/* * meli * * Copyright 2020 Manos Pitsidianakis * * This file is part of meli. * * meli is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * meli is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with meli. If not, see . */ use super::*; const OK_CANCEL: &str = "OK Cancel"; const OK_OFFSET: usize = 0; const OK_LENGTH: usize = "OK".len(); const CANCEL_OFFSET: usize = "OK ".len(); const CANCEL_LENGTH: usize = "Cancel".len(); #[derive(Debug, Copy, PartialEq, Eq, Clone)] enum SelectorCursor { Unfocused, /// Cursor is at an entry Entry(usize), /// Cursor is located on the Ok button Ok, /// Cursor is located on the Cancel button Cancel, } /// Shows a little window with options for user to select. /// /// Instantiate with Selector::new(). Set single_only to true if user should /// only choose one of the options. After passing input events to this /// component, check Selector::is_done to see if the user has finalised their /// choices. Collect the choices by consuming the Selector with /// Selector::collect() pub struct Selector { /// allow only one selection single_only: bool, entries: Vec<(T, bool)>, entry_titles: Vec, pub content: CellBuffer, theme_default: ThemeAttribute, cursor: SelectorCursor, vertical_alignment: Alignment, horizontal_alignment: Alignment, title: String, /// If true, user has finished their selection done: bool, done_fn: F, dirty: bool, id: ComponentId, } pub type UIConfirmationDialog = Selector< bool, Option Option + 'static + Sync + Send>>, >; pub type UIDialog = Selector< T, Option Option + 'static + Sync + Send>>, >; impl fmt::Debug for Selector { fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter) -> fmt::Result { Display::fmt("Selector", f) } } impl fmt::Display for Selector { fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter) -> fmt::Result { Display::fmt("Selector", f) } } impl PartialEq for Selector { fn eq(&self, other: &Selector) -> bool { self.entries == other.entries } } impl Component for UIDialog { fn draw(&mut self, grid: &mut CellBuffer, area: Area, context: &mut Context) { Selector::draw(self, grid, area, context); } fn process_event(&mut self, event: &mut UIEvent, context: &mut Context) -> bool { if let UIEvent::ConfigReload { old_settings: _ } = event { self.initialise(context); self.set_dirty(true); return false; } let (width, height) = self.content.size(); let shortcuts = self.get_shortcuts(context); let mut highlighted_attrs = crate::conf::value(context, "widgets.options.highlighted"); if !context.settings.terminal.use_color() { highlighted_attrs.attrs |= Attr::REVERSE; } match (event, self.cursor) { (UIEvent::Input(Key::Char('\n')), _) if self.single_only => { /* User can only select one entry, so Enter key finalises the selection */ self.done = true; if let Some(event) = self.done() { context.replies.push_back(event); context.replies.push_back(UIEvent::ComponentKill(self.id)); } return true; } (UIEvent::Input(Key::Char('\n')), SelectorCursor::Entry(c)) if !self.single_only => { /* User can select multiple entries, so Enter key toggles the entry under the * cursor */ self.entries[c].1 = !self.entries[c].1; if self.entries[c].1 { write_string_to_grid( "x", &mut self.content, highlighted_attrs.fg, highlighted_attrs.bg, highlighted_attrs.attrs, ((1, c), (width - 1, c)), None, ); } else { write_string_to_grid( " ", &mut self.content, highlighted_attrs.fg, highlighted_attrs.bg, highlighted_attrs.attrs, ((1, c), (width - 1, c)), None, ); } self.dirty = true; return true; } (UIEvent::Input(Key::Char('\n')), SelectorCursor::Ok) if !self.single_only => { self.done = true; if let Some(event) = self.done() { context.replies.push_back(event); context.replies.push_back(UIEvent::ComponentKill(self.id)); } return true; } (UIEvent::Input(Key::Esc), _) => { for e in self.entries.iter_mut() { e.1 = false; } self.done = true; if let Some(event) = self.done() { context.replies.push_back(event); context.replies.push_back(UIEvent::ComponentKill(self.id)); } return true; } (UIEvent::Input(Key::Char('\n')), SelectorCursor::Cancel) if !self.single_only => { for e in self.entries.iter_mut() { e.1 = false; } self.done = true; if let Some(event) = self.done() { context.replies.push_back(event); context.replies.push_back(UIEvent::ComponentKill(self.id)); } return true; } (UIEvent::Input(ref key), SelectorCursor::Unfocused) if shortcut!