/* * meli * * Copyright 2017-2018 Manos Pitsidianakis * * This file is part of meli. * * meli is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * meli is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with meli. If not, see . */ use super::*; use crossbeam::{channel::Receiver, select}; use serde::{Serialize, Serializer}; use termion::event::Event as TermionEvent; use termion::event::Key as TermionKey; #[derive(Debug, PartialEq, Eq, Clone)] pub enum Key { /// Backspace. Backspace, /// Left arrow. Left, /// Right arrow. Right, /// Up arrow. Up, /// Down arrow. Down, /// Home key. Home, /// End key. End, /// Page Up key. PageUp, /// Page Down key. PageDown, /// Delete key. Delete, /// Insert key. Insert, /// Function keys. /// /// Only function keys 1 through 12 are supported. F(u8), /// Normal character. Char(char), /// Alt modified character. Alt(char), /// Ctrl modified character. /// /// Note that certain keys may not be modifiable with `ctrl`, due to limitations of terminals. Ctrl(char), /// Null byte. Null, /// Esc key. Esc, Mouse(termion::event::MouseEvent), Paste(String), } pub use termion::event::MouseButton; pub use termion::event::MouseEvent; impl fmt::Display for Key { fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter) -> fmt::Result { use crate::Key::*; match self { F(n) => write!(f, "F{}", n), Char(' ') => write!(f, "Space"), Char('\t') => write!(f, "Tab"), Char('\n') => write!(f, "Enter"), Char(c) => write!(f, "{}", c), Alt(c) => write!(f, "M-{}", c), Ctrl(c) => write!(f, "C-{}", c), Paste(_) => write!(f, "Pasted buf"), Null => write!(f, "Null byte"), Esc => write!(f, "Esc"), Backspace => write!(f, "Backspace"), Left => write!(f, "Left"), Right => write!(f, "Right"), Up => write!(f, "Up"), Down => write!(f, "Down"), Home => write!(f, "Home"), End => write!(f, "End"), PageUp => write!(f, "PageUp"), PageDown => write!(f, "PageDown"), Delete => write!(f, "Delete"), Insert => write!(f, "Insert"), Mouse(_) => write!(f, "Mouse"), } } } impl<'a> From<&'a String> for Key { fn from(v: &'a String) -> Self { Key::Paste(v.to_string()) } } impl From for Key { fn from(k: TermionKey) -> Self { match k { TermionKey::Backspace => Key::Backspace, TermionKey::Left => Key::Left, TermionKey::Right => Key::Right, TermionKey::Up => Key::Up, TermionKey::Down => Key::Down, TermionKey::Home => Key::Home, TermionKey::End => Key::End, TermionKey::PageUp => Key::PageUp, TermionKey::PageDown => Key::PageDown, TermionKey::Delete => Key::Delete, TermionKey::Insert => Key::Insert, TermionKey::F(u) => Key::F(u), TermionKey::Char(c) => Key::Char(c), TermionKey::Alt(c) => Key::Alt(c), TermionKey::Ctrl(c) => Key::Ctrl(c), TermionKey::Null => Key::Null, TermionKey::Esc => Key::Esc, _ => Key::Char(' '), } } } impl PartialEq for &Key { fn eq(&self, other: &Key) -> bool { **self == *other } } #[derive(PartialEq, Eq)] /// Keep track of whether we're accepting normal user input or a pasted string. enum InputMode { Normal, Paste(Vec), } #[derive(Debug)] /// Main process sends commands to the input thread. pub enum InputCommand { /// Exit thread Kill, } use nix::poll::{poll, PollFd, PollFlags}; use std::os::unix::io::{AsRawFd, RawFd}; use termion::input::TermReadEventsAndRaw; /* * If we fork (for example start $EDITOR) we want the input-thread to stop reading from stdin. The * best way I came up with right now is to send a signal to the thread that is read in the first * input in stdin after the fork, and then the thread kills itself. The parent process spawns a new * input-thread when the child returns. * * The main loop uses try_wait_on_child() to check if child has exited. */ /// The thread function that listens for