terminal/cells: remove ansi module

Manos Pitsidianakis 3 years ago
parent 22fb2ed46c
commit 25579d8807
No known key found for this signature in database
GPG Key ID: 73627C2F690DF710

@ -1229,380 +1229,6 @@ pub fn clear_area(grid: &mut CellBuffer, area: Area, attributes: crate::conf::Th
pub mod ansi {
//! Create a `CellBuffer` from a string slice containing ANSI escape codes.
use super::{Attr, Cell, CellBuffer, Color};
/// Create a `CellBuffer` from a string slice containing ANSI escape codes.
pub fn ansi_to_cellbuffer(s: &str) -> Option<CellBuffer> {
let mut bufs: Vec<Vec<Cell>> = Vec::with_capacity(2048);
let mut row: Vec<Cell> = Vec::with_capacity(2048);
enum State {
use State::*;
let mut rows = 0;
let mut max_cols = 0;
let mut current_fg = Color::Default;
let mut current_bg = Color::Default;
let mut current_attrs = Attr::DEFAULT;
let mut cur_cell;
let mut state: State;
for l in s.lines() {
cur_cell = Cell::default();
state = State::Start;
let mut chars = l.chars().peekable();
if rows > 0 {
max_cols = std::cmp::max(row.len(), max_cols);
row = Vec::with_capacity(2048);
rows += 1;
'line_loop: loop {
let c = chars.next();
if c.is_none() {
break 'line_loop;
match (&state, c.unwrap()) {
(Start, '\x1b') => {
if chars.next() != Some('[') {
return None;
state = Csi;
(Start, c) => {
cur_cell = Cell::default();
(Csi, 'm') => {
/* Reset styles */
current_fg = Color::Default;
current_bg = Color::Default;
current_attrs = Attr::DEFAULT;
state = Start;
(Csi, '0') if chars.peek() == Some(&'0') => {
current_attrs = Attr::DEFAULT;
let next = chars.next();
if next == Some('m') {
state = Start;
} else if next != Some(';') {
return None;
(Csi, c @ '0'..='8') if chars.peek() == Some(&'m') => {
state = Start;
match c {
'0' => {
//Reset all attributes
current_fg = Color::Default;
current_bg = Color::Default;
current_attrs = Attr::DEFAULT;
'1' => {
current_attrs.set(Attr::BOLD, true);
'2' => {
current_attrs.set(Attr::DIM, true);
'3' => {
current_attrs.set(Attr::ITALICS, true);
'4' => {
current_attrs.set(Attr::UNDERLINE, true);
'5' => {
current_attrs.set(Attr::BLINK, true);
'7' => {
current_attrs.set(Attr::REVERSE, true);
'8' => {
current_attrs.set(Attr::HIDDEN, true);
_ => return None,
(Csi, '0') => {
(Csi, '2') => {
match (chars.next(), chars.next()) {
(Some('2'), Some('m')) => {
current_attrs.set(Attr::BOLD, false);
current_attrs.set(Attr::DIM, false);
(Some('3'), Some('m')) => {
current_attrs.set(Attr::ITALICS, false);
(Some('4'), Some('m')) => {
current_attrs.set(Attr::UNDERLINE, false);
(Some('5'), Some('m')) => {
current_attrs.set(Attr::BLINK, false);
(Some('7'), Some('m')) => {
current_attrs.set(Attr::REVERSE, false);
(Some('8'), Some('m')) => {
current_attrs.set(Attr::HIDDEN, false);
(Some('9'), Some('m')) => { /* Not crossed out */ }
_ => return None,
(Csi, '3') => {
match chars.next() {
Some('8') => {
/* Set foreground color */
if chars.next() == Some(';') {
state = SetFg;
/* Next arguments are 5;n or 2;r;g;b */
return None;
Some('9') => {
current_fg = Color::Default;
/* default foreground color */
let next = chars.next();
if next == Some('m') {
state = Start;
} else if next != Some(';') {
return None;
Some(c) if c >= '0' && c < '8' => {
current_fg = Color::from_byte(c as u8 - 0x30);
if chars.next() != Some('m') {
return None;
state = Start;
_ => return None,
(Csi, '4') => {
match chars.next() {
Some('8') => {
/* Set background color */
if chars.next() == Some(';') {
state = SetBg;
/* Next arguments are 5;n or 2;r;g;b */
return None;
Some('9') => {
/* default background color */
current_bg = Color::Default;
let next = chars.next();
if next == Some('m') {
state = Start;
