/* * meli * * Copyright 2017-2018 Manos Pitsidianakis * * This file is part of meli. * * meli is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * meli is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with meli. If not, see . */ use super::*; use crate::conf::accounts::JobRequest; use crate::types::segment_tree::SegmentTree; use melib::backends::EnvelopeHashBatch; use smallvec::SmallVec; use std::collections::{HashMap, HashSet}; use std::convert::TryFrom; use std::ops::{Deref, DerefMut}; mod conversations; pub use self::conversations::*; mod compact; pub use self::compact::*; mod thread; pub use self::thread::*; mod plain; pub use self::plain::*; mod offline; pub use self::offline::*; #[derive(Debug, Default, Clone)] pub struct DataColumns { pub columns: [CellBuffer; 12], pub widths: [usize; 12], // widths of columns calculated in first draw and after size changes pub segment_tree: [SegmentTree; 12], } #[derive(Debug, Default)] /// Save theme colors to avoid looking them up again and again from settings struct ColorCache { theme_default: ThemeAttribute, unseen: ThemeAttribute, highlighted: ThemeAttribute, selected: ThemeAttribute, even: ThemeAttribute, odd: ThemeAttribute, even_unseen: ThemeAttribute, even_highlighted: ThemeAttribute, even_selected: ThemeAttribute, odd_unseen: ThemeAttribute, odd_highlighted: ThemeAttribute, odd_selected: ThemeAttribute, attachment_flag: ThemeAttribute, thread_snooze_flag: ThemeAttribute, tag_default: ThemeAttribute, /* Conversations */ subject: ThemeAttribute, from: ThemeAttribute, date: ThemeAttribute, padding: ThemeAttribute, unseen_padding: ThemeAttribute, } #[derive(Debug)] pub(super) struct EntryStrings { pub(super) date: DateString, pub(super) subject: SubjectString, pub(super) flag: FlagString, pub(super) from: FromString, pub(super) tags: TagString, } #[macro_export] /// Creates a comma separated list `String` out of an `Address` iterable. macro_rules! address_list { (($name:expr) as comma_sep_list) => {{ let mut ret: String = $name .into_iter() .fold(String::new(), |mut s: String, n: &Address| { s.extend(n.to_string().chars()); s.push_str(", "); s }); ret.pop(); ret.pop(); ret }}; } macro_rules! column_str { ( struct $name:ident($($t:ty),+)) => { #[derive(Debug)] pub(super) struct $name($(pub $t),+); impl Deref for $name { type Target = String; fn deref(&self) -> &String { &self.0 } } impl DerefMut for $name { fn deref_mut(&mut self) -> &mut String { &mut self.0 } } }; } column_str!(struct DateString(String)); column_str!(struct FromString(String)); column_str!(struct SubjectString(String)); column_str!(struct FlagString(String)); column_str!(struct TagString(String, SmallVec<[Option; 8]>)); #[derive(Debug)] struct AccountMenuEntry { name: String, hash: AccountHash, index: usize, entries: SmallVec<[(usize, MailboxHash); 16]>, } pub trait MailListingTrait: ListingTrait { fn perform_action( &mut self, context: &mut Context, thread_hashes: SmallVec<[ThreadHash; 8]>, a: &ListingAction, ) { let account_hash = self.coordinates().0; let account = &mut context.accounts[&account_hash]; let mut envs_to_set: SmallVec<[EnvelopeHash; 8]> = SmallVec::new(); let mailbox_hash = self.coordinates().1; { let threads_lck = account.collection.get_threads(mailbox_hash); for thread_hash in thread_hashes { for (_, h) in threads_lck.thread_group_iter(thread_hash) { envs_to_set.push(threads_lck.thread_nodes()[&h].message().unwrap()); } self.row_updates().push(thread_hash); } } if envs_to_set.is_empty() { return; } let env_hashes = EnvelopeHashBatch::try_from(envs_to_set.as_slice()).unwrap(); match a { ListingAction::SetSeen => { let job = account.backend.write().unwrap().set_flags( env_hashes.clone(), mailbox_hash, smallvec::smallvec![(Ok(Flag::SEEN), true)], ); match job { Err(err) => { context.replies.push_back(UIEvent::StatusEvent( StatusEvent::DisplayMessage(err.to_string()), )); } Ok(fut) => { let (channel, handle, job_id) = account.job_executor.spawn_specialized(fut); account .insert_job(job_id, JobRequest::SetFlags(env_hashes, handle, channel)); } } } ListingAction::SetUnseen => { let job = account.backend.write().unwrap().set_flags( env_hashes.clone(), mailbox_hash, smallvec::smallvec![(Ok(Flag::SEEN), false)], ); match job { Err(err) => { context.replies.push_back(UIEvent::StatusEvent( StatusEvent::DisplayMessage(err.to_string()), )); } Ok(fut) => { let (channel, handle, job_id) = account.job_executor.spawn_specialized(fut); account .insert_job(job_id, JobRequest::SetFlags(env_hashes, handle, channel)); } } } ListingAction::Tag(Remove(ref tag_str)) => { let job = account.backend.write().unwrap().set_flags( env_hashes.clone(), mailbox_hash, smallvec::smallvec![(Err(tag_str.to_string()), false)], ); match job { Err(err) => { context.replies.push_back(UIEvent::StatusEvent( StatusEvent::DisplayMessage(err.to_string()), )); } Ok(fut) => { let (channel, handle, job_id) = account.job_executor.spawn_specialized(fut); account .insert_job(job_id, JobRequest::SetFlags(env_hashes, handle, channel)); } } } ListingAction::Tag(Add(ref tag_str)) => { let job = account.backend.write().unwrap().set_flags( env_hashes.clone(), mailbox_hash, smallvec::smallvec![(Err(tag_str.to_string()), true)], ); match job { Err(err) => { context.replies.push_back(UIEvent::StatusEvent( StatusEvent::DisplayMessage(err.to_string()), )); } Ok(fut) => { let (channel, handle, job_id) = account.job_executor.spawn_specialized(fut); account .insert_job(job_id, JobRequest::SetFlags(env_hashes, handle, channel)); } } } ListingAction::Delete => { let job = account .backend .write() .unwrap() .delete_messages(env_hashes.clone(), mailbox_hash); match job { Err(err) => { context.replies.push_back(UIEvent::StatusEvent( StatusEvent::DisplayMessage(err.to_string()), )); } Ok(fut) => { let (channel, handle, job_id) = account.job_executor.spawn_specialized(fut); account.insert_job( job_id, JobRequest::DeleteMessages(env_hashes, handle, channel), ); } } } ListingAction::CopyTo(ref mailbox_path) => { match account .mailbox_by_path(mailbox_path) .and_then(|destination_mailbox_hash| { account.backend.write().unwrap().copy_messages( env_hashes, mailbox_hash, destination_mailbox_hash, /* move? */ false, /* flags */ None, ) }) { Err(err) => { context.replies.push_back(UIEvent::StatusEvent( StatusEvent::DisplayMessage(err.to_string()), )); } Ok(fut) => { let (channel, handle, job_id) = account.job_executor.spawn_specialized(fut); account.insert_job( job_id, JobRequest::Generic { name: "message copying".into(), handle, channel, on_finish: None, logging_level: melib::LoggingLevel::INFO, }, ); } } } ListingAction::CopyToOtherAccount(ref _account_name, ref _mailbox_path) => { context .replies .push_back(UIEvent::StatusEvent(StatusEvent::DisplayMessage( "Unimplemented.".into(), ))); } ListingAction::MoveTo(ref mailbox_path) => { match account .mailbox_by_path(mailbox_path) .and_then(|destination_mailbox_hash| { account.backend.write().unwrap().copy_messages( env_hashes, mailbox_hash, destination_mailbox_hash, /* move? */ true, /* flags */ None, ) }) { Err(err) => { context.replies.push_back(UIEvent::StatusEvent( StatusEvent::DisplayMessage(err.to_string()), )); } Ok(fut) => { let (channel, handle, job_id) = account.job_executor.spawn_specialized(fut); account.insert_job( job_id, JobRequest::Generic { name: "message moving".into(), handle, channel, on_finish: None, logging_level: melib::LoggingLevel::INFO, }, ); } } } ListingAction::MoveToOtherAccount(ref _account_name, ref _mailbox_path) => { context .replies .push_back(UIEvent::StatusEvent(StatusEvent::DisplayMessage( "Unimplemented.".into(), ))); } _ => unreachable!(), } self.set_dirty(true); } fn row_updates(&mut self) -> &mut SmallVec<[ThreadHash; 8]>; fn selection(&mut self) -> &mut HashMap; fn get_focused_items(&self, _context: &Context) -> SmallVec<[ThreadHash; 8]>; fn redraw_threads_list( &mut self, context: &Context, items: Box>, ); fn redraw_envelope_list( &mut self, _context: &Context, _items: Box>, ) { } /// Use `force` when there have been changes in the mailbox or account lists in `context` fn refresh_mailbox(&mut self, context: &mut Context, force: bool); } pub trait ListingTrait: Component { fn coordinates(&self) -> (AccountHash, MailboxHash); fn set_coordinates(&mut self, _: (AccountHash, MailboxHash)); fn draw_list(&mut self, grid: &mut CellBuffer, area: Area, context: &mut Context); fn highlight_line(&mut self, grid: &mut CellBuffer, area: Area, idx: usize, context: &Context); fn filter( &mut self, _filter_term: String, _results: Result>, _context: &Context, ) { } fn set_movement(&mut self, mvm: PageMovement); } #[derive(Debug)] pub enum ListingComponent { Plain(PlainListing), Threaded(ThreadListing), Compact(CompactListing), Conversations(ConversationsListing), Offline(OfflineListing), } use