/* * Copyright (c) 2020-2023, Stalwart Labs Ltd. * * This file is part of the Stalwart Sieve Interpreter. * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as * published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of * the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU Affero General Public License for more details. * in the LICENSE file at the top-level directory of this distribution. * You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License * along with this program. If not, see . * * You can be released from the requirements of the AGPLv3 license by * purchasing a commercial license. Please contact licensing@stalw.art * for more details. */ use mail_parser::HeaderName; use phf::phf_map; use serde::{Deserialize, Serialize}; use crate::sieve::compiler::{ grammar::{instruction::CompilerState, Capability, Comparator}, lexer::{word::Word, StringConstant, Token}, CompileError, ErrorType, Number, Value, }; use crate::sieve::compiler::grammar::{test::Test, MatchType}; #[derive(Debug, Clone, PartialEq, Eq, Serialize, Deserialize)] pub(crate) struct TestDate { pub header_name: Value, pub key_list: Vec, pub match_type: MatchType, pub comparator: Comparator, pub index: Option, pub zone: Zone, pub date_part: DatePart, pub mime_anychild: bool, pub is_not: bool, } #[derive(Debug, Clone, PartialEq, Eq, Serialize, Deserialize)] pub(crate) struct TestCurrentDate { pub zone: Option, pub match_type: MatchType, pub comparator: Comparator, pub date_part: DatePart, pub key_list: Vec, pub is_not: bool, } #[derive(Debug, Clone, Copy, PartialEq, Eq, Serialize, Deserialize)] pub(crate) enum Zone { Time(i64), Original, Local, } #[derive(Debug, Clone, Copy, PartialEq, Eq, Serialize, Deserialize)] pub(crate) enum DatePart { Year, Month, Day, Date, Julian, Hour, Minute, Second, Time, Iso8601, Std11, Zone, Weekday, } impl<'x> CompilerState<'x> { pub(crate) fn parse_test_date(&mut self) -> Result { let mut match_type = MatchType::Is; let mut comparator = Comparator::AsciiCaseMap; let mut header_name = None; let mut key_list; let mut index = None; let mut index_last = false; let mut zone = Zone::Local; let mut date_part = None; let mut mime = false; let mut mime_anychild = false; loop { let token_info = self.tokens.unwrap_next()?; match token_info.token { Token::Tag( word @ (Word::Is | Word::Contains | Word::Matches | Word::Value | Word::Count | Word::Regex | Word::List), ) => { self.validate_argument( 1, match word { Word::Value | Word::Count => Capability::Relational.into(), Word::Regex => Capability::Regex.into(), Word::List => Capability::ExtLists.into(), _ => None, }, token_info.line_num, token_info.line_pos, )?; match_type = self.parse_match_type(word)?; } Token::Tag(Word::Comparator) => { self.validate_argument(2, None, token_info.line_num, token_info.line_pos)?; comparator = self.parse_comparator()?; } Token::Tag(Word::Index) => { self.validate_argument( 3, Capability::Index.into(), token_info.line_num, token_info.line_pos, )?; index = (self.tokens.expect_number(u16::MAX as usize)? as i32).into(); } Token::Tag(Word::Last) => { self.validate_argument( 4, Capability::Index.into(), token_info.line_num, token_info.line_pos, )?; index_last = true; } Token::Tag(Word::Mime) => { self.validate_argument( 5, Capability::Mime.into(), token_info.line_num, token_info.line_pos, )?; mime = true; } Token::Tag(Word::AnyChild) => { self.validate_argument( 6, Capability::Mime.into(), token_info.line_num, token_info.line_pos, )?; mime_anychild = true; } Token::Tag(Word::OriginalZone) => { self.validate_argument(7, None, token_info.line_num, token_info.line_pos)?; zone = Zone::Original; } Token::Tag(Word::Zone) => { self.validate_argument(7, None, token_info.line_num, token_info.line_pos)?; zone = Zone::Time(self.parse_timezone()?); } _ => { if header_name.is_none() { let header = self.parse_string_token(token_info)?; if let Value::Text(header_name) = &header { if HeaderName::parse(header_name).is_none() { return Err(self .tokens .unwrap_next()? .custom(ErrorType::InvalidHeaderName)); } } header_name = header.into(); } else if date_part.is_none() { if let Token::StringConstant(string) = &token_info.token { if let Some(date_part_) = DATE_PART.get(&string.to_string().to_ascii_lowercase()) { date_part = (*date_part_).into(); continue; } } return Err(token_info.expected("valid