/* * meli - imap melib * * Copyright 2020 Manos Pitsidianakis * * This file is part of meli. * * meli is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * meli is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with meli. If not, see . */ use super::*; mod sync; use crate::{ backends::MailboxHash, email::{Envelope, EnvelopeHash}, error::*, }; use std::convert::TryFrom; #[derive(Debug, PartialEq, Hash, Eq, Ord, PartialOrd, Copy, Clone)] pub struct ModSequence(pub std::num::NonZeroU64); impl TryFrom for ModSequence { type Error = (); fn try_from(val: i64) -> std::result::Result { std::num::NonZeroU64::new(val as u64) .map(|u| Ok(ModSequence(u))) .unwrap_or(Err(())) } } impl core::fmt::Display for ModSequence { fn fmt(&self, fmt: &mut core::fmt::Formatter) -> core::fmt::Result { write!(fmt, "{}", &self.0) } } #[derive(Debug)] pub struct CachedEnvelope { pub inner: Envelope, pub uid: UID, pub mailbox_hash: MailboxHash, pub modsequence: Option, } pub trait ImapCache: Send + core::fmt::Debug { fn reset(&mut self) -> Result<()>; fn mailbox_state(&mut self, mailbox_hash: MailboxHash) -> Result>; fn find_envelope( &mut self, identifier: std::result::Result, mailbox_hash: MailboxHash, ) -> Result>; fn update( &mut self, mailbox_hash: MailboxHash, refresh_events: &[(UID, RefreshEvent)], ) -> Result<()>; fn update_mailbox( &mut self, mailbox_hash: MailboxHash, select_response: &SelectResponse, ) -> Result<()>; fn insert_envelopes( &mut self, mailbox_hash: MailboxHash, fetches: &[FetchResponse<'_>], ) -> Result<()>; fn envelopes(&mut self, mailbox_hash: MailboxHash) -> Result>>; fn clear(&mut self, mailbox_hash: MailboxHash, select_response: &SelectResponse) -> Result<()>; fn rfc822( &mut self, identifier: std::result::Result, mailbox_hash: MailboxHash, ) -> Result>>; } pub trait ImapCacheReset: Send + core::fmt::Debug { fn reset_db(uid_store: &UIDStore) -> Result<()> where Self: Sized; } #[cfg(feature = "sqlite3")] pub use sqlite3_m::*; #[cfg(feature = "sqlite3")] mod sqlite3_m { use super::*; use crate::sqlite3::rusqlite::types::{ FromSql, FromSqlError, FromSqlResult, ToSql, ToSqlOutput, }; use crate::sqlite3::{self, DatabaseDescription}; type Sqlite3UID = i32; #[derive(Debug)] pub struct Sqlite3Cache { connection: crate::sqlite3::Connection, loaded_mailboxes: BTreeSet, uid_store: Arc, } const DB_DESCRIPTION: DatabaseDescription = DatabaseDescription { name: "header_cache.db", init_script: Some( "PRAGMA foreign_keys = true; PRAGMA encoding = 'UTF-8'; CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS envelopes ( hash INTEGER NOT NULL, mailbox_hash INTEGER NOT NULL, uid INTEGER NOT NULL, modsequence INTEGER, rfc822 BLOB, envelope BLOB NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (mailbox_hash, uid), FOREIGN KEY (mailbox_hash) REFERENCES mailbox(mailbox_hash) ON DELETE CASCADE ); CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS mailbox ( mailbox_hash INTEGER UNIQUE, uidvalidity INTEGER, flags BLOB NOT NULL, highestmodseq INTEGER, PRIMARY KEY (mailbox_hash) ); CREATE INDEX IF NOT EXISTS envelope_uid_idx ON envelopes(mailbox_hash, uid); CREATE INDEX IF NOT EXISTS envelope_idx ON envelopes(hash); CREATE INDEX IF NOT EXISTS mailbox_idx ON mailbox(mailbox_hash);", ), version: 2, }; impl ToSql for ModSequence { fn to_sql(&self) -> rusqlite::Result { Ok(ToSqlOutput::from(self.0.get() as i64)) } } impl FromSql for ModSequence { fn column_result(value: rusqlite::types::ValueRef) -> FromSqlResult { let i: i64 = FromSql::column_result(value)?; if i == 0 { return Err(FromSqlError::OutOfRange(0)); } Ok(ModSequence::try_from(i).unwrap()) } } impl Sqlite3Cache { pub fn get(uid_store: Arc) -> Result> { Ok(Box::new(Self { connection: sqlite3::open_or_create_db( &DB_DESCRIPTION, Some(uid_store.account_name.as_str()), )?, loaded_mailboxes: BTreeSet::default(), uid_store, })) } fn max_uid(&self, mailbox_hash: MailboxHash) -> Result { let mut stmt = self .connection .prepare("SELECT MAX(uid) FROM envelopes WHERE mailbox_hash = ?1;")?; let mut ret: Vec = stmt .query_map(sqlite3::params![mailbox_hash], |row| { row.get(0).map(|i: Sqlite3UID| i as UID) })? .collect::>()?; Ok(ret.pop().unwrap_or(0)) } } impl ImapCacheReset for Sqlite3Cache { fn reset_db(uid_store: &UIDStore) -> Result<()> { sqlite3::reset_db(&DB_DESCRIPTION, Some(uid_store.account_name.as_str())) } } impl ImapCache for Sqlite3Cache { fn reset(&mut self) -> Result<()> { Sqlite3Cache::reset_db(&self.uid_store) } fn mailbox_state(&mut self, mailbox_hash: MailboxHash) -> Result> { if self.loaded_mailboxes.contains(&mailbox_hash) { return Ok(Some(())); } debug!("loading mailbox state {} from cache", mailbox_hash); let mut stmt = self.connection.prepare( "SELECT uidvalidity, flags, highestmodseq FROM mailbox WHERE mailbox_hash = ?1;", )?; let mut ret = stmt.query_map(sqlite3::params![mailbox_hash], |row| { Ok(( row.get(0).map(|u: Sqlite3UID| u as UID)?, row.get(1)?, row.get(2)?, )) })?; if let Some(v) = ret.next() { let (uidvalidity, flags, highestmodseq): ( UIDVALIDITY, Vec, Option, ) = v?; debug!( "mailbox state {} in cache uidvalidity {}", mailbox_hash, uidvalidity ); debug!( "mailbox state {} in cache highestmodseq {:?}", mailbox_hash, &highestmodseq ); debug!( "mailbox state {} inserting flags: {:?}", mailbox_hash, to_str!(&flags) ); self.uid_store .highestmodseqs .lock() .unwrap() .entry(mailbox_hash) .and_modify(|entry| *entry = highestmodseq.ok_or(())) .or_insert_with(|| highestmodseq.ok_or(())); self.uid_store .uidvalidity .lock() .unwrap() .entry(mailbox_hash) .and_modify(|entry| *entry = uidvalidity) .or_insert(uidvalidity); let mut tag_lck = self.uid_store.collection.tag_index.write().unwrap(); for f in to_str!(&flags).split('\0') { let hash = TagHash::from_bytes(f.as_bytes()); //debug!("hash {} flag {}", hash, &f); if !tag_lck.contains_key(&hash) { tag_lck.insert(hash, f.to_string()); } } self.loaded_mailboxes.insert(mailbox_hash); Ok(Some(())) } else { debug!("mailbox state {} not in cache", mailbox_hash); Ok(None) } } fn clear( &mut self, mailbox_hash: MailboxHash, select_response: &SelectResponse, ) -> Result<()> { debug!("clear mailbox_hash {} {:?}", mailbox_hash, select_response); self.loaded_mailboxes.remove(&mailbox_hash); self.connection .execute( "DELETE FROM mailbox WHERE mailbox_hash = ?1", sqlite3::params![mailbox_hash], ) .chain_err_summary(|| { format!( "Could not clear cache of mailbox {} account {}", mailbox_hash, self.uid_store.account_name ) })?; if let Some(Ok(highestmodseq)) = select_response.highestmodseq { self.connection.execute( "INSERT OR IGNORE INTO mailbox (uidvalidity, flags, highestmodseq, mailbox_hash) VALUES (?1, ?2, ?3, ?4)", sqlite3::params![select_response.uidvalidity as Sqlite3UID, select_response.flags.1.iter().map(|s| s.as_str()).collect::>().join("\0").as_bytes(), highestmodseq, mailbox_hash], ) .chain_err_summary(|| { format!