@echo OFF & setlocal enabledelayedexpansion title Medicat Installer [STARTING] cd /d %~dp0 Set "Path=%Path%;%CD%;%CD%\bin;" set maindir=%CD% set localver=3512 set medicatver=21.12 set installertext=MEDICAT INSTALLER set format=Yes set formatcolor=2F FOR /F "skip=2 tokens=2*" %%a IN ('REG QUERY "HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Control Panel\International" /v "LocaleName"') DO SET "OSLanguage=%%b" set lang=%OSLanguage:~0,2% if defined ProgramFiles(x86) (set bit=64) else (set bit=32) if not exist bin md bin :initialchecks echo.Running Initial Checks ping -n 1 -w 1000 > nul if errorlevel 1 (Echo.Could not Ping, Attempting backup pings.) else (goto foundinternet) ping -n 1 -w 2000 > nul if errorlevel 1 (Echo.Could not Ping, Attempting backup pings.) else (goto foundinternet) ping github.com -n 1 -w 2000 > nul if errorlevel 1 (Echo.Could not Ping github.com, Exiting Script && timeout 5 > nul && exit) else (goto foundinternet) :foundinternet echo.Found Internet curl.exe -V > nul if errorlevel 1 (echo Failed to find curl. && pause && exit) echo.Found cURL for %%# in (powershell.exe) do @if "%%~$PATH:#"=="" (echo.Could not find Powershell. && pause && exit) echo.Found Powershell echo.Prompting for admin permissions if not run as admin. timeout 1 >nul set _elev= if /i "%~1"=="-el" set _elev=1 set _PSarg="""%~f0""" -el %_args% && set "nul=>nul 2>&1" && setlocal EnableDelayedExpansion %nul% reg query HKU\S-1-5-19 || ( if not defined _elev %nul% powershell.exe "start cmd.exe -arg '/c \"!_PSarg:'=''!\"' -verb runas" && exit /b echo.Please reopen this script as admin. echo.Veuillez rouvrir ce script en tant qu'administrateur. echo.Por favor, reabra este script como administrador. echo.Bitte offnen Sie dieses Skript erneut als Administrator. echo.Lutfen bu betigi yonetici olarak yeniden acin. && pause && exit /b ) pushd "%CD%" CD /D "%~dp0" for /f "tokens=4-5 delims=. " %%i in ('ver') do set os2=%%i.%%j if "%os2%" == "10.0" goto oscheckpass mode con:cols=64 lines=18 title Medicat Installer [UNSUPPORTED] ver echo.Your version of windows might not be supported. echo.If you believe this is an error you can Set /P warn=bypass this warning by typing "I AGREE": || Set warn=no If "%warn%"=="no" exit If /i "%warn%"=="I AGREE" goto oscheckpass :oscheckpass echo.Using Supported version of windows. (10/11) timeout 1 > nul :curver mode con:cols=64 lines=18 cls powershell -c "$data = curl https://api.github.com/repos/mon5termatt/medicat_installer/git/refs/tag -UseBasicParsing | ConvertFrom-Json; $data[-1].ref -replace 'refs/tags/', '' | Out-File -Encoding 'UTF8' -FilePath './curver.ini'" set /p remver= < curver.ini set remver=%remver:~-4% del curver.ini /Q if "%localver%" GEQ "%remver%" (goto startup) :updateprogram cls echo.A new version of the program has been released. The program will now restart. curl "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/mon5termatt/medicat_installer/main/update.bat" -o ./update.bat -s -L start cmd /k update.bat exit :startup echo. echo.II-----------------------------------------------------------II echo.II-----------------------------------------------------------II echo.IIII IIII echo.IIII MEDICAT CONTAINS TOOLS THAT MAY IIII echo.IIII TRIGGER YOUR ANTIVIRUS DUE TO HOW IIII echo.IIII SOME OF THE TOOLS WORK. IIII echo.IIII IIII echo.IIII WE CANT DO ANYTHING TO CHANGE THAT. IIII echo.IIII IF YOU DONT TRUST THE TOOL DONT USE IT. IIII echo.IIII GIANT THANKS, MON5TERMATT AND JAYRO IIII echo.II-----------------------------------------------------------II echo.II-----------------------------------------------------------II echo.Please wait for 5 seconds, Read the above. PING localhost -n 6 >NUL echo. Press any key to accept this warning.