crate::ListingComponent::*; impl core::ops::Deref for ListingComponent { type Target = dyn MailListingTrait; fn deref(&self) -> &Self::Target { match &self { Compact(ref l) => l, Plain(ref l) => l, Threaded(ref l) => l, Conversations(ref l) => l, Offline(ref l) => l, } } } impl core::ops::DerefMut for ListingComponent { fn deref_mut(&mut self) -> &mut (dyn MailListingTrait + 'static) { match self { Compact(l) => l, Plain(l) => l, Threaded(l) => l, Conversations(l) => l, Offline(l) => l, } } } impl ListingComponent { fn set_style(&mut self, new_style: IndexStyle) { match new_style { IndexStyle::Plain => { if let Plain(_) = self { return; } *self = Plain(PlainListing::new(self.coordinates())); } IndexStyle::Threaded => { if let Threaded(_) = self { return; } *self = Threaded(ThreadListing::new(self.coordinates())); } IndexStyle::Compact => { if let Compact(_) = self { return; } *self = Compact(CompactListing::new(self.coordinates())); } IndexStyle::Conversations => { if let Conversations(_) = self { return; } *self = Conversations(ConversationsListing::new(self.coordinates())); } } } } #[derive(PartialEq, Debug)] enum ListingFocus { Menu, Mailbox, } #[derive(Debug)] pub struct Listing { component: ListingComponent, accounts: Vec, dirty: bool, visible: bool, cursor_pos: (usize, usize), menu_cursor_pos: (usize, usize), startup_checks_rate: RateLimit, id: ComponentId, theme_default: ThemeAttribute, show_divider: bool, menu_visibility: bool, cmd_buf: String, /// This is the width of the right container to the entire width. ratio: usize, // right/(container width) * 100 focus: ListingFocus, } impl fmt::Display for Listing { fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter) -> fmt::Result { match self.component { Compact(ref l) => write!(f, "{}", l), Plain(ref l) => write!(f, "{}", l), Threaded(ref l) => write!(f, "{}", l), Conversations(ref l) => write!(f, "{}", l), Offline(ref l) => write!(f, "{}", l), } } } impl Component for Listing { fn draw(&mut self, grid: &mut CellBuffer, area: Area, context: &mut Context) { if !self.is_dirty() { return; } if !is_valid_area!(area) { return; } let upper_left = upper_left!(area); let bottom_right = bottom_right!(area); let total_cols = get_x(bottom_right) - get_x(upper_left); let right_component_width = if self.menu_visibility { (self.ratio * total_cols) / 100 } else { total_cols }; let mid = get_x(bottom_right) - right_component_width; if self.dirty && mid != get_x(upper_left) { if self.show_divider { for i in get_y(upper_left)..=get_y(bottom_right) { grid[(mid, i)] .set_ch(VERT_BOUNDARY) .set_fg(self.theme_default.fg) .set_bg(self.theme_default.bg) .set_attrs(self.theme_default.attrs); } } else { for i in get_y(upper_left)..=get_y(bottom_right) { grid[(mid, i)] .set_fg(self.theme_default.fg) .set_bg(self.theme_default.bg) .set_attrs(self.theme_default.attrs); } } context .dirty_areas .push_back(((mid, get_y(upper_left)), (mid, get_y(bottom_right)))); } let account_hash = self.accounts[self.cursor_pos.0].hash; if right_component_width == total_cols { if context.is_online(account_hash).is_err() { match self.component { ListingComponent::Offline(_) => {} _ => { self.component = Offline(OfflineListing::new((account_hash, 0))); } } } self.component.draw(grid, area, context); } else if right_component_width == 0 { self.draw_menu(grid, area, context); } else { self.draw_menu(grid, (upper_left, (mid, get_y(bottom_right))), context); if context.is_online(account_hash).is_err() { match self.component { ListingComponent::Offline(_) => {} _ => { self.component = Offline(OfflineListing::new((account_hash, 0))); } } } self.component .draw(grid, (set_x(upper_left, mid + 1), bottom_right), context); } self.dirty = false; } fn process_event(&mut self, event: &mut UIEvent, context: &mut Context) -> bool { match event { UIEvent::StartupCheck(ref f) => { if self.component.coordinates().1 == *f { if !self.startup_checks_rate.tick() { return false; } } } UIEvent::Timer(n) if *n == self.startup_checks_rate.id() => { if self.startup_checks_rate.active { self.startup_checks_rate.reset(); return self.process_event( &mut UIEvent::StartupCheck(self.component.coordinates().1), context, ); } } UIEvent::AccountStatusChange(account_hash) => { let account_index = context .accounts .get_index_of(account_hash) .expect("Invalid account_hash in UIEventMailbox{Delete,Create}"); if