/* * meli * * Copyright 2019 Manos Pitsidianakis * * This file is part of meli. * * meli is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * meli is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with meli. If not, see . */ use std::cmp; use melib::{backends::AccountHash, text_processing::TextProcessing, CardId, Draft, HeaderName}; use super::*; #[derive(Debug, PartialEq, Eq)] enum ViewMode { List, View(ComponentId), } #[derive(Debug)] struct AccountMenuEntry { name: String, _hash: AccountHash, // Index in the config account vector. index: usize, } #[derive(Debug)] pub struct ContactList { accounts: Vec, cursor_pos: usize, new_cursor_pos: usize, account_pos: usize, length: usize, data_columns: DataColumns<4>, initialized: bool, theme_default: ThemeAttribute, highlight_theme: ThemeAttribute, selected_theme: ThemeAttribute, cards: IndexMap, selection: IndexMap, mode: ViewMode, dirty: bool, sidebar_divider: char, sidebar_divider_theme: ThemeAttribute, menu_visibility: bool, movement: Option, cmd_buf: String, modifier_active: bool, modifier_command: Option, view: Option, ratio: usize, // right/(container width) * 100 id: ComponentId, } impl fmt::Display for ContactList { fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter) -> fmt::Result { write!(f, "contact list") } } impl ContactList { pub fn new(context: &Context) -> Self { let accounts = context .accounts .iter() .enumerate() .map(|(i, (h, a))| AccountMenuEntry { name: a.name().to_string(), _hash: *h, index: i, }) .collect(); ContactList { accounts, cursor_pos: 0, new_cursor_pos: 0, length: 0, account_pos: 0, cards: IndexMap::default(), selection: IndexMap::default(), mode: ViewMode::List, data_columns: DataColumns::default(), theme_default: crate::conf::value(context, "theme_default"), highlight_theme: crate::conf::value(context, "highlight"), selected_theme: crate::conf::value(context, "selected"), initialized: false, dirty: true, movement: None, modifier_active: false, modifier_command: None, cmd_buf: String::with_capacity(8), view: None, ratio: 90, sidebar_divider: context.settings.listing.sidebar_divider, sidebar_divider_theme: conf::value(context, "mail.sidebar_divider"), menu_visibility: true, id: ComponentId::default(), } } pub fn for_account(pos: usize, context: &Context) -> Self { ContactList { account_pos: pos, ..Self::new(context) } } fn initialize(&mut self, context: &mut Context) { let account = &context.accounts[self.account_pos]; let book = &account.address_book; self.length = book.len(); self.cards.clear(); self.selection.clear(); if self.cards.capacity() < book.len() { self.cards.reserve(book.len()); self.selection.reserve(book.len()); } self.dirty = true; let mut min_width = ( "Name".len(), "E-mail".len(), "URL".len(), "external".len(), 0, 0, ); for c in book.values() { /* name */ min_width.0 = cmp::max(min_width.0, c.name().split_graphemes().len()); /* email */ min_width.1 = cmp::max(min_width.1, c.email().split_graphemes().len()); /* url */ min_width.2 = cmp::max(min_width.2, c.url().split_graphemes().len()); } /* name column */ self.data_columns.columns[0] = CellBuffer::new_with_context(min_width.0, self.length, None, context); /* email column */ self.data_columns.columns[1] = CellBuffer::new_with_context(min_width.1, self.length, None, context); /* url column */ self.data_columns.columns[2] = CellBuffer::new_with_context(min_width.2, self.length, None, context); /* source column */ self.data_columns.columns[3] = CellBuffer::new_with_context("external".len(), self.length, None, context); let account = &context.accounts[self.account_pos]; let book = &account.address_book; let mut book_values = book.values().collect::>(); book_values.sort_unstable_by_key(|c| c.name()); for (idx, c) in book_values.iter().enumerate() { self.cards.insert(*c.id(), (*c).clone()); self.selection.insert(*c.id(), false); write_string_to_grid( c.name(), &mut self.data_columns.columns[0], self.theme_default.fg, self.theme_default.bg, self.theme_default.attrs, ((0, idx), (min_width.0, idx)), None, ); write_string_to_grid( c.email(), &mut self.data_columns.columns[1], self.theme_default.fg, self.theme_default.bg, self.theme_default.attrs, ((0, idx), (min_width.1, idx)), None, ); write_string_to_grid( c.url(), &mut self.data_columns.columns[2], self.theme_default.fg, self.theme_default.bg, self.theme_default.attrs, ((0, idx), (min_width.2, idx)), None, ); write_string_to_grid( if c.external_resource() { "external" } else { "local" }, &mut self.data_columns.columns[3], self.theme_default.fg, self.theme_default.bg, self.theme_default.attrs, ((0, idx), (min_width.3, idx)), None, ); } if self.length == 0 { let message = "Address book is empty.".to_string(); self.data_columns.columns[0] = CellBuffer::new_with_context(message.len(), self.length, None, context); write_string_to_grid( &message, &mut self.data_columns.columns[0], self.theme_default.fg, self.theme_default.bg, self.theme_default.attrs, ((0, 0), (message.len() - 1, 0)), None, ); } } fn highlight_line(&mut self, grid: &mut CellBuffer, area: Area, idx: usize) { /* Reset previously highlighted line */ let fg_color = self.theme_default.fg; let bg_color = if idx == self.new_cursor_pos { self.highlight_theme.bg } else { self.theme_default.bg }; change_colors(grid, area, fg_color, bg_color); } fn draw_menu(&mut self, grid: &mut CellBuffer, area: Area, context: &mut Context) { if !self.is_dirty() { return; } clear_area(grid, area, self.theme_default); let upper_left = upper_left!(area); let bottom_right = bottom_right!(area); self.dirty = false; let mut y = get_y(upper_left); for a in &self.accounts { self.print_account(grid, (set_y(upper_left, y), bottom_right), a, context); y += 1; } context.dirty_areas.push_back(area); } /* * Print a single account in the menu area. */ fn print_account( &self, grid: &mut CellBuffer, area: Area, a: &AccountMenuEntry, context: &mut Context, ) { if !is_valid_area!(area) { log::debug!("BUG: invalid area in print_account"); } let width = width!(area); let must_highlight_account: bool = self.account_pos == a.index; let account_attrs = if must_highlight_account { let mut v = crate::conf::value(context, "mail.sidebar_highlighted"); if !context.settings.terminal.use_color() { v.attrs |= Attr::REVERSE; } v } else { crate::conf::value(context, "mail.sidebar_account_name") }; let s = format!(" [{}]", context.accounts[a.index].address_book.len()); if a.name.grapheme_len() + s.len() > width + 1 { /* Print account name */ let (x, y) = write_string_to_grid( &a.name, grid, account_attrs.fg, account_attrs.bg, account_attrs.attrs, area, None, ); write_string_to_grid( &s, grid, account_attrs.fg, account_attrs.bg, account_attrs.attrs, ( pos_dec( (get_x(bottom_right!(area)), get_y(upper_left!(area))), (s.len() - 1, 0), ), bottom_right!(area), ), None, ); write_string_to_grid( "…", grid, account_attrs.fg, account_attrs.bg, account_attrs.attrs, ( pos_dec( (get_x(bottom_right!(area)), get_y(upper_left!(area))), (s.len() - 1, 0), ), bottom_right!(area), ), None, ); for x in x..=get_x(bottom_right!(area)) { grid[(x, y)] .set_fg(account_attrs.fg) .set_bg(account_attrs.bg) .set_attrs(account_attrs.attrs); } } else { /* Print account name */ let (x, y) = write_string_to_grid( &a.name, grid, account_attrs.fg, account_attrs.bg, account_attrs.attrs, area, None, ); write_string_to_grid( &s, grid, account_attrs.fg, account_attrs.bg, account_attrs.attrs, ( pos_dec( (get_x(bottom_right!(area)), get_y(upper_left!