You cannot select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

24 lines
631 B

# mless RANGES... - less(1)-wrapper around show
if [ "$1" = --filter ]; then
show "$2" | awk '
function fg(c, s) { return sprintf("\033[38;5;%03dm%s\033[0m", c, s) }
function so(s) { return sprintf("\033[1m%s\033[0m", s) }
BEGIN { hdr = 1 }
/^$/ { hdr = 0 }
hdr && /^From:/ { print so(fg(119, $0)); next }
hdr { print fg(120, $0); next }
/^---.*---/ { print fg(242, $0); next }
/^>/ { print fg(151, $0); next }
{ print }'
exit $?
cur=$(mseq -n .)
curcmd=$(mseq -n "$@" | awk -v cur=$cur '$1 == cur {print "+" FNR ":x"; quit}')
LESSOPEN="|$0 --filter %s" exec less -R $curcmd $(mseq -n "$@")