&& pause >nul :startbinfiles title Medicat Installer [FILECHECK] cls echo.Downloading Initial Files, Please wait. echo.1/12 [==== ] curl "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/mon5termatt/medicat_installer/main/bin/QuickSFV.EXE" -o ./bin/QuickSFV.exe -s -L call :md5 bin/QuickSFV.exe hash if %hash% NEQ 4b1d5ec11b2b5db046233a28dba73b83 (goto hasherror) cls echo.Downloading Initial Files, Please wait. echo.2/12 [======== ] curl "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/mon5termatt/medicat_installer/main/bin/QuickSFV.ini" -o ./bin/QuickSFV.ini -s -L call :md5 bin/QuickSFV.ini hash if %hash% NEQ 7be5a47066edccd7aa0d3b0d69d607ff (goto hasherror) cls echo.Downloading Initial Files, Please wait. echo.3/12 [============ ] curl "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/mon5termatt/medicat_installer/main/bin/Box.bat" -o ./bin/Box.bat -s -L call :md5 bin/Box.bat hash if %hash% NEQ e5ce0008212c431baacb5b208f2575bd (goto hasherror) cls echo.Downloading Initial Files, Please wait. echo.4/12 [================ ] curl "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/mon5termatt/medicat_installer/main/bin/Button.bat" -o ./bin/Button.bat -s -L call :md5 bin/Button.bat hash if %hash% NEQ 5b727eff91de52000cea8e61694f2a03 (goto hasherror) cls echo.Downloading Initial Files, Please wait. echo.5/12 [==================== ] curl "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/mon5termatt/medicat_installer/main/bin/GetInput.exe" -o ./bin/GetInput.exe -s -L call :md5 bin/GetInput.exe hash if %hash% NEQ 2ba62ae6f88b11d0e262af35d8db8ca9 (goto hasherror) cls echo.Downloading Initial Files, Please wait. echo.6/12 [======================== ] curl "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/mon5termatt/medicat_installer/main/bin/Getlen.bat" -o ./bin/Getlen.bat -s -L call :md5 bin/Getlen.bat hash if %hash% NEQ 8c1812e76ba7bf09cb87384089a0ab7f (goto hasherror) cls echo.Downloading Initial Files, Please wait. echo.7/12 [============================ ] curl "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/mon5termatt/medicat_installer/main/bin/batbox.exe" -o ./bin/batbox.exe -s -L call :md5 bin/batbox.exe hash if %hash% NEQ cb4a44baa20ad26bf74615a7fc515a84 (goto hasherror) cls echo.Downloading Initial Files, Please wait. echo.8/12 [================================ ] curl "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/mon5termatt/medicat_installer/main/bin/folderbrowse.exe" -o ./bin/folderbrowse.exe -s -L call :md5 bin/folderbrowse.exe hash if %hash% NEQ 574aec8f205beeeb937e066b021a2673 (goto hasherror) cls echo.Downloading Initial Files, Please wait. echo.9/12 [======================================== ] curl "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/mon5termatt/medicat_installer/main/7z/%bit%.exe" -o ./bin/7z.exe -s -L cls echo.Downloading Initial Files, Please wait. echo.10/12 [============================================ ] curl "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/mon5termatt/medicat_installer/main/7z/%bit%.dll" -o ./bin/7z.dll -s -L if defined ProgramFiles(x86) (goto check64) else (goto check32) :check64 call :md5 bin/7z.exe hash if %hash% NEQ 71dfb0de05c1d6bc433caa9a36af87af (goto