(key == shortcuts[Shortcuts::GENERAL]["scroll_down"]) => { if self.single_only { for c in self.content.row_iter(0..(width - 1), 0) { self.content[c] .set_fg(highlighted_attrs.fg) .set_bg(highlighted_attrs.bg) .set_attrs(highlighted_attrs.attrs); } self.entries[0].1 = true; } else { for c in self.content.row_iter(0..3, 0) { self.content[c] .set_fg(highlighted_attrs.fg) .set_bg(highlighted_attrs.bg) .set_attrs(highlighted_attrs.attrs); } } self.cursor = SelectorCursor::Entry(0); self.dirty = true; return true; } (UIEvent::Input(ref key), SelectorCursor::Entry(c)) if shortcut!(key == shortcuts[Shortcuts::GENERAL]["scroll_up"]) && c > 0 => { if self.single_only { // Redraw selection for c in self.content.row_iter(0..(width - 1), c) { self.content[c] .set_fg(self.theme_default.fg) .set_bg(self.theme_default.bg) .set_attrs(self.theme_default.attrs); } for c in self.content.row_iter(0..(width - 1), c - 1) { self.content[c] .set_fg(highlighted_attrs.fg) .set_bg(highlighted_attrs.bg) .set_attrs(highlighted_attrs.attrs); } self.entries[c].1 = false; self.entries[c - 1].1 = true; } else { // Redraw cursor for c in self.content.row_iter(0..3, c) { self.content[c] .set_fg(self.theme_default.fg) .set_bg(self.theme_default.bg) .set_attrs(self.theme_default.attrs); } for c in self.content.row_iter(0..3, c - 1) { self.content[c] .set_fg(highlighted_attrs.fg) .set_bg(highlighted_attrs.bg) .set_attrs(highlighted_attrs.attrs); } } self.cursor = SelectorCursor::Entry(c - 1); self.dirty = true; return true; } (UIEvent::Input(ref key), SelectorCursor::Ok) | (UIEvent::Input(ref key), SelectorCursor::Cancel) if shortcut!(key == shortcuts[Shortcuts::GENERAL]["scroll_up"]) => { for c in self .content .row_iter(((width - OK_CANCEL.len()) / 2)..(width - 1), height - 1) { self.content[c] .set_fg(self.theme_default.fg) .set_bg(self.theme_default.bg) .set_attrs(self.theme_default.attrs); } let c = self.entries.len().saturating_sub(1); self.cursor = SelectorCursor::Entry(c); for c in self.content.row_iter(0..3, c) { self.content[c] .set_fg(highlighted_attrs.fg) .set_bg(highlighted_attrs.bg) .set_attrs(highlighted_attrs.attrs); } self.dirty = true; return true; } (UIEvent::Input(ref key), SelectorCursor::Entry(c)) if c < self.entries.len().saturating_sub(1) && shortcut!(key == shortcuts[Shortcuts::GENERAL]["scroll_down"]) => { if self.single_only { // Redraw selection for c in self.content.row_iter(0..(width - 1), c) { self.content[c] .set_fg(self.theme_default.fg) .set_bg(self.theme_default.bg) .set_attrs(self.theme_default.attrs); } for c in self.content.row_iter(0..(width - 1), c + 1) { self.content[c] .set_fg(highlighted_attrs.fg) .set_bg(highlighted_attrs.bg) .set_attrs(highlighted_attrs.attrs); } self.entries[c].1 = false; self.entries[c + 1].1 = true; } else { // Redraw cursor for c in self.content.row_iter(0..3, c) { self.content[c] .set_fg(self.theme_default.fg) .set_bg(self.theme_default.bg) .set_attrs(self.theme_default.attrs); } for c in self.content.row_iter(0..3, c + 1) { self.content[c] .set_fg(highlighted_attrs.fg) .set_bg(highlighted_attrs.bg) .set_attrs(highlighted_attrs.attrs); } } self.cursor = SelectorCursor::Entry(c + 1); self.dirty = true; return true; } (UIEvent::Input(ref key), SelectorCursor::Entry(c)) if !self.single_only && shortcut!