/* * meli * * Copyright 2017-2018 Manos Pitsidianakis * * This file is part of meli. * * meli is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * meli is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with meli. If not, see . */ //! The application's state. //! //! The UI crate has an [`Box`](crate::components::Component)-Component-System design. The //! system part, is also the application's state, so they're both merged in the //! [`State`] struct. //! //! [`State`] owns all the Components of the UI. In the application's main event //! loop, input is handed to the state in the form of [`UIEvent`] objects which //! traverse the component graph. Components decide to handle each input or not. //! //! Input is received in the main loop from threads which listen on the stdin //! for user input, observe folders for file changes etc. The relevant struct is //! [`ThreadEvent`]. use std::{ borrow::Cow, collections::BTreeSet, env, os::fd::{AsRawFd, FromRawFd, OwnedFd}, path::{Path, PathBuf}, sync::Arc, thread, }; use crossbeam::channel::{unbounded, Receiver, Sender}; use indexmap::{IndexMap, IndexSet}; use melib::{ backends::{AccountHash, BackendEvent, BackendEventConsumer, Backends, RefreshEvent}, utils::datetime, }; use smallvec::SmallVec; use super::*; use crate::{ jobs::JobExecutor, notifications::{DisplayMessage, DisplayMessageBox}, terminal::{get_events, Screen, Tty}, }; struct InputHandler { pipe: (OwnedFd, OwnedFd), rx: Receiver, tx: Sender, state_tx: Sender, control: std::sync::Weak<()>, } impl InputHandler { fn restore(&mut self) { let working = Arc::new(()); let control = Arc::downgrade(&working); /* Clear channel without blocking. switch_to_main_screen() issues a kill when * returning from a fork and there's no input thread, so the newly created * thread will receive it and die. */ //let _ = self.rx.try_iter().count(); let rx = self.rx.clone(); let pipe = nix::unistd::dup(self.pipe.0.as_raw_fd()) .expect("Fatal: Could not dup() input pipe file descriptor"); let tx = self.state_tx.clone(); thread::Builder::new() .name("input-thread".to_string()) .spawn(move || { let pipe = unsafe { OwnedFd::from_raw_fd(pipe) }; get_events( |i| { tx.send(ThreadEvent::Input(i)).unwrap(); }, &rx, &pipe, working, ) }) .unwrap(); self.control = control; } fn kill(&self) { let _ = nix::unistd::write(self.pipe.1.as_raw_fd(), &[1]); self.tx.send(InputCommand::Kill).unwrap(); } fn check(&mut self) { match self.control.upgrade() { Some(_) => {} None => { log::trace!("restarting input_thread"); self.restore(); } } } } #[derive(Clone, Debug)] pub struct MainLoopHandler { pub sender: Sender, pub job_executor: Arc, } impl MainLoopHandler { #[inline] pub fn send(&self, event: ThreadEvent) { if let Err(err) = self.sender.send(event) { log::error!("Could not send event to main loop: {}", err); } } } /// A context container for loaded settings, accounts, UI changes, etc. pub struct Context { pub accounts: IndexMap, pub settings: Box, /// Areas of the screen that must be redrawn in the next render pub dirty_areas: VecDeque, /// Events queue that components send back to the state pub replies: VecDeque, pub realized: IndexMap>, pub unrealized: IndexSet, pub main_loop_handler: MainLoopHandler, receiver: Receiver, input_thread: InputHandler, current_dir: PathBuf, /// Children processes pub children: IndexMap, Vec>, pub temp_files: Vec, } impl Context { pub fn replies(&mut self) -> smallvec::SmallVec<[UIEvent; 8]> { self.replies.drain(0..).collect() } pub fn input_kill(&self) { self.input_thread.kill(); } pub fn restore_input(&mut self) { self.input_thread.restore(); } pub fn is_online_idx(&mut self, account_pos: usize) -> Result<()> { let Self { ref mut accounts, ref mut replies, .. } = self; let was_online = accounts[account_pos].is_online.is_true(); let ret = accounts[account_pos].is_online(); if ret.is_ok() && !was_online { log::trace!