/* * meli - imap melib * * Copyright 2020 Manos Pitsidianakis * * This file is part of meli. * * meli is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * meli is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with meli. If not, see . */ use super::UID; use crate::{ backends::{AccountHash, MailboxHash}, email::Envelope, error::*, }; pub type MaxUID = UID; #[cfg(feature = "sqlite3")] pub use sqlite3_m::*; #[cfg(feature = "sqlite3")] mod sqlite3_m { use super::*; use crate::sqlite3; const DB_NAME: &str = "header_cache.db"; const INIT_SCRIPT: &str = "PRAGMA foreign_keys = true; PRAGMA encoding = 'UTF-8'; CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS envelopes ( mailbox_hash INTEGER, uid INTEGER, validity INTEGER, envelope BLOB NOT NULL UNIQUE, PRIMARY KEY (mailbox_hash, uid, validity), FOREIGN KEY (mailbox_hash, validity) REFERENCES uidvalidity(mailbox_hash, uid) ON DELETE CASCADE ); CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS uidvalidity ( uid INTEGER UNIQUE, mailbox_hash INTEGER UNIQUE, PRIMARY KEY (mailbox_hash, uid) ); CREATE INDEX IF NOT EXISTS envelope_idx ON envelopes(mailbox_hash, uid, validity); CREATE INDEX IF NOT EXISTS uidvalidity_idx ON uidvalidity(mailbox_hash);"; pub fn fetch_envelopes( account_hash: AccountHash, mailbox_hash: MailboxHash, uidvalidity: usize, ) -> Result<(MaxUID, Vec<(UID, Envelope)>)> { let conn = sqlite3::open_or_create_db( &format!("{}_{}", account_hash, DB_NAME), Some(INIT_SCRIPT), )?; let mut stmt = conn .prepare("SELECT MAX(uid) FROM envelopes WHERE mailbox_hash = ? AND validity = ?") .unwrap(); let max_uid: usize = stmt .query_map( sqlite3::params![mailbox_hash as i64, uidvalidity as i64], |row| row.get(0).map(|u: i64| u as usize), ) .chain_err_summary(|| { format!( "Error while performing query {:?}", "SELECT MAX(uid) FROM envelopes WHERE mailbox_hash = ? AND validity = ?" ) })? .next() .unwrap() .unwrap_or(0); let mut stmt = conn .prepare("SELECT uid, envelope FROM envelopes WHERE mailbox_hash = ? AND validity = ?") .unwrap(); let results: Vec<(UID, Vec)> = stmt .query_map( sqlite3::params![mailbox_hash as i64, uidvalidity as i64], |row| Ok((row.get::<_, i64>(0)? as usize, row.get(1)?)), ) .chain_err_summary(|| { format!( "Error while performing query {:?}", "SELECT uid, envelope FROM envelopes WHERE mailbox_hash = ? AND validity = ?", ) })? .collect::>()?; debug!( "imap cache max_uid: {} results len: {}", max_uid, results.len() ); Ok(( max_uid, results .into_iter() .map(|(uid, env)| { Ok(( uid, bincode::deserialize(&env).map_err(|e| MeliError::new(e.to_string()))?, )) }) .collect::>>()?, )) } pub fn save_envelopes( account_hash: AccountHash, mailbox_hash: MailboxHash, uidvalidity: usize, envs: &[(UID, &Envelope)], ) -> Result<()> { let conn = sqlite3::open_or_create_db(&format!("{}_{}", account_hash, DB_NAME), Some(INIT_SCRIPT)) .chain_err_summary(|| { format!( "Could not create header_cache.db for account {}", account_hash ) })?; conn.execute( "INSERT OR REPLACE INTO uidvalidity (uid, mailbox_hash) VALUES (?1, ?2)", sqlite3::params![uidvalidity as i64, mailbox_hash as i64], ) .chain_err_summary(|| { format!( "Could not insert uidvalidity {} in header_cache of account {}", uidvalidity, account_hash ) })?; for (uid, env) in envs { conn.execute( "INSERT OR REPLACE INTO envelopes (uid, mailbox_hash, validity, envelope) VALUES (?1, ?2, ?3, ?4)", sqlite3::params![*uid as i64, mailbox_hash as i64, uidvalidity as i64, bincode::serialize(env).map_err(|e| MeliError::new(e.to_string()))?], ).chain_err_summary(|| format!("Could not insert envelope with hash {} in header_cache of account {}", env.hash(), account_hash))?; } Ok(()) } } #[cfg(not(feature = "sqlite3"))] pub use filesystem_m::*; #[cfg(not(feature = "sqlite3"))] mod filesystem_m { use super::*; pub fn fetch_envelopes( _account_hash: AccountHash, _mailbox_hash: MailboxHash, _uidvalidity: usize, ) -> Result<(MaxUID, Vec<(UID, Envelope)>)> { Ok((0, vec![])) } pub fn save_envelopes( _account_hash: AccountHash, _mailbox_hash: MailboxHash, _uidvalidity: usize, _envs: &[(UID, &Envelope)], ) -> Result<()> { Ok(()) } }