(key == shortcuts[Shortcuts::GENERAL]["scroll_down"]) => { self.cursor = SelectorCursor::Ok; for c in self.content.row_iter(0..3, c) { self.content[c] .set_fg(self.theme_default.fg) .set_bg(self.theme_default.bg) .set_attrs(self.theme_default.attrs); } for c in self.content.row_iter( ((width - OK_CANCEL.len()) / 2 + OK_OFFSET) ..((width - OK_CANCEL.len()) / 2 + OK_OFFSET + OK_LENGTH), height - 1, ) { self.content[c] .set_fg(highlighted_attrs.fg) .set_bg(highlighted_attrs.bg) .set_attrs(highlighted_attrs.attrs); } self.dirty = true; return true; } (UIEvent::Input(ref key), SelectorCursor::Ok) if shortcut!(key == shortcuts[Shortcuts::GENERAL]["scroll_right"]) => { self.cursor = SelectorCursor::Cancel; for c in self.content.row_iter( ((width - OK_CANCEL.len()) / 2 + OK_OFFSET) ..((width - OK_CANCEL.len()) / 2 + OK_OFFSET + OK_LENGTH), height - 1, ) { self.content[c] .set_fg(self.theme_default.fg) .set_bg(self.theme_default.bg) .set_attrs(self.theme_default.attrs); } for c in self.content.row_iter( ((width - OK_CANCEL.len()) / 2 + CANCEL_OFFSET) ..((width - OK_CANCEL.len()) / 2 + CANCEL_OFFSET + CANCEL_LENGTH), height - 1, ) { self.content[c] .set_fg(highlighted_attrs.fg) .set_bg(highlighted_attrs.bg) .set_attrs(highlighted_attrs.attrs); } self.dirty = true; return true; } (UIEvent::Input(ref key), SelectorCursor::Cancel) if shortcut!(key == shortcuts[Shortcuts::GENERAL]["scroll_left"]) => { self.cursor = SelectorCursor::Ok; for c in self.content.row_iter( ((width - OK_CANCEL.len()) / 2 + OK_OFFSET) ..((width - OK_CANCEL.len()) / 2 + OK_OFFSET + OK_LENGTH), height - 1, ) { self.content[c] .set_fg(highlighted_attrs.fg) .set_bg(highlighted_attrs.bg) .set_attrs(highlighted_attrs.attrs); } change_colors( &mut self.content, ( ((width - OK_CANCEL.len()) / 2 + CANCEL_OFFSET, height - 1), ( (width - OK_CANCEL.len()) / 2 + CANCEL_OFFSET + CANCEL_LENGTH, height - 1, ), ), self.theme_default.fg, self.theme_default.bg, ); self.dirty = true; return true; } (UIEvent::Input(ref key), _) if shortcut!(key == shortcuts[Shortcuts::GENERAL]["scroll_left"]) || shortcut!(key == shortcuts[Shortcuts::GENERAL]["scroll_right"]) || shortcut!(key == shortcuts[Shortcuts::GENERAL]["scroll_up"]) || shortcut!(key == shortcuts[Shortcuts::GENERAL]["scroll_down"]) => { return true } _ => {} } false } fn get_shortcuts(&self, context: &Context) -> ShortcutMaps { let mut map = ShortcutMaps::default(); map.insert( Shortcuts::GENERAL, context.settings.shortcuts.general.key_values(), ); map } fn is_dirty(&self) -> bool { self.dirty } fn set_dirty(&mut self, value: bool) { self.dirty = value; } fn id(&self) -> ComponentId { self.id } fn set_id(&mut self, id: ComponentId) { self.id = id; } } impl Component for UIConfirmationDialog { fn draw(&mut self, grid: &mut CellBuffer, area: Area, context: &mut Context) { Selector::draw(self, grid, area, context); } fn process_event(&mut self, event: &mut UIEvent, context: &mut Context) -> bool { if let UIEvent::ConfigReload { old_settings: _ } = event { self.initialise(context); self.set_dirty(true); return false; } let (width, height) = self.content.size(); let shortcuts = self.get_shortcuts(context); let mut highlighted_attrs = crate::conf::value(context, "widgets.options.highlighted"); if !context.settings.terminal.use_color() { highlighted_attrs.attrs |= Attr::REVERSE; } match (event, self.cursor) { (UIEvent::Input(Key::Char('\n')), _) if self.single_only => { /* User can only select one entry, so Enter key finalises the selection */ self.done = true; if let Some(event) = self.done() { context.replies.push_back(event); context.replies.push_back(UIEvent::ComponentKill(self.id)); } return true; } (UIEvent::Input(Key::Char('\n')), SelectorCursor::Entry(c)) if !self.single_only => { /* User can select