/* * meli - jmap module. * * Copyright 2019 Manos Pitsidianakis * * This file is part of meli. * * meli is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * meli is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with meli. If not, see . */ use crate::backends::*; use crate::conf::AccountSettings; use crate::email::*; use crate::error::{MeliError, Result}; use futures::lock::Mutex as FutureMutex; use isahc::prelude::HttpClient; use isahc::ResponseExt; use serde_json::Value; use std::collections::{BTreeMap, HashMap}; use std::convert::TryFrom; use std::str::FromStr; use std::sync::{Arc, Mutex, RwLock}; use std::time::Instant; #[macro_export] macro_rules! _impl { ($(#[$outer:meta])*$field:ident : $t:ty) => { $(#[$outer])* pub fn $field(mut self, new_val: $t) -> Self { self.$field = new_val; self } }; (get_mut $(#[$outer:meta])*$method:ident, $field:ident : $t:ty) => { $(#[$outer])* pub fn $method(&mut self) -> &mut $t { &mut self.$field } }; (get $(#[$outer:meta])*$method:ident, $field:ident : $t:ty) => { $(#[$outer])* pub fn $method(&self) -> &$t { &self.$field } } } pub mod operations; use operations::*; pub mod connection; use connection::*; pub mod protocol; use protocol::*; pub mod rfc8620; use rfc8620::*; pub mod objects; use objects::*; pub mod mailbox; use mailbox::*; #[derive(Debug, Default)] pub struct EnvelopeCache { bytes: Option, headers: Option, body: Option, flags: Option, } #[derive(Debug, Clone)] pub struct JmapServerConf { pub server_hostname: String, pub server_username: String, pub server_password: String, pub server_port: u16, pub danger_accept_invalid_certs: bool, } macro_rules! get_conf_val { ($s:ident[$var:literal]) => { $s.extra.get($var).ok_or_else(|| { MeliError::new(format!( "Configuration error ({}): JMAP connection requires the field `{}` set", $s.name.as_str(), $var )) }) }; ($s:ident[$var:literal], $default:expr) => { $s.extra .get($var) .map(|v| { <_>::from_str(v).map_err(|e| { MeliError::new(format!( "Configuration error ({}): Invalid value for field `{}`: {}\n{}", $s.name.as_str(), $var, v, e )) }) }) .unwrap_or_else(|| Ok($default)) }; } impl JmapServerConf { pub fn new(s: &AccountSettings) -> Result { Ok(JmapServerConf { server_hostname: get_conf_val!(s["server_hostname"])?.to_string(), server_username: get_conf_val!(s["server_username"])?.to_string(), server_password: get_conf_val!(s["server_password"])?.to_string(), server_port: get_conf_val!(s["server_port"], 443)?, danger_accept_invalid_certs: get_conf_val!(s["danger_accept_invalid_certs"], false)?, }) } } struct IsSubscribedFn(Box bool + Send + Sync>); impl std::fmt::Debug for IsSubscribedFn { fn fmt(&self, f: &mut std::fmt::Formatter) -> std::fmt::Result { write!(f, "IsSubscribedFn Box") } } impl std::ops::Deref for IsSubscribedFn { type Target = Box bool + Send + Sync>; fn deref(&self) -> &Box bool + Send + Sync> { &self.0 } } macro_rules! get_conf_val { ($s:ident[$var:literal]) => { $s.extra.get($var).ok_or_else(|| { MeliError::new(format!( "Configuration error ({}): JMAP connection requires the field `{}` set", $s.name.as_str(), $var )) }) }; ($s:ident[$var:literal], $default:expr) => { $s.extra .get($var) .map(|v| { <_>::from_str(v).map_err(|e| { MeliError::new(format!( "Configuration error ({}): Invalid value for field `{}`: {}\n{}", $s.name.as_str(), $var, v, e )) }) }) .unwrap_or_else(|| Ok($default)) }; } #[derive(Debug, Default)] pub struct Store { byte_cache: HashMap, id_store: HashMap, blob_id_store: HashMap, } #[derive(Debug)] pub struct JmapType { account_name: String, account_hash: AccountHash, online: Arc)>>, is_subscribed: Arc, server_conf: JmapServerConf, connection: Arc>, store: Arc>, tag_index: Arc>>, mailboxes: Arc>>, } impl MailBackend for JmapType { fn capabilities(&self) -> MailBackendCapabilities { const CAPABILITIES: MailBackendCapabilities = MailBackendCapabilities { is_async: true, is_remote: true, supports_search: true, extensions: None, supports_tags: true, supports_submission: false, }; CAPABILITIES } fn is_online(&self) -> ResultFuture<()> { let online = self.online.clone(); Ok(Box::pin(async move { //match