(area))), (s.len() - 1, 0), ), bottom_right!(area), ), None, ); for x in x..=get_x(bottom_right!(area)) { grid[(x, y)] .set_fg(account_attrs.fg) .set_bg(account_attrs.bg) .set_attrs(account_attrs.attrs); } } } fn draw_list(&mut self, grid: &mut CellBuffer, area: Area, context: &mut Context) { /* reserve top row for column headers */ let upper_left = pos_inc(upper_left!(area), (0, 1)); let bottom_right = bottom_right!(area); if self.length == 0 { clear_area(grid, area, self.theme_default); copy_area( grid, &self.data_columns.columns[0], area, ((0, 0), pos_dec(self.data_columns.columns[0].size(), (1, 1))), ); context.dirty_areas.push_back(area); return; } let rows = get_y(bottom_right) - get_y(upper_left) + 1; if let Some(mvm) = self.movement.take() { match mvm { PageMovement::Up(amount) => { self.new_cursor_pos = self.new_cursor_pos.saturating_sub(amount); } PageMovement::PageUp(multiplier) => { self.new_cursor_pos = self.new_cursor_pos.saturating_sub(rows * multiplier); } PageMovement::Down(amount) => { if self.new_cursor_pos + amount < self.length { self.new_cursor_pos += amount; } else { self.new_cursor_pos = self.length - 1; } } PageMovement::PageDown(multiplier) => { #[allow(clippy::comparison_chain)] if self.new_cursor_pos + rows * multiplier < self.length { self.new_cursor_pos += rows * multiplier; } else if self.new_cursor_pos + rows * multiplier > self.length { self.new_cursor_pos = self.length - 1; } else { self.new_cursor_pos = (self.length / rows) * rows; } } PageMovement::Right(_) | PageMovement::Left(_) => {} PageMovement::Home => { self.new_cursor_pos = 0; } PageMovement::End => { self.new_cursor_pos = self.length - 1; } } } let prev_page_no = (self.cursor_pos).wrapping_div(rows); let page_no = (self.new_cursor_pos).wrapping_div(rows); let top_idx = page_no * rows; if self.length >= rows { context .replies .push_back(UIEvent::StatusEvent(StatusEvent::ScrollUpdate( ScrollUpdate::Update { id: self.id, context: ScrollContext { shown_lines: top_idx + rows, total_lines: self.length, has_more_lines: false, }, }, ))); } else { context .replies .push_back(UIEvent::StatusEvent(StatusEvent::ScrollUpdate( ScrollUpdate::End(self.id), ))); } /* If cursor position has changed, remove the highlight from the previous * position and apply it in the new one. */ if self.cursor_pos != self.new_cursor_pos && prev_page_no == page_no { let old_cursor_pos = self.cursor_pos; self.cursor_pos = self.new_cursor_pos; for idx in &[old_cursor_pos, self.new_cursor_pos] { if *idx >= self.length { continue; //bounds check } let new_area = ( set_y(upper_left, get_y(upper_left) + (*idx % rows)), set_y(bottom_right, get_y(upper_left) + (*idx % rows)), ); self.highlight_line(grid, new_area, *idx); context.dirty_areas.push_back(new_area); } return; } else if self.cursor_pos != self.new_cursor_pos { self.cursor_pos = self.new_cursor_pos; } if self.new_cursor_pos >= self.length { self.new_cursor_pos = self.length - 1; self.cursor_pos = self.new_cursor_pos; } let width = width!(area); self.data_columns.widths = Default::default(); self.data_columns.widths[0] = self.data_columns.columns[0].size().0; /* name */ self.data_columns.widths[1] = self.data_columns.columns[1].size().0; /* email */ self.data_columns.widths[2] = self.data_columns.columns[2].size().0; /* url */ self.data_columns.widths[3] = self.data_columns.columns[3].size().0; /* source */ if self.data_columns.widths[0] + self.data_columns.widths[1] > width { let remainder = width.saturating_sub(self.data_columns.widths[0] + self.data_columns.widths[1] + 4); self.data_columns.widths[2] = remainder / 6; } clear_area(grid, area, self.theme_default); /* Page_no has changed, so draw new page */ let header_attrs = crate::conf::value(context, "widgets.list.header"); let mut x = get_x(upper_left); for i in 0..self.data_columns.columns.len() { if self.data_columns.widths[i] == 0 { continue; } let (column_width, column_height) = self.data_columns.columns[i].size(); write_string_to_grid( match i { 0 => "NAME", 1 => "E-MAIL", 2 => "URL", 3 => "SOURCE", _ => "", }, grid, header_attrs.fg, header_attrs.bg, header_attrs.attrs, ( set_x(upper_left!