&str` to a `CellBuffer` in a specified `Area` with the passed colors.
fn write_string_to_grid(s: &str, grid: &mut CellBuffer, fg_color: Color, bg_color: Color, area: Area, line_break: bool) -> Pos {
let bounds = grid.size();
let upper_left = upper_left!(area);
let bottom_right = bottom_right!(area);
let (mut x, mut y) = upper_left;
if y > (get_y(bottom_right)) || x > get_x(bottom_right) ||
y > get_y(bounds) || x > get_x(bounds) {
eprintln!(" Invalid area with string {} and area {:?}", s, area);
return (x, y);
for l in s.lines() {
'char: for c in l.chars() {
x += 1;
if x == (get_x(bottom_right))+1 || x > get_x(bounds) {
x = get_x(upper_left);
y += 1;
if y >= (get_y(bottom_right)) || y > get_y(bounds) {
return (x, y - 1);
if !line_break {
break 'char;
(x, y)
/// Completely clear an `Area` with an empty char and the terminal's default colors.
fn clear_area(grid: &mut CellBuffer, area: Area) {
if !is_valid_area!(area) {
let upper_left = upper_left!(area);
let bottom_right = bottom_right!(area);
for y in get_y(upper_left)..=get_y(bottom_right) {
for x in get_x(upper_left)..=get_x(bottom_right) {
grid[(x,y)].set_ch(' ');
fn new_draft(context: &mut Context) -> Vec<u8> {
// TODO: Generate proper message-id
let mut v = String::with_capacity(500);
v.push_str("From: \n");
v.push_str("To: \n");
v.push_str("Subject: \n");
v.push_str("Message-Id: \n\n");