("inserting mailbox hashes:"); for mailbox_node in accounts[account_pos].list_mailboxes() { log::trace!( "hash & mailbox: {:?} {}", mailbox_node.hash, accounts[account_pos][&mailbox_node.hash].name() ); } accounts[account_pos].watch(); replies.push_back(UIEvent::AccountStatusChange( accounts[account_pos].hash(), None, )); } if ret.is_ok() != was_online { replies.push_back(UIEvent::AccountStatusChange( accounts[account_pos].hash(), None, )); } ret } pub fn is_online(&mut self, account_hash: AccountHash) -> Result<()> { let idx = self.accounts.get_index_of(&account_hash).unwrap(); self.is_online_idx(idx) } #[cfg(test)] pub fn new_mock(dir: &tempfile::TempDir) -> Self { let (sender, receiver) = crossbeam::channel::bounded(32 * ::std::mem::size_of::()); let job_executor = Arc::new(JobExecutor::new(sender.clone())); let input_thread = unbounded(); let input_thread_pipe = crate::types::pipe().unwrap(); let backends = Backends::new(); let settings = Box::new(Settings::new().unwrap()); let accounts = vec![{ let name = "test".to_string(); let mut account_conf = crate::conf::AccountConf::default(); account_conf.conf.format = "maildir".to_string(); account_conf.account.format = "maildir".to_string(); account_conf.account.root_mailbox = dir.path().display().to_string(); let sender = sender.clone(); let account_hash = AccountHash::from_bytes(name.as_bytes()); Account::new( account_hash, name, account_conf, &backends, MainLoopHandler { job_executor: job_executor.clone(), sender: sender.clone(), }, BackendEventConsumer::new(Arc::new( move |account_hash: AccountHash, ev: BackendEvent| { sender .send(ThreadEvent::UIEvent(UIEvent::BackendEvent( account_hash, ev, ))) .unwrap(); }, )), ) .unwrap() }]; let accounts = accounts.into_iter().map(|acc| (acc.hash(), acc)).collect(); let working = Arc::new(()); let control = Arc::downgrade(&working); Self { accounts, settings, dirty_areas: VecDeque::with_capacity(0), replies: VecDeque::with_capacity(0), realized: IndexMap::default(), unrealized: IndexSet::default(), temp_files: Vec::new(), current_dir: std::env::current_dir().unwrap(), children: IndexMap::default(), input_thread: InputHandler { pipe: input_thread_pipe, rx: input_thread.1, tx: input_thread.0, control, state_tx: sender.clone(), }, main_loop_handler: MainLoopHandler { job_executor, sender, }, receiver, } } pub fn current_dir(&self) -> &Path { &self.current_dir } } /// A State object to manage and own components and components of the UI. /// `State` is responsible for managing the terminal and interfacing with /// `melib` pub struct State { screen: Box>, draw_rate_limit: RateLimit, child: Option, pub mode: UIMode, overlay: IndexMap>, components: IndexMap>, component_tree: IndexMap, pub context: Box, timer: thread::JoinHandle<()>, message_box: Box, } impl Drop for State { fn drop(&mut self) { // When done, restore the defaults to avoid messing with the terminal. self.screen.switch_to_main_screen(); use nix::sys::wait::{waitpid, WaitPidFlag}; for (id, pid, err) in self .context .children .iter_mut() .flat_map(|(i, v)| v.drain(..).map(move |v| (i, v))) .filter_map(|(id, child)| { if let Err(err) = waitpid( nix::unistd::Pid::from_raw(child.id() as i32), Some(WaitPidFlag::WNOHANG), ) { Some((id, child.id(), err)) } else { None } }) { log::trace!("Failed to wait on subprocess {} ({}): {}", id, pid, err); } if let Some(ForkType::Embedded { id, command, pid }) = self.child.take() { /* Try wait, we don't want to block */ if let Err(err) = waitpid(pid, Some(WaitPidFlag::WNOHANG)) { log::trace!