/* * meli * * Copyright 2017-2018 Manos Pitsidianakis * * This file is part of meli. * * meli is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * meli is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with meli. If not, see . */ use std::cmp; use melib::UnixTimestamp; use super::*; use crate::components::PageMovement; #[derive(Debug, Clone)] struct ThreadEntry { index: (usize, ThreadNodeHash, usize), /// (indentation, thread_node index, line number in listing) indentation: usize, msg_hash: EnvelopeHash, seen: bool, dirty: bool, hidden: bool, heading: String, timestamp: UnixTimestamp, mailview: Box, } #[derive(Debug, Default, Copy, Clone)] pub enum ThreadViewFocus { #[default] None, Thread, MailView, } #[derive(Debug, Default, Clone)] pub struct ThreadView { new_cursor_pos: usize, cursor_pos: usize, expanded_pos: usize, new_expanded_pos: usize, reversed: bool, coordinates: (AccountHash, MailboxHash, EnvelopeHash), thread_group: ThreadHash, focus: ThreadViewFocus, entries: Vec, visible_entries: Vec>, indentation_colors: [ThemeAttribute; 6], use_color: bool, movement: Option, dirty: bool, content: CellBuffer, id: ComponentId, } impl ThreadView { /* * @coordinates: (account index, mailbox_hash, root set thread_node index) * @expanded_hash: optional position of expanded entry when we render the * ThreadView. * default: expanded message is the last one. * @context: current context */ pub fn new( coordinates: (AccountHash, MailboxHash, EnvelopeHash), thread_group: ThreadHash, expanded_hash: Option, focus: Option, context: &mut Context, ) -> Self { let mut view = ThreadView { reversed: false, coordinates, thread_group, focus: focus.unwrap_or_default(), entries: Vec::new(), cursor_pos: 1, new_cursor_pos: 0, dirty: true, id: ComponentId::default(), indentation_colors: [ crate::conf::value(context, "mail.view.thread.indentation.a"), crate::conf::value(context, "mail.view.thread.indentation.b"), crate::conf::value(context, "mail.view.thread.indentation.c"), crate::conf::value(context, "mail.view.thread.indentation.d"), crate::conf::value(context, "mail.view.thread.indentation.e"), crate::conf::value(context, "mail.view.thread.indentation.f"), ], use_color: context.settings.terminal.use_color(), ..Default::default() }; view.initiate(expanded_hash, context); view.new_cursor_pos = view.new_expanded_pos; view } pub fn update(&mut self, context: &mut Context) { if self.entries.is_empty() { return; } let old_entries = self.entries.clone(); let old_focused_entry = if self.entries.len() > self.cursor_pos { Some(self.entries.remove(self.cursor_pos)) } else { None }; let old_expanded_entry = if self.entries.len() > self.expanded_pos { Some(self.entries.remove(self.expanded_pos)) } else { None }; let expanded_hash = old_expanded_entry.as_ref().map(|e| e.msg_hash); self.initiate(expanded_hash, context); let mut old_cursor = 0; let mut new_cursor = 0; loop { if old_cursor >= old_entries.len() || new_cursor >= self.entries.len() { break; } if old_entries[old_cursor].msg_hash == self.entries[new_cursor].msg_hash || old_entries[old_cursor].index == self.entries[new_cursor].index || old_entries[old_cursor].heading == self.entries[new_cursor].heading { self.entries[new_cursor].hidden = old_entries[old_cursor].hidden; old_cursor += 1; new_cursor += 1; } else { new_cursor += 1; } self.recalc_visible_entries(); } if let Some(old_focused_entry) = old_focused_entry { if let Some(new_entry_idx) = self.entries.iter().position(|e| { e.msg_hash == old_focused_entry.msg_hash || (e.index.1 == old_focused_entry.index.1 && e.index.2 == old_focused_entry.index.2) }) { self.cursor_pos = new_entry_idx; } } if let Some(old_expanded_entry) = old_expanded_entry { if let Some(new_entry_idx) = self.entries.iter().position(|e| { e.msg_hash == old_expanded_entry.msg_hash || (e.index.1 == old_expanded_entry.index.1 && e.index.2 == old_expanded_entry.index.2) }) { self.expanded_pos = new_entry_idx; } } self.set_dirty(true); } fn initiate(&mut self, expanded_hash: Option, context: &mut Context) { #[inline(always)] fn make_entry( i: (usize, ThreadNodeHash, usize), account_hash: AccountHash, mailbox_hash: MailboxHash, msg_hash: EnvelopeHash, seen: bool, timestamp: UnixTimestamp, context: &mut Context, ) -> ThreadEntry { let (ind, _, _) = i; ThreadEntry { index: i, indentation: ind, mailview: Box::new(MailView::new( Some((account_hash, mailbox_hash, msg_hash)), context, )), msg_hash, seen, dirty: true, hidden: false, heading: String::new(), timestamp, } } let collection = context.accounts[&self.coordinates.0].collection.clone(); let threads = collection.get_threads(self.coordinates.1); if !threads.groups.contains_key(&self.thread_group) { return; } let (account_hash, mailbox_hash, _) = self.coordinates; let thread_iter = threads.thread_iter(self.thread_group); self.entries.clear(); for (line, (ind, thread_node_hash)) in thread_iter.enumerate() { let entry = if let Some(msg_hash) = threads.thread_nodes()[&thread_node_hash].message() { let (is_seen, timestamp) = { let env_ref = collection.get_env(msg_hash); (env_ref.is_seen(), env_ref.timestamp) }; make_entry( (ind, thread_node_hash, line), account_hash, mailbox_hash, msg_hash, is_seen, timestamp, context, ) } else { continue; }; match expanded_hash { Some(expanded_hash) if expanded_hash == entry.msg_hash => { self.new_expanded_pos = self.entries.len(); self.expanded_pos = self.new_expanded_pos + 1; } _ => {} } self.entries.push(entry); } if expanded_hash.is_none() { self.new_expanded_pos = self .entries .iter() .enumerate() .reduce(|a, b| if a.1.timestamp > b.1.timestamp { a } else { b }) .map(|el| el.0) .unwrap_or(0); self.expanded_pos = self.new_expanded_pos + 1; } let height = 2 * self.entries.len() + 1; let mut width = 0; let mut highlight_reply_subjects: Vec> = Vec::with_capacity(self.entries.len()); for e in &mut self.entries { let envelope: EnvelopeRef = context.accounts[&self.coordinates.0] .collection .get_env(e.msg_hash); let thread_node = &threads.thread_nodes()[&e.index.1]; let string = if thread_node.show_subject() { let subject = envelope.subject(); highlight_reply_subjects.push(Some(subject.grapheme_width())); format!( " {} - {} {}{}", envelope.date_as_str(), envelope.field_from_to_string(), envelope.subject(), if envelope.has_attachments() { " 📎" } else { "" }, ) } else { highlight_reply_subjects.push(None); format!( " {} - {}{}", envelope.date_as_str(), envelope.field_from_to_string(), if envelope.has_attachments() { " 📎" } else { "" }, ) }; e.heading = string; width = cmp::max(width, e.index.0 * 4 + e.heading.grapheme_width() + 2); } let theme_default = crate::conf::value(context, "theme_default"); let highlight_theme = crate::conf::value(context, "highlight"); let mut content = CellBuffer::new_with_context(width, height, None, context); if self.reversed { for (y, e) in self.entries.iter().rev().enumerate() { /* Box character drawing stuff */ if y > 0 && content.get_mut(e.index.0 * 4, 2 * y - 1).is_some() { let index = (e.index.0 * 4, 2 * y - 1); if content[index].ch() == ' ' { let mut ctr = 1; while content.get(e.index.0 * 4 + ctr, 2 * y - 1).is_some() { if content[(e.index.0 * 4 + ctr, 2 * y - 1)].ch() != ' ' { break; } set_and_join_box( &mut content, (e.index.0 * 4 + ctr, 2 * y - 1), BoxBoundary::Horizontal, ); ctr += 1; } set_and_join_box(&mut content, index, BoxBoundary::Horizontal); } } write_string_to_grid( &e.heading, &mut content, if e.seen { theme_default.fg } else { highlight_theme.fg }, if e.seen { theme_default.bg } else { highlight_theme.bg }, theme_default.attrs, ( (e.index.0 * 4 + 1, 2 * y), (e.index.0 * 4 + e.heading.grapheme_width() + 1, height - 1), ), None, ); if let Some(len) = highlight_reply_subjects[y] { let index = e.index.0 * 4 + 1 + e.heading.grapheme_width() - len; let area = ((index, 2 * y), (width - 2, 2 * y)); change_colors(&mut content, area, highlight_theme.fg, theme_default.bg); } set_and_join_box(&mut content, (e.index.0 * 4, 2 * y), BoxBoundary::Vertical); set_and_join_box( &mut content, (e.index.0 * 4, 2 * y + 1), BoxBoundary::Vertical, ); for i in ((e.index.0 * 4) + 1)..width - 1 { set_and_join_box(&mut content, (i, 2 * y + 1), BoxBoundary::Horizontal); } set_and_join_box(&mut content, (width - 1, 2 * y), BoxBoundary::Vertical); set_and_join_box(&mut content, (width - 1, 2 * y + 1), BoxBoundary::Vertical); } } else { for (y, e) in self.entries.iter().enumerate() { /* Box character drawing stuff */ let mut x = 0; for i in 0..e.index.0 { let att = self.indentation_colors[(i).wrapping_rem(self.indentation_colors.len())]; change_colors( &mut content, ((x, 2 * y), (x + 3, 2 * y + 1)), att.fg, att.bg, ); x += 4; } if y > 0 && content.get_mut(e.index.0 * 4, 2 * y - 1).is_some() { let index = (e.index.0 * 4, 2 * y - 1); if content[index].ch() == ' ' { let mut ctr = 1; content[(e.index.0 * 4, 2 * y - 1)].set_bg(theme_default.bg); while content.get(e.index.0 * 4 + ctr, 2 * y - 1).is_some() { content[(e.index.0 * 4 + ctr, 2 * y - 1)].set_bg(theme_default.bg); if content[(e.index.0 * 4 + ctr, 2 * y - 1)].ch() != ' ' { break; } set_and_join_box( &mut content, (e.index.0 * 4 + ctr, 2 * y - 1), BoxBoundary::Horizontal, ); ctr += 1; } set_and_join_box(&mut content, index, BoxBoundary::Horizontal); } } write_string_to_grid( &e.heading, &mut content, if e.seen { theme_default.fg } else { highlight_theme.fg }, if e.seen { theme_default.bg } else { highlight_theme.bg }, theme_default.attrs, ( (e.index.0 * 4 + 1, 2 * y), (e.index.0 * 4 + e.heading.grapheme_width() + 1, height - 1), ), None, ); if let Some(_len) = highlight_reply_subjects[y] { let index = e.index.0 * 4 + 1; let area = ((index, 2 * y), (width - 2, 2 * y)); change_colors(&mut content, area, highlight_theme.fg, theme_default.bg); } set_and_join_box(&mut content, (e.index.0 * 4, 2 * y), BoxBoundary::Vertical); set_and_join_box( &mut content, (e.index.0 * 4, 2 * y + 1), BoxBoundary::Vertical, ); for i in ((e.index.0 * 4) + 1)..width - 1 { set_and_join_box(&mut content, (i, 2 * y + 1), BoxBoundary::Horizontal); } set_and_join_box(&mut content, (width - 1, 2 * y), BoxBoundary::Vertical); set_and_join_box(&mut content, (width - 1, 2 * y + 1), BoxBoundary::Vertical); } for y in 0..height - 1 { set_and_join_box(&mut content, (width - 1, y), BoxBoundary::Vertical); } } self.content = content; self.visible_entries = vec![(0..self.entries.len()).collect()]; } fn highlight_line( &self, grid: &mut CellBuffer, dest_area: Area, src_area: Area, idx: usize, context: &Context, ) { let visibles: Vec<&usize> = self.visible_entries.iter().flat_map(|v| v.iter()).collect(); if idx == *visibles[self.cursor_pos] { let theme_default = crate::conf::value(context, "theme_default"); let bg_color = crate::conf::value(context, "highlight").bg; let attrs = if self.use_color { theme_default.attrs } else { Attr::REVERSE }; for row in grid.bounds_iter(dest_area) { for c in row { grid[c] .set_fg(theme_default.fg) .set_bg(bg_color) .set_attrs(attrs); } } change_colors(grid, dest_area, theme_default.fg, bg_color); return; } copy_area(grid, &self.content, dest_area, src_area); } fn draw_list(&mut self, grid: &mut CellBuffer, area: Area, context: &mut Context) { let (upper_left, bottom_right) = area; let (width, height) = self.content.size(); if height == 0 { context.dirty_areas.push_back(area); return; } let rows = (get_y(bottom_right) - get_y(upper_left)).wrapping_div(2); if rows == 0 { context.dirty_areas.push_back(area); return; } if let Some(mvm) = self.movement.take() { match mvm { PageMovement::Up(amount) => { self.new_cursor_pos = self.new_cursor_pos.saturating_sub(amount); } PageMovement::PageUp(multiplier) => { self.new_cursor_pos = self.new_cursor_pos.saturating_sub(rows * multiplier); } PageMovement::Down(amount) => { if self.new_cursor_pos + amount + 1 < height { self.new_cursor_pos += amount; } else if self.new_cursor_pos + amount > height { self.new_cursor_pos = height - 1; } else { self.new_cursor_pos = (height / rows) * rows; } } PageMovement::PageDown(multiplier) => { if self.new_cursor_pos + rows * multiplier + 1 < height { self.new_cursor_pos += rows * multiplier; } else { self.new_cursor_pos = (height / rows) * rows; } } PageMovement::Right(_) | PageMovement::Left(_) => {} PageMovement::Home => { self.new_cursor_pos = 0; } PageMovement::End => { self.new_cursor_pos = (height / rows) * rows; } } } if self.new_cursor_pos >= self.entries.len() { self.new_cursor_pos = self.entries.len().saturating_sub(1); } let prev_page_no = (self.cursor_pos).wrapping_div(rows); let page_no = (self.new_cursor_pos).wrapping_div(rows); let top_idx = page_no * rows; /* returns the **line** of an entry in the ThreadView grid. */ let get_entry_area = |idx: usize, entries: &[ThreadEntry]| { let entries = &entries; let visual_indentation = entries[idx].index.0 * 4; ( (visual_indentation, 2 * idx), ( visual_indentation + entries[idx].heading.grapheme_width() + 1, 2 * idx, ), ) }; if self.dirty || (page_no != prev_page_no) { if page_no != prev_page_no { clear_area(grid, area, crate::conf::value(context, "theme_default")); } let visibles: Vec<&usize> = self.visible_entries.iter().flat_map(|v| v.iter()).collect(); for (visible_entry_counter, v) in visibles.iter().skip(top_idx).take(rows).enumerate() { if visible_entry_counter >= rows { break; } let idx = *v; copy_area( grid, &self.content, ( pos_inc(upper_left, (0, 2 * visible_entry_counter)), // dest_area bottom_right, ), ( (0, 2 * idx), //src_area (width - 1, 2 * idx + 1), ), ); } /* If cursor position has changed, remove the highlight from the previous * position and apply it in the new one. */ self.cursor_pos = self.new_cursor_pos; if self.cursor_pos + 1 > visibles.len() { self.cursor_pos = visibles.len().saturating_sub(1); } let idx = *visibles[self.cursor_pos]; let src_area = { get_entry_area(idx, &self.entries) }; let visual_indentation = self.entries[idx].indentation * 4; let dest_area = ( pos_inc( upper_left, (visual_indentation, 2 * (self.cursor_pos - top_idx)), ), ( cmp::min( get_x(bottom_right), get_x(upper_left) + visual_indentation + self.entries[idx].heading.grapheme_width() + 1, ), cmp::min( get_y(bottom_right), get_y(upper_left) + 2 * (self.cursor_pos - top_idx), ), ), ); self.highlight_line(grid, dest_area, src_area, idx, context); if rows < visibles.len() { ScrollBar::default().set_show_arrows(true).draw( grid, ( pos_inc(upper_left!(area), (width!(area).saturating_sub(1), 0)), bottom_right, ), context, 2 * self.cursor_pos, rows, 2 * visibles.len() + 1, ); } if 2 * top_idx + rows > 2 * visibles.len() + 1 { clear_area( grid, ( pos_inc(upper_left, (0, 2 * (visibles.len() - top_idx) + 1)), bottom_right, ), crate::conf::value(context, "theme_default"), ); } context.dirty_areas.push_back(area); } else { let old_cursor_pos = self.cursor_pos; self.cursor_pos = self.new_cursor_pos; /* If cursor position has changed, remove the highlight from the previous * position and apply it in the new one. */ let visibles: Vec<&usize> = self.visible_entries.iter().flat_map(|v| v.iter()).collect(); for &idx in &[old_cursor_pos, self.cursor_pos] { let entry_idx = *visibles[idx]; let src_area = { get_entry_area(entry_idx, &self.entries) }; let visual_indentation = self.entries[entry_idx].indentation * 4; let dest_area = ( pos_inc( upper_left, (visual_indentation, 2 * (visibles[..idx].len() - top_idx)), ), ( cmp::min( get_x(bottom_right), get_x(upper_left) + visual_indentation + self.entries[entry_idx].heading.grapheme_width() + 1, ), cmp::min( get_y(bottom_right), get_y(upper_left) + 2 * (visibles[..idx].len() - top_idx), ), ), ); self.highlight_line(grid, dest_area, src_area, entry_idx, context); if rows < visibles.len() { ScrollBar::default().set_show_arrows(true).draw( grid, ( pos_inc(upper_left!(area), (width!(area).saturating_sub(1), 0)), bottom_right, ), context, 2 * self.cursor_pos, rows, 2 * visibles.len() + 1, ); context.dirty_areas.push_back(( upper_left!(area), set_x(bottom_right, get_x(upper_left!(area)) + 1), )); } let (upper_left, bottom_right) = dest_area; context .dirty_areas .push_back((upper_left, (get_x(bottom_right), get_y(upper_left) + 1))); } } } fn draw_vert(&mut self, grid: &mut CellBuffer, area: Area, context: &mut Context) { let upper_left = upper_left!(area); let bottom_right = bottom_right!(area); let mid = get_x(upper_left) + self.content.size().0; let theme_default = crate::conf::value(context, "theme_default"); /* First draw the thread subject on the first row */ let y = if self.dirty { clear_area(grid, area, theme_default); let account = &context.accounts[&self.coordinates.0]; let threads = account.collection.get_threads(self.coordinates.1); let thread_root = threads.thread_iter(self.thread_group).next().unwrap().1; let thread_node = &threads.thread_nodes()[&thread_root]; let i = thread_node.message().unwrap_or_else(|| { let mut iter_ptr = thread_node.children()[0]; while threads.thread_nodes()[&iter_ptr].message().is_none() { iter_ptr = threads.thread_nodes()[&iter_ptr].children()[0]; } threads.thread_nodes()[&iter_ptr].message().unwrap() }); let envelope: EnvelopeRef = account.collection.get_env(i); let (x, y) = write_string_to_grid( &envelope.subject(), grid, crate::conf::value(context, "highlight").fg, theme_default.bg, theme_default.attrs, area, Some(get_x(upper_left)), ); for x in x..=get_x(bottom_right) { grid[(x, y)] .set_ch(' ') .set_fg(theme_default.fg) .set_bg(theme_default.bg); } context .dirty_areas .push_back((upper_left, set_y(bottom_right, y + 1))); context .dirty_areas .push_back(((mid, y + 1), set_x(bottom_right, mid))); clear_area( grid, ((mid, y + 1), set_x(bottom_right, mid)), theme_default, ); y + 2 } else { get_y(upper_left) + 2 }; let (width, height) = self.content.size(); if height == 0 || width == 0 { return; } for x in get_x(upper_left)..=get_x(bottom_right) { set_and_join_box(grid, (x, y - 1), BoxBoundary::Horizontal); grid[(x, y - 1)] .set_fg(theme_default.fg) .set_bg(theme_default.bg); } match self.focus { ThreadViewFocus::None => { self.draw_list( grid, (set_y(upper_left, y), set_x(bottom_right, mid - 1)), context, ); let upper_left = (mid + 1, get_y(upper_left) + y - 1); self.entries[self.new_expanded_pos].mailview.draw( grid, (upper_left, bottom_right), context, ); } ThreadViewFocus::Thread => { clear_area( grid, ((mid + 1, get_y(upper_left) + y - 1), bottom_right), theme_default, ); self.draw_list(grid, (set_y(upper_left, y), bottom_right), context); } ThreadViewFocus::MailView => { self.entries[self.new_expanded_pos] .mailview .draw(grid, area, context); } } } fn draw_horz(&mut self, grid: &mut CellBuffer, area: Area, context: &mut Context) { let upper_left = upper_left!(area); let bottom_right = bottom_right!(area); let total_rows = height!(area); let pager_ratio = *mailbox_settings!