date part")); } else { key_list = self.parse_strings_token(token_info)?; break; } } } } if !mime && mime_anychild { return Err(self.tokens.unwrap_next()?.missing_tag(":mime")); } self.validate_match(&match_type, &mut key_list)?; Ok(Test::Date(TestDate { header_name: header_name.unwrap(), key_list, date_part: date_part.unwrap(), match_type, comparator, index: if index_last { index.map(|i| -i) } else { index }, zone, mime_anychild, is_not: false, })) } pub(crate) fn parse_test_currentdate(&mut self) -> Result { let mut match_type = MatchType::Is; let mut comparator = Comparator::AsciiCaseMap; let mut key_list; let mut zone = None; let mut date_part = None; loop { let token_info = self.tokens.unwrap_next()?; match token_info.token { Token::Tag( word @ (Word::Is | Word::Contains | Word::Matches | Word::Value | Word::Count | Word::Regex | Word::List), ) => { self.validate_argument( 1, match word { Word::Value | Word::Count => Capability::Relational.into(), Word::Regex => Capability::Regex.into(), Word::List => Capability::ExtLists.into(), _ => None, }, token_info.line_num, token_info.line_pos, )?; match_type = self.parse_match_type(word)?; } Token::Tag(Word::Comparator) => { self.validate_argument(2, None, token_info.line_num, token_info.line_pos)?; comparator = self.parse_comparator()?; } Token::Tag(Word::Zone) => { self.validate_argument(3, None, token_info.line_num, token_info.line_pos)?; zone = self.parse_timezone()?.into(); } _ => { if date_part.is_none() { if let Token::StringConstant(string) = &token_info.token { if let Some(date_part_) = DATE_PART.get(&string.to_string().to_ascii_lowercase()) { date_part = (*date_part_).into(); continue; } } return Err(token_info.expected("valid date part")); } else { key_list = self.parse_strings_token(token_info)?; break; } } } } self.validate_match(&match_type, &mut key_list)?; Ok(Test::CurrentDate(TestCurrentDate { key_list, date_part: date_part.unwrap(), match_type, comparator, zone, is_not: false, })) } pub(crate) fn parse_timezone(&mut self) -> Result { let token_info = self.tokens.unwrap_next()?; if let Token::StringConstant(value) = &token_info.token { let timezone = match value { StringConstant::String(value) => value.parse::().unwrap_or(i64::MAX), StringConstant::Number(Number::Integer(n)) => *n, StringConstant::Number(Number::Float(n)) => *n as i64, }; return match timezone { 0..=1400 => Ok((timezone / 100 * 3600) + (timezone % 100 * 60)), -1200..=-1 => Ok((timezone / 100 * 3600) - (-timezone % 100 * 60)), _ => Err(token_info.expected("invalid timezone")), }; } Err(token_info.expected("string containing time zone")) } } /* "year" => the year, "0000" .. "9999". "month" => the month, "01" .. "12". "day" => the day, "01" .. "31". "date" => the date in "yyyy-mm-dd" format. "julian" => the Modified Julian Day, that is, the date expressed as an integer number of days since 00:00 UTC on November 17, 1858 (using the Gregorian calendar). This corresponds to the regular Julian Day minus 2400000.5. Sample routines to convert to and from modified Julian dates are given in Appendix A. "hour" => the hour, "00" .. "23". "minute" => the minute, "00" .. "59". "second" => the second, "00" .. "60". "time" => the time in "hh:mm:ss" format. "iso8601" => the date and time in restricted ISO 8601 format. "std11" => the date and time in a format appropriate for use in a Date: header field [RFC2822]. "zone" => the time zone in use. If the user specified a time zone with ":zone", "zone" will contain that value. If :originalzone is specified this value will be the original zone specified in the date-time value. If neither argument is specified the value will be the server's default time zone in offset format "+hhmm" or "-hhmm". An offset of 0 (Zulu) always has a positive sign. "weekday" => the day of the week expressed as an integer between "0" and "6". "0" is Sunday, "1" is Monday, etc. */ static DATE_PART: phf::Map<&'static str, DatePart> = phf_map! { "year" => DatePart::Year, "month" => DatePart::Month, "day" => DatePart::Day, "date" => DatePart::Date, "julian" => DatePart::Julian, "hour" => DatePart::Hour, "minute" => DatePart::Minute, "second" => DatePart::Second, "time" => DatePart::Time, "iso8601" => DatePart::Iso8601, "std11" => DatePart::Std11, "zone" => DatePart::Zone, "weekday" => DatePart::Weekday, };