/* * meli - imap module. * * Copyright 2019 Manos Pitsidianakis * * This file is part of meli. * * meli is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * meli is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with meli. If not, see . */ #[macro_use] mod protocol_parser; pub use protocol_parser::{UntaggedResponse::*, *}; mod folder; pub use folder::*; mod operations; pub use operations::*; mod connection; pub use connection::*; mod watch; pub use watch::*; use crate::async_workers::{Async, AsyncBuilder, AsyncStatus, WorkContext}; use crate::backends::BackendOp; use crate::backends::FolderHash; use crate::backends::RefreshEvent; use crate::backends::RefreshEventKind::{self, *}; use crate::backends::{BackendFolder, Folder, FolderOperation, MailBackend, RefreshEventConsumer}; use crate::conf::AccountSettings; use crate::email::*; use crate::error::{MeliError, Result}; use fnv::{FnvHashMap, FnvHashSet}; use std::collections::hash_map::DefaultHasher; use std::hash::Hasher; use std::str::FromStr; use std::sync::{Arc, Mutex}; pub type UID = usize; pub static SUPPORTED_CAPABILITIES: &'static [&'static str] = &["IDLE"]; #[derive(Debug, Default)] pub struct EnvelopeCache { bytes: Option, headers: Option, body: Option, flags: Option, } #[derive(Debug, Clone)] pub struct ImapServerConf { pub server_hostname: String, pub server_username: String, pub server_password: String, pub server_port: u16, pub use_starttls: bool, pub danger_accept_invalid_certs: bool, } struct IsSubscribedFn(Box bool + Send + Sync>); impl std::fmt::Debug for IsSubscribedFn { fn fmt(&self, f: &mut std::fmt::Formatter) -> std::fmt::Result { write!(f, "IsSubscribedFn Box") } } impl std::ops::Deref for IsSubscribedFn { type Target = Box bool + Send + Sync>; fn deref(&self) -> &Box bool + Send + Sync> { &self.0 } } type Capabilities = FnvHashSet>; #[derive(Debug)] pub struct ImapType { account_name: String, online: Arc>, is_subscribed: Arc, connection: Arc>, server_conf: ImapServerConf, folders: Arc>>, hash_index: Arc>>, uid_index: Arc>>, byte_cache: Arc>>, } impl MailBackend for ImapType { fn is_online(&self) -> bool { *self.online.lock().unwrap() } fn get(&mut self, folder: &Folder) -> Async>> { macro_rules! exit_on_error { ($tx:expr,$($result:expr)+) => { $(if let Err(e) = $result { $tx.send(AsyncStatus::Payload(Err(e.into()))).unwrap(); std::process::exit(1); })+ }; }; let mut w = AsyncBuilder::new(); let handle = { let tx = w.tx(); let hash_index = self.hash_index.clone(); let uid_index = self.uid_index.clone(); let folder_path = folder.path().to_string(); let folder_hash = folder.hash(); let folder_exists = self.folders.lock().unwrap()[&folder_hash].exists.clone(); let connection = self.connection.clone(); let closure = move |_work_context| { let connection = connection.clone(); let tx = tx.clone(); let mut response = String::with_capacity(8 * 1024); let conn = connection.lock(); exit_on_error!(&tx, conn); let mut conn = conn.unwrap(); debug!("locked for get {}", folder_path); exit_on_error!(&tx, conn.send_command(format!("EXAMINE {}", folder_path).as_bytes()) conn.read_response(&mut response) ); let examine_response = protocol_parser::select_response(&response) .to_full_result() .map_err(MeliError::from); exit_on_error!(&tx, examine_response); let mut exists: usize = match examine_response.unwrap() { SelectResponse::Ok(ok) => ok.uidnext - 1, SelectResponse::Bad(b) => b.exists, }; { let mut folder_exists = folder_exists.lock().unwrap(); *folder_exists = exists; } while exists > 1 { let mut envelopes = vec![]; exit_on_error!(&tx, conn.send_command(format!("UID FETCH {}:{} (UID FLAGS ENVELOPE)", std::cmp::max(exists.saturating_sub(20000), 1), exists).as_bytes()) conn.read_response(&mut response) ); debug!( "fetch response is {} bytes and {} lines", response.len(), response.lines().collect::>().len() ); match protocol_parser::uid_fetch_envelopes_response(response.as_bytes()) .to_full_result() .map_err(MeliError::from) { Ok(v) => { debug!("responses len is {}", v.len()); for (uid, flags, mut env) in v { let mut h = DefaultHasher::new(); h.write_usize(uid); h.write(folder_path.as_bytes()); env.set_hash(h.finish()); if let Some(flags) = flags { env.set_flags(flags); } hash_index .lock() .unwrap() .insert(env.hash(), (uid, folder_hash)); uid_index.lock().unwrap().insert(uid, env.hash()); envelopes.push(env); } } Err(e) => { debug!