(area), x), ( std::cmp::min(get_x(bottom_right), x + (self.data_columns.widths[i])), get_y(upper_left!(area)), ), ), None, ); copy_area( grid, &self.data_columns.columns[i], ( set_x(upper_left, x), set_x( bottom_right, std::cmp::min(get_x(bottom_right), x + (self.data_columns.widths[i])), ), ), ( (0, top_idx), ( column_width.saturating_sub(1), column_height.saturating_sub(1), ), ), ); x += self.data_columns.widths[i] + 2; // + SEPARATOR if x > get_x(bottom_right) { break; } } change_colors( grid, ( upper_left!(area), set_y(bottom_right, get_y(upper_left!(area))), ), header_attrs.fg, header_attrs.bg, ); if top_idx + rows > self.length { clear_area( grid, ( pos_inc(upper_left, (0, self.length - top_idx + 2)), bottom_right, ), self.theme_default, ); } self.highlight_line( grid, ( set_y(upper_left, get_y(upper_left) + (self.cursor_pos % rows)), set_y(bottom_right, get_y(upper_left) + (self.cursor_pos % rows)), ), self.cursor_pos, ); context.dirty_areas.push_back(area); } } impl Component for ContactList { fn draw(&mut self, grid: &mut CellBuffer, area: Area, context: &mut Context) { if let Some(mgr) = self.view.as_mut() { mgr.draw(grid, area, context); return; } if !self.dirty { return; } if !self.initialized { self.initialize(context); } let upper_left = upper_left!(area); let bottom_right = bottom_right!(area); let total_cols = get_x(bottom_right) - get_x(upper_left); let right_component_width = if self.menu_visibility { (self.ratio * total_cols) / 100 } else { total_cols }; let mid = get_x(bottom_right) - right_component_width; if self.dirty && mid != get_x(upper_left) { for i in get_y(upper_left)..=get_y(bottom_right) { grid[(mid, i)] .set_ch(self.sidebar_divider) .set_fg(self.sidebar_divider_theme.fg) .set_bg(self.sidebar_divider_theme.bg) .set_attrs(self.sidebar_divider_theme.attrs); } context .dirty_areas .push_back(((mid, get_y(upper_left)), (mid, get_y(bottom_right)))); } if right_component_width == total_cols { self.draw_list(grid, area, context); } else if right_component_width == 0 { self.draw_menu(grid, area, context); } else { self.draw_menu( grid, (upper_left, (mid.saturating_sub(1), get_y(bottom_right))), context, ); self.draw_list(grid, (set_x(upper_left, mid + 1), bottom_right), context); } self.dirty = false; } fn process_event(&mut self, event: &mut UIEvent, context: &mut Context) -> bool { if let UIEvent::ConfigReload { old_settings: _ } = event { self.theme_default = crate::conf::value(context, "theme_default"); self.initialized = false; self.sidebar_divider = context.settings.listing.sidebar_divider; self.sidebar_divider_theme = conf::value(context, "mail.sidebar_divider"); self.set_dirty(true); } if let Some(ref mut v) = self.view { if v.process_event(event, context) { return true; } } let shortcuts = self.shortcuts(context); if self.view.is_none() { match *event { UIEvent::Input(ref key) if shortcut!(key == shortcuts[Shortcuts::CONTACT_LIST]["create_contact"]) => { let mut manager = ContactManager::new(context); manager.set_parent_id(self.id); manager.account_pos = self.account_pos; self.mode = ViewMode::View(manager.id()); self.view = Some(manager); context .replies .push_back(UIEvent::StatusEvent(StatusEvent::ScrollUpdate( ScrollUpdate::End(self.id), ))); return true; } UIEvent::Input(ref key) if shortcut!