/* * meli * * Copyright 2017-2018 Manos Pitsidianakis * * This file is part of meli. * * meli is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * meli is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with meli. If not, see . */ //! Notification handling components use std::process::{Command, Stdio}; #[cfg(all(target_os = "linux", feature = "dbus-notifications"))] pub use dbus::*; use melib::{utils::datetime, UnixTimestamp}; use smallvec::SmallVec; use super::*; #[cfg(all(target_os = "linux", feature = "dbus-notifications"))] mod dbus { use super::*; use crate::types::RateLimit; /// Passes notifications to the OS using Dbus #[derive(Debug)] pub struct DbusNotifications { rate_limit: RateLimit, id: ComponentId, } impl std::fmt::Display for DbusNotifications { fn fmt(&self, f: &mut std::fmt::Formatter) -> std::fmt::Result { write!(f, "") } } impl DbusNotifications { pub fn new(context: &Context) -> Self { Self { rate_limit: RateLimit::new( 1000, 1000, context.main_loop_handler.job_executor.clone(), ), id: ComponentId::default(), } } } impl Component for DbusNotifications { fn draw(&mut self, _grid: &mut CellBuffer, _area: Area, _context: &mut Context) {} fn process_event(&mut self, event: &mut UIEvent, context: &mut Context) -> bool { if !context.settings.notifications.enable { return false; } if let UIEvent::Notification { ref title, source: _, ref body, ref kind, } = event { if !self.rate_limit.tick() { return false; } let settings = &context.settings.notifications; let mut notification = notify_rust::Notification::new(); notification .appname("meli") .summary(title.as_ref().map(<_>::as_ref).unwrap_or("meli")) .body(&escape_str(body)); match *kind { Some(NotificationType::NewMail) => { notification.hint(notify_rust::Hint::Category("email".to_owned())); notification.icon("mail-message-new"); notification.sound_name("message-new-email"); } Some(NotificationType::SentMail) => { notification.hint(notify_rust::Hint::Category("email".to_owned())); notification.icon("mail-send"); notification.sound_name("message-sent-email"); } Some(NotificationType::Saved) => { notification.icon("document-save"); } Some(NotificationType::Info) => { notification.icon("dialog-information"); } Some(NotificationType::Error(melib::ErrorKind::Authentication)) => { notification.icon("dialog-password"); } Some(NotificationType::Error(melib::ErrorKind::Bug)) => { notification.icon("face-embarrassed"); } Some(NotificationType::Error(melib::ErrorKind::None)) | Some(NotificationType::Error(melib::ErrorKind::External)) => { notification.icon("dialog-error"); } Some(NotificationType::Error(melib::ErrorKind::Network(_))) => { notification.icon("network-error"); } Some(NotificationType::Error(melib::ErrorKind::TimedOut)) => { notification.icon("network-offline"); } _ => {} } if settings.play_sound.is_true() { if let Some(ref sound_path) = settings.sound_file { notification.hint(notify_rust::Hint::SoundFile(sound_path.to_owned())); } } else { notification.hint(notify_rust::Hint::SuppressSound(true)); } if let Err(err) = notification.show() { log::error!("Could not show dbus notification: {err}"); } } false } fn set_dirty(&mut self, _value: bool) {} fn is_dirty(&self) -> bool { false } fn id(&self) -> ComponentId { self.id } } fn escape_str(s: &str) -> String { let mut ret: String = String::with_capacity(s.len()); for c in s.chars() { match c { '&' => ret.push_str("&"), '<' => ret.push_str("<"), '>' => ret.push_str(">"), '\'' => ret.push_str("'"), '"' => ret.push_str("""), _ => { let i = c as u32; if (0x1..=0x8).contains(&i) || (0xb..=0xc).contains(&i) || (0xe..=0x1f).contains(&i) || (0x7f..=0x84).contains(&i) || (0x86..=0x9f).contains(&i) { use std::fmt::Write; let _ = write!(ret, "&#{:x}%{:x};", i, i); } else { ret.push(c); } } } } ret } } /// Passes notifications to a user defined shell command #[derive(Debug, Default)] pub struct NotificationCommand { id: ComponentId, } impl NotificationCommand { pub fn new() -> Self { Self::default() } } impl std::fmt::Display for NotificationCommand { fn fmt(&self, f: &mut std::fmt::Formatter) -> std::fmt::Result { write!(f, "") } } impl Component for NotificationCommand { fn draw(&mut self, _grid: &mut CellBuffer, _area: Area, _context: &mut Context) {} fn process_event(&mut self, event: &mut UIEvent, context: &mut Context) -> bool { if let UIEvent::Notification { ref title, source: _, ref body, ref kind, } = event { if context.settings.notifications.enable { if *kind == Some(NotificationType::NewMail) { if let Some(ref path) = context.settings.notifications.xbiff_file_path { if let Err(err) = update_xbiff(path) { log::error!("Could not update xbiff file: {err}."); } } } let script = if *kind == Some(NotificationType::NewMail) && context.settings.notifications.new_mail_script.is_some() { context.settings.notifications.new_mail_script.as_ref() } else { context.settings.notifications.script.as_ref() }; if let Some(ref bin) = script { match Command::new(bin) .arg(&kind.map(|k| k.to_string()).unwrap_or_default()) .arg(title.as_ref().map(<_>::as_ref).unwrap_or("meli")) .arg(body.as_ref()) .stdin(Stdio::piped()) .stdout(Stdio::piped()) .spawn() { Ok(child) => { context .children .entry(stringify!