self.cursor_pos.0 == account_index { self.change_account(context); } else { self.accounts[account_index].entries = context.accounts[&*account_hash] .list_mailboxes() .into_iter() .filter(|mailbox_node| { context.accounts[&*account_hash][&mailbox_node.hash] .ref_mailbox .is_subscribed() }) .map(|f| (f.depth, f.hash)) .collect::<_>(); self.set_dirty(true); } return true; } UIEvent::MailboxDelete((account_hash, _mailbox_hash)) | UIEvent::MailboxCreate((account_hash, _mailbox_hash)) => { let account_index = context .accounts .get_index_of(account_hash) .expect("Invalid account_hash in UIEventMailbox{Delete,Create}"); self.accounts[account_index].entries = context.accounts[&*account_hash] .list_mailboxes() .into_iter() .filter(|mailbox_node| { context.accounts[&*account_hash][&mailbox_node.hash] .ref_mailbox .is_subscribed() }) .map(|f| (f.depth, f.hash)) .collect::<_>(); if self.cursor_pos.0 == account_index { self.cursor_pos.1 = std::cmp::min( self.accounts[self.cursor_pos.0].entries.len() - 1, self.cursor_pos.1, ); self.component.set_coordinates(( self.accounts[self.cursor_pos.0].hash, self.accounts[self.cursor_pos.0].entries[self.cursor_pos.1].1, )); self.component.refresh_mailbox(context, true); } self.set_dirty(true); return true; } _ => {} } if self.focus == ListingFocus::Mailbox && self.component.process_event(event, context) { return true; } let shortcuts = self.get_shortcuts(context); if self.focus == ListingFocus::Mailbox { match *event { UIEvent::Input(Key::Left) => { self.focus = ListingFocus::Menu; self.ratio = 50; self.set_dirty(true); } UIEvent::Input(ref k) if shortcut!(k == shortcuts[Listing::DESCRIPTION]["next_mailbox"]) || shortcut!(k == shortcuts[Listing::DESCRIPTION]["prev_mailbox"]) => { let amount = if self.cmd_buf.is_empty() { 1 } else if let Ok(amount) = self.cmd_buf.parse::() { self.cmd_buf.clear(); context .replies .push_back(UIEvent::StatusEvent(StatusEvent::BufClear)); amount } else { self.cmd_buf.clear(); context .replies .push_back(UIEvent::StatusEvent(StatusEvent::BufClear)); return true; }; match k { k if shortcut!(k == shortcuts[Listing::DESCRIPTION]["next_mailbox"]) => { if self.accounts[self.cursor_pos.0] .entries .get(self.cursor_pos.1 + amount) .is_some() { self.cursor_pos.1 += amount; } else { return true; } } k if shortcut!(k == shortcuts[Listing::DESCRIPTION]["prev_mailbox"]) => { if self.cursor_pos.1 >= amount { if self.accounts[self.cursor_pos.0] .entries .get(self.cursor_pos.1 - amount) .is_some() { self.cursor_pos.1 -= amount; } else { return true; } } else { return true; } } _ => {} } self.change_account(context); return true; } UIEvent::Input(ref k) if shortcut!(k == shortcuts[Listing::DESCRIPTION]["next_account"]) || shortcut!(k == shortcuts[Listing::DESCRIPTION]["prev_account"]) => { let amount = if self.cmd_buf.is_empty() { 1 } else if let Ok(amount) = self.cmd_buf.parse::() { self.cmd_buf.clear(); context .replies .push_back(UIEvent::StatusEvent(StatusEvent::BufClear)); amount } else { self.cmd_buf.clear(); context .replies .push_back(UIEvent::StatusEvent(StatusEvent::BufClear)); return true; }; match k { k if shortcut!(k == shortcuts[Listing::DESCRIPTION]["next_account"]) => { if self.cursor_pos.0 + amount < self.accounts.len() { self.cursor_pos = (self.cursor_pos.0 + amount, 0); } else { return true; } } k if shortcut!(k == shortcuts[Listing::DESCRIPTION]["prev_account"]) => { if self.cursor_pos.0 >= amount { self.cursor_pos = (self.cursor_pos.0 - amount, 0); } else { return true; } } _ => return false, } self.change_account(context); return true; } UIEvent::Action(ref action) => match action { Action::Listing(ListingAction::SetPlain) => { self.component.set_style(IndexStyle::Plain); return true; } Action::Listing(ListingAction::SetThreaded) => { self.component.set_style(IndexStyle::Threaded); return true; } Action::Listing(ListingAction::SetCompact) => { self.component.set_style(IndexStyle::Compact); return true; } Action::Listing(ListingAction::SetConversations) => { self.component.set_style(IndexStyle::Conversations); return true; } Action::Listing(a @ ListingAction::SetSeen) | Action::Listing(a @ ListingAction::SetUnseen) | Action::Listing(a @ ListingAction::Delete) | Action::Listing(a @ ListingAction::CopyTo(_)) | Action::Listing(a @ ListingAction::MoveTo(_)) | Action::Listing(a @ ListingAction::CopyToOtherAccount(_, _)) | Action::Listing(a @ ListingAction::MoveToOtherAccount(_, _)) | Action::Listing(a @ ListingAction::Tag(_)) => { let focused = self.component.get_focused_items(context); self.component.perform_action(context, focused, a); let mut row_updates: SmallVec<[ThreadHash; 8]> = SmallVec::new(); for (k, v) in self.component.selection().iter_mut() { if *v { *v = false; row_updates.push(*k); } } self.component.row_updates().extend(row_updates.drain(..)); self.component.set_dirty(true); return true; } Action::ViewMailbox(idx) => { if let Some((_, mailbox_hash)) = self.accounts[self.cursor_pos.0].entries.get(*idx) { let account_hash = self.accounts[self.cursor_pos.0].hash; self.cursor_pos.1 = *idx; self.component .set_coordinates((account_hash, *mailbox_hash)); self.set_dirty(true); } else { return true; } return true; } _ => {} }, UIEvent::ChangeMode(UIMode::Normal) => { self.dirty = true; } UIEvent::Resize => { self.set_dirty(true); } UIEvent::Input(ref key) if shortcut!(key == shortcuts[Listing::DESCRIPTION]["scroll_up"]) => { let amount = if self.cmd_buf.is_empty() { 1 } else if let Ok(amount) = self.cmd_buf.parse::() { self.cmd_buf.clear(); context .replies .push_back(UIEvent::StatusEvent(StatusEvent::BufClear)); amount } else { self.cmd_buf.clear(); context .replies .push_back(UIEvent::StatusEvent(StatusEvent::BufClear)); return true; }; self.component.set_movement(PageMovement::Up(amount)); return true; } UIEvent::Input(ref key) if shortcut!(key == shortcuts[Listing::DESCRIPTION]["scroll_down"]) => { let amount = if self.cmd_buf.is_empty() { 1 } else if let Ok(amount) = self.cmd_buf.parse::() { self.cmd_buf.clear(); context .replies .push_back(UIEvent::StatusEvent(StatusEvent::BufClear)); amount } else { self.cmd_buf.clear(); context .replies .push_back(UIEvent::StatusEvent(StatusEvent::BufClear)); return true; }; self.component.set_movement(PageMovement::Down(amount)); return true; } UIEvent::Input(ref key) if shortcut!(key == shortcuts[Listing::DESCRIPTION]["prev_page"]) => { let mult = if self.cmd_buf.is_empty() { 1 } else if let Ok(mult) = self.cmd_buf.parse::() { self.cmd_buf.clear(); context .replies .push_back(UIEvent::StatusEvent(StatusEvent::BufClear)); mult } else { self.cmd_buf.clear(); context .replies .push_back(UIEvent::StatusEvent(StatusEvent::BufClear)); return true; }; self.component.set_movement(PageMovement::PageUp(mult)); return true; } UIEvent::Input(ref key) if shortcut!(key == shortcuts[Listing::DESCRIPTION]["next_page"]) => { let mult = if self.cmd_buf.is_empty() { 1 } else if let Ok(mult) = self.cmd_buf.parse::() { self.cmd_buf.clear(); context .replies .push_back(UIEvent::StatusEvent(StatusEvent::BufClear)); mult } else { self.cmd_buf.clear(); context .replies .push_back(UIEvent::StatusEvent(StatusEvent::BufClear)); return true; }; self.component.set_movement(PageMovement::PageDown(mult)); return true; } UIEvent::Input(ref key) if *key == Key::Home => { self.component.set_movement(PageMovement::Home); return true; } UIEvent::Input(ref key) if *key == Key::End => { self.component.set_movement(PageMovement::End); return true; } UIEvent::Input(ref k) if shortcut!( k == shortcuts[Listing::DESCRIPTION]["toggle_menu_visibility"] ) => { self.menu_visibility = !self.menu_visibility; self.set_dirty(true); } UIEvent::Input(ref key) if shortcut!(key == shortcuts[Listing::DESCRIPTION]["search"]) => { context .replies .push_back(UIEvent::CmdInput(Key::Paste("search ".to_string()))); context .replies .push_back(UIEvent::ChangeMode(UIMode::Command)); return true; } UIEvent::Input(ref key) if shortcut!(key == shortcuts[Listing::DESCRIPTION]["set_seen"]) => { let mut event = UIEvent::Action(Action::Listing(ListingAction::SetSeen)); if self.process_event(&mut event, context) { return true; } } UIEvent::Input(ref key) if shortcut!(key == shortcuts[Listing::DESCRIPTION]["refresh"]) => { let account = &mut context.accounts[self.cursor_pos.0]; if let Some(&mailbox_hash) = account.mailboxes_order.get(self.cursor_pos.1) { if let Err(err) = account.refresh(mailbox_hash) { context.replies.push_back(UIEvent::Notification( Some("Could not refresh.".to_string()), err.to_string(), Some(NotificationType::INFO), )); } } return true; } _ => {} } } else if self.focus == ListingFocus::Menu { match *event { UIEvent::Input(Key::Right) => { self.focus = ListingFocus::Mailbox; self.ratio = 90; self.set_dirty(true); return true; } UIEvent::Input(ref k) if shortcut!