check32) call :md5 bin/7z.dll hash if %hash% NEQ 58fdbf10d3dce4d2e270c03e8311d9db (goto check32) goto checkdone :check32 call :md5 bin/7z.exe hash if %hash% NEQ 90aac6489f6b226bf7dc1adabfdb1259 (goto hasherror) call :md5 bin/7z.dll hash if %hash% NEQ b54e2dcd1a3d593ca0ae4cb71910710e (goto hasherror) goto checkdone :checkdone del tmpfile /Q rem dont hash these they change cls echo.Downloading Initial Files, Please wait. echo.11/12 [================================================ ] curl "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/mon5termatt/medicat_installer/main/translate/motd.ps1" -o ./bin/motd.ps1 -s -L cls echo.Downloading Initial Files, Please wait. echo.12/12 [====================================================] curl "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/mon5termatt/medicat_installer/main/translate/licence.ps1" -o ./bin/licence.ps1 -s -L cls echo.Setting Powershell Settings for Scripts. Powershell -c "Set-ExecutionPolicy -ExecutionPolicy RemoteSigned -Scope LocalMachine" Powershell -c "Set-ExecutionPolicy -ExecutionPolicy RemoteSigned -Scope CurrentUser" cls goto start :hasherror echo.ERROR DOWNLOADING BIN FILES. ONE OF THE HASHES DOES NOT MATCH. echo.PLEASE MAKE SURE THE MD5 BATCH FILE HAS DOWNLOADED. echo.PLEASE CHECK YOUR FIREWALL AND CURL AND TRY AGAIN. CLOSING. pause > nul exit :start mode con:cols=100 lines=55 echo.@@ @@ @@@@@@ @@ @@@@ @@@@ @@ @@ @@@@@@ @@@@@@ @@@@ echo.@@ @@ @@ @@ @@ @@ @@ @@ @@@ @@@ @@ @@ @@ @@ echo.@@ @ @@ @@@@ @@ @@ @@ @@ @@ @ @@ @@@@ @@ @@ @@ echo.@@@@@@@ @@ @@ @@ @@ @@ @@ @@ @@ @@ @@ @@ @@ echo. @@ @@ @@@@@@ @@@@@@ @@@@ @@@@ @@ @@ @@@@@@ @@ @@@@ echo. echo. @@@@@@ @@ @@ @@@@@@ @@ @@ @@@@@@ @@@@@ @@@@@@ @@@@ @@@@ @@@@@@ echo. @@ @@ @@ @@ @@@ @@@ @@ @@ @@ @@ @@ @@ @@ @@ @@ echo. @@ @@@@@@ @@@@ @@ @ @@ @@@@ @@ @@ @@ @@ @@@@@@ @@ echo. @@ @@ @@ @@ @@ @@ @@ @@ @@ @@ @@ @@ @@ @@ @@ echo. @@ @@ @@ @@@@@@ @@ @@ @@@@@@ @@@@@ @@@@@@ @@@@ @@ @@ @@ echo. echo. @@@@@@ @@ @@ @@@@ @@@@@@ @@@@ @@ @@ @@@@@@ @@@@@ echo. @@ @@@ @@ @@ @@ @@ @@ @@ @@ @@ @@ @@ echo. @@ @@ @@@ @@@@ @@ @@@@@@ @@ @@ @@@@ @@@@@ echo. @@ @@ @@ @@ @@ @@ @@ @@ @@ @@ @@ @@ echo. @@@@@@ @@ @@ @@@@ @@ @@ @@ @@@@@@ @@@@@@ @@@@@@ @@ @@ echo. echo. ......... ......... echo. ................ ...... ................ echo. ..................... ........................ ..................... echo. .... ................. ................................. ................. ... echo. ... 0@@@00ooo....................................................ooo00@@@0 ... echo. ... o@@@@@@@@@0o..............................................o@@@@@@@@@@o ... echo. ....0@@@@@@0o..................................................o@@@@@@@0.... echo. ... o@@@@@o......................................................0@@@@@o ... echo. ....0@@0.........................................................o@@@0.... echo. ... .@0............................................................0@..... echo. ... o..............................................................o ... echo. ... ............................................................. ... echo. .. .............................................................. .. echo. ...........o0o.....ooo....................ooo.....o0o........... echo. .........o00o o00o.......oo.......o000 o00o......... echo. .........o00o 000o......00......o00o 000o........ echo. ..........o00 000o ....0@@0.....000o 00o......... echo. ...oooooooooo.....o0o o00o.....0@@@@0.....o00o