(&e); tx.send(AsyncStatus::Payload(Err(e))).unwrap(); } } exists = std::cmp::max(exists.saturating_sub(20000), 1); debug!("sending payload"); tx.send(AsyncStatus::Payload(Ok(envelopes))).unwrap(); } drop(conn); tx.send(AsyncStatus::Finished).unwrap(); }; Box::new(closure) }; w.build(handle) } fn watch( &self, sender: RefreshEventConsumer, work_context: WorkContext, ) -> Result { let has_idle: bool = self .connection .lock() .unwrap() .capabilities .contains(&b"IDLE"[0..]); let folders = self.folders.clone(); let conn = ImapConnection::new_connection(&self.server_conf); let main_conn = self.connection.clone(); let is_online = self.online.clone(); let hash_index = self.hash_index.clone(); let uid_index = self.uid_index.clone(); let handle = std::thread::Builder::new() .name(format!("{} imap connection", self.account_name.as_str(),)) .spawn(move || { let thread = std::thread::current(); work_context .set_status .send((thread.id(), "watching".to_string())) .unwrap(); let kit = ImapWatchKit { conn, is_online, main_conn, hash_index, uid_index, folders, sender, work_context, }; if has_idle { idle(kit).ok().take(); } else { poll_with_examine(kit).ok().take(); } })?; Ok(handle.thread().id()) } fn folders(&self) -> FnvHashMap { let mut folders = self.folders.lock().unwrap(); if !folders.is_empty() { return folders .iter() .map(|(h, f)| (*h, Box::new(Clone::clone(f)) as Folder)) .collect(); } *folders = ImapType::imap_folders(&self.connection); folders.retain(|_, f| (self.is_subscribed)(f.path())); let keys = folders.keys().cloned().collect::>(); for f in folders.values_mut() { f.children.retain(|c| keys.contains(c)); } *self.online.lock().unwrap() = true; folders .iter() .map(|(h, f)| (*h, Box::new(Clone::clone(f)) as Folder)) .collect() } fn operation(&self, hash: EnvelopeHash) -> Box { let (uid, folder_hash) = self.hash_index.lock().unwrap()[&hash]; Box::new(ImapOp::new( uid, self.folders.lock().unwrap()[&folder_hash] .path() .to_string(), self.connection.clone(), self.byte_cache.clone(), )) } fn save(&self, bytes: &[u8], folder: &str, flags: Option) -> Result<()> { let path = { let folders = self.folders.lock().unwrap(); folders .values() .find(|v| v.name == folder) .map(|v| v.path().to_string()) .ok_or(MeliError::new(""))? }; let mut response = String::with_capacity(8 * 1024); let mut conn = self.connection.lock().unwrap(); let flags = flags.unwrap_or(Flag::empty()); conn.send_command( format!( "APPEND \"{}\" ({}) {{{}}}", &path, flags_to_imap_list!(flags), bytes.len() ) .as_bytes(), )?; // wait for "+ Ready for literal data" reply conn.wait_for_continuation_request()?; conn.send_literal(bytes)?; conn.read_response(&mut response)?; Ok(()) } fn folder_operation(&mut self, path: &str, op: FolderOperation) -> Result<()> { use FolderOperation::*; match ( &op, self.folders .lock() .unwrap() .values() .any(|f| f.path == path), ) { (Create, true) => { return Err(MeliError::new(format!( "Folder named `{}` in account `{}` already exists.", path, self.account_name, ))); } (op, false) if *op != Create => { return Err(MeliError::new(format!( "No folder named `{}` in account `{}`", path, self.account_name, ))); } _ => {} } let mut response = String::with_capacity(8 * 1024); match op { Create => { let mut conn = self.connection.lock()?; conn.send_command(format!("CREATE \"{}\"", path,).as_bytes())?; conn.read_response(&mut response)?; conn.send_command(format!("SUBSCRIBE \"{}\"", path,).as_bytes())?; conn.read_response(&mut response)?; } Rename(dest) => { let mut conn = self.connection.lock()?; conn.send_command(format!("RENAME \"{}\" \"{}\"", path, dest).as_bytes())?; conn.read_response(&mut response)?; } Delete => { let mut conn = self.connection.lock()?; conn.send_command(format!("DELETE \"{}\"", path,).as_bytes())?; conn.read_response(&mut response)?; } Subscribe => { let mut conn = self.connection.lock()?; conn.send_command(format!("SUBSCRIBE \"{}\"", path,).as_bytes())?; conn.read_response(&mut response)?; } Unsubscribe => { let mut conn = self.connection.lock()?; conn.send_command(format!("UNSUBSCRIBE \"{}\"", path,).as_bytes())?; conn.read_response(&mut response)?; } } Ok(()) } fn as_any(&self) -> &dyn::std::any::Any { self } } macro_rules! get_conf_val { ($s:ident[$var:literal]) => { $s.extra.get($var).unwrap_or_else(|| { eprintln!( "Configuration error ({}): IMAP connection requires the field `{}` set", $s.name.as_str(), $var ); std::process::exit(1); }) }; ($s:ident[$var:literal], $default:expr) => { $s.extra .get($var) .map(|v| { <_>::from_str(v).unwrap_or_else(|_| { eprintln!