( "Failed to wait on embedded process {} {} ({}): {}", id, if let Some(v) = command.as_ref() { v.as_ref() } else { "" }, pid, err ); } } } } impl State { pub fn new( settings: Option, sender: Sender, receiver: Receiver, ) -> Result { /* * Create async channel to block the input-thread if we need to fork and stop * it from reading stdin, see get_events() for details */ let input_thread = unbounded(); let input_thread_pipe = crate::types::pipe()?; let backends = Backends::new(); let settings = Box::new(if let Some(settings) = settings { settings } else { Settings::new()? }); /* let mut plugin_manager = PluginManager::new(); for (_, p) in settings.plugins.clone() { if crate::plugins::PluginKind::Backend == p.kind() { debug!("registering {:?}", &p); crate::plugins::backend::PluginBackend::register( plugin_manager.listener(), p.clone(), &mut backends, ); } plugin_manager.register(p)?; } */ let (cols, rows) = termion::terminal_size().chain_err_summary(|| { "Could not determine terminal size. Are you running this on a tty? If yes, do you need \ permissions for tty ioctls?" })?; let (cols, rows) = (cols as usize, rows as usize); let job_executor = Arc::new(JobExecutor::new(sender.clone())); let accounts = { settings .accounts .iter() .map(|(n, a_s)| { let sender = sender.clone(); let account_hash = AccountHash::from_bytes(n.as_bytes()); Account::new( account_hash, n.to_string(), a_s.clone(), &backends, MainLoopHandler { job_executor: job_executor.clone(), sender: sender.clone(), }, BackendEventConsumer::new(Arc::new( move |account_hash: AccountHash, ev: BackendEvent| { sender .send(ThreadEvent::UIEvent(UIEvent::BackendEvent( account_hash, ev, ))) .unwrap(); }, )), ) }) .collect::>>()? }; let accounts = accounts.into_iter().map(|acc| (acc.hash(), acc)).collect(); let timer = { let sender = sender.clone(); thread::Builder::new().spawn(move || { let sender = sender; loop { thread::park(); sender.send(ThreadEvent::Pulse).unwrap(); thread::sleep(std::time::Duration::from_millis(100)); } }) }?; timer.thread().unpark(); let working = Arc::new(()); let control = Arc::downgrade(&working); let mut screen = Box::new(Screen::::new().with_cols_and_rows(cols, rows)); screen .tty_mut() .set_mouse(settings.terminal.use_mouse.is_true()) .set_draw_fn(if settings.terminal.use_color() { Screen::draw_horizontal_segment } else { Screen::draw_horizontal_segment_no_color }); let message_box = DisplayMessageBox::new(&screen); let mut s = Self { screen, child: None, mode: UIMode::Normal, components: IndexMap::default(), overlay: IndexMap::default(), component_tree: IndexMap::default(), timer, draw_rate_limit: RateLimit::new(1, 3, job_executor.clone()), message_box, context: Box::new(Context { accounts, settings, dirty_areas: VecDeque::with_capacity(5), replies: VecDeque::with_capacity(5), realized: IndexMap::default(), unrealized: IndexSet::default(), temp_files: Vec::new(), current_dir: std::env::current_dir()?, children: IndexMap::default(), input_thread: InputHandler { pipe: input_thread_pipe, rx: input_thread.1, tx: input_thread.0, control, state_tx: sender.clone(), }, main_loop_handler: MainLoopHandler { job_executor, sender, }, receiver, }), }; if s.context.settings.terminal.ascii_drawing { s.screen.grid_mut().set_ascii_drawing(true); s.screen.overlay_grid_mut().set_ascii_drawing(true); } s.screen.switch_to_alternate_screen(&s.context); for i in 0..s.context.accounts.len() { if !s.context.accounts[i].backend_capabilities.is_remote { s.context.accounts[i].watch(); } if s.context.is_online_idx(i).is_ok() && s.context.accounts[i].is_empty() { //return Err(Error::new(format!