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41 lines
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@echo off
REM Backup files before Deleting
IF EXIST "Medicat Installer.exe" (
copy "Medicat Installer.exe" "Medicat Installer.exe.bak"
IF EXIST "MediCat_Installer.exe" (
copy "MediCat_Installer.exe" "MediCat_Installer.exe.bak"
IF EXIST "Medicat Installer.bat" (
copy "Medicat Installer.bat" "Medicat Installer.bat.bak"
IF EXIST "MediCat_Installer.bat" (
copy "MediCat_Installer.bat" "MediCat_Installer.bat.bak"
timeout 2 > nul
DEL "Medicat Installer.exe" 2>nul
DEL "MediCat_Installer.exe" 2>nul
DEL "Medicat Installer.bat" 2>nul
DEL "MediCat_Installer.bat" 2>nul
echo.Updating Medicat Installer. Please wait while the new file is downloaded.
curl -o Medicat_Installer.bat -q -L
REM Check if the download was successful
IF NOT EXIST "Medicat_Installer.bat" (
echo ERROR: Failed to download the new file.
REM Restore the backup if it exists
IF EXIST "Medicat Installer.bat.bak" (
copy "Medicat Installer.bat.bak" "Medicat Installer.bat"
exit /b 1
start cmd /k Medicat_Installer.bat
del %0 && exit