( "Could not insert uidvalidity {} in header_cache of account {}", select_response.uidvalidity, self.uid_store.account_name ) })?; } else { self.connection .execute( "INSERT OR IGNORE INTO mailbox (uidvalidity, flags, mailbox_hash) VALUES (?1, ?2, ?3)", sqlite3::params![ select_response.uidvalidity as Sqlite3UID, select_response.flags.1.iter().map(|s| s.as_str()).collect::>().join("\0").as_bytes(), mailbox_hash ], ) .chain_err_summary(|| { format!( "Could not insert mailbox {} in header_cache of account {}", select_response.uidvalidity, self.uid_store.account_name ) })?; } Ok(()) } fn update_mailbox( &mut self, mailbox_hash: MailboxHash, select_response: &SelectResponse, ) -> Result<()> { if self.mailbox_state(mailbox_hash)?.is_none() { return self.clear(mailbox_hash, select_response); } if let Some(Ok(highestmodseq)) = select_response.highestmodseq { self.connection .execute( "UPDATE mailbox SET flags=?1, highestmodseq =?2 where mailbox_hash = ?3;", sqlite3::params![ select_response .flags .1 .iter() .map(|s| s.as_str()) .collect::>() .join("\0") .as_bytes(), highestmodseq, mailbox_hash ], ) .chain_err_summary(|| { format!( "Could not update mailbox {} in header_cache of account {}", mailbox_hash, self.uid_store.account_name ) })?; } else { self.connection .execute( "UPDATE mailbox SET flags=?1 where mailbox_hash = ?2;", sqlite3::params![ select_response .flags .1 .iter() .map(|s| s.as_str()) .collect::>() .join("\0") .as_bytes(), mailbox_hash ], ) .chain_err_summary(|| { format!( "Could not update mailbox {} in header_cache of account {}", mailbox_hash, self.uid_store.account_name ) })?; } Ok(()) } fn envelopes(&mut self, mailbox_hash: MailboxHash) -> Result>> { debug!("envelopes mailbox_hash {}", mailbox_hash); if self.mailbox_state(mailbox_hash)?.is_none() { return Ok(None); } let mut stmt = self.connection.prepare( "SELECT uid, envelope, modsequence FROM envelopes WHERE mailbox_hash = ?1;", )?; let ret: Vec<(UID, Envelope, Option)> = stmt .query_map(sqlite3::params![mailbox_hash], |row| { Ok(( row.get(0).map(|i: Sqlite3UID| i as UID)?, row.get(1)?, row.get(2)?, )) })? .collect::>()?; let mut max_uid = 0; let mut env_lck = self.uid_store.envelopes.lock().unwrap(); let mut hash_index_lck = self.uid_store.hash_index.lock().unwrap(); let mut uid_index_lck = self.uid_store.uid_index.lock().unwrap(); let mut env_hashes = Vec::with_capacity(ret.len()); for (uid, env, modseq) in ret { env_hashes.push(env.hash()); max_uid = std::cmp::max(max_uid, uid); hash_index_lck.insert(env.hash(), (uid, mailbox_hash)); uid_index_lck.insert((mailbox_hash, uid), env.hash()); env_lck.insert( env.hash(), CachedEnvelope { inner: env, uid, mailbox_hash, modsequence: modseq, }, ); } self.uid_store .max_uids .lock() .unwrap() .insert(mailbox_hash, max_uid); Ok(Some(env_hashes)) } fn insert_envelopes( &mut self, mailbox_hash: MailboxHash, fetches: &[FetchResponse<'_>], ) -> Result<()> { debug!( "insert_envelopes mailbox_hash {} len {}", mailbox_hash, fetches.len() ); let mut max_uid = self .uid_store .max_uids .lock() .unwrap() .get(&mailbox_hash) .cloned() .unwrap_or_default(); if self.mailbox_state(mailbox_hash)?.is_none() { return Err(Error::new("Mailbox is not in cache").set_kind(ErrorKind::Bug)); } let Self { ref mut connection, ref uid_store, loaded_mailboxes: _, } = self; let tx = connection.transaction()?; for item in fetches { if let FetchResponse { uid: Some(uid), message_sequence_number: _, modseq, flags: _, body: _, references: _, envelope: Some(envelope), raw_fetch_value: _, } = item { max_uid = std::cmp::max(max_uid, *uid); tx.execute( "INSERT OR REPLACE INTO envelopes (hash, uid, mailbox_hash, modsequence, envelope) VALUES (?1, ?2, ?3, ?4, ?5)", sqlite3::params![envelope.hash(), *uid as Sqlite3UID, mailbox_hash, modseq, &envelope], ).chain_err_summary(|| format!