/* jwz-style threading * clean-room implementation of https://www.jwz.org/doc/threading.html * without looking at any code * * subject threading and sibling sorting is not done yet */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "blaze822.h" static int vflag; static int optional; struct container { char *mid; char *file; struct message *msg; time_t date; struct container *parent; struct container *child; struct container *next; int optional; }; static void *mids; int midorder(const void *a, const void *b) { struct container *ia = (struct container *)a; struct container *ib = (struct container *)b; return strcmp(ia->mid, ib->mid); } char * mid(struct message *msg) { char *v; v = blaze822_hdr(msg, "message-id"); // XXX intern mid? if (v) { char *m; m = strchr(v, '<'); if (!m) return strdup(v); v = strchr(m, '>'); if (!v) return strdup(m); return strndup(m+1, v-m-1); } else { // invent new message-id for internal tracking static long i; char buf[32]; snprintf(buf, sizeof buf, "thread%08ld@localhost", ++i); return strdup(buf); } } struct container * midcont(char *mid) { struct container key, **result; key.mid = mid; if (!(result = tfind(&key, &mids, midorder))) { struct container *c = malloc(sizeof (struct container)); c->mid = mid; c->file = 0; c->msg = 0; c->date = -1; c->optional = 0; c->parent = c->child = c->next = 0; return *(struct container **)tsearch(c, &mids, midorder); } else { return *result; } } struct container * store_id(char *file, struct message *msg) { struct container *c; c = midcont(mid(msg)); c->file = strdup(file); c->msg = msg; c->optional = optional; return c; } int reachable(struct container *child, struct container *parent) { int r = 0; if (strcmp(child->mid, parent->mid) == 0) return 1; if (child->child) r |= reachable(child->child, parent); if (child->next) r |= reachable(child->next, parent); return r; } void thread(char *file) { struct message *msg; while (*file == ' ' || *file == '\t') file++; msg = blaze822(file); if (!msg) return; struct container *c = store_id(file, msg); char *mid = ""; char *v, *m; struct container *parent = 0, *me = 0; if ((v = blaze822_hdr(msg, "date"))) { c->date = blaze822_date(v); } else { c->date = -1; } v = blaze822_hdr(msg, "references"); if (v) { parent = 0; while (1) { m = strchr(v, '<'); if (!m) break; v = strchr(m, '>'); if (!v) break; mid = strndup(m+1, v-m-1); // XXX free? me = midcont(mid); if (me == c) continue; if (parent && !me->parent && !reachable(me, parent) && !reachable(parent, me)) { me->parent = parent; me->next = parent->child; parent->child = me; } parent = me; } } v = blaze822_hdr(msg, "in-reply-to"); char *irt; if (v) { m = strchr(v, '<'); if (!m) goto out; v = strchr(m, '>'); if (!v) goto out; irt = strndup(m+1, v-m-1); if (strcmp(irt, mid) != 0) { parent = midcont(irt); } } out: if (parent && parent != c) { struct container *r; // check we don't introduce a new loop if (reachable(parent, c) || reachable(c, parent)) goto out2; if (c->parent == parent) { // already correct goto out2; } else if (c->parent) { // if we already have a wrong parent, orphan us first if (c->parent->child == c) // first in list c->parent->child = c->parent->child->next; for (r = c->parent->child; r; r = r->next) { if (r->next == c) r->next = c->next; } c->next = 0; } c->parent = parent; // add at the end if (!parent->child) { parent->child = c; } else { for (r = parent->child; r && r->next; r = r->next) if (r == c) goto out2; r->next = c; c->next = 0; } out2: // someone said our parent was our child, a lie if (c->child == c->parent) { c->child->parent = 0; c->child = 0; } } } time_t newest(struct container *c, int depth) { time_t n = -1; if (!c) return n; do { if (c->child) { time_t r = newest(c->child, depth+1); if (n < r) n = r; } if (n < c->date) n = c->date; } while ((c = c->next)); return n; } struct container *top; struct container *lastc; void find_root(const void *nodep, const VISIT which, const int depth) { (void)depth; if (which == preorder || which == leaf) { struct container *c = *(struct container **)nodep; if (!c->parent) { lastc->next = c; c->next = 0; time_t r = newest(c->child, 0); if (c->date < r) c->date = r; lastc = c; } } } void find_roots() { top = malloc(sizeof (struct container)); top->msg = 0; top->date = -1; top->file = 0; top->next = top->child = top->parent = 0; top->optional = 0; top->mid = "(top)"; lastc = top; twalk(mids, find_root); top->child = top->next; top->next = 0; } void prune_tree(struct container *c, int depth) { do { if (c->child) prune_tree(c->child, depth+1); if (depth >= 0 && !c->file && c->child && !c->child->next) { // turn into child if we don't exist and only have a child c->mid = c->child->mid; c->file = c->child->file; c->msg = c->child->msg; c->date = c->child->date; c->optional = c->child->optional; c->child = c->child->child; } } while ((c = c->next)); } int alloptional(struct container *c) { do { if (!c->optional && c->file) return 0; if (c->child && !alloptional(c->child)) return 0; } while ((c = c->next)); return 1; } static int dateorder(const void *a, const void *b) { struct container *ia = *(struct container **)a; struct container *ib = *(struct container **)b; if (ia->date < ib->date) return -1; else if (ia->date > ib->date) return 1; return 0; } void sort_tree(struct container *c, int depth) { if (c && c->child) { struct container *r; int i, j; for (r = c->child, i = 0; r; r = r->next, i++) sort_tree(r, depth+1); if (i == 1) // no sort needed return; struct container **a = calloc(sizeof (struct container *), i); if (!a) return; for (r = c->child, i = 0; r; r = r->next, i++) a[i] = r; qsort(a, i, sizeof (struct container *), dateorder); c->child = a[0]; for (j = 0; j+1 < i; j++) a[j]->next = a[j+1]; a[i-1]->next = 0; free(a); } } void print_tree(struct container *c, int depth) { do { // skip toplevel threads when they are unresolved or all optional if (depth <= 1 && (c->optional || !c->file) && (!c->child || alloptional(c->child))) continue; if (depth >= 0) { int i; for (i = 0; i < depth; i++) printf(" "); if (c->file) printf("%s\n", c->file); else printf("<%s>\n", c->mid); } if (c->child) print_tree(c->child, depth+1); } while ((c = c->next)); } int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { int c, i; optional = 1; if (pledge("stdio rpath tty", NULL) == -1) err(1, "pledge"); while ((c = getopt(argc, argv, "S:v")) != -1) switch (c) { case 'S': blaze822_loop1(optarg, thread); break; case 'v': vflag = 1; break; default: fprintf(stderr, "Usage: mthread [-v] [-S dir] [msgs...]\n"); exit(1); } optional = 0; if (argc == optind && isatty(0)) i = blaze822_loop1(":", thread); else i = blaze822_loop(argc-optind, argv+optind, thread); find_roots(); if (!vflag) prune_tree(top, -1); sort_tree(top, -1); print_tree(top, -1); fprintf(stderr, "%d mails threaded\n", i); return 0; }