timeout(std::time::Duration::from_secs(3), connection.lock()).await { let online_lck = online.lock().await; if online_lck.1.is_err() && Instant::now().duration_since(online_lck.0) >= std::time::Duration::new(2, 0) { //let _ = self.mailboxes(); } online_lck.1.clone() })) } fn fetch( &mut self, mailbox_hash: MailboxHash, ) -> Result>> + Send + 'static>>> { let mailboxes = self.mailboxes.clone(); let store = self.store.clone(); let tag_index = self.tag_index.clone(); let connection = self.connection.clone(); Ok(Box::pin(async_stream::try_stream! { let mut conn = connection.lock().await; conn.connect().await?; let res = protocol::fetch( &conn, &store, &tag_index, &mailboxes, mailbox_hash, ).await?; yield res; })) } fn refresh(&mut self, _mailbox_hash: MailboxHash) -> ResultFuture<()> { Err(MeliError::new("Unimplemented.")) } fn watch(&self) -> ResultFuture<()> { Err(MeliError::from("JMAP watch for updates is unimplemented")) } fn mailboxes(&self) -> ResultFuture> { let mailboxes = self.mailboxes.clone(); let connection = self.connection.clone(); Ok(Box::pin(async move { let mut conn = connection.lock().await; conn.connect().await?; if mailboxes.read().unwrap().is_empty() { let new_mailboxes = debug!(protocol::get_mailboxes(&conn).await)?; *mailboxes.write().unwrap() = new_mailboxes; } let ret = mailboxes .read() .unwrap() .iter() .filter(|(_, f)| f.is_subscribed) .map(|(&h, f)| (h, BackendMailbox::clone(f) as Mailbox)) .collect(); Ok(ret) })) } fn operation(&self, hash: EnvelopeHash) -> Result> { Ok(Box::new(JmapOp::new( hash, self.connection.clone(), self.store.clone(), ))) } fn save( &self, _bytes: Vec, _mailbox_hash: MailboxHash, _flags: Option, ) -> ResultFuture<()> { Err(MeliError::new("Unimplemented.")) } fn tags(&self) -> Option>>> { Some(self.tag_index.clone()) } fn as_any(&self) -> &dyn Any { self } fn as_any_mut(&mut self) -> &mut dyn Any { self } fn search( &self, q: crate::search::Query, mailbox_hash: Option, ) -> ResultFuture> { let connection = self.connection.clone(); let filter = if let Some(mailbox_hash) = mailbox_hash { let mailbox_id = self.mailboxes.read().unwrap()[&mailbox_hash].id.clone(); let mut f = Filter::Condition( EmailFilterCondition::new() .in_mailbox(Some(mailbox_id)) .into(), ); f &= Filter::::from(q); f } else { Filter::::from(q) }; Ok(Box::pin(async move { let mut conn = connection.lock().await; conn.connect().await?; let email_call: EmailQuery = EmailQuery::new( Query::new() .account_id(conn.mail_account_id().to_string()) .filter(Some(filter)) .position(0), ) .collapse_threads(false); let mut req = Request::new(conn.request_no.clone()); req.add_call(&email_call); let mut res = conn .client .post_async(&conn.session.api_url, serde_json::to_string(&req)?) .await?; let res_text = res.text_async().await?; let mut v: MethodResponse = serde_json::from_str(&res_text).unwrap(); *conn.online_status.lock().await = (std::time::Instant::now(), Ok(())); let m = QueryResponse::::try_from(v.method_responses.remove(0))?; let QueryResponse:: { ids, .. } = m; let ret = ids .into_iter() .map(|id| { use std::hash::Hasher; let mut h = std::collections::hash_map::DefaultHasher::new(); h.write(id.as_bytes()); h.finish() }) .collect(); Ok(ret) })) } fn rename_mailbox( &mut self, _mailbox_hash: MailboxHash, _new_path: String, ) -> ResultFuture { Err(MeliError::new("Unimplemented.")) } fn create_mailbox( &mut self, _path: String, ) -> ResultFuture<(MailboxHash, HashMap)> { Err(MeliError::new("Unimplemented.")) } fn copy_messages( &mut self, _env_hashes: EnvelopeHashBatch, _source_mailbox_hash: MailboxHash, _destination_mailbox_hash: MailboxHash, _move_: bool, ) -> ResultFuture<()> { Err(MeliError::new("Unimplemented.")) } fn set_flags( &mut self, env_hashes: EnvelopeHashBatch, mailbox_hash: MailboxHash, flags: SmallVec<[(std::result::Result, bool); 8]>, ) -> ResultFuture<()> { let mailboxes = self.mailboxes.clone(); let store = self.store.clone(); let account_hash = self.account_hash; let tag_index = self.tag_index.clone(); let connection = self.connection.clone(); Ok(Box::pin(async move { let mailbox_id = mailboxes.read().unwrap()[&mailbox_hash].id.clone(); let mut update_map: HashMap = HashMap::default(); let mut ids: Vec = Vec::with_capacity(env_hashes.rest.len() + 1); let mut id_map: HashMap = HashMap::default(); let mut update_keywords: HashMap = HashMap::default(); for (flag, value) in flags.iter() { match flag { Ok(f) => { update_keywords.insert( format!