("Could not insert envelope {} {} in header_cache of account {}", envelope.message_id(), envelope.hash(), uid_store.account_name))?; } } tx.commit()?; self.uid_store .max_uids .lock() .unwrap() .insert(mailbox_hash, max_uid); Ok(()) } fn update( &mut self, mailbox_hash: MailboxHash, refresh_events: &[(UID, RefreshEvent)], ) -> Result<()> { if self.mailbox_state(mailbox_hash)?.is_none() { return Err(Error::new("Mailbox is not in cache").set_kind(ErrorKind::Bug)); } let Self { ref mut connection, ref uid_store, loaded_mailboxes: _, } = self; let tx = connection.transaction()?; let mut hash_index_lck = uid_store.hash_index.lock().unwrap(); for (uid, event) in refresh_events { match &event.kind { RefreshEventKind::Remove(env_hash) => { hash_index_lck.remove(env_hash); tx.execute( "DELETE FROM envelopes WHERE mailbox_hash = ?1 AND uid = ?2;", sqlite3::params![mailbox_hash, *uid as Sqlite3UID], ) .chain_err_summary(|| { format!( "Could not remove envelope {} uid {} from mailbox {} account {}", env_hash, *uid, mailbox_hash, uid_store.account_name ) })?; } RefreshEventKind::NewFlags(env_hash, (flags, tags)) => { let mut stmt = tx.prepare( "SELECT envelope FROM envelopes WHERE mailbox_hash = ?1 AND uid = ?2;", )?; let mut ret: Vec = stmt .query_map(sqlite3::params![mailbox_hash, *uid as Sqlite3UID], |row| { row.get(0) })? .collect::>()?; if let Some(mut env) = ret.pop() { env.set_flags(*flags); env.tags_mut().clear(); env.tags_mut() .extend(tags.iter().map(|t| TagHash::from_bytes(t.as_bytes()))); tx.execute( "UPDATE envelopes SET envelope = ?1 WHERE mailbox_hash = ?2 AND uid = ?3;", sqlite3::params![&env, mailbox_hash, *uid as Sqlite3UID], ) .chain_err_summary(|| { format!( "Could not update envelope {} uid {} from mailbox {} account {}", env_hash, *uid, mailbox_hash, uid_store.account_name ) })?; uid_store .envelopes .lock() .unwrap() .entry(*env_hash) .and_modify(|entry| { entry.inner = env; }); } } _ => {} } } tx.commit()?; let new_max_uid = self.max_uid(mailbox_hash).unwrap_or(0); self.uid_store .max_uids .lock() .unwrap() .insert(mailbox_hash, new_max_uid); Ok(()) } fn find_envelope( &mut self, identifier: std::result::Result, mailbox_hash: MailboxHash, ) -> Result> { let mut ret: Vec<(UID, Envelope, Option)> = match identifier { Ok(uid) => { let mut stmt = self.connection.prepare( "SELECT uid, envelope, modsequence FROM envelopes WHERE mailbox_hash = ?1 AND uid = ?2;", )?; let x = stmt .query_map(sqlite3::params![mailbox_hash, uid as Sqlite3UID], |row| { Ok(( row.get(0).map(|u: Sqlite3UID| u as UID)?, row.get(1)?, row.get(2)?, )) })? .collect::>()?; x } Err(env_hash) => { let mut stmt = self.connection.prepare( "SELECT uid, envelope, modsequence FROM envelopes WHERE mailbox_hash = ?1 AND hash = ?2;", )?; let x = stmt .query_map(sqlite3::params![mailbox_hash, env_hash], |row| { Ok(( row.get(0).map(|u: Sqlite3UID| u as UID)?, row.get(1)?, row.get(2)?, )) })? .collect::>()?; x } }; if ret.len() != 1 { return Ok(None); } let (uid, inner, modsequence) = ret.pop().unwrap(); Ok(Some(CachedEnvelope { inner, uid, mailbox_hash, modsequence, })) } fn rfc822( &mut self, identifier: std::result::Result, mailbox_hash: MailboxHash, ) -> Result>> { let mut ret: Vec>> = match identifier { Ok(uid) => { let mut stmt = self.connection.prepare( "SELECT rfc822 FROM envelopes WHERE mailbox_hash = ?1 AND uid = ?2;", )?; let x = stmt .query_map(sqlite3::params![mailbox_hash, uid as Sqlite3UID], |row| { row.get(0) })? .collect::>()?; x } Err(env_hash) => { let mut stmt = self.connection.prepare( "SELECT rfc822 FROM envelopes WHERE mailbox_hash = ?1 AND hash = ?2;", )?; let x = stmt .query_map(sqlite3::params![mailbox_hash, env_hash], |row| row.get(0))? .collect::>()?; x } }; if ret.len() != 1 { return Ok(None); } Ok(ret.pop().unwrap()) } } } pub(super) async fn fetch_cached_envs(state: &mut FetchState) -> Result>> { let FetchState { stage: _, ref mut connection, mailbox_hash, ref uid_store, cache_handle: _, } = state; let mailbox_hash = *mailbox_hash; if !uid_store.keep_offline_cache { return Ok(None); } { let mut conn = connection.lock().await; match conn.load_cache(mailbox_hash).await { None => Ok(None), Some(Ok(env_hashes)) => { let env_lck = uid_store.envelopes.lock().unwrap(); Ok(Some( env_hashes .into_iter() .filter_map(|env_hash| { env_lck.get(&env_hash).map(|c_env| c_env.inner.clone()) }) .collect::>(), )) } Some(Err(err)) => Err(err), } } } #[cfg(not(feature = "sqlite3"))] pub use default_m::*; #[cfg(not(feature = "sqlite3"))] mod default_m { use super::*; #[derive(Debug)] pub struct DefaultCache; impl DefaultCache { pub fn get(_: Arc) -> Result> { Ok(Box::new(Self)) } } impl ImapCacheReset for DefaultCache { fn reset_db(_: &UIDStore) -> Result<()> { Err(Error::new("melib is not built with any imap cache").set_kind(ErrorKind::Bug)) } } impl ImapCache for DefaultCache { fn reset(&mut self) -> Result<()> { Err(Error::new("melib is not built with any imap cache").set_kind(ErrorKind::Bug)) } fn mailbox_state(&mut self, _mailbox_hash: MailboxHash) -> Result> { Err(Error::new("melib is not built with any imap cache").set_kind(ErrorKind::Bug)) } fn clear( &mut self, _mailbox_hash: MailboxHash, _select_response: &SelectResponse, ) -> Result<()> { Err(Error::new("melib is not built with any imap cache").set_kind(ErrorKind::Bug)) } fn envelopes(&mut self, _mailbox_hash: MailboxHash) -> Result>> { Err(Error::new("melib is not built with any imap cache").set_kind(ErrorKind::Bug)) } fn insert_envelopes( &mut self, _mailbox_hash: MailboxHash, _fetches: &[FetchResponse<'_>], ) -> Result<()> { Err(Error::new("melib is not built with any imap cache").set_kind(ErrorKind::Bug)) } fn update_mailbox( &mut self, _mailbox_hash: MailboxHash, _select_response: &SelectResponse, ) -> Result<()> { Err(Error::new("melib is not built with any imap cache").set_kind(ErrorKind::Bug)) } fn update( &mut self, _mailbox_hash: MailboxHash, _refresh_events: &[(UID, RefreshEvent)], ) -> Result<()> { Err(Error::new("melib is not built with any imap cache").set_kind(ErrorKind::Bug)) } fn find_envelope( &mut self, _identifier: std::result::Result, _mailbox_hash: MailboxHash, ) -> Result> { Err(Error::new("melib is not built with any imap cache").set_kind(ErrorKind::Bug)) } fn rfc822( &mut self, _identifier: std::result::Result, _mailbox_hash: MailboxHash, ) -> Result>> { Err(Error::new("melib is not built with any imap cache").set_kind(ErrorKind::Bug)) } } }