o0o.....oooooooooo... echo. ........ooooooooo...ooo...oooo.....o0@@@@@@0o.....oooo...ooo..oooooooooo......o. echo. ...........oo................o0@@@@@@@@@o...............ooo........... echo. ..ooooooooooo..............o0@@@@@@@@@@@@0o..............ooooooooooo.. echo..oooooooooooooooooooo..........oo0@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@0oo..........ooooooooooooooooooo.. echo.... ...................oo0@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@0oo................... .... echo. ..ooooooooooooo00@@@@@oo@@@@@@0oo0@@@@@0oo@@@@@00ooooooooooooo.. echo. .oooo.o00000@@@@@@@@@@@@@ooooooo000oooooo.o@@@@@@@@@@@@@0000o..oooo. echo. ooo. .0@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@0oo0@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@o. ..oo. echo. .oo0@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@0oo. echo. .oo0@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@0oo. echo. ..ooo000@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@000ooo.. echo. ....oooooooooooooooo.... pause :menu title Medicat Installer [%localver%] mode con:cols=100 lines=30 cls powershell bin\licence.ps1 %lang% echo. pause :menu2 cls mode con:cols=64 lines=20 echo. %installertext% %installertext% %installertext% call Button 1 2 F2 "INSTALL MEDICAT" 23 2 %formatcolor% "TOGGLE DRIVE FORMAT (CURRENTLY %format%)" 1 7 F9 "MEDICAT DISCORD" 23 7 F9 "VISIT SITE" 40 7 F9 "CHECK USB FILES" X _Var_Box _Var_Hover echo. echo. echo. echo.VERSION %localver% BY MON5TERMATT. echo. powershell bin\motd.ps1 %lang% GetInput /M %_Var_Box% /H %_Var_Hover% If /I "%Errorlevel%"=="1" ( cls & goto check5 ) If /I "%Errorlevel%"=="2" ( cls & goto formatswitch ) If /I "%Errorlevel%"=="3" ( cls & goto discord ) If /I "%Errorlevel%"=="4" ( cls & goto medicatsite ) If /I "%Errorlevel%"=="5" ( cls & goto recheck ) :formatswitch if "%format%" == "Yes" (goto fs2) else (echo.>nul) if "%format%" == "No" (goto fs3) else (goto menu2) :fs2 set format=No set formatcolor=4F goto menu2 :fs3 set format=Yes set formatcolor=2F goto menu2 :check5 echo.Getting Current Ventoy Version timeout 0 >nul powershell -c "$data = curl https://api.github.com/repos/ventoy/ventoy/git/refs/tag -UseBasicParsing | ConvertFrom-Json; $data[-1].ref -replace 'refs/tags/', '' | Out-File -Encoding 'UTF8' -FilePath './ventoyversion.txt'" ::START TEMP CODE set /p VENVER= <./ventoyversion.txt ::set VENVER=v1.0.91 set vencurver=%VENVER:~-6% echo.Current Online Version - %VENVER:~-6% :checkventoyver echo.Checking if current version found on system. timeout 1 >nul if exist "%CD%\Ventoy2Disk\" (goto checkver) else (goto ventoyget) :checkver set /p localver= <.\Ventoy2Disk\ventoy\version echo.Current Local Version - %VENVER:~-6% if "%localver%" == "%vencurver%" (goto uptodate) else (goto ventoyget) :ventoyget echo.Update Found. Downloading Latest Ventoy. timeout 1 >nul curl https://github.com/ventoy/Ventoy/releases/download/v%vencurver%/ventoy-%vencurver%-windows.zip -o ./ventoy.zip -s -L 7z x ventoy.zip -r -aoa RMDIR Ventoy2Disk /S /Q REN ventoy-%vencurver% Ventoy2Disk cls echo.Downloaded newest version. goto doneventoy :uptodate echo.Local version matches latest version. Not attempting to update. :doneventoy timeout 3 >nul DEL ventoy.zip /Q del .wget-hsts /Q del ventoyversion.txt /Q :install2 title Medicat Installer [CHOOSEINSTALL] mode con:cols=100 lines=15 echo.We now need to find out what drive you will be installing to. REM - FOLDER PROMPT STARTS for /f "delims=" %%A in ('folderbrowse.exe "Please select the drive you want to install medicat on"') do set "folder=%%A" REM - AND ENDS set drivepath=%folder:~0,1% IF "%drivepath%" == "~0,1" GOTO install2 echo.Installing to (%drivepath%). If this is correct just hit enter. Set /P drivepath=if this is wrong type the correct drive letter now: || Set drivepath=%drivepath% IF "%drivepath%" == "C" GOTO IMPORTANTDRIVE if "%format%" == "Yes" (goto formatdrive) else (goto updateventoy) :formatdrive set arg1=/GPT set arg2=/NOSB :sbask mode con:cols=64 lines=18 echo.II-----------------------------------------------------------II echo.II-----------------------------------------------------------II echo.IIII IIII echo.IIII IIII echo.IIII WOULD YOU LIKE TO USE GPT IIII echo.IIII IIII echo.IIII Most computers should be ok IIII echo.IIII with GPT. However some very IIII echo.IIII old machines may have issues. IIII echo.IIII IIII echo.II-----------------------------------------------------------II echo.II-----------------------------------------------------------II call Button 10 12 F2 "YES" 46 12 F4 "NO" X _Var_Box _Var_Hover GetInput /M %_Var_Box% /H %_Var_Hover% REM BELOW IS YES If /I "%Errorlevel%"=="1" ( cls & set arg1=/GPT & goto gptask ) REM BELOW IS NO If /I "%Errorlevel%"=="2" ( cls & set "arg1=" & goto gptask ) goto sbask :gptask mode con:cols=64 lines=18 echo.II-----------------------------------------------------------II echo.II-----------------------------------------------------------II echo.IIII IIII echo.IIII IIII echo.IIII WOULD YOU LIKE TO USE SECUREBOOT? IIII echo.IIII IIII echo.IIII Recommended for most computers IIII echo.IIII IIII echo.IIII IIII echo.IIII IIII echo.II-----------------------------------------------------------II echo.II-----------------------------------------------------------II call Button 10 12 F2 "YES" 46 12 F4 "NO" X _Var_Box _Var_Hover GetInput /M %_Var_Box% /H %_Var_Hover% REM BELOW IS YES If /I "%Errorlevel%"=="1" ( cls & set "arg2=" & goto ventoyinstall ) REM BELOW IS NO If /I "%Errorlevel%"=="2" ( cls & set set arg2=/NOSB & goto ventoyinstall ) goto sbask :ventoyinstall echo.II-----------------------------------------------------------II echo.II-----------------------------------------------------------II echo.IIII IIII echo.IIII IMPORTANT WARNING IIII echo.IIII IIII echo.IIII SOMETIMES VENTOY MESSES UP A DRIVE IIII echo.IIII IF THE DRIVE DISAPPEARS PLEASE CHECK DISK MANAGER IIII echo.IIII AND SEE IF THE DRIVE FAILED TO REMOUNT IIII echo.IIII THIS IS A VENTOY BUG AND CANNOT BE FIXED ON OUR END IIII echo.IIII IIII echo.II-----------------------------------------------------------II echo.II-----------------------------------------------------------II echo. Press any key... pause >nul echo.Please Wait, Installing Ventoy. Please close the file explorer when done. cd .\Ventoy2Disk\ Ventoy2Disk.exe VTOYCLI /I /Drive:%drivepath%: /NOUSBCheck %arg1% %arg2% cd %maindir% format %drivepath%: /FS:NTFS /X /Q /V:Medicat /Y goto installver :error echo.nothing was chosen, try again timeout 5 goto install2 :importantdrive mode con:cols=64 lines=18 echo.II-----------------------------------------------------------II echo.II-----------------------------------------------------------II echo.IIII IIII echo.IIII IMPORTANT WARNING IIII echo.IIII IIII echo.IIII IT LOOKS LIKE YOU SELECTED THE C DRIVE IIII echo.IIII THIS MAY CAUSE IRREPARABLE DAMAGE TO IIII echo.IIII YOUR COMPUTER SYSTEM.. IIII echo.IIII THE PROGRAM WILL NOW ASK AGAIN IIII echo.IIII IIII echo.II-----------------------------------------------------------II echo.II-----------------------------------------------------------II echo. Press any key pause >nul goto install2 REM -- GO TO END OF FILE FOR MOST EXTRACTIONS REM -- WHEN DONE EXTRACTING VENTOY, TYPE LICENCE AND CONTINUE :updateventoy echo.Please Wait, Updating Ventoy but not formatting cd .