@echo off wget https://dist.ipfs.tech/ipget/v0.9.1/ipget_v0.9.1_windows-amd64.zip -q 7z x ipget_v0.9.1_windows-amd64.zip DEL ipget_v0.9.1_windows-amd64.zip /Q MOVE ".\ipget\ipget.exe" ".\ipget.exe" RD /S /Q "ipget" :check set size=0 set propersize=22994783619 call :filesize "MediCat.USB.v21.12.7z" if "%size%" == "%propersize%" (goto done) ) :download cls echo.This May take a while. IPFS is a Distributed filesharing platform. its dependant on how many others are using it.. ipget QmZ4c4QuujGK2e4kyL975Hg2LLAzsgbzq7CbuYAvAzrAhb -o MediCat.USB.v21.12.7z --progress :done cls echo.Completed Downloading, Checking File Size. set size=0 call :filesize ".\QmVRySjFZ5xFAjQ6waAseMw8DfiDkJWsgdyxR5Uc4W215h\v21.12\MediCat.USB.v21.12.7z" if "%size%" == "%propersize%" (goto exit) echo.the file doesnt appear to be complete. timeout 3 > nul goto check :exit echo.File Appears to be downloaded successfully. timeout 5 > nul exit /b :filesize set size=%~z1 exit /b 0