( context[self.coordinates.0][&self.coordinates.1] .pager .pager_ratio ); let mut bottom_entity_rows = (pager_ratio * total_rows) / 100; if bottom_entity_rows > total_rows { bottom_entity_rows = total_rows.saturating_sub(1); } let mut mid = get_y(upper_left) + total_rows - bottom_entity_rows; if mid >= get_y(bottom_right) { mid = get_y(bottom_right) / 2; } let mid = mid; let theme_default = crate::conf::value(context, "theme_default"); /* First draw the thread subject on the first row */ let y = { clear_area(grid, area, theme_default); let account = &context.accounts[&self.coordinates.0]; let threads = account.collection.get_threads(self.coordinates.1); let thread_root = threads.thread_iter(self.thread_group).next().unwrap().1; let thread_node = &threads.thread_nodes()[&thread_root]; let i = thread_node.message().unwrap_or_else(|| { let mut iter_ptr = thread_node.children()[0]; while threads.thread_nodes()[&iter_ptr].message().is_none() { iter_ptr = threads.thread_nodes()[&iter_ptr].children()[0]; } threads.thread_nodes()[&iter_ptr].message().unwrap() }); let envelope: EnvelopeRef = account.collection.get_env(i); let (x, y) = write_string_to_grid( &envelope.subject(), grid, theme_default.fg, theme_default.bg, theme_default.attrs, area, Some(get_x(upper_left)), ); for x in x..=get_x(bottom_right) { grid[(x, y)] .set_ch(' ') .set_fg(theme_default.fg) .set_bg(theme_default.bg); } context .dirty_areas .push_back((upper_left, set_y(bottom_right, y + 2))); y + 2 }; for x in get_x(upper_left)..=get_x(bottom_right) { set_and_join_box(grid, (x, y - 1), BoxBoundary::Horizontal); grid[(x, y - 1)] .set_fg(theme_default.fg) .set_bg(theme_default.bg); } let (width, height) = self.content.size(); if height == 0 || height == self.cursor_pos || width == 0 { return; } clear_area( grid, (set_y(upper_left, y), set_y(bottom_right, mid + 1)), theme_default, ); let (width, height) = self.content.size(); match self.focus { ThreadViewFocus::None => { let area = (set_y(upper_left, y), set_y(bottom_right, mid)); let upper_left = upper_left!(area); let bottom_right = bottom_right!(area); let rows = (get_y(bottom_right).saturating_sub(get_y(upper_left) + 1)) / 2; if rows == 0 { return; } let page_no = (self.new_cursor_pos).wrapping_div(rows); let top_idx = page_no * rows; copy_area( grid, &self.content, area, ((0, 2 * top_idx), (width - 1, height - 1)), ); context.dirty_areas.push_back(area); } ThreadViewFocus::Thread => { let area = (set_y(upper_left, y), bottom_right); let upper_left = upper_left!(area); let rows = (get_y(bottom_right).saturating_sub(get_y(upper_left) + 1)) / 2; if rows == 0 { return; } let page_no = (self.new_cursor_pos).wrapping_div(rows); let top_idx = page_no * rows; copy_area( grid, &self.content, area, ((0, 2 * top_idx), (width - 1, height - 1)), ); context.dirty_areas.push_back(area); } ThreadViewFocus::MailView => { /* show only envelope */ } } match self.focus { ThreadViewFocus::None => { let area = (set_y(upper_left, mid), set_y(bottom_right, mid)); context.dirty_areas.push_back(area); for x in get_x(upper_left)..=get_x(bottom_right) { set_and_join_box(grid, (x, mid), BoxBoundary::Horizontal); grid[(x, mid)] .set_fg(theme_default.fg) .set_bg(theme_default.bg); } let area = (set_y(upper_left, y), set_y(bottom_right, mid - 1)); self.draw_list(grid, area, context); self.entries[self.new_expanded_pos].mailview.draw( grid, (set_y(upper_left, mid + 1), bottom_right), context, ); } ThreadViewFocus::Thread => { self.dirty = true; self.draw_list(grid, (set_y(upper_left, y), bottom_right), context); } ThreadViewFocus::MailView => { self.entries[self.new_expanded_pos] .mailview .draw(grid, area, context); } } } fn recalc_visible_entries(&mut self) { if self .entries .iter_mut() .fold(false, |flag, e| e.dirty || flag) { self.visible_entries = self .entries .iter() .enumerate() .fold( (vec![Vec::new()], SmallVec::<[_; 8]>::new(), false), |(mut visies, mut