multiple entries, so Enter key toggles the entry under the * cursor */ self.entries[c].1 = !self.entries[c].1; if self.entries[c].1 { write_string_to_grid( "x", &mut self.content, highlighted_attrs.fg, highlighted_attrs.bg, highlighted_attrs.attrs, ((1, c), (width - 1, c)), None, ); } else { write_string_to_grid( " ", &mut self.content, highlighted_attrs.fg, highlighted_attrs.bg, highlighted_attrs.attrs, ((1, c), (width - 1, c)), None, ); } self.dirty = true; return true; } (UIEvent::Input(Key::Char('\n')), SelectorCursor::Ok) if !self.single_only => { self.done = true; if let Some(event) = self.done() { context.replies.push_back(event); context.replies.push_back(UIEvent::ComponentKill(self.id)); } return true; } (UIEvent::Input(Key::Esc), _) => { for e in self.entries.iter_mut() { e.1 = false; } self.done = true; if let Some(event) = self.done() { context.replies.push_back(event); context.replies.push_back(UIEvent::ComponentKill(self.id)); } return true; } (UIEvent::Input(Key::Char('\n')), SelectorCursor::Cancel) if !self.single_only => { for e in self.entries.iter_mut() { e.1 = false; } self.done = true; if let Some(event) = self.done() { context.replies.push_back(event); context.replies.push_back(UIEvent::ComponentKill(self.id)); } return true; } (UIEvent::Input(ref key), SelectorCursor::Entry(c)) if shortcut!(key == shortcuts[Shortcuts::GENERAL]["scroll_up"]) && c > 0 => { if self.single_only { // Redraw selection for c in self.content.row_iter(0..(width - 1), c) { self.content[c] .set_fg(self.theme_default.fg) .set_bg(self.theme_default.bg) .set_attrs(self.theme_default.attrs); } for c in self.content.row_iter(0..(width - 1), c - 1) { self.content[c] .set_fg(highlighted_attrs.fg) .set_bg(highlighted_attrs.bg) .set_attrs(highlighted_attrs.attrs); } self.entries[c].1 = false; self.entries[c - 1].1 = true; } else { // Redraw cursor for c in self.content.row_iter(0..3, c) { self.content[c] .set_fg(self.theme_default.fg) .set_bg(self.theme_default.bg) .set_attrs(self.theme_default.attrs); } for c in self.content.row_iter(0..3, c - 1) { self.content[c] .set_fg(highlighted_attrs.fg) .set_bg(highlighted_attrs.bg) .set_attrs(highlighted_attrs.attrs); } } self.cursor = SelectorCursor::Entry(c - 1); self.dirty = true; return true; } (UIEvent::Input(ref key), SelectorCursor::Ok) | (UIEvent::Input(ref key), SelectorCursor::Cancel) if shortcut!(key == shortcuts[Shortcuts::GENERAL]["scroll_up"]) => { for c in self .content .row_iter(((width - OK_CANCEL.len()) / 2)..(width - 1), height - 1) { self.content[c] .set_fg(self.theme_default.fg) .set_bg(self.theme_default.bg) .set_attrs(self.theme_default.attrs); } let c = self.entries.len().saturating_sub(1); self.cursor = SelectorCursor::Entry(c); for c in self.content.row_iter(0..3, c) { self.content[c] .set_fg(highlighted_attrs.fg) .set_bg(highlighted_attrs.bg) .set_attrs(highlighted_attrs.attrs); } self.dirty = true; return true; } (UIEvent::Input(ref key), SelectorCursor::Unfocused) if shortcut!(key == shortcuts[Shortcuts::GENERAL]["scroll_down"]) => { if self.single_only { for c in self.content.row_iter(0..(width - 1), 0) { self.content[c] .set_fg(highlighted_attrs.fg) .set_bg(highlighted_attrs.bg) .set_attrs(highlighted_attrs.attrs); } self.entries[0].1 = true; } else { for c in self.content.row_iter(0..3, 0) { self.content[c] .set_fg(highlighted_attrs.fg) .set_bg(highlighted_attrs.bg) .set_attrs(highlighted_attrs.attrs); } } self.cursor = SelectorCursor::Entry(0); self.dirty = true; return true; } (UIEvent::Input(ref key), SelectorCursor::Entry(c)) if c < self.entries.len().saturating_sub(1) && shortcut!(key == shortcuts[Shortcuts::GENERAL]["scroll_down"]) => { if self.single_only { // Redraw selection for c in self.content.row_iter(0..