\Ventoy2Disk\ Ventoy2Disk.exe VTOYCLI /U /Drive:%drivepath%: cd %maindir% goto installver :installver title Medicat Installer [INSTALL!] if exist "%CD%\MediCat.USB.v%medicatver%.7z" (goto install4) else (goto installversion2) :installversion2 if exist "%CD%\MediCat.USB.v%medicatver%.zip.001" (goto hasher) cls mode con:cols=64 lines=18 echo.II-----------------------------------------------------------II echo.II-----------------------------------------------------------II echo.IIII IIII echo.IIII COULD NOT FIND THE MEDICAT FILE(S). IIII echo.IIII (EITHER *.001 or the main .7z) IIII echo.IIII are they in The same folder? IIII echo.IIII IIII echo.IIII IIII echo.IIII WOULD YOU LIKE TO DOWNLOAD THEM? IIII echo.IIII SELECTING NO WILL LET YOU FIND THE FILE. IIII echo.II-----------------------------------------------------------II echo.II-----------------------------------------------------------II call Button 10 12 F2 "YES" 46 12 F4 "NO" X _Var_Box _Var_Hover GetInput /M %_Var_Box% /H %_Var_Hover% If /I "%Errorlevel%"=="1" ( cls & goto bigboi ) If /I "%Errorlevel%"=="2" ( cls & goto installerror ) :installerror mode con:cols=64 lines=20 echo.II-----------------------------------------------------------II echo.II-----------------------------------------------------------II echo.IIII IIII echo.IIII IIII echo.IIII IIII echo.IIII THE INSTALLER COULD NOT FIND MEDICAT IIII echo.IIII IIII echo.IIII PLEASE MANUALLY SELECT THE FILE! IIII echo.IIII IIII echo.IIII IIII echo.II-----------------------------------------------------------II echo.II-----------------------------------------------------------II set dialog="about:" for /f "tokens=* delims=" %%p in ('mshta.exe %dialog%') do set "file=%%p" mode con:cols=100 lines=15 goto install6 REM -- ACTUALLY EXTRACT/INSTALL :install4 mode con:cols=100 lines=20 set file="MediCat.USB.v21.12.7z" set sha256=a306331453897d2b20644ca9334bb0015b126b8647cecec8d9b2d300a0027ea4 set sha1=2cbf5f337849a11084124a79a1b8d7e77eaca7d5 7z x -O%drivepath%: %file% -r -aoa goto finishup :install5 mode con:cols=100 lines=20 set file="MediCat.USB.v%medicatver%.zip.001" 7z x -O%drivepath%: %file% -r -aoa goto finishup :install6 mode con:cols=100 lines=20 7z x -O%drivepath%: "%file%" -r -aoa goto finishup :finishup if errorlevel 255 goto finisherror if errorlevel 8 goto finisherror if errorlevel 7 goto finisherror if errorlevel 2 goto finisherror if errorlevel 1 goto finisherror ::it worked if errorlevel 0 goto finishup2 :finishup2 curl "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/mon5termatt/medicat_installer/main/icon.ico" -o %drivepath%:/autorun.ico -s -L curl "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/mon5termatt/medicat_installer/main/hasher/CheckFiles.bat" -o %drivepath%:/CheckFiles.bat -s -L cd /d %drivepath%: start cmd /k CheckFiles.bat echo.The Installer Has Completed. pause exit :finisherror echo. echo.Error has occured. Please look above. echo.If you come to the discord for support we will need this error. echo.COMMON ERRORS: echo.Error: Unexpected end of archive FIX: Redownload Main File. (download issue) echo.Error: Cannot find the path specified FIX: Check Disk is Mounted. (ventoy issue) echo.Error: XYZ FIX: XYZ echo. pause exit ::--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ::--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ::--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ::--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ::--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ::--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ::--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ::--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ::--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- :hasher curl "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/mon5termatt/medicat_installer/main/hasher/drivefiles.md5" -o ./drivefiles.md5 -s -L start QuickSFV.EXE drivefiles.md5 DEL drivefiles.md5 /Q goto install5 :medicatsite start https://medicatusb.com goto menu2 :discord start https://url.medicatusb.com/discord goto menu2 :recheck for /f "delims=" %%A in ('folderbrowse.exe "Please select the drive you want to install medicat on"') do set "folder=%%A" set drivepath=%folder:~0,1% curl "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/mon5termatt/medicat_installer/main/hasher/CheckFiles.bat" -o %drivepath%:/CheckFiles.bat -s -L cd /d %drivepath%: start cmd /k CheckFiles.bat cd /d %maindir% goto menu2 :bigboi cls mode con:cols=64 lines=18 echo.II-----------------------------------------------------------II echo.II-----------------------------------------------------------II echo.IIII IIII echo.IIII HOW WOULD YOU LIKE TO GRAB THE FILES? IIII echo.IIII IIII echo.IIII FASTER SLOWER IIII echo.IIII IIII echo.IIII IIII echo.IIII IIII echo.IIII IIII echo.II-----------------------------------------------------------II echo.II-----------------------------------------------------------II call Button 15 6 F2 "TORRENT" 40 6 F2 "CDN" X _Var_Box _Var_Hover GetInput /M %_Var_Box% /H %_Var_Hover% If /I "%Errorlevel%"=="1" ( cls & goto tordown ) If /I "%Errorlevel%"=="2" ( cls & goto cdndown ) goto bigboi :tordown cls curl "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/mon5termatt/medicat_installer/main/download/tor.bat" -o ./tor.bat -s -L call tor.bat del tor.bat /Q goto installver :cdndown cls curl "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/mon5termatt/medicat_installer/main/download/cdn.bat" -o ./cdn.bat -s -L call cdn.bat del cdn.bat /Q goto installver :exit exit :md5 @echo off setlocal enableDelayedExpansion if "%~1" equ "" ( echo no file passed echo pass -help to see the help message exit /b 1 ) for %%# in (-h -help /h /help) do ( if "%~1" equ "%%~#" ( echo generates MD5 checksum for a given file (echo() echo USAGE: (echo() echo %~nx0 file [variable] (echo() echo variable string in which the generated checksum will be stored (echo() exit /b 0 ) ) if not exist "%~1" ( echo file %~1 does not exist exit /b 2 ) if exist "%~1\" ( echo %~1 is a directory exit /b 3 ) for %%# in (certutil.exe) do ( if not exist "%%~f$PATH:#" ( echo no certutil installed echo for Windows XP professional and Windows 2003 echo you need Windows Server 2003 Administration Tools Pack echo https://www.microsoft.com/en-us/download/details.aspx?id=3725 exit /b 4 ) ) set "md5=" for /f "skip=1 tokens=* delims=" %%# in ('certutil -hashfile "%~f1" MD5') do ( if not defined md5 ( for %%Z in (%%#) do set "md5=!md5!%%Z" ) ) if "%~2" neq "" ( endlocal && ( set "%~2=%md5%" ) ) else ( echo %md5% ) endlocal exit /b