stack, is_prev_hidden), (idx, e)| { match (e.hidden, is_prev_hidden) { (true, false) => { visies.last_mut().unwrap().push(idx); stack.push(e.indentation); (visies, stack, e.hidden) } (true, true) if !stack.is_empty() && stack[stack.len() - 1] == e.indentation => { visies.push(vec![idx]); (visies, stack, e.hidden) } (true, true) => (visies, stack, e.hidden), (false, true) if stack[stack.len() - 1] >= e.indentation && stack.len() > 1 && stack[stack.len() - 2] >= e.indentation => { //FIXME pop all until e.indentation visies.push(vec![idx]); stack.pop(); (visies, stack, e.hidden) } (false, true) if stack[stack.len() - 1] >= e.indentation => { visies.push(vec![idx]); stack.pop(); (visies, stack, e.hidden) } (false, true) => (visies, stack, is_prev_hidden), (false, false) => { visies.last_mut().unwrap().push(idx); (visies, stack, e.hidden) } } }, ) .0; } if self.reversed { self.visible_entries.reverse() } } /// Current position in self.entries (not in drawn entries which might /// exclude nonvisible ones) fn current_pos(&self) -> usize { let visibles: Vec<&usize> = self.visible_entries.iter().flat_map(|v| v.iter()).collect(); *visibles[self.new_cursor_pos] } } impl fmt::Display for ThreadView { fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter) -> fmt::Result { write!(f, "view thread") } } impl Component for ThreadView { fn draw(&mut self, grid: &mut CellBuffer, area: Area, context: &mut Context) { let total_cols = width!(area); if self.entries.is_empty() { self.dirty = false; return; } if !self.is_dirty() { return; } /* If user has selected another mail to view, change to it */ if self.new_expanded_pos != self.expanded_pos { self.expanded_pos = self.new_expanded_pos; } if self.entries.len() == 1 { self.entries[self.new_expanded_pos] .mailview .draw(grid, area, context); } else if total_cols >= self.content.size().0 + 74 { self.draw_vert(grid, area, context); } else { self.draw_horz(grid, area, context); } self.dirty = false; } fn process_event(&mut self, event: &mut UIEvent, context: &mut Context) -> bool { if let UIEvent::Action(Listing(OpenInNewTab)) = event { /* Handle this before self.mailview does */ context .replies .push_back(UIEvent::Action(Tab(New(Some(Box::new(self.clone())))))); return true; } if matches!( self.focus, ThreadViewFocus::None | ThreadViewFocus::MailView ) && self.entries[self.new_expanded_pos] .mailview .process_event(event, context) { return true; } let shortcuts = self.shortcuts(context); match *event { UIEvent::Input(ref key) if shortcut!(key == shortcuts[Shortcuts::THREAD_VIEW]["scroll_up"]) => { if self.cursor_pos > 0 { self.new_cursor_pos = self.new_cursor_pos.saturating_sub(1); self.dirty = true; } return true; } UIEvent::Input(ref key) if shortcut!(key == shortcuts[Shortcuts::THREAD_VIEW]["scroll_down"]) => { let height = self.visible_entries.iter().flat_map(|v| v.iter()).count(); if height > 0 && self.new_cursor_pos + 1 < height { self.new_cursor_pos += 1; self.dirty = true; } return true; } UIEvent::Input(ref key) if shortcut!(key == shortcuts[Shortcuts::THREAD_VIEW]["prev_page"]) => { self.movement = Some(PageMovement::PageUp(1)); self.dirty = true; } UIEvent::Input(ref key) if shortcut!(key == shortcuts[Shortcuts::THREAD_VIEW]["next_page"]) => { self.movement = Some(PageMovement::PageDown(1)); self.dirty = true; } UIEvent::Input(ref k) if shortcut!(k == shortcuts[Shortcuts::GENERAL]["home_page"]) => { self.movement = Some(PageMovement::Home); self.dirty = true; } UIEvent::Input(ref k) if shortcut!(k == shortcuts[Shortcuts::GENERAL]["end_page"]) => { self.movement = Some(PageMovement::End); self.dirty = true; } UIEvent::Input(ref k) if shortcut!(k == shortcuts[Shortcuts::GENERAL]["open_entry"]) => { if self.entries.len() < 2 { return true; } self.new_expanded_pos = self.current_pos(); self.expanded_pos = self.current_pos(); if matches!