( // "Account {} has no mailboxes configured.", // s.context.accounts[i].name() //))); } } s.context.restore_input(); Ok(s) } /* * When we receive a mailbox hash from a watcher thread, * we match the hash to the index of the mailbox, request a reload * and startup a thread to remind us to poll it every now and then till it's * finished. */ pub fn refresh_event(&mut self, event: RefreshEvent) { let account_hash = event.account_hash; let mailbox_hash = event.mailbox_hash; if self.context.accounts[&account_hash] .mailbox_entries .contains_key(&mailbox_hash) { if self.context.accounts[&account_hash] .load(mailbox_hash) .is_err() { self.context.replies.push_back(UIEvent::from(event)); return; } let Context { ref mut accounts, .. } = &mut *self.context; if let Some(notification) = accounts[&account_hash].reload(event, mailbox_hash) { if matches!(notification, UIEvent::Notification { .. }) { self.rcv_event(UIEvent::MailboxUpdate((account_hash, mailbox_hash))); } self.rcv_event(notification); } } else if let melib::backends::RefreshEventKind::Failure(err) = event.kind { log::warn!("Backend could not refresh: {}", err); } } pub fn receiver(&self) -> Receiver { self.context.receiver.clone() } pub fn sender(&self) -> Sender { self.context.main_loop_handler.sender.clone() } pub fn restore_input(&mut self) { self.context.restore_input(); } /// On `SIGWINCH` the `State` redraws itself according to the new terminal /// size. pub fn update_size(&mut self) { self.screen.update_size(); self.rcv_event(UIEvent::Resize); self.message_box.set_dirty(true); self.message_box.initialised = false; // Invalidate dirty areas. self.context.dirty_areas.clear(); } /// Force a redraw for all dirty components. pub fn redraw(&mut self) { if !self.draw_rate_limit.tick() { return; } for i in 0..self.components.len() { self.draw_component(i); } let mut areas: smallvec::SmallVec<[Area; 8]> = self.context.dirty_areas.drain(0..).collect(); let can_draw_above_screen: bool = !matches!(self.mode, UIMode::Embedded | UIMode::Fork); if self.message_box.active { let now = datetime::now(); if self .message_box .expiration_start .map(|t| t + 5 < now) .unwrap_or(false) { self.message_box.active = false; self.message_box.set_dirty(true); self.message_box.initialised = false; self.message_box.expiration_start = None; areas.push(self.screen.area()); } } /* Sort by x_start, ie upper_left corner's x coordinate */ areas.sort_by(|a, b| a.upper_left().0.partial_cmp(&b.upper_left().0).unwrap()); if self.message_box.active && can_draw_above_screen { /* Check if any dirty area intersects with the area occupied by * floating notification box */ let displ = self.message_box.cached_area(); let (displ_top, displ_bot) = (displ.upper_left(), displ.bottom_right()); let mut is_dirty = self.message_box.is_dirty(); for a in &areas { let (top_x, top_y) = a.upper_left(); let (bottom_x, bottom_y) = a.bottom_right(); is_dirty |= !(bottom_y < displ_top.1 || displ_bot.1 < top_y || bottom_x < displ_top.0 || displ_bot.0 < top_x); } self.message_box.set_dirty(is_dirty); } /* draw each dirty area */ let rows = self.screen.area().height(); for y in 0..rows { let mut segment = None; for ((x_start, y_start), (x_end, y_end)) in areas.iter().map(|a| (a.upper_left(), a.bottom_right())) { if y < y_start || y > y_end { continue; } if let Some((x_start, x_end)) = segment.take() { self.screen.draw(x_start, x_end, y); } match segment { ref mut s @ None => { *s = Some((x_start, x_end)); } ref mut s @ Some(_) if s.unwrap().1 < x_start => { self.screen.draw(s.unwrap().0, s.unwrap().1, y); *s = Some((x_start, x_end)); } ref mut s @ Some(_) if s.unwrap().1 < x_end => { self.screen.draw(s.unwrap().0, s.unwrap().1, y); *s = Some((s.unwrap().1, x_end)); } Some((_, ref mut x)) => { *x = x_end; } } } if let Some((x_start, x_end)) = segment { self.screen.draw(x_start, x_end, y); } } if self.message_box.is_dirty() && self.message_box.active && can_draw_above_screen { if !self.message_box.is_empty() { if !self.message_box.initialised { { /* Clear area previously occupied by floating * notification box */ if self.message_box.cached_area().generation() == self.screen.area().generation() { for row in self .screen .grid() .bounds_iter(self.message_box.cached_area()) { self.screen .draw(row.cols().start, row.cols().end, row.row_index()); } } } } let area = self.screen.area(); self.message_box .draw(self.screen.overlay_grid_mut(), area, &mut self.context); for row in self .screen .overlay_grid() .bounds_iter(self.message_box.cached_area()) { self.screen .draw_overlay(row.cols().start, row.cols().end, row.row_index()); } } self.message_box.set_dirty(false); } else if self.message_box.is_dirty() && can_draw_above_screen { /* Clear area previously occupied by floating notification box */ if self.message_box.cached_area().generation() == self.screen.area().generation() { for row in self .screen .grid() .bounds_iter(self.message_box.cached_area()) { self.screen .draw(row.cols().start, row.cols().end, row.row_index()); } } self.message_box.set_dirty(false); } if !self.overlay.is_empty() && can_draw_above_screen { let area: Area = self.screen.area(); let overlay_area = area.center_inside(( if self.screen.cols() / 3 > 30 { self.screen.cols() / 3 } else { self.screen.cols() }, if self.screen.rows() / 5 > 10 { self.screen.rows() / 5 } else { self.screen.rows() }, )); { let (grid, overlay_grid) = self.screen.grid_and_overlay_grid_mut(); overlay_grid.copy_area(grid, area, area); self.overlay.get_index_mut(0).unwrap().1.draw( overlay_grid, overlay_area, &mut self.context, ); } for row in self.screen.overlay_grid().bounds_iter(overlay_area) { self.screen .draw_overlay(row.cols().start, row.cols().end, row.row_index()); } } self.flush(); } /// Draw the entire screen from scratch. pub fn render(&mut self) { self.screen.update_size(); self.context.dirty_areas.push_back(self.screen.area()); self.redraw(); } pub fn draw_component(&mut self, idx: usize) { let component = &mut self.components[idx]; if component.is_dirty() { let area = self.screen.area(); component.draw(self.screen.grid_mut(), area, &mut self.context); } } pub fn can_quit_cleanly(&mut self) -> bool { let Self { ref mut components, ref context, .. } = self; components.values_mut().all(|c| c.can_quit_cleanly(context)) } pub fn register_component(&mut self, component: Box) { component.realize(None, &mut self.context); self.components.insert(component.id(), component); } /// Convert user commands to actions/method calls. fn exec_command(&mut self, cmd: Action) { match cmd { SetEnv(key, val) => { env::set_var(key.as_str(), val.as_str()); } PrintEnv(key) => { self.context .replies .push_back(UIEvent::StatusEvent(StatusEvent::DisplayMessage( env::var(key.as_str()).unwrap_or_else(|e| e.to_string()), ))); } ChangeCurrentDirectory(dir) => { self.context.current_dir = dir; self.context .replies .push_back(UIEvent::StatusEvent(StatusEvent::DisplayMessage( self.context.current_dir.display().to_string(), ))); } CurrentDirectory => { self.context .replies .push_back(UIEvent::StatusEvent(StatusEvent::DisplayMessage( self.context.current_dir.display().to_string(), ))); } Mailbox(account_name, op) => { if let Some(account) = self .context .accounts .values_mut() .find(|a| a.name() == account_name) { if let Err(err) = account.mailbox_operation(op) { self.context.replies.push_back(UIEvent::StatusEvent( StatusEvent::DisplayMessage(err.to_string()), )); } } else { self.context.replies.push_back(UIEvent::StatusEvent( StatusEvent::DisplayMessage(format!( "Account with name `{}` not found.", account_name )), )); } } #[cfg(feature = "sqlite3")] AccountAction(ref account_name, ReIndex) => { let account_index = if let Some(a) = self .context .accounts .iter() .position(|(_, acc)| acc.name() == account_name) { a } else { self.context.replies.push_back(UIEvent::Notification { title: None, source: None, body: format!