(width - 1), c) { self.content[c] .set_fg(self.theme_default.fg) .set_bg(self.theme_default.bg) .set_attrs(self.theme_default.attrs); } for c in self.content.row_iter(0..(width - 1), c + 1) { self.content[c] .set_fg(highlighted_attrs.fg) .set_bg(highlighted_attrs.bg) .set_attrs(highlighted_attrs.attrs); } self.entries[c].1 = false; self.entries[c + 1].1 = true; } else { // Redraw cursor for c in self.content.row_iter(0..3, c) { self.content[c] .set_fg(self.theme_default.fg) .set_bg(self.theme_default.bg) .set_attrs(self.theme_default.attrs); } for c in self.content.row_iter(0..3, c + 1) { self.content[c] .set_fg(highlighted_attrs.fg) .set_bg(highlighted_attrs.bg) .set_attrs(highlighted_attrs.attrs); } } self.cursor = SelectorCursor::Entry(c + 1); self.dirty = true; return true; } (UIEvent::Input(ref key), SelectorCursor::Entry(c)) if !self.single_only && shortcut!(key == shortcuts[Shortcuts::GENERAL]["scroll_down"]) => { self.cursor = SelectorCursor::Ok; for c in self.content.row_iter(0..3, c) { self.content[c] .set_fg(self.theme_default.fg) .set_bg(self.theme_default.bg) .set_attrs(self.theme_default.attrs); } for c in self.content.row_iter( ((width - OK_CANCEL.len()) / 2 + OK_OFFSET) ..((width - OK_CANCEL.len()) / 2 + OK_OFFSET + OK_LENGTH), height - 1, ) { self.content[c] .set_fg(highlighted_attrs.fg) .set_bg(highlighted_attrs.bg) .set_attrs(highlighted_attrs.attrs); } self.dirty = true; return true; } (UIEvent::Input(ref key), SelectorCursor::Ok) if shortcut!(key == shortcuts[Shortcuts::GENERAL]["scroll_right"]) => { self.cursor = SelectorCursor::Cancel; for c in self.content.row_iter( ((width - OK_CANCEL.len()) / 2 + OK_OFFSET) ..((width - OK_CANCEL.len()) / 2 + OK_OFFSET + OK_LENGTH), height - 1, ) { self.content[c] .set_fg(self.theme_default.fg) .set_bg(self.theme_default.bg) .set_attrs(self.theme_default.attrs); } for c in self.content.row_iter( ((width - OK_CANCEL.len()) / 2 + CANCEL_OFFSET) ..((width - OK_CANCEL.len()) / 2 + CANCEL_OFFSET + CANCEL_LENGTH), height - 1, ) { self.content[c] .set_fg(highlighted_attrs.fg) .set_bg(highlighted_attrs.bg) .set_attrs(highlighted_attrs.attrs); } self.dirty = true; return true; } (UIEvent::Input(ref key), SelectorCursor::Cancel) if shortcut!(key == shortcuts[Shortcuts::GENERAL]["scroll_left"]) => { self.cursor = SelectorCursor::Ok; for c in self.content.row_iter( ((width - OK_CANCEL.len()) / 2 + OK_OFFSET) ..((width - OK_CANCEL.len()) / 2 + OK_OFFSET + OK_LENGTH), height - 1, ) { self.content[c] .set_fg(highlighted_attrs.fg) .set_bg(highlighted_attrs.bg) .set_attrs(highlighted_attrs.attrs); } change_colors( &mut self.content, ( ((width - OK_CANCEL.len()) / 2 + CANCEL_OFFSET, height - 1), ( (width - OK_CANCEL.len()) / 2 + CANCEL_OFFSET + CANCEL_LENGTH, height - 1, ), ), self.theme_default.fg, self.theme_default.bg, ); self.dirty = true; return true; } (UIEvent::Input(ref key), _) if shortcut!(key == shortcuts[Shortcuts::GENERAL]["scroll_left"]) || shortcut!(key == shortcuts[Shortcuts::GENERAL]["scroll_right"]) || shortcut!(key == shortcuts[Shortcuts::GENERAL]["scroll_up"]) || shortcut!(key == shortcuts[Shortcuts::GENERAL]["scroll_down"]) => { return true } _ => {} } false } fn get_shortcuts(&self, context: &Context) -> ShortcutMaps { let mut map = ShortcutMaps::default(); map.insert( Shortcuts::GENERAL, context.settings.shortcuts.general.key_values(), ); map } fn is_dirty(&self) -> bool { self.dirty } fn set_dirty(&mut self, value: bool) { self.dirty = value; } fn id(&self) -> ComponentId { self.id } fn set_id(&mut self, id: ComponentId) { self.id = id; } } impl Selector { pub fn new( title: &str, mut entries: Vec<(T, String)>, single_only: bool, done_fn: F, context: &Context, ) -> Selector { let entry_titles = entries .iter_mut() .map(|(_id, ref mut title)| std::mem::take(title)) .collect::>(); let mut identifiers: Vec<(T, bool)> = entries.into_iter().map(|(id, _)| (id, false)).collect(); if single_only { /* set default option */ identifiers[0].1 = true; } let mut ret = Selector { single_only, entries: identifiers, entry_titles, content: Default::default(), cursor: SelectorCursor::Unfocused, vertical_alignment: Alignment::Center, horizontal_alignment: Alignment::Center, title: title.to_string(), done: false, done_fn, dirty: true, theme_default: Default::default(), id: ComponentId::new_v4(), }; ret.initialise(context); ret } fn initialise(&mut self, context: &Context) { self.theme_default = crate::conf::value(context, "theme_default"); let width = std::cmp::max( OK_CANCEL.len(), std::cmp::max( self.entry_titles .iter() .max_by_key(|e| e.len()) .map(|v| v.len()) .unwrap_or(0), self.title.len(), ), ) + 5; let height = self.entries.len() + if self.single_only { 0 } else { /* Extra room for buttons Okay/Cancel */ 2 }; let mut content = CellBuffer::new_with_context(width, height, None, context); if self.single_only { for (i, e) in self.entry_titles.iter().enumerate() { write_string_to_grid( e, &mut content, self.theme_default.fg, self.theme_default.bg, self.theme_default.attrs, ((0, i), (width - 1, i)), None, ); } } else { for (i, e) in self.entry_titles.iter().enumerate() { write_string_to_grid( &format!("[ ] {}", e), &mut content, self.theme_default.fg, self.theme_default.bg, self.theme_default.attrs, ((0, i), (width - 1, i)), None, ); } write_string_to_grid( OK_CANCEL, &mut content, self.theme_default.fg, self.theme_default.bg, self.theme_default.attrs | Attr::BOLD, ( ((width - OK_CANCEL.len()) / 2, height - 1), (width - 1, height - 1), ), None, ); } self.content = content; } pub fn is_done(&self) -> bool { self.done } pub fn collect(self) -> Vec { self.entries .into_iter() .filter(|v| v.1) .map(|(id, _)| id) .collect() } fn draw(&mut self, grid: &mut CellBuffer, area: Area, context: &mut Context) { let shortcuts = context.settings.shortcuts.general.key_values(); let navigate_help_string = format!( "Navigate options with {} to go down, {} to go up, select with {}", shortcuts["scroll_down"], shortcuts["scroll_up"], Key::Char('\n') ); let width = std::cmp::max( self.content.size().0 + 1, std::cmp::max(self.title.len(), navigate_help_string.len()) + 3, ) + 3; let height = self.content.size().1 + { /* padding */ 3 }; let dialog_area = align_area( area, (width, height), self.vertical_alignment, self.horizontal_alignment, ); let inner_area = create_box(grid, dialog_area); clear_area(grid, inner_area, self.theme_default); write_string_to_grid( &self.title, grid, self.theme_default.fg, self.theme_default.bg, self.theme_default.attrs | Attr::BOLD, ( pos_inc(upper_left!(dialog_area), (2, 0)), bottom_right!(dialog_area), ), None, ); write_string_to_grid( &navigate_help_string, grid, self.theme_default.fg, self.theme_default.bg, self.theme_default.attrs | Attr::ITALICS, ( pos_inc(upper_left!(dialog_area), (2, height)), bottom_right!(dialog_area), ), None, ); let inner_area = ( pos_inc(upper_left!(inner_area), (1, 1)), bottom_right!(inner_area), ); let (width, height) = self.content.size(); copy_area( grid, &self.content, inner_area, ((0, 0), (width - 1, height - 1)), ); context.dirty_areas.push_back(dialog_area); self.dirty = false; } } impl UIDialog { fn done(&mut self) -> Option { let Self { ref mut done_fn, ref mut entries, ref id, .. } = self; done_fn.take().and_then(|done_fn| { debug!(done_fn( *id, entries .iter() .filter(|v| v.1) .map(|(id, _)| id) .cloned() .collect::>() .as_slice(), )) }) } } impl UIConfirmationDialog { fn done(&mut self) -> Option { let Self { ref mut done_fn, ref mut entries, ref id, .. } = self; done_fn.take().and_then(|done_fn| { done_fn( *id, entries .iter() .filter(|v| v.1) .map(|(id, _)| id) .cloned() .any(core::convert::identity), ) }) } }