#!/bin/bash # SPDX-License-Identifier: EUPL-1.2 IFS=$'\n' files_without_header=() newly_added_files=($(git diff --name-only --diff-filter=A --cached)) #newly_added_files=($(git ls-files)) if [ -n "${newly_added_files[0]}" ] then # Check for Copyright statement for newly_added_file in ${newly_added_files}; do files_without_header+=($(grep -L -e "This file is part of meli" -e "This file is part of melib" -e "SPDX-License-Identifier" "${newly_added_file}")) done if [ -n "${files_without_header[0]}" ] then echo "License preamble not found in the following newly added files:" for file in "${files_without_header[@]}" do : echo " - ${file}"; done exit 1; else exit 0; fi ##Debug: #files_without_header+=($(git diff --name-only -S"debug!")) #echo ${files_without_header} #if [ -n "${files_without_header}" ] #then # (echo "debug! macro added in the following files:"; # echo ""; # for file in "${files_without_header[@]}" # do # : # tput bold # echo " - ${file}"; # echo ""; # tput sgr0; # FORCE_COLOR=true git -c color.status=always diff --color=always -S"debug!" "${file}"; # done) | less -R # exit 1; #else # exit 0; #fi fi