user input and forwards it to the main event loop. pub fn get_events( mut closure: impl FnMut((Key, Vec)), rx: &Receiver, new_command_fd: RawFd, working: std::sync::Arc<()>, ) { let stdin = std::io::stdin(); let stdin_fd = PollFd::new(std::io::stdin().as_raw_fd(), PollFlags::POLLIN); let new_command_pollfd = nix::poll::PollFd::new(new_command_fd, nix::poll::PollFlags::POLLIN); let mut input_mode = InputMode::Normal; let mut paste_buf = String::with_capacity(256); let mut stdin_iter = stdin.events_and_raw(); 'poll_while: while let Ok(_n_raw) = poll(&mut [new_command_pollfd, stdin_fd], -1) { //debug!(_n_raw); select! { default => { if stdin_fd.revents().is_some() { 'stdin_while: for c in stdin_iter.by_ref() { match (c, &mut input_mode) { (Ok((TermionEvent::Key(k), bytes)), InputMode::Normal) => { closure((Key::from(k), bytes)); continue 'poll_while; } ( Ok((TermionEvent::Key(TermionKey::Char(k)), ref mut bytes)), InputMode::Paste(ref mut buf), ) => { paste_buf.push(k); let bytes = std::mem::take(bytes); buf.extend(bytes.into_iter()); continue 'stdin_while; } (Ok((TermionEvent::Unsupported(ref k), _)), _) if k.as_slice() == BRACKET_PASTE_START => { input_mode = InputMode::Paste(Vec::new()); continue 'stdin_while; } (Ok((TermionEvent::Unsupported(ref k), _)), InputMode::Paste(ref mut buf)) if k.as_slice() == BRACKET_PASTE_END => { let buf = std::mem::take(buf); input_mode = InputMode::Normal; let ret = Key::from(&paste_buf); paste_buf.clear(); closure((ret, buf)); continue 'poll_while; } (Ok((TermionEvent::Mouse(mev), bytes)), InputMode::Normal) => { closure((Key::Mouse(mev), bytes)); continue 'poll_while; } _ => { continue 'poll_while; } // Mouse events or errors. } } } }, recv(rx) -> cmd => { use nix::sys::time::TimeValLike; let mut buf = [0;2]; //debug!("get_events_raw will nix::unistd::read"); let mut read_fd_set = nix::sys::select::FdSet::new(); read_fd_set.insert(new_command_fd); let mut error_fd_set = nix::sys::select::FdSet::new(); error_fd_set.insert(new_command_fd); let timeval: nix::sys::time::TimeSpec = nix::sys::time::TimeSpec::seconds(2); if nix::sys::select::pselect(None, Some(&mut read_fd_set), None, Some(&mut error_fd_set), Some(&timeval), None).is_err() || error_fd_set.highest() == Some(new_command_fd) || read_fd_set.highest() != Some(new_command_fd) { continue 'poll_while; }; let _ = nix::unistd::read(new_command_fd, buf.as_mut()); match cmd.unwrap() { InputCommand::Kill => return, } } }; } drop(working); } impl<'de> Deserialize<'de> for Key { fn deserialize(deserializer: D) -> Result where D: Deserializer<'de>, { struct KeyVisitor; impl<'de> Visitor<'de> for KeyVisitor { type Value = Key; fn expecting(&self, formatter: &mut fmt::Formatter) -> fmt::Result { formatter .write_str("a valid key value. Please consult the manual for valid key inputs.") } fn visit_str(self, value: &str) -> Result where E: de::Error, { match value { "Backspace" | "backspace" => Ok(Key::Backspace), "Left" | "left" => Ok(Key::Left), "Right" | "right" => Ok(Key::Right), "Up" | "up" => Ok(Key::Up), "Down" | "down" => Ok(Key::Down), "Home" | "home" => Ok(Key::Home), "End" | "end" => Ok(Key::End), "PageUp" | "pageup" => Ok(Key::PageUp), "PageDown" | "pagedown" => Ok(Key::PageDown), "Delete" | "delete" => Ok(Key::Delete), "Insert" | "insert" => Ok(Key::Insert), "Enter" | "enter" => Ok(Key::Char('\n')), "Tab" | "tab" => Ok(Key::Char('\t')), "Esc" | "esc" => Ok(Key::Esc), s if s.len() == 1 => Ok(Key::Char(s.chars().next().unwrap())), s if s.starts_with('F') && (s.len() == 2 || s.len() == 3) => { use std::str::FromStr; if let Ok(n) = u8::from_str(&s[1..]) { if (1..=12).contains(&n) { return Ok(Key::F(n)); } } Err(de::Error::custom(format!