@echo off timeout 2 > nul md bin Set "Path=%Path%;%CD%;%CD%\bin;" DEL "Medicat Installer.exe" DEL "MediCat_Installer.exe" DEL "Medicat Installer.bat" DEL "MediCat_Installer.bat" cls echo.Updating Medicat Installer. Please wait while the new file is downloaded. :checkwget if exist "bin\wget.exe" (goto curver) else (goto curlwget) :curlwget echo. echo.Attempting to download wget using curl. echo.This requires windows 10 version 1703 or higher. echo.If your OS is older then 1703, first off. Update ffs. echo.second off. Manually download wget from https://eternallybored.org/misc/wget/1.21.3/64/wget.exe curl -O -s https://eternallybored.org/misc/wget/1.21.3/64/wget.exe move .\wget.exe .\bin\wget.exe goto checkwget :curver wget "http://url.medicatusb.com/installerupdate" -O ./Medicat_Installer.bat -q cls start cmd /k Medicat_Installer.bat Medicat_Installer.bat del %0 && exit