(k == shortcuts[Listing::DESCRIPTION]["open_mailbox"]) => { self.cursor_pos = self.menu_cursor_pos; self.change_account(context); self.focus = ListingFocus::Mailbox; self.ratio = 90; self.set_dirty(true); context .replies .push_back(UIEvent::StatusEvent(StatusEvent::UpdateStatus( self.get_status(context), ))); return true; } UIEvent::Input(ref k) if shortcut!(k == shortcuts[Listing::DESCRIPTION]["scroll_up"]) || shortcut!(k == shortcuts[Listing::DESCRIPTION]["scroll_down"]) => { let mut amount = if self.cmd_buf.is_empty() { 1 } else if let Ok(amount) = self.cmd_buf.parse::() { self.cmd_buf.clear(); context .replies .push_back(UIEvent::StatusEvent(StatusEvent::BufClear)); amount } else { self.cmd_buf.clear(); context .replies .push_back(UIEvent::StatusEvent(StatusEvent::BufClear)); return true; }; if shortcut!(k == shortcuts[Listing::DESCRIPTION]["scroll_up"]) { while amount > 0 { if self.menu_cursor_pos.1 > 0 { self.menu_cursor_pos.1 -= 1; } else if self.menu_cursor_pos.0 > 0 { self.menu_cursor_pos.0 -= 1; self.menu_cursor_pos.1 = self.accounts[self.menu_cursor_pos.0] .entries .len() .saturating_sub(1); } else { return true; } amount -= 1; } } else if shortcut!(k == shortcuts[Listing::DESCRIPTION]["scroll_down"]) { while amount > 0 { if self.menu_cursor_pos.1 + 1 < self.accounts[self.menu_cursor_pos.0].entries.len() { self.menu_cursor_pos.1 += 1; } else if self.menu_cursor_pos.0 + 1 < self.accounts.len() { self.menu_cursor_pos.0 += 1; self.menu_cursor_pos.1 = 0; } else { return true; } amount -= 1; } } self.set_dirty(true); return true; } UIEvent::Input(ref k) if shortcut!(k == shortcuts[Listing::DESCRIPTION]["next_mailbox"]) || shortcut!(k == shortcuts[Listing::DESCRIPTION]["prev_mailbox"]) => { let amount = if self.cmd_buf.is_empty() { 1 } else if let Ok(amount) = self.cmd_buf.parse::() { self.cmd_buf.clear(); context .replies .push_back(UIEvent::StatusEvent(StatusEvent::BufClear)); amount } else { self.cmd_buf.clear(); context .replies .push_back(UIEvent::StatusEvent(StatusEvent::BufClear)); return true; }; match k { k if shortcut!(k == shortcuts[Listing::DESCRIPTION]["next_mailbox"]) => { if self.accounts[self.menu_cursor_pos.0] .entries .get(self.menu_cursor_pos.1 + amount) .is_some() { self.menu_cursor_pos.1 += amount; self.set_dirty(true); } else { return true; } } k if shortcut!(k == shortcuts[Listing::DESCRIPTION]["prev_mailbox"]) => { if self.cursor_pos.1 >= amount { if self.accounts[self.menu_cursor_pos.0] .entries .get(self.menu_cursor_pos.1 - amount) .is_some() { self.menu_cursor_pos.1 -= amount; self.set_dirty(true); } else { return true; } } else { return true; } } _ => {} } return true; } UIEvent::Input(ref k) if shortcut!(k == shortcuts[Listing::DESCRIPTION]["next_account"]) || shortcut!(k == shortcuts[Listing::DESCRIPTION]["prev_account"]) || shortcut!(k == shortcuts[Listing::DESCRIPTION]["next_page"]) || shortcut!(k == shortcuts[Listing::DESCRIPTION]["prev_page"]) => { let amount = if self.cmd_buf.is_empty() { 1 } else if let Ok(amount) = self.cmd_buf.parse::() { self.cmd_buf.clear(); context .replies .push_back(UIEvent::StatusEvent(StatusEvent::BufClear)); amount } else { self.cmd_buf.clear(); context .replies .push_back(UIEvent::StatusEvent(StatusEvent::BufClear)); return true; }; match k { k if shortcut!(k == shortcuts[Listing::DESCRIPTION]["next_account"]) || shortcut!(k == shortcuts[Listing::DESCRIPTION]["next_page"]) => { if self.menu_cursor_pos.0 + amount < self.accounts.len() { self.menu_cursor_pos = (self.menu_cursor_pos.0 + amount, 0); } else { return true; } } k if shortcut!(k == shortcuts[Listing::DESCRIPTION]["prev_account"]) || shortcut!(k == shortcuts[Listing::DESCRIPTION]["prev_page"]) => { if self.menu_cursor_pos.0 >= amount { self.menu_cursor_pos = (self.menu_cursor_pos.0 - amount, 0); } else { return true; } } _ => return false, } self.set_dirty(true); return true; } _ => {} } } match *event { UIEvent::Input(ref k) if shortcut!