( "`{}` should be a number 1 <= n <= 12 instead.", &s[1..] ))) } s if s.starts_with("M-") && s.len() == 3 => { let c = s.as_bytes()[2] as char; if c.is_lowercase() || c.is_numeric() { return Ok(Key::Alt(c)); } Err(de::Error::custom(format!( "`{}` should be a lowercase and alphanumeric character instead.", &s[2..] ))) } s if s.starts_with("C-") && s.len() == 3 => { let c = s.as_bytes()[2] as char; if c.is_lowercase() || c.is_numeric() { return Ok(Key::Ctrl(c)); } Err(de::Error::custom(format!( "`{}` should be a lowercase and alphanumeric character instead.", &s[2..] ))) } _ => Err(de::Error::custom(format!( "Cannot derive shortcut from `{}`. Please consult the manual for valid key inputs.", value ))), } } } deserializer.deserialize_identifier(KeyVisitor) } } impl Serialize for Key { fn serialize(&self, serializer: S) -> Result where S: Serializer, { match self { Key::Backspace => serializer.serialize_str("Backspace"), Key::Left => serializer.serialize_str("Left"), Key::Right => serializer.serialize_str("Right"), Key::Up => serializer.serialize_str("Up"), Key::Down => serializer.serialize_str("Down"), Key::Home => serializer.serialize_str("Home"), Key::End => serializer.serialize_str("End"), Key::PageUp => serializer.serialize_str("PageUp"), Key::PageDown => serializer.serialize_str("PageDown"), Key::Delete => serializer.serialize_str("Delete"), Key::Insert => serializer.serialize_str("Insert"), Key::Esc => serializer.serialize_str("Esc"), Key::Char('\n') => serializer.serialize_str("Enter"), Key::Char('\t') => serializer.serialize_str("Tab"), Key::Char(c) => serializer.serialize_char(*c), Key::F(n) => serializer.serialize_str(&format!("F{}", n)), Key::Alt(c) => serializer.serialize_str(&format!("M-{}", c)), Key::Ctrl(c) => serializer.serialize_str(&format!("C-{}", c)), Key::Null => serializer.serialize_str("Null"), Key::Mouse(_) => unreachable!(), Key::Paste(s) => serializer.serialize_str(s), } } } #[test] fn test_key_serde() { #[derive(Debug, Deserialize, PartialEq, Eq)] struct V { k: Key, } macro_rules! test_key { ($s:literal, ok $v:expr) => { assert_eq!( toml::from_str::(std::concat!("k = \"", $s, "\"")), Ok(V { k: $v }) ); }; ($s:literal, err $v:literal) => { assert_eq!( toml::from_str::(std::concat!("k = \"", $s, "\"")) .unwrap_err() .to_string(), $v.to_string() ); }; } test_key!("Backspace", ok Key::Backspace); test_key!("Left", ok Key::Left ); test_key!("Right", ok Key::Right); test_key!("Up", ok Key::Up ); test_key!("Down", ok Key::Down ); test_key!("Home", ok Key::Home ); test_key!("End", ok Key::End ); test_key!("PageUp", ok Key::PageUp ); test_key!("PageDown", ok Key::PageDown ); test_key!("Delete", ok Key::Delete ); test_key!("Insert", ok Key::Insert ); test_key!("Enter", ok Key::Char('\n') ); test_key!("Tab", ok Key::Char('\t') ); test_key!("k", ok Key::Char('k') ); test_key!("1", ok Key::Char('1') ); test_key!("Esc", ok Key::Esc ); test_key!("C-a", ok Key::Ctrl('a') ); test_key!("C-1", ok Key::Ctrl('1') ); test_key!("M-a", ok Key::Alt('a') ); test_key!("F1", ok Key::F(1) ); test_key!("F12", ok Key::F(12) ); test_key!("C-V", err "`V` should be a lowercase and alphanumeric character instead. for key `k` at line 1 column 5"); test_key!("M-V", err "`V` should be a lowercase and alphanumeric character instead. for key `k` at line 1 column 5"); test_key!("F13", err "`13` should be a number 1 <= n <= 12 instead. for key `k` at line 1 column 5"); test_key!("Fc", err "`c` should be a number 1 <= n <= 12 instead. for key `k` at line 1 column 5"); test_key!("adsfsf", err "Cannot derive shortcut from `adsfsf`. Please consult the manual for valid key inputs. for key `k` at line 1 column 5"); }