(self.focus, ThreadViewFocus::Thread) { self.focus = ThreadViewFocus::None; } self.set_dirty(true); return true; } UIEvent::Input(ref key) if shortcut!(key == shortcuts[Shortcuts::THREAD_VIEW]["toggle_mailview"]) => { self.focus = match self.focus { ThreadViewFocus::None | ThreadViewFocus::MailView => ThreadViewFocus::Thread, ThreadViewFocus::Thread => ThreadViewFocus::None, }; self.set_dirty(true); return true; } UIEvent::Input(ref key) if shortcut!(key == shortcuts[Shortcuts::THREAD_VIEW]["toggle_threadview"]) => { self.focus = match self.focus { ThreadViewFocus::None | ThreadViewFocus::Thread => ThreadViewFocus::MailView, ThreadViewFocus::MailView => ThreadViewFocus::None, }; self.set_dirty(true); return true; } UIEvent::Input(ref key) if shortcut!(key == shortcuts[Shortcuts::THREAD_VIEW]["reverse_thread_order"]) => { self.reversed = !self.reversed; let expanded_hash = self.entries[self.expanded_pos].msg_hash; self.initiate(Some(expanded_hash), context); self.dirty = true; return true; } UIEvent::Input(ref key) if shortcut!(key == shortcuts[Shortcuts::THREAD_VIEW]["collapse_subtree"]) => { let current_pos = self.current_pos(); self.entries[current_pos].hidden = !self.entries[current_pos].hidden; self.entries[current_pos].dirty = true; { let visible_entries: Vec<&usize> = self.visible_entries.iter().flat_map(|v| v.iter()).collect(); /* search_old_cursor_pos */ self.new_cursor_pos = (|entries: Vec<&usize>, x: usize| { let mut low = 0; let mut high = entries.len() - 1; while low <= high { let mid = low + (high - low) / 2; if *entries[mid] == x { return mid; } if x > *entries[mid] { low = mid + 1; } else { high = mid - 1; } } high + 1 //mid })(visible_entries, self.cursor_pos); } self.cursor_pos = self.new_cursor_pos; self.recalc_visible_entries(); self.dirty = true; return true; } UIEvent::Resize | UIEvent::VisibilityChange(true) => { self.set_dirty(true); } UIEvent::EnvelopeRename(ref old_hash, ref new_hash) => { let account = &context.accounts[&self.coordinates.0]; for e in self.entries.iter_mut() { if e.msg_hash == *old_hash { e.msg_hash = *new_hash; let seen: bool = account.collection.get_env(*new_hash).is_seen(); e.seen = seen; e.mailview.process_event( &mut UIEvent::EnvelopeRename(*old_hash, *new_hash), context, ); self.set_dirty(true); break; } } } UIEvent::EnvelopeUpdate(ref env_hash) => { let account = &context.accounts[&self.coordinates.0]; for e in self.entries.iter_mut() { if e.msg_hash == *env_hash { let seen: bool = account.collection.get_env(*env_hash).is_seen(); e.seen = seen; e.mailview .process_event(&mut UIEvent::EnvelopeUpdate(*env_hash), context); self.set_dirty(true); break; } } } _ => { if self .entries .iter_mut() .any(|entry| entry.mailview.process_event(event, context)) { return true; } } } false } fn is_dirty(&self) -> bool { self.dirty || (!matches!(self.focus, ThreadViewFocus::Thread) && !self.entries.is_empty() && self.entries[self.new_expanded_pos].mailview.is_dirty()) } fn set_dirty(&mut self, value: bool) { self.dirty = value; self.entries[self.new_expanded_pos] .mailview .set_dirty(value); } fn shortcuts(&self, context: &Context) -> ShortcutMaps { let mut map = self.entries[self.new_expanded_pos] .mailview .shortcuts(context); map.insert( Shortcuts::GENERAL, mailbox_settings!( context[self.coordinates.0][&self.coordinates.1] .shortcuts .general ) .key_values(), ); map.insert( Shortcuts::THREAD_VIEW, mailbox_settings!( context[self.coordinates.0][&self.coordinates.1] .shortcuts .thread_view ) .key_values(), ); map } fn id(&self) -> ComponentId { self.id } fn kill(&mut self, id: ComponentId, context: &mut Context) { debug_assert!(self.id == id); context .replies .push_back(UIEvent::Action(Tab(Kill(self.id)))); } }