( "keywords/{}", match *f { Flag::DRAFT => "$draft", Flag::FLAGGED => "$flagged", Flag::SEEN => "$seen", Flag::REPLIED => "$answered", Flag::TRASHED => "$junk", Flag::PASSED => "$passed", _ => continue, //FIXME } ), if *value { serde_json::json!(true) } else { serde_json::json!(null) }, ); } Err(t) => { update_keywords.insert( format!("keywords/{}", t), if *value { serde_json::json!(true) } else { serde_json::json!(null) }, ); } } } { let store_lck = store.read().unwrap(); for hash in env_hashes.iter() { if let Some(id) = store_lck.id_store.get(&hash) { ids.push(id.clone()); id_map.insert(id.clone(), hash); update_map.insert(id.clone(), serde_json::json!(update_keywords.clone())); } } } let conn = connection.lock().await; let email_set_call: EmailSet = EmailSet::new( Set::::new() .account_id(conn.mail_account_id().to_string()) .update(Some(update_map)), ); let mut req = Request::new(conn.request_no.clone()); let prev_seq = req.add_call(&email_set_call); let email_call: EmailGet = EmailGet::new( Get::new() .ids(Some(JmapArgument::Value(ids))) .account_id(conn.mail_account_id().to_string()) .properties(Some(vec!["keywords".to_string()])), ); req.add_call(&email_call); //debug!(serde_json::to_string(&req)?); let mut res = conn .client .post_async(&conn.session.api_url, serde_json::to_string(&req)?) .await?; let res_text = res.text_async().await?; /* *{"methodResponses":[["Email/set",{"notUpdated":null,"notDestroyed":null,"oldState":"86","newState":"87","accountId":"u148940c7","updated":{"M045926eed54b11423918f392":{"id":"M045926eed54b11423918f392"}},"created":null,"destroyed":null,"notCreated":null},"m3"]],"sessionState":"cyrus-0;p-5;vfs-0"} */ //debug!("res_text = {}", &res_text); let mut v: MethodResponse = serde_json::from_str(&res_text).unwrap(); *conn.online_status.lock().await = (std::time::Instant::now(), Ok(())); let m = SetResponse::::try_from(v.method_responses.remove(0))?; if let Some(ids) = m.not_updated { return Err(MeliError::new( ids.into_iter() .map(|err| err.to_string()) .collect::>() .join(","), )); } let mut tag_index_lck = tag_index.write().unwrap(); for (flag, value) in flags.iter() { match flag { Ok(f) => {} Err(t) => { if *value { tag_index_lck.insert(tag_hash!(t), t.clone()); } } } } let e = GetResponse::::try_from(v.method_responses.pop().unwrap())?; let GetResponse:: { list, state, .. } = e; //debug!(&list); for envobj in list { let env_hash = id_map[&envobj.id]; conn.add_refresh_event(RefreshEvent { account_hash, mailbox_hash, kind: RefreshEventKind::NewFlags( env_hash, protocol::keywords_to_flags(envobj.keywords().keys().cloned().collect()), ), }); } Ok(()) })) } } impl JmapType { pub fn new( s: &AccountSettings, is_subscribed: Box bool + Send + Sync>, event_consumer: BackendEventConsumer, ) -> Result> { let online = Arc::new(FutureMutex::new(( std::time::Instant::now(), Err(MeliError::new("Account is uninitialised.")), ))); let server_conf = JmapServerConf::new(s)?; let account_hash = { use std::collections::hash_map::DefaultHasher; use std::hash::Hasher; let mut hasher = DefaultHasher::new(); hasher.write(s.name.as_bytes()); hasher.finish() }; Ok(Box::new(JmapType { connection: Arc::new(FutureMutex::new(JmapConnection::new( &server_conf, account_hash, event_consumer, online.clone(), )?)), store: Arc::new(RwLock::new(Store::default())), tag_index: Arc::new(RwLock::new(Default::default())), mailboxes: Arc::new(RwLock::new(HashMap::default())), account_name: s.name.clone(), account_hash, online, is_subscribed: Arc::new(IsSubscribedFn(is_subscribed)), server_conf, })) } pub fn validate_config(s: &AccountSettings) -> Result<()> { get_conf_val!(s["server_hostname"])?; get_conf_val!(s["server_username"])?; get_conf_val!(s["server_password"])?; get_conf_val!(s["server_port"], 443)?; get_conf_val!(s["danger_accept_invalid_certs"], false)?; Ok(()) } }