(key == shortcuts[Shortcuts::CONTACT_LIST]["edit_contact"]) && self.length > 0 => { let card = self.cards[self.cursor_pos].clone(); let mut manager = ContactManager::new(context); manager.set_parent_id(self.id); manager.card = card; manager.account_pos = self.account_pos; self.mode = ViewMode::View(manager.id()); self.view = Some(manager); context .replies .push_back(UIEvent::StatusEvent(StatusEvent::ScrollUpdate( ScrollUpdate::End(self.id), ))); return true; } UIEvent::Input(ref key) if shortcut!(key == shortcuts[Shortcuts::CONTACT_LIST]["mail_contact"]) && self.length > 0 => { let account = &context.accounts[self.account_pos]; let account_hash = account.hash(); let card = self.cards[self.cursor_pos].clone(); let mut draft: Draft = Draft::default(); *draft.headers_mut().get_mut(HeaderName::TO).unwrap() = format!("{} <{}>", &card.name(), &card.email()); let mut composer = Composer::with_account(account_hash, context); composer.set_draft(draft); context .replies .push_back(UIEvent::Action(Tab(New(Some(Box::new(composer)))))); return true; } UIEvent::Input(ref key) if shortcut!(key == shortcuts[Shortcuts::LISTING]["select_entry"]) => { if self.modifier_active && self.modifier_command.is_none() { self.modifier_command = Some(Modifier::default()); } else if let Some(c) = self.cards.get_index(self.cursor_pos) { self.selection.entry(*c.0).and_modify(|e| *e = !*e); self.set_dirty(true); } return true; } UIEvent::Input(ref key) if shortcut!(key == shortcuts[Shortcuts::CONTACT_LIST]["next_account"]) => { let amount = if self.cmd_buf.is_empty() { 1 } else if let Ok(amount) = self.cmd_buf.parse::() { self.cmd_buf.clear(); context .replies .push_back(UIEvent::StatusEvent(StatusEvent::BufClear)); amount } else { self.cmd_buf.clear(); context .replies .push_back(UIEvent::StatusEvent(StatusEvent::BufClear)); return true; }; if self.accounts.is_empty() { return true; } if self.account_pos + amount < self.accounts.len() { self.account_pos += amount; self.set_dirty(true); self.initialized = false; self.cursor_pos = 0; self.new_cursor_pos = 0; self.length = 0; context .replies .push_back(UIEvent::StatusEvent(StatusEvent::UpdateStatus( self.status(context), ))); } return true; } UIEvent::Input(ref key) if shortcut!(key == shortcuts[Shortcuts::CONTACT_LIST]["prev_account"]) => { let amount = if self.cmd_buf.is_empty() { 1 } else if let Ok(amount) = self.cmd_buf.parse::() { self.cmd_buf.clear(); context .replies .push_back(UIEvent::StatusEvent(StatusEvent::BufClear)); amount } else { self.cmd_buf.clear(); context .replies .push_back(UIEvent::StatusEvent(StatusEvent::BufClear)); return true; }; if self.accounts.is_empty() { return true; } if self.account_pos >= amount { self.account_pos -= amount; self.set_dirty(true); self.cursor_pos = 0; self.new_cursor_pos = 0; self.length = 0; self.initialized = false; context .replies .push_back(UIEvent::StatusEvent(StatusEvent::UpdateStatus( self.status(context), ))); } return true; } UIEvent::Input(ref k) if shortcut!( k == shortcuts[Shortcuts::CONTACT_LIST]["toggle_menu_visibility"] ) => { self.menu_visibility = !self.menu_visibility; self.set_dirty(true); } UIEvent::Input(Key::Esc) | UIEvent::Input(Key::Alt('')) if !self.cmd_buf.is_empty() => { self.cmd_buf.clear(); context .replies .push_back(UIEvent::StatusEvent(StatusEvent::BufClear)); return true; } UIEvent::Input(Key::Esc) if self.selection.values().cloned().any(std::convert::identity) => { for c in self.selection.values_mut() { *c = false; } self.set_dirty(true); return true; } UIEvent::Input(Key::Char(c)) if c.is_ascii_digit() => { self.cmd_buf.push(c); context .replies .push_back(UIEvent::StatusEvent(StatusEvent::BufSet( self.cmd_buf.clone(), ))); return true; } UIEvent::Input(ref key) if shortcut!