} else if next != Some(';') {
return None;
Some(c) if c >= '0' && c < '8' => {
current_bg = Color::from_byte(c as u8 - 0x30);
if chars.next() != Some('m') {
return None;
state = Start;
_ => return None,
(Csi, '9') => {
match chars.next() {
Some('0') => current_fg = Color::Black,
Some('1') => current_fg = Color::Red,
Some('2') => current_fg = Color::Green,
Some('3') => current_fg = Color::Yellow,
Some('4') => current_fg = Color::Blue,
Some('5') => current_fg = Color::Magenta,
Some('6') => current_fg = Color::Cyan,
Some('7') => current_fg = Color::White,
_ => {}
let next = chars.next();
if next != Some('m') {
state = Start;
(Csi, '1') if chars.peek() == Some(&'0') => {
match chars.next() {
Some('0') => current_bg = Color::Black,
Some('1') => current_bg = Color::Red,
Some('2') => current_bg = Color::Green,
Some('3') => current_bg = Color::Yellow,
Some('4') => current_bg = Color::Blue,
Some('5') => current_bg = Color::Magenta,
Some('6') => current_bg = Color::Cyan,
Some('7') => current_bg = Color::White,
_ => {}
let next = chars.next();
if next != Some('m') {
state = Start;
(SetFg, '5') => {
if chars.next() != Some(';') {
return None;
let mut accum = 0;
while chars.peek().is_some() && chars.peek() != Some(&'m') {
let c = chars.next().unwrap();
accum *= 10;
accum += c as u8 - 0x30;
if chars.next() != Some('m') {
return None;
current_fg = Color::from_byte(accum);
state = Start;
(SetFg, '2') => {
if chars.next() != Some(';') {
return None;
let mut rgb_color = Color::Rgb(0, 0, 0);
if let Color::Rgb(ref mut r, ref mut g, ref mut b) = rgb_color {
'rgb_fg: for val in &mut [r, g, b] {
let mut accum = 0;
while chars.peek().is_some()
&& chars.peek() != Some(&';')
&& chars.peek() != Some(&'m')
let c = chars.next().unwrap();
accum *= 10;
accum += c as u8 - 0x30;
**val = accum;
match chars.peek() {
Some(&'m') => {
break 'rgb_fg;
Some(&';') => {
_ => return None,
if chars.next() != Some('m') {
return None;
current_fg = rgb_color;
state = Start;
(SetBg, '5') => {
if chars.next() != Some(';') {
return None;
let mut accum = 0;
while chars.peek().is_some() && chars.peek() != Some(&'m') {
let c = chars.next().unwrap();
accum *= 10;
accum += c as u8 - 0x30;
if chars.next() != Some('m') {
return None;
current_bg = Color::from_byte(accum);
state = Start;
(SetBg, '2') => {
if chars.next() != Some(';') {
return None;
let mut rgb_color = Color::Rgb(0, 0, 0);
if let Color::Rgb(ref mut r, ref mut g, ref mut b) = rgb_color {
'rgb_bg: for val in &mut [r, g, b] {
let mut accum = 0;
while chars.peek().is_some()
&& chars.peek() != Some(&';')
&& chars.peek() != Some(&'m')
let c = chars.next().unwrap();
accum *= 10;
accum += c as u8 - 0x30;
**val = accum;
match chars.peek() {
Some(&'m') => {
break 'rgb_bg;
Some(&';') => {
_ => return None,
if chars.next() != Some('m') {
return None;
current_bg = rgb_color;
state = Start;
_ => unreachable!(),
max_cols = std::cmp::max(row.len(), max_cols);
let mut buf: Vec<Cell> = Vec::with_capacity(max_cols * bufs.len());
for l in bufs {
let row_len = l.len();
if row_len < max_cols {
for _ in row_len..max_cols {
if buf.len() != rows * max_cols {
"BUG: rows: {} cols: {} = {}, but buf.len() = {}",
rows * max_cols,
Some(CellBuffer {
cols: max_cols,
default_cell: Cell::default(),
growable: false,
ascii_drawing: false,
tag_table: Default::default(),
tag_associations: smallvec::SmallVec::new(),
/// Use `RowIterator` to iterate the cells of a row without the need to do any bounds checking;
/// the iterator will simply return `None` when it reaches the end of the row.
/// `RowIterator` can be created via the `CellBuffer::row_iter` method and can be returned by