(k == shortcuts[Listing::DESCRIPTION]["new_mail"]) => { let account_hash = context.accounts[self.cursor_pos.0].hash(); let composer = Composer::new(account_hash, context); context .replies .push_back(UIEvent::Action(Tab(New(Some(Box::new(composer)))))); return true; } UIEvent::StartupCheck(_) => { self.dirty = true; context .replies .push_back(UIEvent::StatusEvent(StatusEvent::UpdateStatus( self.get_status(context), ))); } UIEvent::MailboxUpdate(_) => { self.dirty = true; context .replies .push_back(UIEvent::StatusEvent(StatusEvent::UpdateStatus( self.get_status(context), ))); } UIEvent::Input(Key::Esc) | UIEvent::Input(Key::Alt('')) if !self.cmd_buf.is_empty() => { self.cmd_buf.clear(); context .replies .push_back(UIEvent::StatusEvent(StatusEvent::BufClear)); return true; } UIEvent::Input(Key::Char(c)) if c >= '0' && c <= '9' => { self.cmd_buf.push(c); context .replies .push_back(UIEvent::StatusEvent(StatusEvent::BufSet( self.cmd_buf.clone(), ))); return true; } _ => {} } false } fn is_dirty(&self) -> bool { self.dirty || self.component.is_dirty() } fn set_dirty(&mut self, value: bool) { self.dirty = value; self.component.set_dirty(value); } fn get_shortcuts(&self, context: &Context) -> ShortcutMaps { let mut map = self.component.get_shortcuts(context); let mut config_map = context.settings.shortcuts.listing.key_values(); if self.focus != ListingFocus::Menu { config_map.remove("open_mailbox"); } map.insert(Listing::DESCRIPTION, config_map); map } fn id(&self) -> ComponentId { self.component.id() } fn set_id(&mut self, id: ComponentId) { self.component.set_id(id); } fn get_status(&self, context: &Context) -> String { let mailbox_hash = if let Some((_, mailbox_hash)) = self.accounts[self.cursor_pos.0] .entries .get(self.cursor_pos.1) { *mailbox_hash } else { return String::new(); }; let account = &context.accounts[self.cursor_pos.0]; use crate::conf::accounts::MailboxStatus; match account[&mailbox_hash].status { MailboxStatus::Available | MailboxStatus::Parsing(_, _) => { let (unseen, total) = account[&mailbox_hash] .ref_mailbox .count() .ok() .unwrap_or((0, 0)); format!( "Mailbox: {}, Messages: {}, New: {}", account[&mailbox_hash].name(), total, unseen ) } MailboxStatus::Failed(_) | MailboxStatus::None => account[&mailbox_hash].status(), } } } impl Listing { pub const DESCRIPTION: &'static str = "listing"; pub fn new(context: &mut Context) -> Self { let account_entries: Vec = context .accounts .iter() .enumerate() .map(|(i, (h, a))| { let entries: SmallVec<[(usize, MailboxHash); 16]> = a .list_mailboxes() .into_iter() .filter(|mailbox_node| a[&mailbox_node.hash].ref_mailbox.is_subscribed()) .map(|f| (f.depth, f.hash)) .collect::<_>(); AccountMenuEntry { name: a.name().to_string(), hash: *h, index: i, entries, } }) .collect(); let mut ret = Listing { component: Offline(OfflineListing::new((account_entries[0].hash, 0))), accounts: account_entries, visible: true, dirty: true, cursor_pos: (0, 0), menu_cursor_pos: (0, 0), startup_checks_rate: RateLimit::new(2, 1000), theme_default: conf::value(context, "theme_default"), id: ComponentId::new_v4(), show_divider: false, menu_visibility: true, ratio: 90, focus: ListingFocus::Mailbox, cmd_buf: String::with_capacity(4), }; ret.change_account(context); ret } fn draw_menu(&mut self, grid: &mut CellBuffer, mut area: Area, context: &mut Context) { if !self.is_dirty() { return; } for row in grid.bounds_iter(area) { for c in row { grid[c] .set_ch(' ') .set_fg(self.theme_default.fg) .set_bg(self.theme_default.bg) .set_attrs(self.theme_default.attrs); } } /* visually divide menu and listing */ area = (area.0, pos_dec(area.1, (1, 0))); let upper_left = upper_left!(area); let bottom_right = bottom_right!(area); self.dirty = false; let mut y = get_y(upper_left); for a in &self.accounts { y += self.print_account(grid, (set_y(upper_left, y), bottom_right), &a, context); y += 3; } context.dirty_areas.push_back(area); } /* * Print a single account in the menu area. */ fn print_account( &self, grid: &mut CellBuffer, area: Area, a: &AccountMenuEntry, context: &mut Context, ) -> usize { if !is_valid_area!(area) { debug!("BUG: invalid area in print_account"); } // Each entry and its index in the account let mailboxes: HashMap = context.accounts[a.index] .mailbox_entries .iter() .map(|(&hash, entry)| (hash, entry.ref_mailbox.clone())) .collect(); let upper_left = upper_left!(area); let bottom_right = bottom_right!