(key == shortcuts[Shortcuts::CONTACT_LIST]["scroll_up"]) => { let amount = if self.cmd_buf.is_empty() { 1 } else if let Ok(amount) = self.cmd_buf.parse::() { self.cmd_buf.clear(); context .replies .push_back(UIEvent::StatusEvent(StatusEvent::BufClear)); amount } else { self.cmd_buf.clear(); context .replies .push_back(UIEvent::StatusEvent(StatusEvent::BufClear)); return true; }; self.movement = Some(PageMovement::Up(amount)); self.set_dirty(true); return true; } UIEvent::Input(ref key) if shortcut!(key == shortcuts[Shortcuts::CONTACT_LIST]["scroll_down"]) && self.cursor_pos < self.length.saturating_sub(1) => { let amount = if self.cmd_buf.is_empty() { 1 } else if let Ok(amount) = self.cmd_buf.parse::() { self.cmd_buf.clear(); context .replies .push_back(UIEvent::StatusEvent(StatusEvent::BufClear)); amount } else { self.cmd_buf.clear(); context .replies .push_back(UIEvent::StatusEvent(StatusEvent::BufClear)); return true; }; self.set_dirty(true); self.movement = Some(PageMovement::Down(amount)); return true; } UIEvent::Input(ref key) if shortcut!(key == shortcuts[Shortcuts::GENERAL]["prev_page"]) => { let mult = if self.cmd_buf.is_empty() { 1 } else if let Ok(mult) = self.cmd_buf.parse::() { self.cmd_buf.clear(); context .replies .push_back(UIEvent::StatusEvent(StatusEvent::BufClear)); mult } else { self.cmd_buf.clear(); context .replies .push_back(UIEvent::StatusEvent(StatusEvent::BufClear)); return true; }; self.set_dirty(true); self.movement = Some(PageMovement::PageUp(mult)); return true; } UIEvent::Input(ref key) if shortcut!(key == shortcuts[Shortcuts::GENERAL]["next_page"]) => { let mult = if self.cmd_buf.is_empty() { 1 } else if let Ok(mult) = self.cmd_buf.parse::() { self.cmd_buf.clear(); context .replies .push_back(UIEvent::StatusEvent(StatusEvent::BufClear)); mult } else { self.cmd_buf.clear(); context .replies .push_back(UIEvent::StatusEvent(StatusEvent::BufClear)); return true; }; self.set_dirty(true); self.movement = Some(PageMovement::PageDown(mult)); return true; } UIEvent::Input(ref key) if shortcut!(key == shortcuts[Shortcuts::GENERAL]["home_page"]) => { self.set_dirty(true); self.movement = Some(PageMovement::Home); return true; } UIEvent::Input(ref key) if shortcut!(key == shortcuts[Shortcuts::GENERAL]["end_page"]) => { self.set_dirty(true); self.movement = Some(PageMovement::End); return true; } _ => {} } } else { match event { UIEvent::ComponentUnrealize(ref kill_id) if self.mode == ViewMode::View(*kill_id) => { self.mode = ViewMode::List; self.view.take(); self.set_dirty(true); return true; } UIEvent::ChangeMode(UIMode::Normal) => { self.set_dirty(true); } UIEvent::Resize => { self.set_dirty(true); } _ => {} } } false } fn is_dirty(&self) -> bool { self.dirty || self.view.as_ref().map(|v| v.is_dirty()).unwrap_or(false) } fn set_dirty(&mut self, value: bool) { if let Some(p) = self.view.as_mut() { p.set_dirty(value); }; self.dirty = value; } fn kill(&mut self, uuid: ComponentId, context: &mut Context) { debug_assert!(uuid == self.id); context.replies.push_back(UIEvent::Action(Tab(Kill(uuid)))); } fn shortcuts(&self, context: &Context) -> ShortcutMaps { let mut map = self .view .as_ref() .map(|p| p.shortcuts(context)) .unwrap_or_default(); map.insert( Shortcuts::CONTACT_LIST, context.settings.shortcuts.contact_list.key_values(), ); map.insert( Shortcuts::GENERAL, context.settings.shortcuts.general.key_values(), ); map } fn id(&self) -> ComponentId { self.id } fn can_quit_cleanly(&mut self, context: &Context) -> bool { self.view .as_mut() .map(|p| p.can_quit_cleanly(context)) .unwrap_or(true) } fn status(&self, context: &Context) -> String { format!( "{} entries", context.accounts[self.account_pos].address_book.len() ) } }