( "Configuration error ({}): Invalid value for field `{}`: {}", $s.name.as_str(), $var, v, ); std::process::exit(1); }) }) .unwrap_or_else(|| $default) }; } impl ImapType { pub fn new( s: &AccountSettings, is_subscribed: Box bool + Send + Sync>, ) -> Self { debug!(s); let server_hostname = get_conf_val!(s["server_hostname"]); let server_username = get_conf_val!(s["server_username"]); let server_password = get_conf_val!(s["server_password"]); let server_port = get_conf_val!(s["server_port"], 143); let use_starttls = get_conf_val!(s["use_starttls"], { if server_port == 993 { false } else { true } }); let danger_accept_invalid_certs: bool = get_conf_val!(s["danger_accept_invalid_certs"], false); let server_conf = ImapServerConf { server_hostname: server_hostname.to_string(), server_username: server_username.to_string(), server_password: server_password.to_string(), server_port, use_starttls, danger_accept_invalid_certs, }; let connection = ImapConnection::new_connection(&server_conf); ImapType { account_name: s.name().to_string(), online: Arc::new(Mutex::new(false)), server_conf, is_subscribed: Arc::new(IsSubscribedFn(is_subscribed)), folders: Arc::new(Mutex::new(Default::default())), connection: Arc::new(Mutex::new(connection)), hash_index: Default::default(), uid_index: Default::default(), byte_cache: Default::default(), } } pub fn shell(&mut self) { let mut conn = ImapConnection::new_connection(&self.server_conf); let mut res = String::with_capacity(8 * 1024); conn.read_response(&mut res).unwrap(); debug!("out: {}", &res); let mut input = String::new(); loop { use std::io; input.clear(); match io::stdin().read_line(&mut input) { Ok(_) => { conn.send_command(input.as_bytes()).unwrap(); conn.read_lines(&mut res, String::new()).unwrap(); if input.trim() == "IDLE" { let mut iter = ImapBlockingConnection::from(conn); while let Some(line) = iter.next() { debug!("out: {}", unsafe { std::str::from_utf8_unchecked(&line) }); } conn = iter.into_conn(); } debug!("out: {}", &res); if input.trim().eq_ignore_ascii_case("logout") { break; } } Err(error) => debug!("error: {}", error), } } } pub fn imap_folders( connection: &Arc>, ) -> FnvHashMap { let mut folders: FnvHashMap = Default::default(); let mut res = String::with_capacity(8 * 1024); let mut conn = connection.lock().unwrap(); conn.send_command(b"LIST \"\" \"*\"").unwrap(); conn.read_response(&mut res).unwrap(); debug!("out: {}", &res); for l in res.lines().map(|l| l.trim()) { if let Ok(mut folder) = protocol_parser::list_folder_result(l.as_bytes()).to_full_result() { if let Some(parent) = folder.parent { if folders.contains_key(&parent) { folders .entry(parent) .and_modify(|e| e.children.push(folder.hash)); } else { /* Insert dummy parent entry, populating only the children field. Later * when we encounter the parent entry we will swap its children with * dummy's */ folders.insert( parent, ImapFolder { children: vec![folder.hash], ..ImapFolder::default() }, ); } } if folders.contains_key(&folder.hash) { let entry = folders.entry(folder.hash).or_default(); std::mem::swap(&mut entry.children, &mut folder.children); *entry = folder; } else { folders.insert(folder.hash, folder); } } else { debug!("parse error for {:?}", l); } } debug!(folders) } pub fn capabilities(&self) -> Vec { self.connection .lock() .unwrap() .capabilities .iter() .map(|c| String::from_utf8_lossy(c).into()) .collect::>() } pub fn search( &self, query: String, folder_hash: FolderHash, ) -> Result> { let folders_lck = self.folders.lock()?; let mut response = String::with_capacity(8 * 1024); let mut conn = self.connection.lock()?; conn.send_command(format!("EXAMINE {}", folders_lck[&folder_hash].path()).as_bytes())?; conn.read_response(&mut response)?; conn.send_command(format!("UID SEARCH CHARSET UTF-8 {}", query).as_bytes())?; conn.read_response(&mut response)?; debug!(&response); let mut lines = response.lines(); for l in lines.by_ref() { if l.starts_with("* SEARCH") { use std::iter::FromIterator; let uid_index = self.uid_index.lock()?; return Ok(crate::structs::StackVec::from_iter( l["* SEARCH".len()..] .trim() .split_whitespace() .map(usize::from_str) .filter_map(std::result::Result::ok) .filter_map(|uid| uid_index.get(&uid)) .map(|env_hash_ref| *env_hash_ref), )); } } Err(MeliError::new(response)) } }