(area); let must_highlight_account: bool = (self.focus == ListingFocus::Mailbox && self.cursor_pos.0 == a.index) || (self.focus == ListingFocus::Menu && self.menu_cursor_pos.0 == a.index); let mut lines: Vec<(usize, usize, MailboxHash, Option)> = Vec::new(); for (i, &(depth, mailbox_hash)) in a.entries.iter().enumerate() { if mailboxes[&mailbox_hash].is_subscribed() { match context.accounts[a.index][&mailbox_hash].status { crate::conf::accounts::MailboxStatus::Failed(_) => { lines.push((depth, i, mailbox_hash, None)); } _ => { lines.push(( depth, i, mailbox_hash, mailboxes[&mailbox_hash].count().ok().map(|(v, _)| v), )); } } } } let account_attrs = if must_highlight_account { crate::conf::value(context, "mail.sidebar_highlighted_account_name") } else { crate::conf::value(context, "mail.sidebar_account_name") }; /* Print account name first */ write_string_to_grid( &a.name, grid, account_attrs.fg, account_attrs.bg, account_attrs.attrs, area, None, ); if lines.is_empty() { write_string_to_grid( "offline", grid, Color::Byte(243), self.theme_default.bg, self.theme_default.attrs, (pos_inc(upper_left, (0, 1)), bottom_right), None, ); return 0; } let lines_len = lines.len(); let mut idx = 0; for y in get_y(upper_left) + 1..get_y(bottom_right) { if idx == lines_len { break; } let (att, index_att, unread_count_att) = if must_highlight_account { if (self.focus == ListingFocus::Mailbox && self.cursor_pos.1 == idx) || (self.focus == ListingFocus::Menu && self.menu_cursor_pos.1 == idx) { let mut ret = ( crate::conf::value(context, "mail.sidebar_highlighted"), crate::conf::value(context, "mail.sidebar_highlighted_index"), crate::conf::value(context, "mail.sidebar_highlighted_unread_count"), ); if !context.settings.terminal.use_color() { ret.0.attrs |= Attr::REVERSE; ret.1.attrs |= Attr::REVERSE; ret.2.attrs |= Attr::REVERSE; } ret } else { ( crate::conf::value(context, "mail.sidebar_highlighted_account"), crate::conf::value(context, "mail.sidebar_highlighted_account_index"), crate::conf::value( context, "mail.sidebar_highlighted_account_unread_count", ), ) } } else { ( crate::conf::value(context, "mail.sidebar"), crate::conf::value(context, "mail.sidebar_index"), crate::conf::value(context, "mail.sidebar_unread_count"), ) }; let (depth, inc, mailbox_idx, count) = lines[idx]; /* Calculate how many columns the mailbox index tags should occupy with right alignment, * eg. * 1 * 2 * ... * 9 * 10 */ let total_mailbox_no_digits = { let mut len = lines_len; let mut ctr = 1; while len > 9 { ctr += 1; len /= 10; } ctr }; let (x, _) = write_string_to_grid( &format!("{:>width$}", inc, width = total_mailbox_no_digits), grid, index_att.fg, index_att.bg, index_att.attrs, (set_y(upper_left, y), bottom_right), None, ); let (x, _) = write_string_to_grid( &" ".repeat(depth + 1), grid, att.fg, att.bg, att.attrs, ((x, y), bottom_right), None, ); let (x, _) = write_string_to_grid( context.accounts[a.index].mailbox_entries[&mailbox_idx].name(), grid, att.fg, att.bg, att.attrs, ((x, y), bottom_right), None, ); /* Unread message count */ let count_string = if let Some(c) = count { if c > 0 { format!(" {}", c) } else { String::new() } } else { " ...".to_string() }; let (x, _) = write_string_to_grid( &count_string, grid, unread_count_att.fg, unread_count_att.bg, unread_count_att.attrs | if count.unwrap_or(0) > 0 { Attr::BOLD } else { Attr::DEFAULT }, ( ( /* Hide part of mailbox name if need be to fit the message count */ std::cmp::min(x, get_x(bottom_right).saturating_sub(count_string.len())), y, ), bottom_right, ), None, ); for c in grid.row_iter(x..(get_x(bottom_right) + 1), y) { grid[c].set_fg(att.fg).set_bg(att.bg).set_attrs(att.attrs); } idx += 1; } if idx == 0 { 0 } else { idx - 1 } } fn change_account(&mut self, context: &mut Context) { let account_hash = context.accounts[self.cursor_pos.0].hash(); self.accounts[self.cursor_pos.0].entries = context.accounts[self.cursor_pos.0] .list_mailboxes() .into_iter() .filter(|mailbox_node| { context.accounts[self.cursor_pos.0][&mailbox_node.hash] .ref_mailbox .is_subscribed() }) .map(|f| (f.depth, f.hash)) .collect::<_>(); /* Account might have no mailboxes yet if it's offline */ if let Some((_, mailbox_hash)) = self.accounts[self.cursor_pos.0] .entries .get(self.cursor_pos.1) { self.component .set_coordinates((account_hash, *mailbox_hash)); /* Check if per-mailbox configuration overrides general configuration */ let index_style = mailbox_settings!(context[account_hash][mailbox_hash].listing.index_style); self.component.set_style(*index_style); } else { /* Set to dummy */ self.component = Offline(OfflineListing::new((account_hash, 0))); } self.set_dirty(true); context .replies .push_back(UIEvent::StatusEvent(StatusEvent::UpdateStatus( self.get_status(context), ))); self.menu_cursor_pos = self.cursor_pos; } }