("Account {account_name} was not found.").into(), kind: Some(NotificationType::Error(ErrorKind::None)), }); return; }; if *self.context.accounts[account_index] .settings .conf .search_backend() != crate::conf::SearchBackend::Sqlite3 { self.context.replies.push_back(UIEvent::Notification { title: None, source: None, body: format!( "Account {account_name} doesn't have an sqlite3 search backend.", ) .into(), kind: Some(NotificationType::Error(ErrorKind::None)), }); return; } let account = &self.context.accounts[account_index]; let (acc_name, backend_mutex): (Arc, Arc<_>) = ( Arc::new(account.name().to_string()), account.backend.clone(), ); let job = crate::sqlite3::AccountCache::index( acc_name, account.collection.clone(), backend_mutex, ); let handle = self .context .main_loop_handler .job_executor .spawn_specialized("sqlite3::index".into(), job); self.context.accounts[account_index].active_jobs.insert( handle.job_id, crate::accounts::JobRequest::Generic { name: "Message index rebuild".into(), handle, on_finish: None, log_level: LogLevel::INFO, }, ); self.context.replies.push_back(UIEvent::Notification { title: None, source: None, body: "Message index rebuild started.".into(), kind: Some(NotificationType::Info), }); } #[cfg(not(feature = "sqlite3"))] AccountAction(_, ReIndex) => { self.context.replies.push_back(UIEvent::Notification { title: None, source: None, body: "Message index rebuild failed: meli is not built with sqlite3 support." .into(), kind: Some(NotificationType::Error(ErrorKind::None)), }); } AccountAction(ref account_name, PrintAccountSetting(ref setting)) => { let path = setting.split('.').collect::>(); if let Some(pos) = self .context .accounts .iter() .position(|(_h, a)| a.name() == account_name) { self.context.replies.push_back(UIEvent::StatusEvent( StatusEvent::UpdateStatus( self.context.accounts[pos] .settings .lookup("settings", &path) .unwrap_or_else(|err| err.to_string()), ), )); } else { self.context.replies.push_back(UIEvent::Notification { title: None, source: None, body: format!("Account {account_name} was not found.").into(), kind: Some(NotificationType::Error(ErrorKind::None)), }); } } PrintSetting(ref setting) => { let path = setting.split('.').collect::>(); self.context .replies .push_back(UIEvent::StatusEvent(StatusEvent::UpdateStatus( self.context .settings .lookup("settings", &path) .unwrap_or_else(|err| err.to_string()), ))); } ToggleMouse => { let new_val = !self.screen.tty().mouse(); self.screen.tty_mut().set_mouse(new_val); self.rcv_event(UIEvent::StatusEvent(StatusEvent::SetMouse(new_val))); } Quit => { self.context .main_loop_handler .sender .send(ThreadEvent::Input(( self.context.settings.shortcuts.general.quit.clone(), vec![], ))) .unwrap(); } v => { self.rcv_event(UIEvent::Action(v)); } } } /// The application's main loop sends `UIEvents` to state via this method. pub fn rcv_event(&mut self, mut event: UIEvent) { if let UIEvent::Input(_) = event { if self.message_box.expiration_start.is_none() { self.message_box.expiration_start = Some(datetime::now()); } } match event { // Command type is handled only by State. UIEvent::Command(cmd) => { match parse_command(cmd.as_bytes()) { Ok(action) => { if action.needs_confirmation() { let new = Box::new(UIConfirmationDialog::new( "Are you sure?", vec![(true, "yes".to_string()), (false, "no".to_string())], true, Some(Box::new(move |id: ComponentId, result: bool| { Some(UIEvent::FinishedUIDialog( id, Box::new(if result { Some(action) } else { None }), )) })), &self.context, )); self.overlay.insert(new.id(), new); } else if matches!