(NotificationCommand).into()) .or_default() .push(child); } Err(err) => { log::error!("Could not run notification script: {err}."); } } } else { #[cfg(target_os = "macos")] { let applescript = format!( "display notification \"{message}\" with title \"{title}\" subtitle \ \"{subtitle}\"", message = body.replace('"', "'"), title = title .as_ref() .map(<_>::as_ref) .unwrap_or("meli") .replace('"', "'"), subtitle = kind .map(|k| k.to_string()) .unwrap_or_default() .replace('"', "'") ); match Command::new("osascript") .arg("-e") .arg(applescript) .stdin(Stdio::piped()) .stdout(Stdio::piped()) .spawn() { Ok(child) => { context .children .entry(stringify!(NotificationCommand).into()) .or_default() .push(child); return false; } Err(err) => { log::error!("Could not run notification script: {err}."); } } } context .replies .push_back(UIEvent::StatusEvent(StatusEvent::DisplayMessage(format!( "{title}{}{body}", if title.is_some() { " " } else { "" }, title = title.as_deref().unwrap_or_default(), body = body, )))); } } } false } fn is_dirty(&self) -> bool { false } fn set_dirty(&mut self, _value: bool) {} fn id(&self) -> ComponentId { self.id } } fn update_xbiff(path: &str) -> Result<()> { let mut file = std::fs::OpenOptions::new() .append(true) /* writes will append to a file instead of overwriting previous contents */ .create(true) /* a new file will be created if the file does not yet already exist. */ .open(path)?; if file.metadata()?.len() > 128 { file.set_len(0)?; } else { std::io::Write::write_all(&mut file, b"z")?; } Ok(()) } #[derive(Debug)] /// On-screen-display messages. pub struct DisplayMessage { pub timestamp: UnixTimestamp, pub msg: String, } #[derive(Debug)] /// Show notifications on [`Screen`]. pub struct DisplayMessageBox { messages: SmallVec<[DisplayMessage; 8]>, pub expiration_start: Option, pub active: bool, dirty: bool, pub initialised: bool, pub pos: usize, cached_area: Area, id: ComponentId, } impl DisplayMessageBox { pub fn new(sc: &Screen) -> Box { Box::new(Self { messages: SmallVec::new(), expiration_start: None, pos: 0, active: false, dirty: false, initialised: false, cached_area: sc.area().into_empty(), id: ComponentId::default(), }) } #[inline] pub fn cached_area(&self) -> Area { self.cached_area } } impl std::ops::Deref for DisplayMessageBox { type Target = SmallVec<[DisplayMessage; 8]>; fn deref(&self) -> &Self::Target { &self.messages } } impl std::ops::DerefMut for DisplayMessageBox { fn deref_mut(&mut self) -> &mut Self::Target { &mut self.messages } } impl std::fmt::Display for DisplayMessageBox { fn fmt(&self, f: &mut std::fmt::Formatter) -> std::fmt::Result { write!(f, "") } } impl Component for DisplayMessageBox { fn draw(&mut self, grid: &mut CellBuffer, area: Area, context: &mut Context) { if let Some(DisplayMessage { ref timestamp, ref msg, .. }) = self.messages.get(self.pos) { let noto_colors = crate::conf::value(context, "status.notification"); use crate::melib::text::{Reflow, TextProcessing}; let box_width = area.width() / 3; if box_width < 10 { self.set_dirty(false); return; } let msg_lines = msg.split_lines_reflow(Reflow::All, Some(box_width)); let width = msg_lines .iter() .map(|line| line.grapheme_len() + 4) .max() .unwrap_or(0); if width == 0 { self.set_dirty(false); return; } self.cached_area = area.place_inside( (width, area.height().min(msg_lines.len() + 4)), false, false, ); let box_displ_area = create_box(grid, self.cached_area); for row in grid.bounds_iter(box_displ_area) { for c in row { grid[c] .set_ch(' ') .set_fg(noto_colors.fg) .set_bg(noto_colors.bg) .set_attrs(noto_colors.attrs); } } let mut lines_no = 0; for (idx, line) in msg_lines .into_iter() .chain(Some(String::new())) .chain(Some(datetime::timestamp_to_string(*timestamp, None, false))) .enumerate() { let (_, y) = grid.write_string( &line, noto_colors.fg, noto_colors.bg, noto_colors.attrs, box_displ_area.skip_rows(idx), Some(0), ); lines_no += 1 + y; } if self.messages.len() > 1 { grid.write_string( &if self.pos == 0 { format!( "Next: {}", context.settings.shortcuts.general.info_message_next ) } else if self.pos + 1 == self.len() { format!( "Prev: {}", context.settings.shortcuts.general.info_message_previous ) } else { format!( "Prev: {} Next: {}", context.settings.shortcuts.general.info_message_previous, context.settings.shortcuts.general.info_message_next ) }, noto_colors.fg, noto_colors.bg, noto_colors.attrs, box_displ_area.skip_rows(lines_no), Some(0), ); } } else { self.cached_area = area.into_empty(); } self.set_dirty(false); } fn process_event(&mut self, _event: &mut UIEvent, _context: &mut Context) -> bool { false } fn is_dirty(&self) -> bool { self.dirty } fn set_dirty(&mut self, value: bool) { self.dirty = value; } fn id(&self) -> ComponentId { self.id } }