(action, Action::ReloadConfiguration) { let res = Settings::new().and_then(|new_settings| { let old_accounts = self .context .settings .accounts .keys() .collect::>(); let new_accounts = new_settings .accounts .keys() .collect::>(); if old_accounts != new_accounts { return Err("cannot reload account configuration changes; \ restart meli instead." .into()); } for (key, acc) in new_settings.accounts.iter() { if toml::Value::try_from(acc) != toml::Value::try_from( &self.context.settings.accounts[key], ) { return Err("cannot reload account configuration \ changes; restart meli instead." .into()); } } if toml::Value::try_from(&new_settings) == toml::Value::try_from(&self.context.settings) { return Err("No changes detected.".into()); } Ok(Box::new(new_settings)) }); match res { Ok(new_settings) => { let old_settings = std::mem::replace(&mut self.context.settings, new_settings); self.context .replies .push_back(UIEvent::ConfigReload { old_settings }); self.context.replies.push_back(UIEvent::Resize); } Err(err) => { self.context.replies.push_back(UIEvent::StatusEvent( StatusEvent::DisplayMessage(format!( "Could not load configuration: {}", err )), )); } } } else { self.exec_command(action); } } Err(err) => { self.context.replies.push_back(UIEvent::StatusEvent( StatusEvent::DisplayMessage(format!("Invalid command `{cmd}`: {err}")), )); } } return; } UIEvent::Fork(ForkType::Finished) => { /* * Fork has finished in the past. * We're back in the AlternateScreen, but the cursor is reset to Shown, so fix * it. write!(self.screen.stdout(), "{}", cursor::Hide,).unwrap(); self.flush(); */ self.screen.switch_to_main_screen(); self.screen.switch_to_alternate_screen(&self.context); self.context.restore_input(); return; } UIEvent::Fork(ForkType::Generic { id, command: _, child, }) => { self.context.children.entry(id).or_default().push(child); return; } UIEvent::Fork(child) => { self.mode = UIMode::Fork; self.child = Some(child); return; } UIEvent::BackendEvent( account_hash, BackendEvent::Notice { ref description, ref content, level, }, ) => { log::log!( level.into(), "{}: {}{}{}", self.context.accounts[&account_hash].name(), description.as_str(), if content.is_some() { ": " } else { "" }, content.as_ref().map(|s| s.as_str()).unwrap_or("") ); self.rcv_event(UIEvent::StatusEvent(StatusEvent::DisplayMessage( description.to_string(), ))); return; } UIEvent::BackendEvent(account_hash, BackendEvent::AccountStateChange { message }) => { self.rcv_event(UIEvent::AccountStatusChange(account_hash, Some(message))); return; } UIEvent::BackendEvent(_, BackendEvent::Refresh(refresh_event)) => { self.refresh_event(refresh_event); return; } UIEvent::ChangeMode(m) => { self.context .main_loop_handler .sender .send(ThreadEvent::UIEvent(UIEvent::ChangeMode(m))) .unwrap(); } UIEvent::Timer(id) if id == self.draw_rate_limit.id() => { self.draw_rate_limit.reset(); self.redraw(); return; } UIEvent::Input(ref key) if *key == self .context .settings .shortcuts .general .info_message_previous => { self.message_box.expiration_start = Some(datetime::now()); self.message_box.active = true; self.message_box.initialised = false; self.message_box.set_dirty(true); self.message_box.pos = self.message_box.pos.saturating_sub(1); return; } UIEvent::Input(ref key) if *key == self.context.settings.shortcuts.general.info_message_next => { self.message_box.expiration_start = Some(datetime::now()); self.message_box.active = true; self.message_box.initialised = false; self.message_box.set_dirty(true); self.message_box.pos = std::cmp::min( self.message_box.len().saturating_sub(1), self.message_box.pos + 1, ); return; } UIEvent::StatusEvent(StatusEvent::DisplayMessage(ref msg)) => { self.message_box.push(DisplayMessage { timestamp: datetime::now(), msg: msg.clone(), }); self.message_box.active = true; self.message_box.initialised = false; self.message_box.set_dirty(true); self.message_box.expiration_start = None; self.message_box.pos = self.message_box.len() - 1; self.redraw(); } UIEvent::FinishedUIDialog(ref id, ref mut results) if self.overlay.contains_key(id) => { if let Some(ref mut action @ Some(_)) = results.downcast_mut::>() { self.exec_command(action.take().unwrap()); return; } } UIEvent::Callback(callback_fn) => { (callback_fn.0)(&mut self.context); return; } UIEvent::GlobalUIDialog { value, parent } => { self.context.realized.insert(value.id(), parent); self.overlay.insert(value.id(), value); self.process_realizations(); return; } _ => {} } self.process_realizations(); let Self { ref mut components, ref mut context, ref mut overlay, .. } = self; /* inform each component */ for c in overlay.values_mut().chain(components.values_mut()) { if c.process_event(&mut event, context) { break; } } if !self.context.replies.is_empty() { let replies: smallvec::SmallVec<[UIEvent; 8]> = self.context.replies.drain(0..).collect(); // Pass replies to self and call count on the map iterator to force evaluation replies.into_iter().map(|r| self.rcv_event(r)).count(); } } fn process_realizations(&mut self) { while let Some((id, parent)) = self.context.realized.pop() { match parent { None => { self.component_tree.insert(id, ComponentPath::new(id)); } Some(parent) if self.component_tree.contains_key(&parent) => { let mut v = self.component_tree[&parent].clone(); v.push_front(id); if let Some(p) = v.root() { assert_eq!( v.resolve(&self.components[p] as &dyn Component) .unwrap() .id(), id ); } self.component_tree.insert(id, v); } Some(parent) if !self.context.realized.contains_key(&parent) => { log::debug!( "BUG: component_realize new_id = {:?} parent = {:?} but component_tree \ does not include parent, skipping.", id, parent ); self.component_tree.insert(id, ComponentPath::new(id)); } Some(_) => { let from_index = self.context.realized.len(); self.context.realized.insert(id, parent); self.context.realized.move_index(from_index, 0); } } } while let Some(id) = self.context.unrealized.pop() { let mut to_delete = BTreeSet::new(); for (desc, _) in self.component_tree.iter().filter(|(_, path)| { path.parent() .map(|p| self.context.unrealized.contains(p) || *p == id) .unwrap_or(false) }) { to_delete.insert(*desc); } self.context.unrealized.extend(to_delete.into_iter()); self.component_tree.remove(&id); self.components.remove(&id); self.overlay.remove(&id); } } pub fn try_wait_on_child(&mut self) -> Option { let should_return_flag = match self.child { Some(ForkType::Generic { ref id, ref command, ref mut child, }) => { let w = child.try_wait(); match w { Ok(Some(_)) => true, Ok(None) => false, Err(err) => { log::error!( "Failed to wait on child process {} {} ({}): {}", id, if let Some(v) = command.as_ref() { v.as_ref() } else { "" }, child.id(), err ); return None; } } } Some(ForkType::Finished) => { /* Fork has already finished */ self.child = None; return None; } _ => { return None; } }; if should_return_flag { return Some(true); } Some(false) } /// Switch back to the terminal's main screen (The command line the user /// sees before opening the application) pub fn switch_to_main_screen(&mut self) { self.screen.switch_to_main_screen(); } pub fn switch_to_alternate_screen(&mut self) { self.screen.switch_to_alternate_screen(&self.context); } fn flush(&mut self) { self.screen.flush(); } pub fn check_accounts(&mut self) { let mut ctr = 0; for i in 0..self.context.accounts.len() { if self.context.is_online_idx(i).is_ok() { ctr += 1; } } if ctr != self.context.accounts.len() { self.timer.thread().unpark(); } self.context.input_thread.check(); } pub fn pulse(&mut self) { self.check_accounts(); self.redraw(); } }